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Posts posted by KonaRain

  1. Amazing stories..having to take care of aging Mom in Australia..


    On f.b. we have to be careful of making statments that would get us unfriended..by people I don't even know..musical acossiates of old friends. I've seen women's comforters on beds, selfies, whatever..

    many people post things online that could be bragging, but its o.k...

    I'm dirt poor in Hawaii, but hope to begin eco-tours on my land..aloha to all!

  2. One of the gentleman said that tranferring the funds to a stock account..even while buying no stock, would be a way to repatriate your money..if I recall accurately.

    Is there a way to make money by buying another currency that is pegged differently..such as dollars to baht to sterling..or swiss franks..or aare they all relatively equal.

    Just wondering..not to hijack the thread..

    Aloha to All

  3. Best way of protecting assets from a wife.

    Keep it in a bank account in another country, preferably one she doesn't have a VISA to visit, and don't tell her the money or the account exists.

    Careful, one day She'll find a bank statement..bam!

    Keep it online, maybe ANOTHER email account..with an easy to remember password, initals and birth date numbers work well..Aloha

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