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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. Still using 95 octane non-gasohol and loving it :D

    Tried using the gasohol sht and the bike runs like crap and the economy isn't worth it.

    Mind you having a CBR 400 isn't the same as a scooter so for some it's worth having gasohol.

    The shell garage around Hua Hin still stocks 95 benzine. It costs around 34 baht per liter but there you go :o

  2. I think few farang here know the "system". Thailand like other Asian nations is a conservative nation shy about sex. Really. ../long drivel snipped/..

    You claimed Thailand is conservative and have been so for hundreds of years. Not so. The Victorian values that is on the rise since the 30ies is IMPORTED and not native to the country.

    Much like North Africa and the Middle East had foreigners visit and proclaim that the countries was filled with smut and sexual filth (belly dancing, harems etc), the countries started adopting a more western guilt-about-sex-way only to be meet today by 'how can you be so oppressive'-mentality and the likes of you that pretend it's pat of the culture. It's not. It's just a delayed correction towards the influence from the west.

    I just hope we can work against some of the western hysteria about sex (especially the trade of it). Even in the US, the land of the Free, it's more accepted to show a man having his head blown off than two men kissing. A kick to the groin is accepted in PG-13 movies but not a naked breast of a woman.

    Killing and violence is more accepted than love and sex. Something is sick in the world.

    Agreed. History has been written by the victors, so-to-speak. With control of the masses being one of the caveats that came with the price-tag.

  3. What kind of bikes can you expect? If there's just gonna be a bunch of old fat farangs trying to look tough with their cruisers I won't bother. If there'll be a few sportbikes or some cool customs I'll have a look.

    Hey, some of the 'fat' farangs can be cool dudes, don't be too judgmental against the biking brothers man!

    I ride a sportsbike and hopefully there will be some more this time to 'even' out the pack a bit :o. The Choppers don't half make a rumbling blast though :D

  4. I didn't know it was against the law to have sex behind closed doors. When did they introduce the no sex please we are thai policy. No sex in thailand, 1st the demos at the airport now a ban on sex the thai economy is going to be in real bad shape without the sex tourists comming. What is going to happen to places like Pattaya. I am married to a thai and living in chiangmai just hope I don't get that knock on the door in the middle of the night.

    It's sounding like Cromwellian mentalities are alive and well alas.

    So much for it ending with the TRT being booted out.

  5. Hahaha good one Tony,

    Hey I love these researches they are all <deleted>, I remember one which claimed men had to sit down when urinating to avoid impotency. Leather pants lead to impotency for a while, and yes Jeans did. Smoking lead to impotency basically everything leads to impotency if you look into it.

    The biggest reason to impotency is lack of usage of it according to a research of 10,000,- men who concluded the men who had least sex had highest risk of the problem, I go with that so guys if you fear it do it a lot, and bikers are well known for being promiscuous people, well maybe not in Japan but the ones I meet in Thailand certainly are, so guess that counter the riding :o

    Cheers Bard

    Yep, ridden a lot of hours on the CBR but the tilac doesn't complain when its boom boom time. :D

    I write most of these so-called research think-tanks as an excuse to make money and scare-mongering :D

  6. Good advice Netfan,

    These days with more and more perfectly legal bikes in the Kingdom bikes with dodgy books are becoming more and more problematic. Why risk it? Netfan listed a number of good reasons to avoid such bikes. I'll add one more:

    Insurance companies will be happy to take your money and sell you a policy, but if you ever need to make a claim you can be sure that the claim will be denied because your bike is not properly registered. The large print giveth and the small print taketh away!

    Happy Trails!

    1) Insurer's will insure bikes without any plate !! And people have reported being paid and paying other claimants on such policies !! If you crashed right now I bet you would hope the insurance would honour it ?? Yet you have no plate.

    2) Also if the bike had a plate and book, and the stamps are 'properly' done.. How do you think they will do this.

    I am not pro bad books, however, if the book and plater are 100% the correct bike, if the book is properly in the system, and the number appear 100% cleanly stamped with no 'flat spot' to show filing and its all well done. And of course the numbers are of the right frame / engine combo the bike should be.. Then the risk is to me minuscule.

    In your home country they put people in jail for falsify a registration book.Why you expect the law to be different in Thailand?

    Sorry but thats a fake argument.. We are not in my home country, we are not in a world of black and white absolutes, we are in a world where law breaking is condoned continually (do you have your passport in your pocket every time you leave the house ??), prostitution is illegal, bars should close at 12pm outside of designated nightlife zones, helmets must be worn, businesses must pay tax, and have a multitude of license, etc etc.. Asia tolerates and encourages law breaking by not punishing it and rewarding those who do, it creates a system whereby the police can charge 'fines' to pay for themselves, its the Thai mindset.

    Of course, dont do the crime if you cant do the time.. but also when in rome etc..

    Again I say, if your in the big bike world, you have no way of truly knowing if the book is clean, unless your the first purchaser from a major major main dealer, recent allegations that TP's '100% legal' 80k registrations were coming from a bent chonburi customs guy show that. Basically the system is not clean and if you want to swim in the water you have to get a little grubby. How grubby is up to you, its an asian sliding scale of grime.

    With you on that one L.

    If you know the right people and bribe the officials you will end up with a green-book legit 100% that flies through the system. It's clean, but not in the eyes of the west. But TIT, East is East people.

  7. Brand new ZX10R, only 2 weeks old and already at Bira track. First lap, first corner after the straight. Rear tyre lost traction, went down. Bike slid across tarmac only to hit the rumble strip and then proceeded to flip several times! Breaking every thing on the bike. :o

    Couple of months later back at track, with throttle pinned to the stop hammering down the straight. Pure bliss. :D

    Bira about a year ago. Seems after ages of tinkering and fixing I had got my R1 running good. Made it as far as turn two on the outlap before I dropped it. Don't know where my head was at the time, remember coming up to turn 2 the hairpin and thinking I'm goin a bit fast here. Thought briefly about just running it straight through the turn into the gravel. Then I thought it'll be ok just tip it in and you'll make it. Well I didn't. I was ok as I slid along on my arse but I was forced to watch my bike sliding along in front of me with bits breaking off. Wouldn't say I'll never do it again, but I have learnt to take it easy for the first few laps until you get a bit of heat into the tyres.

    theres nothing like spending money, is there? :D

    I was just thinking the same!

    It must of cost a pretty penny Travelmate. Did the insurance cover it? Or is that a daft cagey question? :D

    Good to hear you got back in and on the racing groove again :D

    Unlike this gimp on Koh Phangan:

  8. No you are not a cheap charlie you are not a very experienced charlie.It also depends how much she has to pay to the bar owner who told you the old story of an unexperienced girl with no child which arrived only a few days ago from the country side.That she is not so unexperienced shows her reaction when she saw your ATM slip.20 000 Bath a month is a big amount for a rural girl.Do you really believe that a bar owner who went up country to stock up on his dancers would let her go only after a few days work without a substantial bar fine?He probably had to pay some money to a family member.

    Often the girls wind up in the bars themselves with no strings. The family often just consider them to be 'working' a restaurant or somesuch.

    But then there are the young ones who find themselves 'bonded' to the bar and suchlike...

  9. 20k a month is fantastic money to most normal thai girls.

    But in Bangkok once they discovert the super-duper shopping malls they suddenly develop expensive tastes.

    I know from my experiences in the provinces that 10-15k a month is more than enough.

    You weren't being a c.c. in my eyes, but you fcked up when you showed how much cash you had.

    Always be cagey about that one :o

  10. Dot that tail light don't look half bad! Certainly better than the standard ones that stick out like a damned tongue!

    And on Phuket they wont allow transfers with that now !! Phuket has become the most unfriendly big bike province in the country IMO.

    I have had to get a local hiso merc driving lawyer to push through my sale for tiny insignificant things !! Once they made the call someone from the DMV drove to my house, did the pencil / number rubbings and drove away again :o !! True Thailand !!

    You're lucky, up in Bang Saphan the seller has to do that rubbing bs!

    But I have heard Phuket is now Big Bike unfriendly, but that's typically the unregistered ones is it not?

    Ditto that about Mayasia & Singers. I call those places the sterile lands cause theres no real adventure for bikers compared with Thailand :D

  11. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    Not one of my best, but worth a quick snook to see what it's like nonetheless :o

  12. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>">
    name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

    Not one of my best, but worth a quick snook to see what it's like nonetheless :o

  13. On holiday at the Greek Island of Rhodes back in the day.

    I nearly cut my holiday and life short when I fcked up on a corner.

    I'd done the dreaded 'thought he was back home and drifted over to the 'wrong' side' deal!

    This was no ordinary corner as it was by the sea, so it was 'heads' you hit the castle wall, or 'tails' you end up flying off the quayside into the rocky sea!

    So as I was taking this corner (a blind one cause of the castle corner butress) around flies this scooter with two Greek dudes on it! How I managed to veer back to the right and miss them while taking the corner can only be imagined it was that freaky! Almost as freaky as the greek insults and swearwords getting hurled in my direction :o

    Only a few days later my parents were telling me how an american biker from the nearby Nato base had ditched his bike further up the quayside. 'If only you'd seen how close I'd come' I mused to myself!

    Had a few near misses on the CBR 150 and 400.

    Glanced off a canal road wall whilst racing some Harley dude up in Chiang Mai. That took a while to heal as I was just a young upstart back then, I'd overcooked the corner like Dave did and either had to slam on the anchors and tombstone against the walls apex (and risk being thrown over it into the canal) or ride out the corner and take a railing against the walls surface. I chose the latter and even that still threw me up and off my seat a bit!

    I've wore armour and decent boots from that day forth.

    Then many moons later I dropped the CBR 400, I was wearing my full armour and didn't get a scratch. :D

    One fine day in Hua Hin a pedestrian decided to step in front of me, here's what happened:


  14. I tried night shooting but the lens on the camera isn't really big enough for night-work. Unless the streets are flood lit. The ordinary streetlights don't pour out enough light. Instead you get a tunnel-effect with the area around the headlight near-pitch black.

    I'm struggling to upload some Cha-am data onto youtube but the upload keeps failing.

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