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Posts posted by Prbkk

  1. Massively tragic for their friends and family.

    Yes I know the area too.

    Used to live in a San Francisco pre 1906 Victorian rotting wreck where I was risking my life every time I bathed in the old Victorian heavy bathtub because it was in an elevated shack propped up by dodgy wood polls. Ah youth!

    I wonder if they were complacent thinking they were in a first world country that things like that don't happen.

    I remember when I visited Argentina staying in an old building with an old elevator being shocked to read about the large numbers of people killed every year there ... in old elevators.

    Sure there is dodgy real estate in any country.

    Was that In Barbary Lane?

    This balcony/student housing problem is worldwide. Several 'events' in Australia, including deaths. Old buildings, alcohol, young people who think they're indestructible..can lead to tragedy.

  2. Govt rushes to pacify Hong Kong over concern on tumeric-soaked durian

    The police rushed to the crime scene...

    The soldiers rushed to the check point...

    Now the government rushes...

    everybody rushes..., that's why there are so many accidents!

    Yes, they rush to check on bodies that have been decomposing for days but it is apparent that there is never much haste to get things right in the first place....as in this durian matter and so many others, it's always reactive

  3. Inverter A/Cs will indeed reduce your electric bill over a fixed speed A/C, but only if the inverter is properly sized/not undersized. If the inverter is undersized for your area then the inverter's compressor pretty much runs at full capacity all the time trying to cool the area versus being able to reduce its speed/capacity (and electric usage). The compressor in your A/C, inverter or fixed speed, is the energy hog which uses 90 to 95% of your A/C system's power usage so the less the compressor runs the lower your electric bill.

    Inverters cost significantly more than a fixed speed A/C which can tempt a person to get an inverter a little smaller than recommended for your area only then to find out the electric bill is not reduced or reduced very little because the inverter's compressor must pretty much run at full speed all the time to adequately cool the area....a person has basically turned their inverter A/C into a fixed speed A/C negating an energy savings.

    Makes sense but the other side of that coin is the retailers who try to flog oversized for the area, presumably because they make more profit.

  4. To be fair, at least she recognises that root and branch reform of the sector is required if the country's tourism sector is to prosper. For decades the policy, to the extent it could be called that, has been passive: let the numbers grow without investment in facilities, infrastructure, measuring the experience, making a user friendly environment, investing in safety ...and a host of other things.

    She may be better suited to flogging fridges but she does appear to be 'having a go' at making things better....and not many before her have ever acknowledged the need to try.

  5. What is worrying for Thailand is that neither Chula nor Thammasat are on the list. Those are after all seen upon as the two most prestigious universities by most Thais, and traditionally attract the top students from high schools all over the country. I wouldn't worry about being placed in the same league as Iran. Iran has some very good universities.

    Aside from a couple of (very shallow) pockets of excellence, these 2 universities have been on the slide for decades. Chula has rested on its laurels in expectation of continuing to be high status and has become a third rate university. It would barely scrape into a Thai top 10.


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