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Posts posted by zlodnick

  1. Ive read alot here about this subject, but its still not clear.

    I live in Thailand and a Vietnamese friend wants me to visit him in HCMC. Im not sure how long I want to stay, so I would like to buy a one way ticket and then buy a ticket back when Im ready.

    Do I understand correctly, that If I plan on a visa on arrival, that I may be asked for proof of onward travel before Im allowed to board in Bangkok, but if I have a vietnam visa already in my passport, they will not ask?

  2. Thanks drtreelove,

    Because water is in short supply here, I can only deep water a select few trees, and I have about 30.

    I used to mulch around my trees when they were young, but after about 10 years, they seemed to handle the dry season ok. I never expected conditions to get this severe.

    Ive already lost most of my bananas, several palms, and a few very large shade trees.

    Oh well, with any luck, we might get some rain.

  3. This weather! Never seen anything like it. The pond is almost empty and the well is getting low. No rain for the past 5 months and could be another 4-5 months till we get any at all.

    I have to decide what gets water and what doesnt.

    One concern I have right now, is some of my shade trees. I have alot of very large, well established trees that provide shade for the house and act as a windbreak during storms.

    Ive never had to pay any attention to them, they do just fine during the dry season. However, this year, some of them dont look so good. They dropped thier leaves as usual, but the new foliage never came back. Im not sure if they are going to make it or not. These are mostly, pradu and teen phet, (duck foot). Luckily, the mahogany, (my favorite) are doing fine. The leaves are all back and they look healthy.

    Anyone seen well established trees that didnt survive a drought?

  4. To all the posters above: Im one of those guys. What can I say? SORRY

    I know we can be a pain in the ass and Im very reluchtant to ask for help. Everyone has been very patient with me and for that, Im thankful.

    I always wonder, where do you guys learn that stuff. I have to learn fron google, "where is the start button?....what is a file?...what is download?...what is upload?"

    I think people would be more than happy to pay you for your help, I know I would.

    Well, gotta run. Gotta google how to close the lid on this laptop!

  5. Damn, I thought it cant be that easy.

    I also thought it might still be running on the battery, but it was shutdown for over 20 hours and I just turned it on and the battery is at 100%.

    rawhod, I want to try your fix, but being such a novice, Im afraid Ill click on the wrong thing, mess everything up and not be able to get out of it.

    Maybe Ill look for a farang that knows about these things and will help me out.

  6. I just want to report, it appears Ive solved my problem.

    I wanted to try the fix suggested by the op, but Im not smart enough and didnt dare try.

    I tried different ways to shutdown my laptop, but all failed and I would end up removing the battery for a second then put it back in.

    Then I found a way that worked. I right click the windows icon, then click shutdown. The screen goes black and I close the cover. The power light is still on, but then as always, I shut off the power strip that the laptop is plugged into and the machine is off.

  7. chiang mai,

    You might want to do some research on check valves.

    I just assumed my 3 inch submersable had a built in check valve. It doesnt and when I shut the pump off, it drains all the way back down the well.

    Google says the check valve should be just above the pump, but Im not about to pull the pump just for that.

  8. I just upgraded to Windows 10 and have the same problem as the op.

    The only way I can shut down completely, is to take the battery out and put it back in. Good idea or not?

    I looked at the weblink the op posted and it looks like something I could do. Only question is, after I follow the instructions, it says to restart the laptop. How do I do that?

    Sincerely, Z

  9. OK, Its been a few days and heres my report.

    I took my laptop to a shop and had them upgrade to W10. (400 bht). Took the guy 4 hours, so there is definately no way I could have done it!

    I got home and it was barely useable.

    The next day it worked ok, about as fast as before.

    I installed skype and got the little icon in the taskbar, (had to google what a taskbar was). The dam AVG is gone, thank goodness.

    Now, yesterday and today its working great, faster than ever.

    The stuff I do is very basic, (read newspapers, forums, facebook, email, youtube, and look up stuff, so I dont know if this is any benefit to me, other than being faster.

    I got a message from W10, telling me I should make chrome my default browser and add it to my taskbar, so it will be easier to find. Whats that all about, it already has an icon and is easy to use?

    Also, now I got rid of AVG, Im hoping W10 has enough virus protection. I googled it and as usual, I got conflicting information. Im very careful what I open and never watch porn, so I hope its enough?

    So, in conclusion, Im very happy with W10 right now and I thank everyone for thier help.

    Sincerely, Z

  10. Thanks for all the help everyone.

    Most of the posts sound like Greek to me, but Ive found in the past, if I take my time and use trial and error, I can figure stuff out eventually.

    Ill spend the next few days working on this and let you know how I make out.

    Thanks again, Z

  11. I tried both refresh and reset, but no luck. I got as far as, "some files are missing. your windows instalation or recovery media will provide these files".

    All the info on how to upgrade to W10 is way over my head. Ill have to find someone who has done it before.

    Thanks for the help


  12. My one and a half year old acer laptop is running really slow.

    I did a google search and it says its possible to do a reset that will return it to the condition it was new.

    It says it will wipe out all pictures, files, etc., but I dont have any of that stuff, so not an issue.

    I also hope it will get rid of avg anti virus. I think that may be part of my problems.

    I dont think I will be able to do this myself, so Ill have to take it to a shop.

    Is google right? Is this possible?

    Sincerely, Z

  13. chaing mai,

    I had the same problem. My shallow well pump worked great and always had plenty of water. Till this year! In Dec. the water level dropped and when it got down to 9 meters, I was out of water.

    A jet pump is the way to go, but like you, I have a 3 inch well. A jet pump needs 2 pipes down the bore hole and with the couplings they are more than 3 inches. They say there is a way of using a jet pump with one pipe down the well, but I havent seen one.

    I found a submersable pump that just barely fits my 3 inch bore hole and the wife and I installed it in less than 2 hours. Been 3 months now and Ive run it for over an hour, every other day, no problem.

  14. Im wondering if bloodwork test results vary from one lab to the next?

    Last year my PSA was 3.5 and this year its 3.09. The tests were done at different hospitals.

    Also, I noticed the normal ranges for some tests were different. Makes understanding the results a bit confusing.

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