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  1. I wonder how many foreigners are walking around bearing Tattoos in a language they don't understand with similar messages?
  2. And he replied, "Read my shirt."😉
  3. Are you a citizen of a country defending itself from an invading country? Would you go legs up and surrender? It's called cowardice in face of the enemy. Vance spent six months in Iraq as a military journalist and did not see combat.🤨
  4. Disability my arse. His disability is his arrogance and ignorance. The citizens of the USA must be saying to themselves "What have we done?" Good old Uncle Sam has now become deranged and people are wondering about the damage he may inflict on the country. He is dangerous. Unless people kowtow to him he won't respect them. All he cares about is the deal. A snake oil salesman. Sorry USA. You made your bed, hypnotized by the razzamatazz, now the chickens are coming home to roost.
  5. She put up a good fight. Bang him up for assault.
  6. I attended a house blessing ceremony where the daughter of the host was wearing a Sex Pistols 'Never mind the <deleted>.' shirt. The monks nor anyone else seemed to mind or understand it. Much the same as the woman wearing the Nazi shirt.
  7. I did comment on Tim's website TNT if some of his shirts were made with offcuts from a curtain maker.🙂
  8. There are exceptions of course. Females don't sweat. They glow. I wouldn't know about the inbetweeners and don't intend to find out.😉
  9. Light shirts if eating out somewhere a bit special or t-shirts as a rule. Wife-beater singlets? Never in forty years that I've lived here. Who wants to be next to someone with sweaty armpits?
  10. I'll drink to that. Hic!😉
  11. Talk. With the advent of the internet.😉
  12. When I was a boy growing up in London while my father was away fighting WW2, I got into mischief like many kids. My mother warned me that if I didn't behave, I would end up in Borstal 'young offenders prison' and get the birch. It was the threat of the birch that may have curbed me. Perhaps this medievil punishment should be reintroduced for some crimes as the threat of prison, certainly in the UK, doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.
  13. As the late Night Owl, Bernard Trink used to say, "T.I.T." This is Thailand. Go with the flow.
  14. I nearly did the same thing while driving my Mini down Kings Rd, Chelsea in 1961 while ogling the girls in their minis. Ah, those were the days.
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