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  1. It can be a long and tedious process to go through for a friend. My partner did it for his good friend here and it was a mess from the get go. His safe was found empty the day after he passed and all of the police came to assess things. We know he had stacks of money and jewelry, but the police noted it was empty. His car was also checked out and seemed fine. Fairly new, but unfortunately someone stole his car in the next couple of days. Hmm makes me wonder. Well taught me a lesson and make sure when I pass away it is known to empty the safe and move the car before calling the police. At least the insurance company paid for the car. Safe was a he said, they said. He owned a few condos but didn’t have his latest will finished and signed so people he hadn’t seen in 12-15 years got stuff. Anyway we did get a lawyer to sort through everything so it was legal and it was almost 2 years by the time we finally got everything done and sorted. Never again. I’ll help you get your Will done and kept with a law firm but I can’t handle going through that again.
  2. I’ll wait to see the CCTV. Something doesn’t add up.
  3. Wait. They should be heavily fining the owners of this place and a little stint in jail wouldn’t hurt to deter more places from hiring foreigners without a work permit. They are the ones that are taking “jobs” away from the locals.
  4. They are just laying the groundwork for the explanation why there are fewer Chinese visitors this year and seeing what excuse they can get away with to try to bring the cheap group tours back.
  5. Should be shot down like they are doing with the vapes. They can’t control who sees their adds or sells to the kids. We don’t need more kids drinking new booze smoking cigarettes and marijuana. Can they not see how backwards they are yet?
  6. Every day they are adding reason Not to come to Thailand. I have faith in them that they will achieve this goal.
  7. I used vaping to stop smoking after 40 years of smoking cigarettes. I don’t smoke around people who don’t smoke and the same went with vaping. I’m not one of those people who enjoys big smoke clouds when vaping. It’s been healthier for me and at least I don’t make everything smell like cigarette smoke anymore. They have proven that they can control it with the bans, fines and seizures of products. Why can’t they just have and enforce laws to stop allowing children to vape and keep the smokers from smoking in the wrong places? Now the kids and probably myself will be back to smoking cigarettes. Seems like they haven’t been able to control underage drinking or smoking, which seems odd considering that they are able to do this with vaping. I guess it’s just the lack of enforcement and the cigarette and alcohol industry making sure nothing stops them. All they need to do is make it mandatory to scan your id for purchase of any of the above and if your underage you can’t buy it and if you get caught with any their info would be in the system and it’s either the owners fault for selling them or they used a fake id which would bring a fine to the user. mad soon as cigarette companies start making their own products I’m sure they’ll plan on doing something like this so they don’t lose anymore revenue. I hate the thought of going back to cigarettes but this is what Thailand wants me to do. If they are going to go after one then they should go after them all. Alcohol and cigarettes are both a danger to you.
  8. How can they really say that they don’t have specific numbers of the people that are breaking the laws. The headline in every article starts of with a Foreigner from _______ did________or was caught doing ________. Just read the news headlines and you will get pretty much an idea of where they are from and what they did.
  9. He got caught and confessed so he probably won’t do much time in jail and probably will will only get a small fine and let go to find a better costume and try it again. Live and learn here.
  10. The poor man was just trying to cross the road. He might have made it if the car wasn’t speeding and driving reckless. The car hit him so I have no sympathy for the driver and hope he gets jail and a gets a big fine and loses his driving privileges, but TIT , probably a slap on the wrist and a Wai to the family.
  11. Severe breach of ethics code taken by doctors as well as an attempted coverup by the sso. I hope they get fined, plus have to pay the reimbursement plus a substantial amount for trying to hide their mistakes. The poor guy is suffering due to their errors.
  12. What it sounds like you need is Super Sight surgery to replace the lenses so you can see near and far. Three of my friends had it done at Bangkok Pattaya hospital and they said the only thing they were upset with was not getting it done sooner. I just went to see if I would be a good candidate and I was a number 2 out of 3 so I am going to put it off another year, just because insurance covers it if it is a 3. The cost is 200,000 baht and you can follow up anytime if you need to for free. That’s included in the price. My friend just had his “adjusted “ after 12 years and was in and out in 10 minutes and of course No charge. The doctor who does this surgery has been here for 25 years and started with the LASIK but now prefers to do the super sight so you won’t need a pair for reading. LASIK is much cheaper but I would only want the best, and don’t want to still need a pair of glasses after the surgery. Dr. Somchai Good luck.
  13. I have Allianz Ayudhya which was Aetna before that and I think it was BUPA when I first signed up with them 24 years ago. They do not cover pre existing but they are a very good Thai insurance that has always paid my hospital bill and unfortunately I have had to use them quite often. I would receive a 10% discount for any year I didn’t have to use them and if I had claims over 1,000,000 baht for the year they would increase it by 10%. Definitely worth looking into when comparing others. Thai insurance is always cheaper than international coverage but just do the homework you’re doing. Best of luck
  14. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t go to the NACC. They can’t seem to get anything done quickly.
  15. Now that must have been some really good stuff, or she’s trying to make up for low sales this month.
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