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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. I’m glad that they are attempting to deal with this situation. Unfortunately with all the kids having phones and access to the internet it will be hard to stop them all. Curiosity can get anyone in trouble these days on the internet.
  2. Glad they caught the perverted abuser. I’m sure it wasn’t his first time but hopefully it will be his last time.
  3. One very sick and demented man. He needs to be removed from this world.
  4. Well played. I hope that they are prepared for the retaliation. You know that it’s going to happen.
  5. When are they going to understand that many of the Thai citizens are running out of money and can’t afford to keep going to all of these events. It’s no wonder that the debt is so high.
  6. Glad at least he took the time to do something about it as many just passed by and ignored it.
  7. It’s going to be a big mess no matter who wins. Glad I’m not there for this sh*t show.
  8. Unfortunately those kids thought they were indestructible, as many kids do, but this time they were just not prepared for the fast currents. Mother Nature is not to be messed with. Sad for the 4 swept away and the 2 that have to live with it.
  9. Hopefully they send them away and black listed.
  10. Many people in palliative care are still suffering and have a horrible mental state and physical condition. Some people have it in them to fight until the end, but others don’t want to fight and be miserable in the end. It should be each person’s choice. If they think making the palliative care better than it is, great for those who choose to fight an unbeatable battle, but please don’t try to sugarcoat it to the ones who are miserable and don’t have any more fight in them.
  11. Is it not cheaper to just build a few more large prisons in the middle of nowhere?
  12. If the project was incomplete then how was one of his units transferred with a title deed to someone else? Seems that there is more to this story. Also why would he accept only a fraction of what he paid in for the other units. Missing info for sure.
  13. Each candidate will be dragged through the mud one way or another. She flip flops and tries to appease her audience. Trump can’t seem to keep his foot out of his mouth and goes on rants. It will come down to the people and they will have to deal with it when it’s all over. Tired of all the shenanigans already. Good luck America.
  14. Yeah. As if any foreign agent is really going to register in any country. Kinda defeats the purpose.
  15. They won’t allow a bar within 100 meters of a school and yet they didn’t have the smarts to make this a law with marijuana. Stupid is as stupid does.
  16. I think that there are many ancient Chinese herbal remedies that are very good and can help, But it’s your job to do the research on it to see what and how it affects your body. Not all shop owners have the full info. I still think there is more to this story considering that they had other toxins in their body and the sister was fine. I guess time will tell.
  17. Location, Location, location and house not condo. House was paid off in 6 years and have had it rented long term for 50,000 a month for the last 5 years. Do your research. If you buy a shoebox in a 700 plus unit condo you will not see the returns usually. You get what you pay for. Just be smart about it.
  18. 3 meter tall ones are fine and should root well pretty quickly especially with rainy season. They are pretty stable but make sure set them in well. Good luck.
  19. Well the video does show that she made it. Took some effort but she did it.
  20. People are just too lazy now and it’s just very easy and cheap to order online. Times are changing and unfortunately these places will be closed down sooner or later.
  21. Thailand is bound to shoot itself in the foot again sooner or later.
  22. That will help as much as the gross pictures on the packaging.
  23. Good job done while on holiday in Japan. Unfortunately they will come home to vandalism trash and litter on their own streets and parks.
  24. Well it’s going to be a very interesting few days, week’s and months ahead. Get ready for a bumpy ride.
  25. Does anyone really think these people are scared of threats from the other countries? Just like Thailand. We are our own Sovereign nation and follow our rules. The world is a mess now and it’s only a matter of time until something goes haywire.
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