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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. I'm returning from overseas to my home in Thailand - will be coming in to SUV airport.

    I've heard that chainsaws are frowned upon (illegal?) in Thailand - though have seen them used.

    I have rural land in Thailand, and am considering bringing a small saw in - no gas in the tank. Do you think that would get me in trouble at customs?

    A swedish buddy of mine in Hua Hin smuggled one in for that very reason.

    Could not buy in the shops so imported it in a container.

  2. The smoking ban in the UK has tore the heart out of a fair few bars and pubs.

    Now you can smell the sweat, beer soaked carpets and bad B.O from patrons that the smoke used to mask. The crowds of people outside huddling to get a smoke because they are forced to if they want to socialise in a pub look a forlorn sight and a bit like the establishment punishing the smoker on very flimsy grounds.

    Also, with a decent ventilation system the lingering smoke effect can be diminished quite efficiently.

    Hopefully in Thailand this will be quietly slipped in a dark hole somewhere and forgotten about. Because I can bet that the smokers will simply move to go-gos that allow smoking. :o

    Thailand courting the WHO sounds very probable. Hopefully just a phase.

  3. Yes, I'm with the DP and JDasia dude on this one.

    This book sounds like a surface-level crime novel, only that it's set in Thailand.

    But crucially will it have that special 'wow this is something else factor' or just another pretender to the writers hall of fame, which I regret to say there are a fair few from Thailand in there. :o

  4. Hmm, while I'm not gonna be riding with ya 100 kph will start to fatigue the 150 cc dudes. The bikes can take it, but it will fatigue them more at that speed than a bigger platform based bike.

    For me when I'm riding 80 kph is the median and benchmark speed for a chunk of the trip.

  5. I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

    Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

    What purpose does smoking provide?

    Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

    "Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

    Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

    Yes, automobiles serve a purpose but then again so do farming pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals - great argument. Anyways, like I said, you can choose not to be exposed to second hand smoke quite easy these days, but why can I not have the same benefit from your car?

    It seems smokers have had their rights narrowed down (and most of us can live with the changes) quite a bit while that of car drivers have not because we can't see the smoke.It's pretty hard to put the combustable engine genie back in the bottle because of your driving addiction.

    Are your brake discs lined with asbestos by chance?

    If they are sourced from China (an importer and exporter of asbestos BTW) there is an excellent chance of being exposed everytime cars put on the brakes.

    Take a deep breath when next in the BKK rush hour, you'll get the nice serpentine mineral straight down to the lungs :o

    This is one reason why all the traffic coppers wear them when out on the streets.

  6. I find it amazing that a person would try and defend smoking as anything other than a way to intentionally harm your body, unintentionally harm others, provide tax revenue for corrupt governments, burden the health care system and perpetuate the pharmaceutical companies treatment over a cure financial schemes.

    Using the automobile as a counterpoint to justify smoking is childish. While automobiles pollute, they serve a purpose.

    What purpose does smoking provide?

    Calm your nerves? I'm sure a BJ would do better to clam your nerves and the cost to your body and wallet is justifiable vs the the toll smoking has on your wallet and body...and society in general.

    "Ha ha yeah but some of these girls mouth I'd rather have cancer...ha ha "

    Yeah lung cancer vs an STD.....not even the same ball field.

    I wonder if you would consider talking to my wife and extolling the benefits to my health of the BJ?

    How about I provide some talking points help you out shipmate. I think you would do a more enthusiastic job sing as you would be the one benefiting :D :

    1. Easing depression and stress

    “The release from orgasm does much to calm people. It helps with sleep, and that is whether we talk about solo sex or sex with a partner,” she says.But wait, there’s more. A recent study of college students at the State University of New York in Albany suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant. Females in the study who were having sex without condoms (see safe sex caution, above) had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or abstained from sex.

    2. Relieving pain

    Orgasm is a powerful pain-killer. Oxytocin, a natural chemical in the body that surges before and during climax, gets some of the credit, along with a couple of other compounds like endorphins.

    According to a study by Beverly Whipple, professor emeritus at Rutgers University and a famed sexologist and author, when women masturbated to orgasm “the pain tolerance threshold and pain detection threshold increased significantly by 74.6 percent and 106.7 percent respectively.”

    3. Boosting cardio health

    I can’t resist another plug for semen. It’s possible that male goo can lower blood pressure. Another recent study found that women who gave their men oral sex, and swallowed, had a lower risk of preeclampsia, the dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes accompanies pregnancy.

    There have been other studies showing that sex lowers blood pressure, and might even protect against strokes because of its stress-relieving ability.

    4. Countering prostate cancer

    Over the past few years, several journals have published studies showing that the more ejaculations the better.

    Now the Journal of the American Medical Association, no less, has reported that “high ejaculation frequency was related to decreased risk of total prostate cancer.” It doesn’t matter how a man climaxes -- intercourse or masturbation. So next time he says, “Really, honey, it’s therapy,” he could be telling the truth.

    5. Healing wounds

    Some evidence suggests sex can be rejuvenating to the point of helping wounds to heal faster. Several experiments have shown that oxytocin can help even stubborn sores, like those suffered by diabetics, to heal by regenerating certain cells.

    6. Fighting aging

    Maybe it’s the rejuvenation, maybe the happiness, maybe all of the above. One thing’s for sure: “Use it or lose it” is literally true. For example, postmenopausal women often suffer from “vaginal atrophy,” which is what it sounds like and can lead to all sorts of complications like urinary tract infections. What’s one way to prevent it? More intercourse.

    Sex is a form of exercise, after all, and like all exercise, it burns calories and can help battle the onslaught of the years. In fact, nursing home experts say they wish oldsters would have more sex.

    Can sex really make you live longer? Maybe. In the same population of British men I cited earlier, researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. There was a dose response: the more orgasms, the better.

    Of course, as Kinsey’s Bass reminds us, it could be that these blokes were just healthier and felt like having sex more often. But since there’s no evidence that lots of sex is bad for you, what have you got to lose?

    Too much sex can also be bad for you, like I keep harping on about, moderation is the key. :o

    Here's a link, from recognised Chinese sources:


  7. Bonobo ----

    are you aware that the WHO has twice created studies (long range) attempting to prove 2nd hand smoke was as dangerous as people claimed and twice had the results come back inconclusive!

    Anecdotal evidence would support the 2nd hand smoke claim ... but not emprical research so it seems :)ztv

    I've opened a veritable pandoras box here :o

    The whole 'proof' is based on lab rats assumptionistic circumstancial evidence, plus a militant anti smoking lobby which jumps on any remote link, which the media spews out to the masses.

    This makes people subconciously thinking its a fact, if they read the end of the article they'll realise it is not proof, just some assumptions

    'He went into a bar and the smoke gave him cancer!' Really? Did the bar manifest it and just tell you that?

    Cancer forms based on an individuals genetic make-up 1 = cancer, 0 = won't get cancer, 0.5 may get cancer.

    Variables such as healthy eating, excercise and a postive mental outlook etc etc lessen the risk.

    So it stands to reason that a person who is unhealthy and doesn't excercise and is depressive will certainly be at risk. Add directly smoking many many cigarettes and you add another small variable.

    The lungs expell harmfull toxins and tobacco smoke etc etc.

    The fact that theres a ton of sht in the atmosphere from asbestos mining (incurable, lungs cannot expel the mineral), nuclear testing residue (which is all over the place from the testing that took place post WW2) and other carcagenic material that's non tobacco based should start alarm bells ringing.

    Well let me tell you a story, back in the 1990s when drugs testing came in a bunch of army dope heads tried to get out of the hook by claiming second hand cannabis smokers in the same room as them was the reason and not that they smoked themselves.

    Well the army did its research and found that

    You'd have to be in a telephone box full of smokers for hours on end to get the same amount of smoke inhalation as they did!

  8. That depends on your belief system of choice Mr Matt.

    Sorry "belief" and "faith" is the destroyer or reason which is why I dont.

    I can use reason to prove my point.

    Can you use reason to prove yours?

    Reason doesn't prove sht mate. It's just another method of controlling someone to go to your side or belief (which reason is another form of)

    Lets leave it as this is more to do with smoking more than the meta-physical vs atheists vs believers. :o

  9. Well just had a near miss with some complete numpty farang bird!

    Coming along the moat road in Chiang Mai and notice two farangs on bicycles ambling along the right hand lane, they were in single file. So far so good. I, in the same lane, choosing to overtake as they are cyclists and obviously going a lot slower suddenly have the nightmare scenario of a 'pull-out'. She just oh-so-obliviously banks right, directly in my path. Making it even more damning is the fact she'd already checked behind her, seen me there, and then still did it anyway! Is she blind?

    Before anyone slams me I was going less than 50 kph.

    So the anchors slammed on, horn on full and she darts back with inches to spare. In the meantime the lead cyclist (her other half I expect) has gone into my way so I have to weave between the two to get out of it. I'm fuming at this point. She'd screwed up and she knew it. So I give her a good few curses for good measure. Not that she could hear me from a full-face helmet but there you go :o

    So as I'm leaving the <deleted> couple behind he has the gall to start lambasting 'Hey Hey Hey' in some mediterranean accent (sounded Spanish).

    He got the fingers and I've just got the whole episode off my chest on TV :D

    So cyclists, if you are reading this. CHECK YOUR TAIL when switching lanes or turning! It's called a lifesaver check with good reason :D

    I've nothing personal against cyclists (I ride bicycles back home) but out here in Thailand, in a big city there use is a bit more debatable, especially in the city centre.

    Rant over boys.

  10. I lived in Malaysia for 8 years, down there street/sport bikers are very passionate and well organized. Since moving to Thailand in 2001 they have been teasing me about poor state of Thai superbike clubs. In fact I am not sure if there are any such clubs out there, all I see is easy rider, harley clubs etc.... The reason most of them refuse to come for Phuket Bike Week is because they feel kind of unwelcome.

    Is there truely such club in Thailand, anyone? if yes, what activities are they involved with, namely charity, group rides etc?

    there is a hundreds of bike clubs in thailand,there is a wide diversity of different style clubs ,get ride thailand magazine ,this has a list of all the clubs ,most mc clubs are chopper/harley based but plenty of sportsbike clubs too ,streetfighters havent really go going yet in thailand but i reckon it will only take a while and there should be mad looking bikes around. the thai bike scens is one of the best i ever seen,every one parties together ,if you live in phuket go to nickys handle bar ,he speaks good english ,he could give you some good advice..you cant just start up a club with any colour you want ,top n bottom rockers etc in case you might conflict with any one elses colours.the mad dog mc got trouble from ha in europe coz they used red n white,thats just example ......go to sports bike specific shops and you should meet up with other like minded heads.........

    Thanks Barry, I know all these guys for years now. Same goes for every bike dealer too and there only handfull of big sport bike dealerships in Phuket and that includes BMW at Thepkasatri Rd.

    In past I drove my Hayabusa to Nicky's and people over there looked at me as if I was to declare war on them. They didn't seem to welcome non-chopper riders. Bad attitude came mostly from beer bellied old farts, not younger ones. As far as me taking advice from these guys: consider the fact that I've been in MC's in Europe, USA and Malaysia for 22 years, hardly I could hear someting new from them.

    This is what really put me off the whole 'biker club' scene when I was knocking about HH. The local harley chapter were a bit too exclusive and elitist if you didn't 'do the harley thing' and were very much expats in the golden cage so to speak. It wasn't hostile, but it wasn't friendly in the slightest.

    So I prefer the solo thing most of the time, you are your own man and can do you own thing. :o

    The club concept is good for safety in numbers and gathering intel and bike assistance. But for organised rides it seems too 'static' and structured.

    Yes, the politics is another kettle of fish, something I've found everywhere there are farang in large numbers.

  11. If you want it like home, go home Maijo!

    As in, country of origin home.

    Nobody but yourself listens to this fun police / puritanical, expat snob mentallity you show yourself up with.

    Sorry but smoking is about as dangerous as drinking IMO. You just have to smoke less, just as you would with the drink.

    Cause if you're banning smoking, then you might as well ration alcohol as well, the two very often go hand in hand. :o

  12. You don't need to be smart to be a politician :o

    While I've not exactly seen any shadowy lizards running the show the NWO concept is no joke and been gaining force, starting since the end of WW2.

    It just has the name of the UN etc. Bush Senior pretty much brought it into the mainstream with his big speech in 9/11 1991.


    Heh, one thing I do notice, the world over, is the consistant dumbing down that has occurred since the 1980s in the UK. The media being one key and major example. Films, the news, the papers, TV etc.

    I figured when I came to Thailand the dumbing down 'in general' would not be so bad. Trouble is the whole dumbing down here goes on, but only caught on a decade or so later.

    The speed cameras and so on is a bit worrying and I can only hope there is widespread opposition to this.

    This aside, the whole corruption, TIT factor and geographical closeness to China means that any NWO plans are a lot less when compared to the US and UK. The ASEAN federation while mimicking the UN and NATO is more like the weaker and advisory uncle than a heavy handed oppressor.

    The beauty of the Thais is they can be quite defiant and have an independent, 'up yours' attitude if bs rules and oppression start to get too heavy. The shrugging of shoulders, 'accept it' mentality like in the UK is quite alien with freedom to do what you want and nationhood being well recognised. While this mainly applies to Thai citizens it rubs off on foreigners too I think.

    Just look at the coups in Thailand, you cross the line and offend the wrong person, we'll throw your ass out of office or make life very difficult. A pain in the neck for any government trying to push the NWO bs.

  13. Ten years ago (1998) my best friend get gang raped in Jakarta because she was not pribumi. Yes, of course she had chinese origin...

    Everytime, I have the opportunity to go to Singapore ; I am bringing flowers down the building (own by her family) from where she jumped off...

    Sorry; she died, did she ? I am sorry.

    Can I ask what "pribumi" is ?

    It means a so-called 'indonesian islander by birth'.

    So basically non-muslim chinese etc are seen as a lesser race or caste.

    Back in 1998 -2000 times there was a fair few riots in Indonesia.

    During the riots it was basically open season on any chinese girl they could get their grubby hands on.

    I heard about it from message boards/bulletin boards etc. The media totally played it down, but the chinese communities got hit pretty hard.

  14. Thailands laws are getting more and more like the nanny state UK and US.

    Just been into a go-go bar and asked for a light when the girl at the bar points behind me.

    At first I think she's pointing to the bar-fine sign.

    'No no' I say, implying I want a lighter.

    She points again, in tiny lettering there is a smaller sign with no smoking on it!


    Is this Thailand or some crazy nannystate bs being brought in?!

    Is it like this all over Thailand or just certain places?

    The go-go bar in question is in Chiang Mai, a world apart (or so I thought) from Bangkok.

  15. Coincidently, while driving on Phetkasem Road on Saturday, I pulled up in back of a panel truck at a stoplight. One guy was standing on the reap bumper, and a guy inside opened a door and leaned out with a handgun, waving it at the man on the bumper who almost jumped off in alarm.  When the guy with the gun laughed, it became obvious that they both knew each other and the man inside the compartment was fooling around. 

    But with cops standing not 10 meters away, I did wonder at Thai gun laws and whether people canlegall y carry around firearms like that.

    Sure they can! TIT and they treat the citizens with more leniancy than some 1st world countries. You need to understand that Thai's consider themselves citizens not civilians or subjects you know :o

  16. The first step is to join ThaiVisa, then it's plain sailing

    A very large percentage of posters here did marry Thai Chinese women, in fact they married rich Thai Chinese women from influential families. :o

    I read it on an anonymous internet forum, therefore, it must be true. :D:D

    Heh, I know, on TV when this subject comes up users seem to re-invent themselves as captains of retirement, master womanisers of Thailand and / or woo-ing a continuous bevy of babes every night. :D

    Yet 95% of the farangs I tend to encounter out here are anything but, just oldey blokeys who've retired and settled in for a run-of-the-mill married life with an issan girl or woman.

  17. My brother-in-law, an Insurance Claims Assessor, has recently started to idle the engine of his Toyota Vios for 5/10 minutes in the morning before heading off to work. He also leaves the engine running for a similar amount of time when he returns home in the evening, usually after having driven home more than 100kms.

    I asked him why he did this – (he lives next-door).

    He said because his friend at work, an Engineer, advised it.... “To warm the engine” in the morning ; in the evening “because, after a long trip, it’s not good to just stop the pistons in the engine, it’s better to idle the engine before turning it off. The engine will last longer if you do this.”“Oh, really?” I said.

    My thoughts were- load of <deleted>! Later I got to wonder if this can have some beneficial effects in the tropics. Is he correct or is he just wasting fuel?

    Anyone got a definitive answer?

    He's right in part, for high-performance cars it's essential to warm them up prior to racing, this in turn, on the same principle is wise for ordinary driving, especially in a city environment.

    For ordinary cars, less so, but still good if you have the time and don't mind using a wee bit of fuel.

    My car (Skyline R34) has a turbo timer installed to let the engine idle a while longer instead after you remove the ignition keys. It just ensures

    the oil residue doesn't linger in the turbo housing by dispercing it away. If I didn't use it the pipe would get blocked up over time.

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