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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. Earth climate has always been changing in Cycles ,, it was much warmer than now in Europe 5000 years ago and it was much colder in in 16th century,, and if it is caused by human industrial activities in last 200 years its a drop in the ocean Its all needless panic and manipulation to allow politicians , big business to rip us all off and give them more control as if we can really do anything about it ha ha Its a natural cycle ,, might as well try affecting gravity or the Sun i have worked in 50deg temperature in ME and im ok in 5 year time there will be a new craze to scare and manipulate the public .
  2. Legal system and political structures in Thailand are just coming in line with their bosses in Beijing
  3. What could possibly go wrong?? .....hmmm Thai programmers hmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Not leaving negative reviews is immoral, and cowardly, I give praise when its due and criticism when appropriate,, other wise how will anything ever change ,, as to Thai Libel laws ,, so what ,, pathetic .. its just bullying and intimidation and needs to be defeated , I was in Bangkok a few weeks ago and gave negative reviews to 2 hotels rated 5* when they were at best 3* due to shabby rooms , poor breakfast , lack of advertised facilities etc
  5. having had Severe mental health issues since I was a little kid I sympathise with anyone afflicted by whatever issue they have ,, The chances of successful treatments and cure is extremely low ,, in my experience especially under the British NHS and going to expensive private Shrinks, Therapists is a lottery ,, some are good but have no answers others are charletans or just doing it for a good salary . Some of the drugs help but are at best sticking plasters,, I am now 65 and the demons can well up and envelope me at any time with crushing negativity and suicidal or very self destructive behaviour ... I really thought as as a young man that one day I would be free of this monster lurking in my mind ,, alas at 65 its still there and Im finding it more difficult to deal with as I age , as my logic , hope and experience of life tells me Im not going to ever get better ,, its odd because im very solvent , educated and successful with great family and friends and choices that few people have and yet my life is dominated by the monster in my own mind that ruins everything , stops me being happy and content and the pit is always open to fall into ,,,,most of my friend are amazed im still alive and they were saying that when i was young ,, ,, Im always on the edge and now older my mental strength to fight it is lower ,, I ahve been in ICU 5 times in 50 years for Suicide attempts and survived , i could go over the edge again tonight, Tommorow ?? who knows ,, When those guys tried to steal my bike last week i did not give a <deleted> , just piled in could have been killed but maybe that would be doing me a favour ... when I worked in Offshore and military support and things went bad people would observe that I was always the first to jump in to fix or start emegency procedures and it seemed I was being proffessional and cool headed , hmm , not true I just thought what the hell I dont care about myself if i die so i should take the big risks to help other people ,,,, i get moaned at even whilt being praised Bosses, Family , friends , even the cops and fire service in UK for running into a burning building in UK to save out 2 complete strangers before they had arrived , I have always had this self destructive side I was first put in a mental institution in UK at aged 8 I really wish I could just get some real help and peace ,, but most of the time im hiding my true feelings and frustrations and anger just to try and fit in .
  6. Go to land office and get a 30 year USUFRUCT on land and house , then you have some real security
  7. Brake fluid is Hydroscopic after few years water is then in the fluid , the brake gets hot from use and hey presto NO Pressure as its pushing on air and water ,, seen it on ill prepared race bikes , and once on My Ducati in Chaing Mai when I was barreling around the hills hard and my rear brake got so hot it boiled half the fluid water , and air in the rear and failed ,,, a proper rebuild and new brake fluid and bleed and all has been good ,, In Thailand Brake fluid should be a regular service item ,, and maybe more often than Europe due to the heat and humidity here
  8. To the doubters , ,, im perplexed ,, proffesional bike thieves operate everywhere ,, I am not a joker , This was bloody serious <deleted> and I hope It does not happen to you ,, the cops have confirmed that the gang were known to them for stealing bikes for spares ,,usually scooters but now big bikes are also on the menu , i am wired a bit tight and have issues , which means if someone does piss me of I am likely to go OTT even if its not a great idea,, I am not a MMA or Martial arts expert but have always been a dirty street fighter as all my work around the world has taught me how to survive , been stabbed twice , in Uk but truthfully get a life you guys ,, hope your bikes are safe
  9. chain them to a busted Jetski at low tide and let the tide do its job
  10. Sunday out for a ride was in a 7-11 and someone bumped into me , did not realise at the time but they were after my Bike keys , they did not get my keys but later I found out he had pick poketed my Credit card wallet and phone . i paid for my item and aphone top up and went outside to be confronted by 2 Thai guys trying to Jemmy the lock on my bike and push it away ,, Immediately went into attack mode , and as im 65 and they were under 30 and possibly armed I was as brutal as possible ,,hit one in the throat he went down with bike on top of him , the other i got in a headlock and choked him out ,, Some bystanders helped me but a couple were trying to help the Thai guys ...Cops arrived ,, ambulance called for the perps and cops found 2 more round the corner with a pickup and another stolen bike a Honda Cbr650 Spent a few hours at the police station , the Thai cops were trying for a payday as they were trying to accuse me of using excessive force in the protection of my property ,,but after my getting advisers on the phone the cops backed off ,,, i am Ok apart from a graze and a pulled muscle in my shoulder ,, One of the perps is still in ICu as when I throat punched him the bike fell on him and the clutch lever seems to have hit his throat again , The other 3 are in lockup one needed an overnight stay in hospital after I choked him out ,, I dont fight fair as Im old now and these Thai guys fight in packs . Bike needs new Immobiliser coil and key switch , lucky its not scratched as the body of the perp cushioned it ha ha Oh yes when the perp I choked out was examined , my Credit card wallet and phone was in his pockets I am sure I will hear more about this soon
  11. i have stopped smoking blow as its causing me to cough too much and I have really gone off smoking so am finding Cannabis Gummies a great alternative but quality is erratic and many are only CBD so no kick just a good nights sleep but sometimes I want a real buzz my other rant is pricing i moaned about this earlier this year when i pointed out that Legal dope in Thailand is Double the price of Illegal UK ????? wtf I have found that if you get out of Bangkok or pattaya or any tourist spots the prices of grass is often only 30% of the tourist prices ,
  12. I have been dragged to some nandos in UK by gushing friends and family and all i can say is Nandos food is crap, bland and tasteless end of and i love spicy Thai, Indian and Good malay food
  13. Phillipines definitely worst food in the world unless your an eskimo ,, worse than anything in the other 65 countries i have been ,, and Pinay girls yes mostly well educated but their RC religion makes them stupid and time bombs and the country is not user friendly I have worked and lived there ,,,most thais have the intellectual ability of a donut ,,
  14. When the battery explodes like a 500kg bomb and the subsequent fire is not extinguishable I reckon there will be some nice redevelopment plots in pattaya and of course the loss of a few tourists and peasant drivers wont hurt business
  15. All humans are potentially toxic , male or female ,, i starts with parents , then teachers , then bosses, fellow workers, friends, lovers, wives , your kids ,, education makes little difference , neither does race , Best to be a castle to yourself and be careful who you let through the gates
  16. There is an empty 2 Rai plot off Soi Buakao in pattaya was on Sale for 340m Baht now reduced to 288m baht in truth is only worth 70m baht . a similar plot was sold last November for 70m and its only 200m away they are building another soon to be empty hotel on the site . The market for property in Pattaya , Naklua, Jomtien , Bangsarey is DEAD , it was busy last year mainly Chinese , Russians and Thais but now zilch , lots of worried sellers ,
  17. When flights from Cheap to land at UTapao were available to UK they were on average 8,000 baht or £180 more expensive than going to Bangkok terminals ,, as far as I was concerned that was not justified,, and a rip off
  18. this is total balls the market is down , very few buyers of any type , prices are slipping ,,who writes this trash the TAT ????
  19. My GF sold her crop of ripe durian 2 weeks ago for 280 baht a kilo she had around 200 of the things ,,, sold in Banchang markets she has another 100 ish still ripening she reckons she will make over 230k this year from durian
  20. there are 6 A340 sitting on tarmac and in hangers at Don Muang as well as 3 747 and they are all mothballed apparently the Thais have had good offers for these low mileage planes but wanted too much for them ,, so their mothballed fleet is considerably larger than otherwise stated other issue is that Thai offers are not competetive compared to peers
  21. i have a Z900 2022 its excellent
  22. Xenophobic anti foreigner rules applied only to benefit the elite it will never change ,, and yet rich Thais own huge estates in UK one has 3000 acres next to Windsor castle
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