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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. Jesus Christ on his mountain!

    Please tell me you're not gonna wear that! :LOL

    Banana bike man cometh!

    You won't get hit at night wearing that, Bard, put him at the front :o

    This is going to a be manic bike trip ala Hunter S Thompson! I can feel it the way this quirky thread is going.

    Bring it on!

  2. Yep saw this on tv when I got home from touring. A shit death, I hope he was unconcious when they sawed his head off. My feelings are he's pissed off the wrong criminal gang and got pounced on OR he's in the narc industry and got taken out for whatever reason.

    The message was his last chance to communicate with 'Kath.'

    It's on the front page of the newspapers, a picture of his head just hanging there and behind held by a medic/doc.

    I hope his family don't see the pics, they'll be going through hel_l right now.

    It will be interesting to see what comes of this, if anything at all.

  3. Groove rider!

    Ok I survived the last part of my expedition into Isaan and I'm back at base.

    Thanks to CBRthai for pointing out the blown shock seal and letting me know about the Petchaburi bike shop, they fixed it after a saga and a half :o

    Got to go, I've 60 GIG of video data to cut, process and blast into the web for you all to groove to :D

    It will be a loooong week of geeking it for sure!

  4. most probably it was 10k baht/day

    who would risk stealing £600k for a fee few hundred £ ?

    Another Brit involved,talking about scum.

    There was no Brit involved, Romania and Bulgaria are the counterfeit capitals of Europe if not the world, if anything a Brit would have to use the services of a Romanian to acquire such technology.

    Ive lived in these countries and know what the people are like.

    A Brit hired those Romanians for 10.000 bat each.

    What a bunch of hokum, the Romanians have sung like a canary CLAIMING a brit hired them. But then they would say ANYTHING to divert attention and blame

    'It wasn't me, we're just the patsy's.'

    And yes whenever there is a fraud crackdown in the UK a majority of the times it's the eastern Europeans and Russians who are the ones behind it. Ebay phishing, credit cards and so on.

    I personally nearly got stung on this. Guess where the source was traced back to? Our Eastern Euro-trash friends..

    They are very good at cracking the technology in place to pull off this sht.

    If Brits try pulling it there less places to hide in the UK. Compared to the more protectionist countries like Romania etc for them to escape justice and return back to :o

  5. I'm still away from homebase (in Khorat Scouting about :o ) but as a prelude I will say the organisers were on the ball with this one.

    J. Gooding did his farang commander speech and issued a rallying cry to all bikers in Khon Kaen and beyond! :D

    Indeed, if it wasn't for near crippling and perpetual heat I'd buzz up to the city of Khon Kaen for living as it's got plenty of biker scenery, the girls, the bars AND loads of thai bikers who actually ride decent machines.

    The Thai commander was also decent and clever about the event as well, kind of reminding me of kato off the Green Hornet somehow.

    There were loads of cool bikes, lots more sportsbikes and the like.

    Sexy coyotes and showgirls buzzing about the stands.

    I left at 2100 hrs cause I was knackered from heat and the touring I'd done all week.

    But I got some pretty fruity images and videos.

    The ride to the school was cool, the tourist police were laissez-faire on the speeds, as long as we kept behind him. So that meant plenty of harrying and skirmishing after the petrol station from myself, the outlaw element and a renegade fazer :D :D

    One of the bikers slammed on the anchors too hard and cause the rider behind him to drop her bike, no damage though apart from a scratched fender.

    Ok I'm waffling without pics so I'll buzz out now until I get the report done properly!

  6. Remember the initial breaking story, but cannot remember how this other American Scumbag (as described) features. can someone enlighten me please

    Neither can I, I only assume he was at the scene when the little one was whisked away back into Stucks care??

    If you have his details and pics Stuck give me a PM, I'll name and shame the prick.

  7. According to the dealer I bought my bike off you can't sell directly to a farang unless you are a thai.

    Apparently this is to prevent unofficial farang dealerships springing up.

    I asked him how the heck I wanted to sell my bike onwards if another farang wanted it.

    His answer was simple, either use a thai wifes name OR sell via a dealership.

    It sucks if that's true cause the dealer will of course want his cut.

  8. If we fall off the edge it will be a wild and exciting ride for the singletons in some ways.

    But the families with kids are the ones who will have it sht.

    Being upwardly mobile and actually travelling to othe places to find work will become key (if you want to make decent money). For those bogged down in family grindstones and wives etc, they'll find it tough.

    I'm putting off any notion of having kids/family til' I'm 40 at the rate the world is going t*ts up :o

  9. Thanks for the databurst on this one.

    Believe it or not but I'm on a Hunter thompson-esque adventure complete with madcap accomplice right now and won't be coming in from the north or South! :o:D

    I'll be blasting in from the west, fresh from covering the mekhong river trail!

    I'm on a tight deadline. But I should be in town defo for the 21st! Don't grab the girls too early boys :D

  10. Glad I'm not in the North Sea on my 2 and 2 rotation now, BRrrrr!

    Videos are being ripped to the HDD as we speak. 10 GIG of road blasts in one 3ish hour leg from Khon Kaen to Nong Khai!

    My other biking buddy is a raging alky man! He's on the booze at 12 noon on arrival! Still at it now! Fcking drinking cyborg machine of a man! :o

    He'd better be ready to rock and roll early doors or I'm leaving his ass behind in Nong Khai the morrow :D

    Yes Neverdie I'm on a non-stop mission for the coolest groove riding experience to blitz the nets hallowed biking hallways!

    Hopefully it will entail mega speeds of 150 kph++++, corners and flying past things without ending up a cripple or in traction for 12 months!

    So far so good :D

  11. thinking about buying a jeep,

    i live up a dirt road and my car hasn't eneough ground clearence,

    have been looking at suzuki's but don't know wich is best,

    the carabean has 1300cc which sounds like it would grumble at the mountains

    but easier to find,

    the others have 1600cc,which would be perfect but they are harder to find

    and seem more expensive

    but i don't know much more,

    maybe someone has some comparisons or other solutions,

    i don't need much power or even 4 wheel drive,ground clearance is the issue,

    gaining ground clearance while keeping feul econmy,

    most of my driving is on the main mountain roads and highway,

    was also thinking of buying a nissan nv and puting higher shocks on it,

    i don't think i can do it to my peugeot 205 because the back shocks are telescopic,

    all advice welcome,

    If you want an off-roader go for the caribean. The Vitara is nice enough for semi-offroading and normal driving.

    In the UK you can't get the Caribean 4 x 4 AFAIK so here in Thailand it's a good groove for that.

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