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Everything posted by RT555

  1. https://www.oregonlive.com/lake-oswego/2015/09/longtime_pimp_charged_with_inv.html Can see his Mug here in the Oregon Newspaper.
  2. if your father is a rice farmer......what's your choice between none and nothing.
  3. Take his Weiner Schnitzel away and send him back to his overweight sausage & sauerkraut eating wife.🍣
  4. P.T. Barnum said it best.........There's a sucker born every minute.........I don't doubt he loves her but......greed is rife....everywhere though. You don't really need to get married especially to an old granny....IMO
  5. LOL.......keep me posted on this........Aussies and NZlanders..same pool of .......well....
  6. ........Sooooo.........under witness protection as a banana fritter business....hmmmm...
  7. Are there any decent Brits in Thailand?
  8. ..........Uhmmmm...........hit from behind....she's guilty being distracted on her phone......
  9. Wait until the $hit hits the roof and then panic..........then wonder Why? Just like an automobile, a business...etc.......PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE....Before something happens.
  10. WHY IS THIS EVEN A STORY..........thousands come to Thailand with the same Wet-Dream........He has less skills than a 9 year old.
  11. Yes, I believe there is more to the story and she was most likely provoked a situation. Not saying this Eurotrash is right. But, you throw a water bottle at me potentially injuring me.....I'm throwing.......just saying.
  12. Well, let the dogs in your country......and what do you expect. Turn neighborhoods into police no-go zones......UK IS FINNISHED AS A COUNTRY.
  13. 6 generations living in their house.............where they going to go? It's apparent you don't know anything about anything.
  14. Moroccans are fueled by the Arab/Berber SHORT FUSE......
  15. Says he got stuck in the mud........what a way to go similar to cement boots.
  16. Cellphones have changed how we interact with the world instantly, strengthen relationships, facilitate communication. It has been a convenience in booking flights, ordering food or a taxi. buying stocks, applying for a job, meet ups...etc..... But you can't give a cellphone to a donkey end expect it to improve. It has improved my life and made it simpler.......whether we agree or not. I still prefer the Pre-2007 version.
  17. KEEP BEATING A DEAD HORSE PAL...Ur clueless on todays society.
  18. I've seen end on end of countless times the motorbike Taxi drivers just before 11:00am STOCKING UP BIG TIME........I actually thought that time was for praying and going to the temples and spiritual practices......
  19. I just keep busy, hiking, walking, light weights and LIGHT/yoga/type stretching, good diet, quit alcohol and feel great @66. I/Me/Myself/Yours Truly......is the motivater with all the help.......how can I fail. Until the Creator steps in.
  20. I think if you are bitten by a Krait.......you have about a 1 or 2 hour window to a hospital. These snakes are in the Hong Kong New Territories.
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