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Everything posted by teeyai

  1. 👍 It'd be Good if All Reports of Deaths started with this. You see some real Uncompassionate & Thoughtless Comments Sometimes .
  2. That,s really interesting to Me as i,ve been on Statins for 3 years now and have been Back and forward to the doctors having so many issues with nerve pains but never put the two together . Plus the Doctors have never mentioned that as a possibility. I,m Definitly gonna look into the possibility further.
  3. There,s been loads of it in the uk. i,ve had a seriously bad lung infection since early December and know many many others Who Report the same also . unlike anything i,ve ever had. i,m waiting for results of a ct scan on lungs at the moment. also had covid 3 weeks ago which started with sore throat . respitory Infections seem to be more extreme since the whole covid thing .
  4. I'm guessing someone told Him You could live like a King on £500 for 3 months over there
  5. Win the goose that lays the golden Egg. Throw the Peasants some Crumbs for Popularity.
  6. ???????????? The Police come from the Poor rural areas and are basically Red Shirts So Ofcourse thats,s where He,s Ended up . basically His own Castle! Just like Escobar when He ended up in His own Prison.
  7. I can only talk from My perspective but I used to live in Thailand and Having no job etc to get up for Leaves Me feeling Worthless. Living in England I get up for Every day which gives me a sense of purpose. Perhaps helping out a Charity or Orphanage etc May give a sense of Purpose . Just a Thought .
  8. If He meant it He wouldn't be saying it now. He,d wait till He was in Power. Ill Advised Pre Election Promotion.
  9. Wow Your Parents Must be so Proud to have raised such a fine Human Being
  10. The average educated Thai is about as intelligent as your average Non educated Farang So not such a boast Really
  11. (he's a damn cocaine dealer ! he deserves what's coming.) If You Drink, Smoke or Have any friends that do or sell it, What a massive Hypocrite You are
  12. Second That ... Paul Always got the Job done for Us regarding Visas Even when so called Easy One ripped Us of .
  13. Konaboy , My Son is 15 , Has been living in England for 6 years ,speaks both Thai and English and is Studying to be a Programer, The Top in His Year and one of the top in The Year above. I Strongly Believe Teaching Others what You're Learning Helps Ingrain it in Your into Your own Mind So if You can do it online ( Zoom etc ) Let Me know .
  14. We done Ours in December 2020 . Not Fast Track and it was back in a month .
  15. What Country you in ? If England you have Thai food direct in Letchworth,Hertfordshire . They have a website.
  16. ???????????? My Thoughts Exactly
  17. cashplus Mastercard , I have used it for around 10 years for all online shopping and linked to PayPal also . and it even improves your credit rating .
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