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Posts posted by The_Doctor

  1. Payap University in Chiang Mai offers several degree programs that might be of interest to you; http://www.payap.ac.th (or http://www.payap.ac.th/english)

    They allow foreigners to study in their Thai language degree programs, assuming a suitable level of Thai of course! The fees are a little more for non-Thai's, but there isn't that much in it.

    If none of the Thai-language programs suit you, there are 4 international programs, but they aren't B.A. programs. Choices are Computer Information Systems, International Business Management, International Hospitality Management and English Communication.

    From what I've seen this is not untypical with many universities offering places to non-Thais.

  2. Just popped on to see if anyone had any info...

    I've heard the flood is coming in 4 hours (i.e. around 6pm) as another dam has burst upstream + lots of rain in Mae Hong Son area on its way down...

    Sounded a bit exaggerated and melodramatic, but who would take the risk?

    The thunder last night was something!

  3. Thanks for the news and updates - please keep them coming... There's a lot of conflicting information out here as to whether its getting better or worse. I got out in my car early enough this morning so I'm at work, but have got to decide whether to risk taking my car back home or whether to leave it at work... If its as bad as or worse than this morning, then I'm walking! :o

    For those trapped with cabin fever - is it getting better? worse? or the same?

  4. I normally play at Maejo - no real membership deal, just a few benefits from registering, but a great quality new course... 9 holes after work is normally around 400 - last week it was just 220!

    The toughest and most expensive course around is Gasson. Picked up details for there yesterday and they have a 30 year membership option for 160,000 (155,000 cash) which then makes it 200B a time green fee - definitely worth playing the course, but not sure if I'd want to be a member there....!

    I'd be interested in finding out the membership costs for Chiang Mai Lamphun, Lanna or Green Valley, but I normally just take advantage of various vouchers and discounts I get hold of! :o

  5. I'm planning on it... Yet to see if I can persuade the missus to come along though.

    Incidently, it may only be me that cares, but did you realise it's the first day of the premiership season that day? Man U Everton starts around 6 ish? :o

  6. MK :o

    I only eat there when I'm forced to, through being polite to Thai guests.... I normally then pretend I'm already stuffed and then head to the food court as soon as no ones looking...

    The duck thing - about the only edible food on the menu, and even that is just bearable. I don't get why it's so popular...!

  7. Not wanting to spoil the party... but I suspect the OP means the anniversary of the launch of ARPAnet - officially on 1st September 36 years ago - so hold the drinks for a month...! (The actual links between nodes weren't put in place until November / December that year though!) No one normal could actually use it for some time though, so its hard to say how young the internet really is IMHO...

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