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Posts posted by Siam_superfly

  1. Please post all congrats and praise to the Australian cricket team on retaining the Ashes and the humiliation of the English cricket team.....

    We all know that this will happen, so why not get in early with some good words for a great performance..... :o

    Also please stop Lampost throwing himself of a tall building....as it makes to much of a mess !!! :D

    Sorry , just had to look at Siam's legendary post one more time.


    Yeh... thanks Pie Boy...

  2. [Lampard (coward)....Still waiting for ur PM  :D ......or shall I send u a white feather..... :o

    Why should I have time for you? You're the only Ozzie on TV that hasn't congratulated the English team.

    Although I did hear through the grapevine, that the manager of a team of performing dwarves in Phonom Phen received a telegram congrtulating him on winning someones ashes. :D

    Whatever Lampard....

  3. If Australia makes it next year...u will be worried if u have to play us....we have nothing to lose....and u know that we can play....we are no easy beats

    My God Supermouth. You are good. You speak fluent <deleted> in all sports not just cricket and boxing. Well done mate. Ever thought of the " Guinness Book of Records"?

    You blokes oughta be pleased you got Fly to sling <deleted> at, now that the Ashes series are over Warnie and Co are out of the picture you Brits would go balmy if you couldnt unleash yer venom on somebody. Your it Fly, keep tossing those cow pats , maybe one of the Brits will manage to hit one and get covered in pong. :o

    Cant wait for the World Cup.... :D

    The Fly :D

  4. The whole cricketing world  ( and Lampshade) thanks Australia and England for a truly tremendous series. That was CRICKET at its best. Ihope superfly comes for a drink with me sometime. Without his wonderful predictions we might not have done it. As most of you know I have openened the Captain Cook pub now, so that us Poms and Ozzies can booze away the hours together. Well not me cause Idon't drink now.

    By the way, before the series started I predicted 2-1 to either Australia or England with two tests drawn because of the wheather. Not far off was I?

    Anyway it's over now, and well done the underdogs and unlucky Oz.

    Lampard (coward)....Still waiting for ur PM :D ......or shall I send u a white feather..... :o

  5. Please post all congrats and praise to the Australian cricket team on retaining the Ashes and the humiliation of the English cricket team.....

    We all know that this will happen, so why not get in early with some good words for a great performance..... :D

    Also please stop Lampost throwing himself of a tall building....as it makes to much of a mess !!! :D

    You know, you really are a <deleted> and a typically Aussie childish one at that. How d'you like it up ya? Vaughan should have declared way back in the last session just to humiliate you bunch of girls and make that poof Ponting eat his words. Oh well the best team one but it should have been 3:1 :D

    Apologies to the good Aussies out there for my earlier rantings. After reading the whole thread in one sitting a good rant felt like the right thing to do, but bringing myself down to fly's level seems a bit daft in hindsight. Ozzydom, yeah yesterday wasn't a good one and I did get out of the wrong side :o . Oh well, excellent series, roll on 007.


    jackr :D

    yeh...u should be...keep ur filth.....we got enough poms here now... :D and Lampard...

  6. OK I can say with some confidence that Australia will not win the FIFA World Cup , they may well get past the group stages but that would depend on who they were to draw.As for England - who knows with a bit of luck we may do well but we will have to wait and see.

    As for SiamSuperfool I can only think your fellow Australians must be very proud of you and your wonderful posts.


    PS Is it going to rain tonight Siam? Only my missus wants to put the Laundry out.

    well then, u will get wet if it does...

  7. Please post all congrats and praise to the Australian cricket team on retaining the Ashes and the humiliation of the English cricket team.....

    We all know that this will happen, so why not get in early with some good words for a great performance..... :D

    Also please stop Lampost throwing himself of a tall building....as it makes to much of a mess !!! :D

    You know, you really are a <deleted> and a typically Aussie childish one at that. How d'you like it up ya? Vaughan should have declared way back in the last session just to humiliate you bunch of girls and make that poof Ponting eat his words. Oh well the best team one but it should have been 3:1 :o

    Strong words ........hmmmm

  8. Please post all congrats and praise to the Australian cricket team on retaining the Ashes and the humiliation of the English cricket team.....

    We all know that this will happen, so why not get in early with some good words for a great performance..... :D

    Also please stop Lampost throwing himself of a tall building....as it makes to much of a mess !!! :D

    You know, you really are a <deleted> and a typically Aussie childish one at that. How d'you like it up ya? Vaughan should have declared way back in the last session just to humiliate you bunch of girls and make that poof Ponting eat his words. Oh well the best team one but it should have been 3:1 :o

    Come on Jackie.................................there's only one. All the rest have been taking as good as they give. But he'll learn. He's just a babe. Anyway the normal Aussie bunch on Thai Visa dislike him more than we do. I've been told.

    Yeah, I know ole mate, I shouldn't bight, but they had to have it. Had a brief read of this thread yesterday so I made up for not having inputted among the general banter previously with an all-encompassing one. :D

    JackAss...u only post now...hmmmmmmm

  9. What are we going to do when the Ashes are over?

    I'm seriously thinking about starting a website called Siamfair.com where it will be possible to lay a serious of outrageous bets i.e Aussies to win the Ashes 5-0 / Siam to shut his mouth etc etc.

    Well the bragging Brits have made a rod for their own back because ozzy sport is in winter recess so we can give you blokes <deleted> when yer poofy squillion pound under acheiving footballers(the fairy version of) get hammered. :D

    :o:D ...and I cant wait to read all their posts about how they hate all their own soccer players and managers after they lose......come to think of it, there is one now..and its not even the World Cup yet...

  10. Boxing !!....Ricky H has a win against Zu and u all think that he is the greatest on earth.....lets see how he goes in America....

    Can anyone see a trend starting to develop here? First it was the rugby world cup, Hatton demolishing Kosta tyzu and now the ashed, what next?

    Hatton did not demolish Zu....800 punches and Hatton couldnt knock Z u over...Zu was just not ring fit enoughon that night...but the best man won on the night and thats that.....

  11. Remember there's one thing Englishmen are, and that's gracious in defeat. We will not do an Aussie and go crying to mummy if the worst happens and we only draw the series.

    Yep,One only has to read the rantings of you Brits in this sports forum to understand where the Whingeing Pom reputation came from, so gracious as to go to matches armed with darts,flares, nails to prove to the opposing fans how gracious you are in defeat.get real Lamps, gracious losers dont get banned from sporting events.

    A man has been arrested by detectives investigating claims of death threats made to members of the Australian cricket team.

    Officers arrested the 32-year-old from Stoke-on-Trent after threats were sent to the players through an e-mail.

    It is believed the man was traced through his e-mail address.

    A police spokesman said a man had been arrested over making threats to kill. He has been released on police bail until 27 October.

    Another gracious Brit Lampy :o


    Sounds like the work of Professor Fart.....

  12. Lampard...after the Ashes, u could invite the Fly down to ur pub.... :D ....

    and maybe soi_lurker aswell, we would love to come to ur bar ( thats if ur doors are big enough to fit soi lurker and his biceps through)...

    In fact I bet you and Soi Lurker are the same person! I can imagine what you look like


    Thats funny Lampard...real funny.....ur drawing is that of a 5 yr old....and so is ur level of thinking !!

    Hmmmm....why dont u invite ME down to ur pub, and u will know that Soi_Lurker is not me.... :o

  13. If Australia makes it next year...u will be worried if u have to play us....we have nothing to lose....and u know that we can play....we are no easy beats

    My God Supermouth. You are good. You speak fluent <deleted> in all sports not just cricket and boxing. Well done mate. Ever thought of the " Guinness Book of Records"?

    Boxing !!....Ricky H has a win against Zu and u all think that he is the greatest on earth.....lets see how he goes in America....

  14. Fat guts Lampard...... u seem to be lost and without direction in ur "pork chop" life, now that the Ashes are coming to a close......what is it with u English.... there is more to sport than cricket and soccer.....

    I know; there's Darts, Pool, Snooker, Bat & Trap, Cribbage, Dominoes, Nine-pins, Shove'alfpenny, .

    Bet you are a genuine all-rounder, and can talk <deleted> in all those. :o:D:D:D

    Not to forget those great English sports of bog snorkeling and cheese rolling. :D

    (where exactly do you shove a 'alfpenny?? :D )


  15. Oh oh oh....we beat England (remember).....and we will make it to this World Cup....

    Oh yeah, must have slipped my mind considering it was like 2 years ago in an all important friendly.

    If u had won, u'd be letting us know about it....but u didnt, u lost and u lost like dogs, and u will lose in this World Cup...u cant even beat N.I ......

    If Australia makes it next year...u will be worried if u have to play us....we have nothing to lose....and u know that we can play....we are no easy beats

  16. sorry lampard

    couldnt resist it


    say it loud, say it proud :o

    Lampard, I laughed when I saw that post from L J, but not as much as when I heard that England had dropped a World Cup Q ..... :D

    Yes great wasn't it. We beat the English. I still would like to see England qualify though, because I don't think we would stand much chance in the world cup real. Unless of course we drew Australia

    Lampard...ur on drugs....

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