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Posts posted by LazyCat

  1. Look you want the best you pay for it. You want excellent surgeon at cheaper price you can find them too. In your husbands case if he doesnt want any physical plastic changes then he needs to see an ENT ear nose throat specialist if he wants plastic surgery and to fix those problems too and cheap then go to Yanhee. Even cheaper are the public hospitals but im guessing your not thai. An experienced plastic surgeon can fix his plastic issues and fix his functional issues too and make sure to CLEAR AND CLEAN the sinuses so he doesnt get headaches anymore.

    yes I read your thread about the surgery you had, we just don't have so much money as you do to spend on beautification besides we are just looking for a healthy upgrade to the nose... he lived withthat nose for 14 years and I don't think I will love him more of he will have other nose... so just septoplasty is what we are looking for... we went to Bamrungrad and talked to a nurse she reccomended us 3 doctors but none of them that you have mentioned in your post... I am not thai but I do speak thai and I know that some of the doctors in ENT in Bamrungrad they also have a practice in other places...

    anyhow I do understand that health is not something you save your money on but I would like to have a reasonable priced procedure from a qualified surgeon rather than overpaying for posh facilities.

  2. my husband needs this op to be done as well I am afraid it's going to hurt a lot and he will be in pain after the op... I wonder where should we go for the best result, he doesn't need much plastic result but he has same case as technocracy it has to be done since he can't breath normally and it affects him during his sleep and also he gets a lot of headaches because of this....

    We do not have insurance that will cover this op so the cost is also very important as well at the result, so if any of you had it done in Bangkok please suggest where to go for best value for money...

  3. today I have stumbledacross this workshop in Emporium many brands of sewing machines elvira elna janome bernina... some are below 10 000 bht.. but now I really don't know if any of them will be equally good and thai sales girls say any of them will do anything you like

    so confused !

  4. Reimar your directions are they fror Bangkok or for the place where you live? Atsadang Road doesnt ring any bells for me.... at all... cou.dyou let me know what are the price range for those 2nd hand machines?

    I live in bangkok and I was hoping to get a good machine that would take jeans material without a problem I don't need the embroidery type...I have seen once JAnome booth with machines for sale here ( some special promo action with really good prices ) but had no time to stop and ask the sales girl about where is their main showroom and next time they were gone already ...and I tried to call Janome to ask of whereabouts of their showroom they have told me they do for export only....

  5. I don't really know if any lady here uses one but I would like to spend my free time trying to make something for myself ( probably because there is not much clothes my size in stores and all those taylors when see the design I want just say oooo nooo only suits ! ) well the problem is I don't know where to get any sewing machine... I have seen them some time ago being sold at Emporium but the prices were around 30 000 bht.... and honestly I would like to practice or try out first before I buy, so if you know where can I find a dealer like showroom that can show me the use of each model and recommend what's right for me that would be great...or maybe a place where I can come and use one for some payment ( my friend told me that she has done this before but it's been ages )

  6. HI

    I do my borsh like this

    you need beetroot, carrot, potato, cabbage, onions, garlic, dil and parsley and beef broth, with or without meat. ( proportions like on that site or just for your own mesures there should be about the same ammount of each veggy exept onions, garlic, dil and parsley those are used just for flavour so 1 big or 2 small onions, and 1-3 pieces of garlic (not heads! just pieces ) )

    all veggies I cut in small cubes maybe 0.5cm each side, but you can cut anyhow you like as long as it's not too big ( exept cabbage you just cut it in not too fine strips ) keep dill parsley and garlic to add at the end of the process...

    When you get the beef broth ready you can take the meat out or keep it in the broth to become more soft, put all of the potato ( cube cut) and let it stay on a low flames ( it should not be boiling just thinking about boiling :o ) then take the beetroot ( cube cut ) place it on the pan ( low-med heat ) with a bit of oil ( your choice just to make sure it won't stick to the pan ) when it's a bit fried, add a cup of broth that's cooking at the moment with poteto in it ( just add the stock not potato :D ) and simmer the beetroot until almost ready on the pan, when beetroot is almost ready place the contents of the pan into the stock, you get yourself an empty pan again...place some oil ( just a tiny bit) and carrot, do the same as the beetroot, fry a bit ( it will have a bit of golden ( NOT BROWN ) color to it) then add broth and simmer till the carrots are almost cooked, and place them too into the broth , now it will look like borsh already all red in color, place the chopped/cut cabbage into it, cover and let it simmer, at this point you take onions ( cube cut ) and fry then on the pan till light gold and place them into the soup... try it it should be almost ready ( potatoes and cabbages should be soft but not falling apart )

    now here you can place the tomatoes ( but I don't like them so it's ok to not place them as well ) if you are going to put tomatoes you should first put them into the hot boiling water and take the skins off then chopp them in and place into soup after 5 minutes try your soup again it's almost nearly done ( you should have placed salt into the broth and it should be already almost nice in flavour and the color should be very rich... ) if you feel that all your ingredients are ready to eat turn off the heat, take the garlic finely chopped or sqweezed through that garliñ squeezing thingy, and add it to the soup ( yes it is now ready and should not be on heat but it's hot enough to take the flavour of the garlic ) let it sit under cover 10-20 minutes let it have a good aroma and then...

    just put it on the plate and you can all dill and parsley finely chopped if you like ( or not to add if you don't ) you can add sour cream like 1 spoon into a plate, if you had meat in your borth you should take it out of the borth and cut it in peices and now add into the plate, so that each and every plate has enough meat in it, if you were using a bone for a broth the broth would have been just very good but then no meat :D well i hope you will get it right, maybe not the first time and I am sure it's very easy !

    I hope my explanations are understandable... this way of making borsh is very easy ( dificult only to explain ) it's also very quick since all hard cooking veggies are pan fried and simmered, and because they are pan fried separately then the color should stay very good on veggies and in the soup ( some soups have all veggies colored red because beetroot was cooked by boling in the broth ) and because you add garlic in the end it will have very fresh and mild flavour...

  7. yeah Panipa on Ekkamai 19 is good and cheap on all kinds of treatments, I go there mostly for wax ( fast 4 hands wax "all over" never costs more than 1000 ) but I don't go there for manicure or pedicure.... for that I go to Nails grande, they are also on Ekkamai near Sherber and Curve night clubs, the place is just FAB spa pedicure there is the best and I am wiling to pay 600 or 900 with massage it's worth the money...

  8. I live on tonglor and would like to know where to go for a good haircut and maybe color... since I am naturally ash blond thai hair masters never give me a good color job, either it will be too brigh or too dark also can't seems to find someone who will make a hair cut that would last and suit me, I went once by suggestion to one place on tonglor it ended up quite nicely, hair cut and color but I paid 7200!!! for a short bob haircut and a bit of highlights... that's too much for me to repeat... so if you know a great master please share !!!

  9. I am not thinking about making new insurance on my car, I have a 5 years old car, no accidents on my fault and only 3 accidents that are veeery minor that were not my fault in 5 yearsand no accidents in last 4 years at all...

    I am looking for a best place to make a 1st or 2nd class insurance, so if you can just write here the make of your car, insurance company and class, and how much you paid, it will be a great help for me to make an estimate on what it has to cost now...

    a year ago I was offered 12000Bt for 1st class insuranse on my Nissan Sunny I don't remember which company it was since I lost the sticker without even having a chance to place it on the window! :o

  10. If you go to the head office of the Land Transport department at Chatuchak and drive around behind it....


    And- easy to do by yourself- never needed Ms. Bino or another Thai as translator.

    Thank you ! that's what I call an answer to my post and hopefully to my problems!

    ( my car was also new ... once... it was 5 years ago :D and I had trouble free time till the show room that I have purchased my car in was there.. now they have sold the land and the office was broken down to the ground :o so I have to do eeverything myself )

  11. HI I also want natural delivery but I am afraid to do it at home it is not most pleasant place for me since I am just a guest of my mom's what are my options??? I am now looked at in Bumrungrad where I delivered my first baby but with second one I really want it to be as soft and natural as it can be for me and my baby.

    I've heard from a couple of sources that Samitivej is the best you'll find in Bangkok - for closest to a natural birth. So worth looking at I think, to see what you feel. When are you due?

    EDD is on 1st of april and the problem is that I don't know who is the doctor to do this because last time I went to Samitivej I visited 2 ob/gyn and none of them had a natural delivery not once in their practice !!! that was really strange for me... so if I will go there again I want to see the doctor who actually does this at least 30% of the time... Natural Active labor....my Bum doctor is going to be very surprised when I'll tell him I want to switch hospitals! But I really want it to be different this time ( better )

  12. I don't know if tis helps but when I travel with my baby ( we have had about 8 long flights and I don't count how many short ones in her 2 years and 2 months time ) I try to keep her up awaike all te time before we get into the plane AND hungry... as the plane starts to take off I give her to suck on the bottle it really helps with avoiding ear pain from changing pressure, so she will feed and then fall asleep because she is tiered, and I try to repeat the trick with feeding on landing to also let her ge smootly with the changing preasuure... it helped me at all times.

  13. The scan would have to be read by a competent neurologist...............So if you do it, be sure to have a well qualified neurologist read it.

    this is the part where it gets to be interesting... where can I find a competent one??? My husband has all the symptoms of intracranial preassure we went to Bamrungrad ( I go there for my pregnancy...not completely satisfied but at least it doesnt remind me of a hospital much more like hotel ) and the doctor that looked at him ( just looked no tests whatsoever ) said nothing is wrong!!! we paid the visit fee and did not get any answers!!! it's crazy ... it gave us no resolution just spent time and money. I don't want to repeat this with my kid, I would really lke to go to tha DOc who is professional enough to actually see if there anything is wrong, read the results and interpret them to me not just say "oh! you are walking?? so it's mai pen rai !"

  14. this was the question I asked when first time pregnant, I ended up delivering at Bamrungrad paid 52000Bt it seemed to be good with minor dislikes.

    Doctor was really nice all the way? only when it was the end of his working time he really decided to rush things I was placed on monitors, and when I was ready to push the baby was sqweezed out of me with help of a nurse ( in some countries it's not legal to rush things buy pressing at the belly , said to have some side effects for the baby ) anyway I was quite happy.. only this time pregnant again and I really want NATURAL not pseudonatural delivery....

  15. I had my baby home-delivery in the UK and I hired a "doula" to help me through. The whole experience was awesome and the doula was incredible. I just Googled "doula Thailand" and a few results do come up. Perhaps you organise your delivery at home either with a doula or experienced mother or holistic caregiver and just have the route to hospital well planned just in case you need medical intervention. You may even be able to have your obstetrician at home if they are willing...

    Being strapped to a bed and being induced etc is a very negative experience compared to the bliss and "peace" that can be experienced when nature rather than doctors is allowed to become the leader in child birth.

    Please let us know what you choose and how you get on.xx

    thanks for the advice... but for me home delivery is out of the question... I am just being a guest here at my moms house and really 3 days in hospital I had last time after delivery were the best 3 days of my life.. we were all together with my husband and new born baby in one room and we asked not to be bothered ...so quiet and nice I don't get that much at my mom's place...I guess you can find doula in Bangkok but from what I heard they just give lessons on delivery and work with hospitals (meaning the delivery is still IN the hospital )

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