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Posts posted by fifthcolumn

  1. Well, alcohol has risen 2x in recent memory and is more expensive here than most US states. Everything is up, toiletries are scandalously expensive. Vegetables, Cleaning supplies can be pretty poor value, many snack foods. We have been in same flat three years, raised when first lease was up, changed rooms - raised again. Seems only things not up in price are staples controlled by govt. Street food has both risen and not, so that is a wash.

    MRT is a bit more and BTS is stupid expensive (now).

    Restaurants, about the same. Pharma, same.

    Many tourism related enterprises have risen, some not as much as others. Buses, speedboats. National Parks are trying to raise foreigners entrance fees. It was delayed. Seems air tickets are more expensive.

    Many visa services and the way visa processes manipulated that in affect makes extensions more expensive.

    I recently gave my dentist the big <deleted> after ten + years for raising prices into stratosphere. Medical checks are ridiculously priced now.

    I still live very cheaply, but it is by design. It takes effort, discipline and control. Lucky I have a great wife.

    Ten years the 401k will mature, another few social security. Until then, its tight. Should have perhaps not got married, that would have saved me most. Four years together, 2 years married and she is as lovely as the day I met her. First marriage for both.

    • Like 1
  2. Figure of speech. I know you're just trying to take a poke at her meaning an educated, higher salary Thai would not just let it pass as she has many options while a girl of a lower socio-economic background would just have to accept it and let it go.

    She had to let it go as she knows there are 10 more girls ready to take her place the moment she leaves. Free rent at Thonglor, free food, spending money, not having to kiss someone her grandfather's age, white racial background, physically fit and a guy that doesn't beat her or take all her money can be quite appealing for many Thai girls.

    Hate to burst your bubble bro, but you ain't been around long have yeh?

    Those girls do exactly as they please. You are merely the best option for the moment. She doesn't care what you buy for her, only the money that goes in her pocket. She'd just as soon sleep with grandpa or with ten other hookers in a tiny bedsit if that meant more money in her purse.

    You might be a rest stop, and the girls do like a bit of rest - but busines is business and you are the business.

    She knows her looks and appeal are limited. She drinks too much and takes drugs. She needs to make as much money before she crashes and burns and must return to Issan.

  3. Back home, you would be lucky to have a girlfriend, here you have a "girl $$ friend " and you cheat on her - with a prostitute.

    I'm not a gossip/y sort but I'd say those folk have something to chat about.

    Thanks for reinforcing our trite stereotype, well done.

    Too funny you are stumped not to see your trashy actions not worth a gossip. Do you think your own countrymen would not be equally shocked?

    Heck, they might have just been having a good laugh, I mean what fool brings a hooker to his place of residence?

    • Like 2
  4. What SA says, you aren't qualified to be legally employed as a teacher.

    I don't think the restrictions go far enough,

    I think,

    Foreign teachers employed in Thai schools should be qualified to teach in their home countries.

    Gee, let me guess. You are a "qualified" teacher in your home country. Well, go back there and teach.

    So, someone with BA in Ed credentialled in Kenya - good to go

    Masters in History from Oxford - sorry, no cigar

    The salary is B30k genius. Only stupid people come over here to work. Stupider still, those trying to build a career in "TEFL" in their early years. Thailand has to be the worst place to teach in East Asia for money and career, hands down. These jobs should be left for those on Thailand, have current family links to Thailand. Unforunately, still loads of lonely 55-65s with more time than money on their hands.

    A BA/S and a teaching course should imo get you a job teaching conversational English at 35k.

    • Like 1
  5. Yes, he is a huge and utter failure. This is substantiated by not only his past, but his lack of planning for the immediate future. He needs to buck up, slim down, get a grip and get a job. Maybe return to US, I don't know. Obviously, he is overwhelmed.

    Typical reaction from the I've got mine brigade by and large.

    Moving to Thailand witbout a nest egg or at least a way back, marraige, kids (!!). But this is the typical life of an average flunkie the world over. His whole life can be summed up as a serious of bad choices.

    This is the face of humanity. Not some lonely turd on a barstool in Chaing Mai sipping Sang Som and fondling chubby overthehill bar "girls".

    I at least commend him on having a life. Most of you have none. You have no love, no life, no hobbies, no cool journeys, no friends, no passion. Your social life is this board.

    The vast majority of you are not any better planners, you just made it to your soft *old* pension years and had a bit of dosh after divorcing the cow back home and taking whatever pittance left and moved to "paradise" to "live the dream". Armed with a pension that you have gone to the ballot box to deny your younger countrymen, you scurry off here and become one of the newer baht multi millionaires. You didn't plan anything, you saved a bit of money and were greatly bouyed all your life by a largely strong and upward economy.

    Your health is a shambles, you eat crap, are grossly overweight. Great plan! You can't speak Thai, but know everything about Thailand. You are lonely and alone and all the not so pretty dusky gogo-moms from Khon Kaen don't change that. Go enjoy your burger and beer, pat yourself on the back what a genius you are as well as self made man. But most importantly, for what compassion a generosity you have aquired throughout your life.

    You need not applaud his folly, but you can step around him instead of stepping over him - or on him.

    To all the have's - most happiest of Christmas, you have obviously learned nothing from this nations religion or your own.

    • Like 2
  6. Seems like you stupidly did not buy the land up to the road or water. I do not see many options for you other than buying the land or doing something to that will counter his actions.

    If nothing else, Thailand is a hash of buildings, lack of codes and standards. Even if you had a judgement in your favor, the wall wouldn't come down. TiT.

    good luck bro

  7. Seems simple fix with a letter in their box.

    Identify the properties on AirBnB and CouchSurfing.com - inform the corporations of your issues and that you may take legal action against them.

    Review your rules as stated for broad statements about short term renting, etc. Include these along with the following in a letter written by an attorney in their mailbox.

    Condo has been identified as as renting on a per-night basis (include above online print out as proof if you have it). If you are no renting short term, no worries. If you are, this condo will be reported to relevant authorites for civil, criminal and tax violations (list in bullet form along with their address so they know you have the contact and are serious).

    I've nothing against backpackers or tourists, they do not belong in condo's though. I do loathe these online bed booking agents. One thing certain, these people renting to do not give a toss about you and your condo. Good luck.

  8. I would again warn the OP if he is thinking about waltzing into a job - teaching in Thailand is fraught with complicated issues. All this for B30k a month less expenses related to the job itself. If you do not need to teach or are not stuck in __________ while they wife is off working all day and you are bored I would urge you not to bother with it.



    Work Permits


    Thai Culture Course

    TEFL diploma (US1600)

    Age issues

    Vagaries of the job: School in your pay packet, deductions taken but not paid forward, forced overtime on weekends, free lessons to staff, addl duties unpaid...

  9. You should also be aware that you will need to pass a series of sketchy tests and obtain a licence - which is only good for five years.

    During the process, you will get two waivers to work. Those need to last you four years max to obtain the above. If you have a bad agent or school and leave after a few months - you are done!

    Add to the insanity, tests offered only 1x a year. Few have fully passed.

    Since you are not married, you will be teachong on a non b visa. The most hassle visa there is, a nightmare - You will be in a world of hurt maintaining your job and relationship.

    Then thete is the work permit that is tied to the visa and the waiver.

    All this for b30k a month. You will spend every baht of it on costs related to job and visa.

    Bad idea

    • Like 1
  10. I commend anyone who has the courage to do the marriage extension full on 1 year "o"category multiple entry visa. I knew a younger couple who went to extraordinary lengths to get the 1 year extension (with only about 90 days prior stay in Thailand), even with a more convenient multiple entry visa option. He did eventually get it, but his wife agrees with me.....next time: multi-entry "o" visa.

    Ultimately, to each their own. But for those without much experience in the region, i dont think there is any significant advantage beyond the border run, which could be up to 14 hours depending on your location and time of day. Are visa runs really that bad?

    I will soon be doing my 6th extension based upon marriage. No problems at all.

    I live within 2 hours of the border and Savannakhet is not far away for a visa. I can tell you that I would never go the multiple entry visa option.

    Costs and time are big factor to me. Five thousand baht for a visa and cost of trip to get it verses 1900 baht for an extension. Border run that would cost 1500 baht for a visa to Laos plus travel expenses verses no cost for 90 day reports other than little bit of fuel for the trip.

    That is not the entire story for many. If you need a re-entry permit, that too is a hassle and expense. The total is roughly equal to the visa. So that is a red herring. For those hours away from the border, maybe a runner is a bridge too far, but from many of Thailands larger metro areas hosting foreigners, you are looking at less than four hours ow. So, one day. That only leaves the cost of the trip. If you are comparing yourself riding down to some tiny immigration post in Nakon Nowhere to a solid vis run, yeah your money wins - but, for most there is not only money, but time involved. My hunch is a day up and back to report runs about b300 minimum for most, plus a minumum of five hours door to door. So, in the end if you choose the runner, it's another five hours and the opportunity to get out and see something besides grouchy, rude immigration police. If you had a tenth of the problems many have - not the least the "under consideration" waste of a life.

    How many trips does the average person make in regard to tbis visa each year? I bet it's a minimum of three up and back with many doing four - often, usually its for some riduculous scrap of dated and meaningless paper - just to keep you in your place.

    The visa route though is not for the sick, infirm, impatient, lazy, persons with zero Thai skills or anyone not feeling comfortable in the country (or neighboring countries).

    I myself find all, but especially the marriage extension requirements bewildering, daft and inconsistent. The requirements are pure folly. It is next to impossible due to both expense and communication to maintain the appearance of de jure/facto where none exist.

    Immigration is nothing more than a make-work industry. Anything you do in the building feeds the beast, especially when you give it money.

  11. Could a few of you post or at least comment on letters from your bank verifying monthly funds transfer for marriage and/or retirement visa?

    Original and original copy on bank letter head.

    What veriage should I ask my banker to provide insofar as an "income statement"?

    At present I have asked my banker to provide me with a paragraph much like:

    To whom it may concern:

    This letter acknowledges active monthly funds deposit in the amount 1350.00USD arriving to Mr. Fifth Column's account XXXXXXXXX56897 on the 8th of every month. Below you will find the last ten transfers as a sample:







    I am very worried and find it quite disconcerning the recent post of the gentleman who had provided all sorts of proper information, but was turned out due to flat out, lack of 400k in the bank.

    Is this where we are headed? Must I know rechannel my assets after rechanneling them for cash flow? Even Bangkok is starting to sound like a circus.

    Thank you for your input and samples.

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