It can be a long and tedious process to go through for a friend. My partner did it for his good friend here and it was a mess from the get go. His safe was found empty the day after he passed and all of the police came to assess things. We know he had stacks of money and jewelry, but the police noted it was empty. His car was also checked out and seemed fine. Fairly new, but unfortunately someone stole his car in the next couple of days. Hmm makes me wonder. Well taught me a lesson and make sure when I pass away it is known to empty the safe and move the car before calling the police. At least the insurance company paid for the car. Safe was a he said, they said. He owned a few condos but didn’t have his latest will finished and signed so people he hadn’t seen in 12-15 years got stuff. Anyway we did get a lawyer to sort through everything so it was legal and it was almost 2 years by the time we finally got everything done and sorted. Never again. I’ll help you get your Will done and kept with a law firm but I can’t handle going through that again.