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Everything posted by liddelljohn

  1. I m rich so i have no friends only ''hangers on''
  2. Beware HJC helmets in Thailand YES they are Genuine but I have a size 60 FS10 in UK which fits perfectly and i also have another FS10 I bought from The biggest helmet dealer in bangkok and its also a size 60 ,, but they are not same the UK one is 13mm long in the face area for western heads , The Thai market one is smaller its not as comfy .. Apparently they have a shell size for the west and a smaller shell for Asian heads
  3. My License for car and bike is due for renewal in March 24 but I wont be in Thailand then ,, spoke with Transport office in Pattaya and they said no problem , it can be done up to 6 months after expiry date ???? is this true ????
  4. im currently using NORD but TBH its not good its very slow when I used it in EU and its even worse here in Thailand for streaming TV ,, so im testing out some others but it seems onec you commit to buy they seem to get throttled
  5. If the electronic passport gates work as well as the ones in UK airports , be prepared for a very long extended holiday in Thai airports
  6. During Human History Millions of Children and other inncocents have been murdered in the name of gods, or politics or greed or empires or by unelected kings ,,it matters not as its human nature and will never ever change
  7. No one cares let them all kill each other then we can have peace <deleted> all these idiots who believe in meaningless fantasy gods ,, the only real god is nature , the universe , mathematics and science
  8. A lot of Thais have told me that ''Helmet make hair look No Good ''!!!!! I tell them your hair will look bad when its covered in Blood and brains !!!! they dont care
  9. RICH !!!! as in Spirit,, Wisdom ,, personality,, or just a loads of money person ????
  10. Misprounouced ''I want to eat shellfish a few times and seen a look of either horror or a smile on waitress's face ,, say Phom Dongan Kin Hoi correct tone and thats I want to eat shellfish like , mussels ,etc say it with wrong inflection on ''Hoi'' and it means I want to eat your pussy!!!!!!!!!!! got me a couple of nice girlfriends ha ha
  11. Got the required Visa no using my EU passport ,, so all sorted ,,,,,
  12. My criticism and anti EV stance is not political,,,, Its based on Knowledge , Science and engineering , and what I have seen in real life .
  13. many years ago my brother took his Ford Mondeo company cars to have a service at ford dealer , he got it back and after a week he thought it was gutless , we looked under the bonnet and instead of a 2l engine it had a much older 1.6l in ..this was in Brighton in 1998 needless to say it all got nasty
  14. some plastic sheet and masking tape seems the best option ,, gaffer tape will wreck the paint work as its so sticky and its a pain to remove .. Bikini top might work too ..
  15. he will get the rope for that in Nippon , but he will be waiting a few years in the Pen
  16. you should read what I said ,, Barclaycard says the transaction technicaly looks fraudulant by the way it is structures,,,, NOT my suggestion
  17. Im only saying what the Barclaycard lady told me she said it does not look like a normal transaction and the bank it goes to in Thailand is not Kasikorn but some kind of private bank by the codes none of the major Thai banks for sure ???? anyway I dont care either way ,
  18. Lack of confidence in Vaccines is due to peoples Lack of intelligence and Lack of education ,, but Darwin awards all round ,, The Science is good but conspiracy theories , politics , moron media and religion means its Darwin awards for the idiots and thats ok ,, too many people on this planet so mother nature culls a few so what ,,
  19. carried Swiss army knives all over the world never had an issue
  20. Got my £60 money back by getting on to Barclaycard and telling them what happened ,, they called some admin who checked the transaction and are cancelling it for me ,on the basis that they have not delivered a contractual service where i have complied with international regulations . Interestingly the payment goes via Hong Kong Kasikorn bank in a convoluted way to a different bank in Thailand, not Kasikorn and technicaly looks like a fraudulant transaction ,TIT , I may have a solution I have an EU passport and its got 9 years validity I think I can apply using my EU address as its an E visa so no post involved
  21. Normal metal pellet .177 / .22 airguns need a firearms permit in Thailand .thats definite .. the bb plastic or metal replica guns , are a grey area ,, lots on sale are they legal,, not really ,, even archery equipment is questionable outside of legal regulated clubs ,,, As usual Thailand laws are confusing
  22. At time of entry I will have 6 months and 29 days ....
  23. Bad news they have rejected my application saying my passport has less than 6 months which is a lie it has 7 month and 18 days ,, im furious and I have just been ripped off for £60 What the hell am I supposed to do now
  24. Finally managed to get it all the way through to payments and accepted but thats a total of 4 hours over 5 days and 27 attempts ... , Phew need a drink now ....
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