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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Sick demented little man hopefully gets what’s due for him. He deserves everything he gets including a broomstick up his 😵
  2. The thought of love makes many here do stupid things.
  3. Looks good on paper, but I highly doubt it will be enforced. My son got busted years ago when he was 11 for buying a cigarette from a store just outside the school. Sure he got a slap on the wrist from the school, and a stern warning from me, but the shop went on as usual. Should be treated like alcohol and taken away and destroyed. No excuses. The enforcement part isn’t going to happen, or if it does it won’t last long. Try taking something away from these spoiled kids and see what happens. Hopefully a few parents will get it, but not holding my breath. They don’t enforce the buying age for alcohol or cigarettes. What makes them think they will do this. It’s as simple as swiping an ID like the rest of the world, but TIT
  4. If, and when, they let him off that hook then they should also dismiss the charges against MFP. Of course what is good for the golden goose isn’t always for the gander.
  5. jcmj

    Painting a condo.

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  6. Jomtien immigration has its own form to fill out. Don’t waste your time on filling out the form online. It’s a very short form from what I recall. You will still need the paperwork required to show your place of residence so have that ready and it will be done fairly quickly.
  7. Jomtien have their own form to fill out and won’t accept one from the online Thai immigration portal. Check with your local immigration department.
  8. Someone should be helping him write a book. I’m sure it would be very interesting.
  9. They just need to enforce the age limit like regular cigarettes or alcohol. Hold those who sell to underage kids accountable and fine them. Sure we know that some kids will find a way to get it, but that’s always been the case. The problem is no one enforces any laws here and they go to the extreme measures to try to fix the problem, but unfortunately that doesn’t work either.
  10. I doubt that this will last long. As soon as they see their tourist going somewhere else, the unemployment rate increases and the shops closing, they will be crying out for more.
  11. I’m not sure if Trump will be better this time or not, but anyone that can think on their own, remember and do what they said they would do during election campaigns and are not just a puppet would be a good choice. Biden is not all there and it shows. Trump constantly has his foot implanted in his mouth so I wish they would just find some new blood. America is becoming a joke of leadership these past few years.
  12. If Dumb and Dumber weren’t scared they would just let him join the debate.
  13. It doesn’t surprise me. Probably the ex and family are fighting to get the money they think they deserve. Pure greed.
  14. Well at least he was recycling.
  15. This child got very lucky. The next one probably won’t be so lucky. He should have been immediately arrested and charged. The police officers should also be removed for not protecting defenseless children against sexual abuse.
  16. If they finished all of the roadwork that they have started all over the city at the same time they wouldn’t have all of this horrible traffic. They don’t use their brains when they start doing this stuff or realize how bad it makes getting from A to B. Why they don’t work on the roads at night is beyond me. Believe me, once people keep getting stuck in all of this traffic with no way around it they will stop coming. Then they will start complaining about not having enough tourists.
  17. Well at least they are planning to get a new name to continue their party. We all unfortunately know how this will turn out.
  18. Thailand just needs to be forced to ID everyone who purchases any form of tobacco, alcohol, weed and vapes. It’s not very difficult to do and would curb many of the issues they have with underage usage. Sure some will still get it, but no one really seems to bother checking. Then they wonder why younger people are using them. KISS
  19. No matter the reason it is very sad to lose someone you love. Have some respect.
  20. Tried it yesterday and it asked a few questions, nothing new, but it said it would take 4-5 days compared to the last time when it only took an hour. Not sure what is going on.
  21. When was the last time Thailand was threatened by war. They take no sides and always dance in the middle. I just don’t understand why they need to spend so much on this when they have many other things they need.
  22. Wonder how much really floated to shore. I’ll bet it wasn’t all turned over with all the sticky fingers around when it was found.
  23. I had the Nissen Fundoplication years ago due to severe acid reflux and at the time open was the only way and it was very difficult to go through. Now they do it laparoscopically but you still have to be on liquids for a couple weeks before starting soft mushy foods and eventually getting to eat solids again but in smaller portions. If you are a beer drinker and don’t want to stop for an awhile or stay away from coffee, chocolates or spicy foods then I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a new lifestyle not a quick fix. Works great for some people, but others say it’s the worst thing. I’m happy with it and if I do eat something that stirs my stomach up then I’ll eat ginger. Vinegar or anything pickled, as recommended before is another option. Turmeric is also good for stomach issues. Try them out and see how it goes. Otherwise be prepared before you consider surgery.
  24. Watch out wearing those meatball pants around the Soi dogs. May be nippier than usual 😂🤣
  25. Wow. This sure gets people’s panties in a bind. Everyone throwing 💩 in both directions hoping it will stick. This battle will never end. I guess it gives some people something to talk about other than themselves.
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