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Everything posted by RT555

  1. Maybe ask the Red Bull Heirs' grandson for any info........
  2. That's why I go to the gun range (forest) every week.........Nuts like this.
  3. Just order something else then or just keep walking.
  4. I do an 18/6 intermittent fast 1 week a month, a must if you indulge occasionally.
  5. I have been coming, working, living in Thailand for quite some time, and the consensus is people leave their what brains they have back in their homeland. It's too easy to get caught up not thinking of of circumstances when you are drinking. And looking for work.......drinking.....you know the story.
  6. Arabs with stolen Passports......jus sayin.....No moral respect for ANYTHING.
  7. My father bought a shotgun for me when I was 16yrs old growing up in Michigan. Only shot an occasional bird or two. Went to college and onto my career, my father gave it to my uncle. After traveling and working here in Thailand and 7 other asian countries, decided to back to the US just before COVID. As I'm not getting younger I decided I needed to do 3 things. 1) buy a hand gun 2) buy a motorcycle 3) go skydiving Shooting that handgun scared the <deleted> out of me, I cannot fathom how these people in the US are carrying, robbing and shooting people.....I go to the range every week since COVID to up my comfortableness.(?) It was super easy to get a gun since I have never been in trouble, but getting a concealed carry is another story. I think all of these thugs carrying illegal guns should be 25+ years in prison.
  8. The last island you would want to wash ashore........????????????????????????☠️☠️☠️
  9. Hi first murder was at age 32 about. He murders 20 westerners in Thailand? ......... Dangerous guy, I don't care how old he is do what ya gotta do.
  10. I remember when overstaying 30 days wasn't a big deal..........25Bht a day fine and you pay your 15.00 bucks and come back in 2 weeks.
  11. I think most all of you to LEAVE YOUR WESTERN THOUGHT PROCESS OUT OF THIS........ you know nothing unless you are working here. Well, I am and all of you need....well...... you know.
  12. I wonder if he could beat Sleepy Joe Biden in a foot race...jus sayin
  13. It's a shame, it took 1 (one) Thai male to ban ANY alcohol consumption on the trains. I can travel to Chiang Mai without any booze, but would just like to sit in the dining car, have a beer and meet some travelers.
  14. Everybody was toooo busy watching TikTok to notice her..... jus sayin
  15. News was I got it was from an Oman family barbecuing meat on the floor in their room.
  16. She will get her purse back and a 1,000Bht cut, and then Sgt Schultz will buy her a new phone.........
  17. I worked in Qatar previously, they are the richest country in the world. A lot of FIFA members MADE A TRUCKLOAD OF CASH. If you look at the Doha skyline with all those shiny new buildings.......70% are empty, they put a shiny facade on them, make retail shops on the GF, 1stFL and maybe the 3rd floor, the rest is a concrete structure empty. Quite a few hotels have make-shift bars on let's say the 7th floor, the whole floor is blocked off for that bar that they take 20 rooms to do that. Also the 6th & 8th floor is also blocked unless the hotel is full. And these bars are FILLED with Muslims drinking with prostitutes.........ju sayin
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