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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. I just don't get into fights, haven't gotten in one since i was around 18. Wonder why others get into fights so much that they want weapons.

    You are into weights,probably body building,so I guess your quite well built.The Thai's may therefore think you're able to handle yourself,even if your not,this would lead the Thai's to giving you a wider berth. For the Farangs who are of slight build or getting old, to some Thai's,especially if there are other Thai's around, you will be perceived as easy.

    Against civilians annoyed at a loudmouth farang etc yes.

    Against some ya-baa <deleted> out to rob you it's not likely to be Thai Rak Thai anymore.

  2. Police forces around the world always advise not to resist during a street robbery. Reading news reports of robberies in Pattaya, victims are only injured when resisting a street robbery. My wife was robbed in a street attack in Malaysia, did not resist and wasn't injured. The local police stated tourists are sometimes severely injured when resisting and she was correct not to resist.

    What is so different in Thailand that posters are saying arm yourself and fight back?

    Well mankind has been arming themselves ever since we first fashioned tools to protect against attackers so I don't see now being any different.

    Also in the USA and other sensible places they do say you should fight back with all your might and not cower down like a dog. :)

  3. Knifes,guns and other obvious weapons are illegal to carry in Thailand,however a large spray can of Raid can be carried and will be a pretty good deterrent to being attacked.

    As long as the attackers are not wearing helmets that is.

    What to do to protect yourself if you are just taking a stroll at night is not easy to say,most people let their guard down when on holiday.

    Where does it say they are illegal to carry?

    The cops sell them to you <deleted>! :)

    Batons are ok, pepper spray is ok, knives are ok.

    I normally carry pepper spray and a baton (foldable). Had to use the former twice on rabid dogs :)

    Don't listen to the liberals on here who say you shouldn't do so they are living in fantasy land...

  4. Ok kid, here it is.

    All these silverback men telling you how cool they are with kids and Thai wives / GFs etc etc are nearly all baby-boomers in their 50s and 60s. They might as well be from another time and era compared to either my or your generation and act very differently.

    So take what they say with a cool head.

    My advice to you:

    Live with her for 3 - 6 months. See if you actually get on together first. At least that way you don't get deeper into a situation

    Don't try bringing her back to Germany unless you are dead-set on it. I see you ending up in tears after a few years.

    Firstly, Asian women in nearly all the cases I've seen do not like to live in Europe for any length of time.

    Outside of holiday visits the climate, culture and lets face it the fact you will get stares and possibly hassle for dating outside your race in Germany by the racists. Those racists are your fellow Germans though so try and remember that!

    If you can handle all that then go for it.

    Personally I think this kid is too young and basically head-over-heels with this Burmese / My. girl.

    He's gonna do what he has to do anyway but

    You guys encouraging him and back-slapping etc need to pull your head out your asses though. This is the 21st century, not the frikkin post-war boom!

    • Like 1
  5. You have a problem with the ladies ?. coffee1.gif

    Why? Over a period of 11 years, no big deal.

    Have 3 children with two of the Thai women who visited with me Europe

    and I am more or less with three of the 4 who visited me still in contact even relationships.

    Living with one permanently, most of the year.

    Next week, good possibility that I sleep,have Sex with all three in a weeks time period.

    As one has bigger problems in her new 3 or 4? year relationship with a younger Thai man and went back to her families village with our son where I still have our (her) house in a renting contract and visit my son.

    No, I do not think I have problems with women, they maybe with my polygamy? rolleyes.gif

    You should ask the thousands of guys who change their Sex partners nearly every night in SEA, not me.wink.png

    Your setting a bad example with your bs. Maybe your part of Austria is cool with all that, but the places I visited wouldn't be too happy.

  6. Don't feed The Troll

    Thread after thread we hear about how much superior the West is to Thailand but have one word about how Thailand is better than an ex colonial power and you call me a troll? cheesy.gif

    You are sick mate always going after the UK. Do you have a problem with them. Seem a bit obsessed maybe similar to me and those old guy threads

    He's just another self-hating, anti-european white guy who likes to big-up Thailand at any chance they get.

    Not only are his kind the lowest of the low, they are also hypocrites typically.

    Probably a baby-boomer who draws on his tax-funded old-age pension each month...

    • Like 2
  7. LOL - this guy must have had a "sheltered" tour, because his "experience" seems to overlook a lot of things about a lot of the Indians that come here.

    And despite what his tour guide told him, it seems he is under the impression that most massage parlours are "seedy" (Over a period of four days and nights, as I criss-crossed Bangkok, I noticed hundreds of such parlours) - but he didn't notice any Indians going in/out of them though. Well, maybe it's because "happy endings" don't come (sic) for FREE ! Yeah, that's right. You can't even go into a massage parlour (for free) and watch a PAYING customer get a happy ending . You HAVE to PAY, and that, right there, is the PRIME reason this guy didn't see any Indians in the massage parlours, seedy or otherwise. (Though I don't know if you could actually pay to watch someone else get off. I'm going to guess that it's possible though.)

    I also guessing he didn't visit any of the clubs where Indians are charged a "membership" fee to enter, while pretty much everyone else is allowed to just walk in. (It has to do almost entirely with the way soooo many Indians want to go into certain establishments, watch the shows and play with the girls for hours, without buying a single drink, even for themselves ! And that is from personal experience, not local gossip and hearsay. Plus talking to various bar owners/mamasans/etc.)

    Last year I was in a beer bar on Walking Street with the owner. Group of 6 Indians sat at a table and one came over to the owner acting like they were old and dear friends, and then tried to get the owner to give them a discount (on the cheapest draft beer price, which was pretty much the lowest price on Walking Street already). "Look, I've brought 5 customers to your bar, how about giving us a discount on the 1 beer we may buy.") Yeah, the owner (Thai) wasn't going for it. Watched another guy sit in a go-go bar for over 2 hours playing with different girls until they got bored or had to go dance. When he left, he still had half his original drink on the table and hadn't bought anything else

    The "shows" this guy saw where "70-80%" of the audience was Indian ? Yeah, they are called the "packaged tour" shows. Go to a different club and "70-80%" of the audience will be (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/etc), all enjoying the 1 beer (or coke) included in the packaged deal. And like the other clubs, once their "allotted" time is up, that particular group follows their guide to the next venue (be it a restaurant, shopping mall, "cultural" show or whatever). I used to laugh when I'd see tour groups of elderly Chinese couples go into Polo (where "scantily" clad dancers would put on choreographed shows, some of which included a little audience "participation"). After an hour they'd leave and it seems quite often, they barely touched their 1 (coke or beer). Few minutes later another tour group would arrive.

    But go to a regular club where you actually have to buy drinks with your own money. How many Indians do you think you'll see in the audience then ? (Hint - the answer will usually be between very few and none).

    And it seems Indians tend to go "ballistic" whenever they are outside of India. India is such a sexually repressed country that despite making more movies every year than Hollywood, a movie that featured a short kiss between the lead stars made headlines around the country because it was the first time that had happened. It is a country were they protested and burnt effigy's of Richard Gere when he gave that Shilpa Shetty (a UK Big Brother <deleted>, er, reality, show winner) a kiss at an AIDS Awareness rally in India. (Google it, they were literally rioting in the streets). Indians were luring so many Nepalese women into India with promises of good jobs/salary and then forcing them into brothels and making sex slaves out of them, that Nepal actually had to pass a law forbidding Nepalese women from working outside of the country !

    I could write mini-novels on the stories I've heard and the things I've personally seen with regards to how Indians tend to act outside of India. And that comes from time spent in North America, Germany, Holland, the UAE and Thailand. (Not to mention working with a lot of Indians over the last 9 years.) Oddly enough, similar stories from all those places.

    But instead, I'll just write this off as another "expert" article written by someone with a whole what, week of experience ?

    And I guess you have never been to India. Bombay has a huge red light district. Indians like Thailand because the Prostitutes are so much prettier. Much the same reason as other tourists. Many Indians don't drink alcohol that's why they don't order drinks and often don't finish them.

    Indian women are ok, different looking to Thais, some better some worse.

    They have a reputation for being hairy though (down below etc).

    Less sex is available and they even closed down the dance bars which formerly served as an outlet for young men to hook-up with women.

    The Indian folk are unfortunately repressed alas, the ancient days of Ipsara's and sexy women on the prowl are long gone over there.

    that's what causes them to go a bit smothering on the women front when overseas.

    I've also noticed some tend to reek of curry and B.O. much more than farang folk.

    Still, they are a notch or two higher than the desert tribe arabs. That lot really are a nusciance.

  8. 'The attackers fired at least 50 bullets from an 11mm gun and carbine rifle – miraculously failing to hit their targets.'

    11mm gun? Must be new one the Thai's have cobbled together as I've never heard of that as an existing calibre

    Overall though I'm a bit impressed, the Thais are obviously upping their game when it comes to gangs, normally I've seen them to be street-kids on tiny bikes or emo's

  9. "The former US Ambassador to Israel predicts that war between with Iran is likely to occur in early 2013.

    Martin Indyk, the former Ambassador, said there may be about six months left to negotiate a solution that would avoid war but he thinks this is unlikely. Joining a roundtable of foreign policy experts to discuss the latest Middle East protests and Israels concern over Iran, Indyks predictions were dire."


    The industrial revolution occurred roughly around 1800s not "sparked by WW2"


    Bombing cities is not what it's about; it's about full employment, maximum production, maintaining order and the power structures with in society.

    Easier to rally people round a national cause/ threat than subdue a rowdy home populas; control through fear; look at 9/11 and how they managed to sell 1 tentatively linked another totally unrelated war already.

    World war depends on the other players but the west is certainly placing its military to claim what share of the worlds dwindling resources it can.

    Resource Wars are the long-term outlook the way things are going.

    WW2 was a bit different but the US did VERY VERY well out of coming out on top as the world superpower.

    Right now, unless the US get's it's act together then power is very likely to follow the passing of the sun west to China and Asia.

    The US doesn't have the political will to kick ass in it's own backyard though, and that will be it's downfall.

  10. London also has more sensible road systems without U-turns where vision is blocked by police signs turning them into black spots, flyovers that force traffic to filter into lanes of fast moving traffic, thousands of brain dead motor cyclists and utterly corrupt police.

    There is one way that London, in fact the whole of the UK would do well to copy Thailand. They should allow vehicles to do a left turn if it is safe to do so on a red light, it would help to keep the traffic moving as it does in both Thailand and America.

    Not every junction allows you to turn left. I, myself and other colleagues have been stopped by the bib after turning left on a red light. The problem is that some junctions you can , and some you cannot, but of course its a secret known only to the locals which ones you can or cannot - as there are very few signs. The same applies to multi lane carriageways where the left lane (only) is allowed to go through a red light - but again not all roads and only local drivers seem to know which you can and which you can't. About 100 metres outside my house there is a police traffic box next to traffic lights. It's generally accepted that you can drive through the red light in the left hand lane - however drivers unfamiliar with this area don't know that and when they stop at the red light (in front of the police box) - there are dozens of drivers honking their horns for him to drive through the red light. What the heck is he supposed to do - if theres no sign to say he can?.

    In my opinion red means stop and green means go - end of story! The bib here in Bangkok take great delight in taking fines from drivers for commiting an apparent offence when there are no roadsigns to notify the driver and it's as if the 'driver should have known - 'because all the others do (locals)'.

    I've only ever seen this 'no left-turn' crap in Hua Hin, for the explicit reason of conning farang and big city bangkokian's out of their hard-earned money.

    Before 2009 there was no rule against it in Hua Hin.

  11. I read the headline as...... "Police to collect more bribes from motorists"

    That and "Let's get Bangkok jacked-up for CCTV and big brother policing"

    No thanks!

    Bangkok, don't go western, you've already gone far enough with the police messing folk about with the express-way bs etc

  12. What a complete douche bag this guy is.

    When I read things like this I immediately think of my GF and how it could easily happen to her finishing late from work one night.

    It was exactly because of safety concerns that we decided after one week at a new job that she should leave. Finishing late at night at the end of a lonely isolated Soi with a long walk to the nearest motorcycle taxi stand. She didn't feel safe and I didn't want anything to happen to her.

    Get her a defence spray or tazer. Happy vibes and nice looks aren't protection alas...

  13. Mark my words... If we don't stop pampering to these Muslim idiots and start putting them in their place, 5-10 years down the line they will take over the world

    You mean they will usurp christians' perceived rights to rule the world, like they've tried to do since European empire building began?

    That's what worry's me the most. It's either one or the other, no middle ground with that lot.

    We European's have built this modern world and all it's fruits (with help from local 3rd worlders too) and unless you want a fundimentalist hell-hole in your precious expat world's you'd better wake the $%$^ up.

    Oh and btw you liberalist baby-boomer, self-hating European's are among some of the worst examples of humanity.

    The enemy without and the enemy without.

    European's have got both doses of medicine.

    • Like 1
  14. ......I arrived at my seat and found a large colored lady sat in it.

    ...and with this comment we have managed to be transported back a century

    ....thank you for flying Air Politically Incorrect, we hope you have had a pleasant flight.

    The good old days, I'd turn the clock back in a heartbeat to get the $£"% away from the lib-tards.

    Back on topic, everytime I've nicely asked (without begging) for an upgrade the answer is always the same, show us the money...

  15. Wonder how many females?

    Are you one of those who still thinks it's a gay topic? lol

    It got started by the gays so maybe it is? First it wasn't even called HIV or AIDS but GRID (Gay Related Immune Disorder), until to changed due to it spreading from bi-male to hetro-female back in the 80s.

    I can tell you for nothing that some people who supposedly have HIV have been misdiagnosed and shouldn't even be on the treatment.

    The treatment is harsh, some peoples immune system can handle HIV to the point where it won't take root!

    Getting HIV from a woman is very, very difficult unless you like the anal thing.

    One of the reason's for it being rampant in Thailand is the bi-sexual nature of some men who give it their girl-friends, mistresses etc.

    Wear condoms folks, not only for reducing the risk of HIV but also the other nasty things out there...

  16. Bitter long term expats ===== <deleted> ??? The problem is tourists waiting in their long lines. How will the tourists watching Thais whiz through special lines just for them create anything but resentment ??? Except to reinforce right off the bat that farangs will be treated as second class people here.... :-)

    The actual solution to this problem ?? HIRE MORE IMMIGRATION STAFF.......

    Actually most countries have special lines created for their citizens, its kinda a perk of being a citizen of that particular country, so absolutely nothing to do with Farangs/second class people..this is the same the world over.

    Not in the UK there isn't! You are EU subjects and all herded together due to the dim-brained glory's of socialism!

  17. Farang come here and expect to be treated like royalty. I was in Nakon Ratchisima and a farang yelled at the top of his lungs at a waitress. "Iv'e asked you for the salt twice now! I won't ask again!" Then he turned to his mates and said, "You have to know how to talk to these peasants."

    The Thai waitress did not understand English, but understood his belligerent tone well enough. I had just paid my bill at the Jolly frog--really good really cheap food to boot!

    The table behind him was in reach, and had salt and pepper shakers on it. I walked over. Knocked on the table so he turned, and pointed at the shakers. He was still swearing and I was still laughing as I walked out.

    Unlike the smug punter, I left a tip. licklips.gif

    The new generation of farang's are some of the worst I've ever seen. I'm glad I wasn't there as the farang might have had the pepper pot rammed where the sun doesn't shine! ;)

  18. Its not very clear on the video what happen actually ... I will say ..those security guard act like if they were policeman (come on they are only "guard" LOL) and maybe the foreigner was disturb by the heat and the baloons of the kid. Miscommunication for sure as those guards hardly speak english. I dont think its necessary to publish this kind of stuff no ?

    Don't know if you are aware but every time you step onto the BTS 'zone' you are under the guards jurisdiction.

    There's a big list of 'rules' at the entrance area's to the BTS. I and many farang carry pepper spray wherever we go.

    One of the rules of the BTS is 'no weapons' apart from cops and guards.

    Thankfully because this is Thailand the BTS is very laissez-faire about enforcing it, they want to keep the farang happy and not be like the draconian west.

    But with idiots like baldy with his balloons we might see the them start to crack down with mandatory searches etc.

    • Like 1
  19. There is one country that is missing from the intelligence services mentioned. Our friendly men in flip flops. This region is under the watchful eye of Australia (and New Zealand). The 5 Eyes see all, and I would expect that the Echelon structure was busy intercepting all manner of communications from phone calls, to faxes, to data transmissions.

    Basically, if a known terrorist sends an email from Bangkok to a buddy in Islamabad indicating that he's had a good bowel movement, chances are the Signals group will pick it up and the info will be shared between the 5 Eyes (USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

    And also shared with a sixth 'eye' called Israel ;)

  20. I know the Area well , to fast and to trusting of the road, the road is full of holes and there are many things that just jump out on to the road, buffaslow cats dogs Snakes people cars vans pick ups, But up to the rider, the locals call them body parts , because thats usualy what they end up like,

    What do they call body-parts? buffaslow cats dogs Snakes people cars vans or all of them ? :D

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