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Posts posted by Ghostnigel

  1. ^^ Glad you enjoyed itsmile.png Shame about your nights out...but at least you got first go at the Tuna butties and Mars Bars!!!!.......Out with the final group today, so had a 1,2,3clap2.gif Other days were with Garcia. Very small crowds this year until today.coffee1.gif

    BTW did you get to kiss the Claret Jug?thumbsup.gif

    So it was you lot that stole Garcia from us on Friday? We were with the group behind you...

    Our names were assigned to Garcia, right up until the last minute, then we got dumped by Joe....but didn't matter, because I had Westwood and Kaymer. i did the fore-runner stint, and got to see both groups play, so worked out well.

    Who was the guy with you, with the 3/4 length cargo pants, Big guy with a stiffish neck? He did a good job, when he held his board up, he sort of scowled at the crowd....i'd shit my pants if he looked at me like that. hahaha.

    If you play there the same day, we could have a mini Ryder cup...Pattaya v Korat lol

    Didn't want to put my mouth where Zack Johnson's slobbery lips have been...spent the afternoon in the tents, winning bags and umbrellas at the putting....see you next year! Merry Christmas.

  2. Thanks very much for your replies people, most kind of you!. I'm keen to go, as is my Missus, and I think we'll make the trip this Thursday.

    One more question please, I see the tickets are available on Thai Ticket tech but can you just buy them at the gate?.

    I will be a course marshal on thursday and friday, so if a thug comes up to you and say "no cameras, move along" it could be me....lol

    Its customary to buy me at least 2 beers on your first visit to Amata Spring.....true, its written somewhere...

    Wholeheartedly agree!clap2.gif I am booked for Thurs/Sat/Sun. R&R in Patts on Fridaythumbsup.gif

    Hint....do ball spotting with the cute caddies for a few holes (can share their picnics if you get hungry!)biggrin.png

    We got free food and drinks anyway mate....had a great time. Now get to play it for free in a few weeks...bargain!

    Its 10,500 baht to play there, and only if you know a member.

    I marshalled the Lee Westward and Martin Kaymer match.post-189204-0-94365000-1450019400_thumb.

  3. Thanks very much for your replies people, most kind of you!. I'm keen to go, as is my Missus, and I think we'll make the trip this Thursday.

    One more question please, I see the tickets are available on Thai Ticket tech but can you just buy them at the gate?.[/quote
    Surely, you will have a pleasant time but keep one thing in mind. You are supporting a sham event. It is by no means an open tournament. There is no qualifying and they pay a few key players appearance money to show up and make it appear to be a significant event and the legitimate open they pretend it to be. While this is par for the course in Thailand, pun intended, just remember that golf is at its core and tradition a game of integrity and character. The Japanese and Thai stakeholders the stage this event need their hands slapped for passing off a ruse instead of conducting a bona fide open golf tournament. Have fun.

    As you appear to be the Fount of all Knowledge, perhaps you would be kind enough to show exactly where in the Tournament's Title, the word 'Open' is used. If you cannot, I would suggest you shut up. You need your own 'hands slapped' for passing on incorrect information and slurs on a subject on which you know nothing aboutcoffee1.gif

    Yes, its called the Thailand Golf Championships......as you say, nothing about an 'open'.
    Mr.subpar, yes, you can get in on the gate on thursday or friday, you can park in the public parking, and shuttle onto the course. But i think over 60's can get in free, not 100% sure about that, but i think under 16, and over 60 can get in free.
  4. Thanks very much for your replies people, most kind of you!. I'm keen to go, as is my Missus, and I think we'll make the trip this Thursday.

    One more question please, I see the tickets are available on Thai Ticket tech but can you just buy them at the gate?.

    I will be a course marshal on thursday and friday, so if a thug comes up to you and say "no cameras, move along" it could be me....lol

    Its customary to buy me at least 2 beers on your first visit to Amata Spring.....true, its written somewhere...

  5. I somehow doubt it will be all over when Septic Bladder has been given the boot. Think about it, all the names up for nomination are all from within Fifa. The one that wins it, will probably be the most corrupt one, otherwise he wouldn't 'win', would he?

    You cannot tell me that they are all completely innocent, because the corruption was too deep, its just that they havent been found out, yet.

    Platini looks like he's got away with his bit, so if his name goes forward, he will most probably win.....only because he already has the voters in his pocket....watch this space!

  6. 90% home loan from SCB in her name with repayments over 30 years.

    Then your money is safe.

    But then, how many guys have a Thai partner that has a real job?

    Which she needs to get the home loan.


    Make sure the house is in, or near, a big city, so it actually has resale value.

    Not something built on her family land in the boonies.

    My GF's mortgage is in her name. The house is on her land. She paid the deposit. I give her 50% of the monthly repayments.


    1. The mortgage must be in her name. If she's not credit-worthy, dump her.

    2. She must pay the deposit in full. If she can't afford it, dump her.

    3. Mortgage repayments should be split 50-50. Never pay more than half. If she asks for more, dump her.

    4. View the repayments as you would when paying rent. You will never own the house.

    IMHO the probability of meeting a Thai GF who can conform to the first three attributes is vanishingly small. Congratulations sir, you won the lottery.clap2.gif

    She would probably dump him if he asked for all those demands...lol
  7. How are we ever gonna know if the next new president hasnt already bought the votes for the presidency of Fifa? And are there any people left in fifa that can vote, who is NOT on the take? It seems like you cannot advance there unless you are 'bent'. Why does Septic Bladder and Platini expect us all to believe they were the only ones not on the take? Fifa is a joke, should be completely dis-banded and start afresh.

  8. they already have sharia law zones in London

    There some in East London who tried to enforce Sharia law zones, but were arrested by police and prosecuted; an example...


    One of the favourites of some people, Daniel Pipes, had this to say about France.

    "Having this first-hand experience, I regret having called these areas no-go zones."


    Such lovely people....
  9. Linky, to be honest, i wouldn't have any problem with muslims if they would only 'play' with their sharia laws, and worship their quran in a muslim state, and can do it as much as they want.

    But what i do disapprove of, is they come to the west, and bring all their sharia shit with them. and then want to change it to be like a middle east country.....by dictating to westerners how we should act in our own countries. No other race does that.

    I have never had a problem with other races, such as Indians or Black people, or even jews, (never met one though).

    But i just cannot, for the life of me, accept the way muslims try and take over everywhere they go...i cannot just say, "hey, i suddenly like muslims", because i don't, and i can't, and i won't, thats me, sorry.

  10. So far Texas is 2 - 0 against Obama in immigration court rulings. I doubt if they would have sued if they didn't think they'd go 3 - 0.

    If they are not Christian refugees, send them back.

    So, after a 2 year vetting process and for this group the most rigourous of security screening, you'd turn back a family of Syrian Jews or Bahais.

    Why are you so bigoted against non-Christians?

    Is there such a thing as selective bigotry?

  11. Unfortunately the UK is too gutless to follow France's good example, all we get are promises. After the London bus bombs Blair promised to deport hate preachers, close down radical mosques and root out extremism, we are still waiting on that! France realised now that Islam is at war with the west, other countries need to follow with actions not words. Close hate mosques and brain washing madrasas Schools, ban the burka, no tolerance of Sharia courts and no more Islamic immigration.

    Islam is not at war with anyone. I dont expect you to understand many non islamic muslims live quite happily in muslim countries as non muslims.

    But dont let facts get in the way of bigotry.

    Using the bigot and racist card is soooo yesterday.....

    You should try watching the video on post #47 mate....all of them there are 'moderate' muslims...

    Why is it right for us to have to accept their laws in western society? Your views are what got us in this mess in the first place.

    You shouldnt have to abide by their laws in your own country. Inhave never said anyone should have to do that.

    Most muslim countries also do not expect foreigners to live by sharia law either.

    Those wanting sharia law are not moderates. Moderates dont care how you live your life as long as they can live their lives, thats the way it is in most muslim countries. They do allow non muslims to drink, eat pork, attend church if you wish.

    If the video showed moderates then how is it foreigners can live happily in muslim countries?

    Did you watch all of the video? Did you listen to the questions, and see the response to the questions?

    As of your other remarks, lets just say, I beg to differ....they already have sharia law zones in London, and probably a lot of other places...my niece and her boyfriend was threatened with violence, because she was wearing western clothes in her own neighbourhood. Is that being racist or a bigot?

    I would say the muslims were being racist against them, but thats ok then?

    Its settled then, I am a racist bigot, and you are muslim sympathiser....have a nice day.

  12. Not satisfied until Blatter has to do the perp's walk in handcuffs.

    I suspect he will never see the inside of a prison...he will probably 'smirk' off into the sunset with another golden handshake, as for Platini, how the hell is he still the boss of UEFA?

    The new bunch who are up for nominations aren't much better either.

  13. Unfortunately the UK is too gutless to follow France's good example, all we get are promises. After the London bus bombs Blair promised to deport hate preachers, close down radical mosques and root out extremism, we are still waiting on that! France realised now that Islam is at war with the west, other countries need to follow with actions not words. Close hate mosques and brain washing madrasas Schools, ban the burka, no tolerance of Sharia courts and no more Islamic immigration.

    Islam is not at war with anyone. I dont expect you to understand many non islamic muslims live quite happily in muslim countries as non muslims.

    But dont let facts get in the way of bigotry.

    Using the bigot and racist card is soooo yesterday.....

    You should try watching the video on post #47 mate....all of them there are 'moderate' muslims...

    Why is it right for us to have to accept their laws in western society? Your views are what got us in this mess in the first place.

  14. Stupid thing to do. A mosque is just a building. The Imam will find another place to preach (a private house or rent a hall somewhere). It will simply antagonise moderate muslims.

    French government have just done this to demonstrate they are 'doing something'.

    France has a huge problem with large numbers of angry and disaffected unemployed young French-born muslims. The French government have (unwisely IMHO) agreed to take more muslim refugees when they can't handle the problems they already have. I think what we have seen so far is just the beginning.....

    My bold.

    Watch the video from about 3 minutes on (the music will drive you nuts). According to this muslim and the 100 or so people he is speaking to, there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, nor are there radical muslims, they are all the same. Watch and listen and realise why we are all going to hell in a handbasket in Europe!

    And thats just the moderate ones, oh my god.....what are the radical ones thinking then?

    To be honest, i don't really care what muslims think in muslim countries, but i do care about what are trying to achieve (Sharia Law) in western countries....

    Why should this be forced onto us? Why should we be racist because we oppose Islam, and sharia law?

    They should take there religious beliefs back to where it came from, and do whatever they like with it.

  15. you do need acupuncturw with electric needles Korean style.

    There is one doctor I can recommend you in sukhumvit near soi 10.

    for more infos please do contact me with your message.

    It does not hurt and does not take very long possibly a short few sessions as treatment.

    kind regards

    I have been saved and saved many friends with it.

    Totally agree, i had electrolisis and all sorts of treatments for a year in the hospital....gave up.

    Then i went to an accupuncture clinic on Ram Intra, electric needles that pulse your muscles were brilliant.

    By the time i had left the clinic, my sciatica had gone, felt really good, no pain doing it, at all.

    Still get a little pain from my L4/L5 joint but i will probably never get rid of that, but i can sleep good now, can relax my legs now. Before, i couldn't keep my legs still to get a good sleep.

    Its not even expensive to have done, so well worth a try.

    All i can say it worked for me, and i tried everything. Now i go once every couple of weeks, to keep sciatica at bay.

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