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Everything posted by IamNoone88

  1. Rather has shone a spotlight on the lowest common denominator .... authorities that knowingly allow this to happen.
  2. A very personal and private choice to proceed with an abortion. No-one else's business to judge others.
  3. A positive drug test does not necessarily mean that the drugs were consumed on the premises.
  4. I must confess, I did not know it was illegal either .... just pretty f^&*&g stupid and something only an idiot would attempt.
  5. Peru invading Brazil? Please don't give the war mongering US more ideas for stirring up another conflict .... it's been enough with funding the Iraq/Iran war, Iraq war under false pretence, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan (that fed the military companies well for years), now the European theatre with Ukraine. if Peru does invade Brazil, we know where it was suggested ????
  6. How many innocent bystanders have been stabbed to death or shot for interfering? If you feel so strongly off you go to defend Ukraine .... or will you abstain .....
  7. Cops robbing gold shops, cop suffocating suspect during torture/interrogation, drunken cop shoots and cripples noodle vendor in Patong, cops involved in drug deals ... the list is endless. Spot the common theme.
  8. Thus in the modern English language "they ran amok" meaning running in a wild or frenzied state. From the Bahasa word, first recorded by Captain Cook in 1770.
  9. I know Thai family/friends in Isaan that can drink Thai whisky for 2 days and they dont cause a problem ... infact they hardly move more than 30 feet. Its a major conservation of all energy that is transferred to talking nonsense.
  10. Call it fate or call it luck. The one toddler who survived has a special chance in life. I hope he can be given an opportunity to study in the best schools and move forward to do great things in this world. It should not be wasted after this tragic event. Time will tell.
  11. The world is really being dumbed down when you see articles such as this. Living costs of GBP 1,725.00 per month and an average salary of GBP 492.00. The cost of living is 3.5x more than the salary and the 5th best place in the world. Who writes this rubbish ... no, I don't need to know....
  12. Hete is an artcle from the last major deluge in 2011 : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-floods-insight-idUSTRE79R0NK20111028 Fast forward 11 years and its like the article could been written yesterday ... same issues .. nothing much has improved it seems.
  13. There are not enough gold shops in Thailand to rob if I robbed one every-time I felt stressed with my wife of 26 years.
  14. What a critcally foolish decision to enter the sea - that stretch is super rough and very deep, very quickly. The hotel employee deserves massive recognition for his act.
  15. I was planning on watching a movie .. but now I will not.
  16. As an 18 year TH expat I have both private insurance and my social security payments - you be stuffed here without being insured.
  17. I was correct in waiting to see how the weather turned out before booking my regular work trip. No point in taking additional and avoidable risks when you know a large storm is approaching.
  18. Maintain the compulsory travel insurance and have done with it. No insurance, no entry. AseanNow is full of news of foreigners chalking up uninsured motorcycle accidents and associated large hospital bills, repatriation costs of the deceased, injuries sustained during drunken brawls (there's another today), suicides, sickness, emergencies ............ the list goes on......
  19. Perhaps I am mistaken ... I always thought that the recipe for a successful Coup was based upon the key elements of surprise, secrecy and speed of deployment. Not parliamentary discussion and PR annoucements.
  20. Grow up. Russian tourists are certainly not invading Ukraine. Typically stereotyping of a people that have little/no control over their own Government.
  21. I have been so long that every time I see a flood I am instantly alert to the risk of being potentially electrocuted. With millions of potential leakage points around the country this will not yield a fix but some effort is better than none.
  22. No, it it includes injury verb past tense: electrocuted; past participle: electrocuted injure or kill someone by electric shock.
  23. These are preventable .... if only.....
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