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Posts posted by zlodnick

  1. I think my internet use is very basic. I read newspapers, watch youtube, follow friends and family on facebook,(but never post anything),visit forums, look up stuff on the internet, and use email, (Im very careful what emails I open.)

    I dont know what it means to"install new programs", so I dont think I do it And I dont think I have any files.

    I have AVG antivirus that I scan once a month and from what Ive read, Windows 8.1 will do a good job of protecting my computer.

    I have one question. If I do get a virus, what do I do? Ive heard some virus can be dealt with and some are so bad you have to chuck the computer and get a new one.

  2. Ive had a new laptop and internet through a True aircard for 10 months now. Several months ago, on the advice of TVF members, I downloade ccleaner. I havent had any problems so far,(knock on wood), but I was just reading something about ccleaner that said it should be set up to run on a schedule, or something like that. All I did was download it and that was that. Am I all set or not?

    Also, I was reading that the best defence to maleware was careful browsing. I assume that means staying away from porn websites. I have never been to a porn website, but are there other websites to avoid?

  3. Im new to the internet and things take me awhile. I read dozens of posts and asked for advice on ACH transfers.

    It took me a couple of weeks to set it up so I can transfer funds from my US bank to my BB account. I think it would take a few minutes for most people to do this.

    After sending the trial transfers, I had it figured out and it was a piece of cake.

    Last Friday, I sent my first transfer and it was so easy. Took all of about 30 seconds!

    I transfered $3,000. Went to the bank today and my account was credited 105,730 Bht. That figures out to 35.24 bht to the dollar. Thats pretty dam good considering my bank used to charge me 3% foreign transaction fee.

    The thing is, I dont see where I was charged anything by either bank. Only $3,000 was deducted from my US bank and at 35.24 bht to the $, that doesnt leave much room for BB to charge me anything. Im not complaining, I wish I knew about this a long time ago. This is definately the way to go.

    I would like to thank Pib and the others who guided me through the process.

    Respectfully, Z

  4. Im with Bulldozer Dawn, the sun som works great for me.

    Use nothing, stink to high heaven. Use comercial deodorant, smell like a French whore. With the sun som crystal, there is an odor. Its the odor of a human being. Its a distinctive oder and not ofensive. Humans do have an odor just like animals have thier own scent.

    I used to notice this scent on some Thais but didnt realize what it was till I started using it.

    I apply it after a shower, while Im still wet.

  5. Im ready to set up my first ACH transfer from my US bank to the BB US branch. I have a couple questions first.

    Our US bank is a joint account. Our BB account here is a joint account also. Our account here has my name in English and my wifes name in Thai. When setting up the transfer details, what do I write down if my US bank asks for the name of the account?

    Also, after the transfer is made and I call Bualoung phone 1333, to confirm the transfer, will I talk with a machine or a person?

    Thanks, Z

  6. Its easy to find a temple that will let you stay there, long or short term. Ive done it a few times, once at Wat Pa Nanachat, but I prefer smaller, out of the way Temples.

    I never had the desire to ordain. As a layman your day will be almost the same as a monk"s. I dont see where you would benefit anymore by ordaining.

  7. I saw the video 24 hours ago. A Cambodian friend posted it on facebook.

    The video was about 3 minutes long but I could only watch about 30 seconds of it. The boy was crying and sitting on the floor and the father kicked him in the head!

    I have been thinking about it almost constantly and wondering if there was anything I or anybody else could do. I figured I would never know what happened to the boy or if he even lived.

    What a relief to know the little guy was rescued.

  8. Nobody mention gardening yet? I find it very relaxing and useful. The wife and I always have enough organic vegetables for ourselves and some for the neighbors.

    If space is an issue, how about flowers and plants?

    I grow chun chom (desert rose). They are beautiful, no 2 are alike and easy and inexpensive.

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  9. We must be lucky here in our part of Issan (Khon Kaen). Never seen a flea.

    As soon as our first dog started getting ticks, we started using Frontline. It works great for us. ! Thai mutt and 1 German Shepherd.

    I apply it once every 3 months. Maybe once a month I find a dead tick on them.

    I pay B1050 for a pack of 3 doses, but of course no price is too much (I think no need to explain).

  10. I just read all 228 posts, took 2 days!

    Dr. put me on cardura, but I couldnt take the side effects. They say cardura lowers the blood pressure and I already have low blood pressure, so I was almost passing out.

    I just read one post that said blood pressure meds are used for prostate problems. So, common sense is telling me there is a connection between high blood pressure and the prostate.

    Blood pressure can easily be controlled with diet, so maybe guys with High blood pressure would benefit from diet designed to reduce blood pressure?

    Im doing the wait and see approach. All the men in my family have died from prostate cancer, but they were all in thier 90's.

  11. Not so sure I would ask for somtam without plaraa. I dont think they would disinfect and sterilize all the utensils that they have been using.

    Also, whats all this about getting hepatitis b and c from pla raa? I thought those virus', were only transferred human to human?

  12. Timmyp,

    You are absolutly right about antibiotics. I think even the Drs. here prescribe them too much.

    But I was talking about worm medicine. Some guys here say they self medicate for parasites. I was also concerned, but thought it better to check with my Dr first. He said, dont do it.

  13. Well, that settles it, no more som tam for me.

    Speaking of parasites, Ive read several post here about taking medications periodicaly for worms or other parasites. My Dr, says that is not a good idea. He said if there is a concern about parasites, get a stool sample and then you can be certain if a treatment is nessesary.

  14. Here in Issan its called "Pla Daak". Dont know if its all made the same or not. Looks and smells the same. Smells bad, taste good.

    My wife wont eat anything made with it, unless she makes it herself. She buys it at the market and then boils it. She says it has parasites that invade your liver and thats why so many people here die of liver failure. Boiling kills the parasites.

    There are some good restaurants around here that make great papaya salad, but I havent had any in years because of what the wife says.

    Anyone have any knowledge about this?

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