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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. I’m sure they will find him, however the chances he has a license and insurance is another story.
  2. Well I’m glad that they are starting to shut down the illegal Chinese and Indian businesses. I just hope that some Thai companies will take over the recycling business, however, I doubt that many would. It’s just not in most Thais mindset. They definitely need more recycling education and plants, but I fear it’s still a long way off.
  3. Sad. If the lazy police would have just done their jobs properly this would never have happened.
  4. The Catholic Church should be punished harshly and all of those who helped cover it up. This church organization is responsible for more child abuse than any other organization spanning decades. Disgusting behavior and cover ups.
  5. Fruits are a healthy alternative to junk food and many do provide health benefits. If you’re that concerned about the pesticides than buy organic.
  6. He could have been the serial burglar considering he was banned from the camp, however, Thais seem to love blaming the foreigners first. I know that many of my Thai friends don’t like Myanmar people.
  7. Well, I guess that’s one more person we can blame when we are inundated with Chinese Zero Dollar tours.
  8. At least he held a medical license. More than many other places, however his excuse is lame for not registering. Numnut
  9. As far as I’m concerned who should care what that lawyer Teerayut says. He screwed the Move Forward Party. He’s just a bitter loser who wants to keep his name in the headlines. I would hope that they would get someone more trustworthy. Although that is hard here and especially with the lawyers. We all know nothing will come of this case. Same old story.
  10. And people wonder why that lady built a room like a prison cell. According to the parents they are scared of him and now the poor bed ridden mother is going to suffer. Of course we don’t know all of the details but hopefully the neighbors will testify on behalf of the family and the father will be released to take care of his wife. I don’t condone the ax attack, but I gather the son’s outbursts have been going on for a while to get to this stage. I doubt we’ll hear anything more about this story in any case.
  11. The poor child. He wants to be with his mother but she is worried more about her mother losing the child that cleans and sells vegetables for her. Sad. The kid doesn’t need to be burdened with supporting his grandmother. Hopefully they find someone to help grandma and let the child go to his mom’s house. As long as it is a stable place for him to be.
  12. It makes no sense to make it difficult for those trying to do the right thing and register. We need these workers. Many companies don’t want to go through the hassle, or even register their employees and now the poor people lose their jobs and are sent packing to start the process over. Employers need to be held responsible and accountable for their workers. If they don’t start fining them big time then this will never stop.
  13. He should be put on leave until they get the whole story, although, why would he offer to apologize if he didn’t do anything wrong. Suspicious to say the least. If he is found guilty then he should not be able to teach again and pay the price for child abuse.
  14. The sentencing in Thailand makes no sense at all. She could have just murdered him before he turned her in to the police and been released in a few years. And why did it take him so long to figure it out? Maybe he was waiting for the gold prices to jump. Crazy 🤪
  15. I bet he is squealing like a pig in a box. At least I hope so 🤞
  16. Thailand needs to focus on what they can provide for export, not inviting the Chinese to come here and set up shop. That will not benefit most Thais and will probably hurt even more. There are obviously a few people in Thailand that will have bigger envelopes than usual, and I guess they will get more taxes, but that certainly doesn’t seem to help the average Joe.
  17. Just a new way to charge more for fixing your teeth. I hate going to the dentists office and would never consider it a spa experience no matter what they offer. I have a place I have been using for years has great equipment, pleasant staff, and professional dentists for all sorts of issue's concerning teeth and gums. They know how anxious I get about any work on my teeth and put me at ease as much as they can. They did a renovation a couple years back, but kept the same price point. Good service and great value but definitely not a Spa. To each their own.
  18. I sent my son to Burapa International School in Pattaya which was good and not too expensive, but they didn’t teach him how to read or write Thai. I transferred him to Aksorn in central Pattaya. They are not expensive, most classes are in Thai. They had an English program and swimming classes as well. It’s a step up from the public schools but it all depends on what you are looking for. Good luck on your search.
  19. While I agree that they should be removed from public life, I also know that some of their victims need closure and when the sexual deviants kill commit suicide they take the easy way out. It’s just sad that the system doesn’t work. Anyone who does this to a child should be punished and never see the light of day, but the system is flawed and needs to be changed to protect them from ever doing it again, one way or another. I don’t really care how. The victims are traumatized for life.
  20. I don’t understand why she continues to delay when the evidence is so clear. Why doesn’t she return all the stolen assets?” She spent most of it. That’s why. Should have been keeping track of your inventory so you could have known sooner and prevented it from getting to this point. No doubt she’s a thief, but the owner definitely needs to work on his business operation accounting.
  21. Sad. She was a teacher and had many people who followed her. At least she seemed to be doing something for the people but I can’t stand when people promote themselves as influencers. There are so many “influencers” who expect everything free and will post negative comments if they don’t get what they want.
  22. There are at least 14 dogs in the pack on our Soi on Pratumnak hill. They took away about 7 a couple years ago and sterilized them, but then brought them back and dumped them where they picked them up. Now other dogs have joined and had a couple litters. They are still causing trouble with chasing drivers and killing neighbors cats. They really need to get a grip on this. Spay/neuter and release just doesn’t work.
  23. Obviously they still haven’t learned, or care, about maintaining their vehicles. Unfortunately I don’t think this will be the last time, but at least they got out with their lives. Sad.
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