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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. dam_n dude, I just read this thread, it sounds like you've got WWIII going on in your tummy! :o

    If the doctors don't know what the fck is going on and the resident TV experts are a bit stumped I suggest you start looking into the more 'unconventional' treatments.

    Hebal remedies, acupuncture, I dunno, even having a good pray down at the church might help!

  2. I know it's an heated topic, but i'm kind of new to the scene and was wondering if there were generally accepted times when it's ok to cheat on a girlfriend, (not a wife), besides revenge. I guess i don't really mean 'ok' as much as 'morally tolerable.' With so many sexual diseases these days, I'm wondering if it's strictly never ok because you're essentially gambling with another person's health when you cheat and have sex with the old partner again. There does seem a valid line of thought that one should try other things to see if they really appreciate the original thing, sortof a necessary contradistinction. My guess is that cheating is ok if the parties are both young, especially high school, since young kids shouldn't get stuck with someone just because they were the first to come along. I might also apply it to people new to relationships, since without any perspective, the scope and depth of their admiration for another seems like it would be limited.

    FYI- I ask that no posters respond to the inevitable, pithy one-sentance troll posts that will occur, no matter how clever or offensive they are :D It is the responding to trolls that gives them life, not their posts themselves. Let's see if we can make at least one relationships thread in General Topics that is free of one-sentance quips. :o

    If you're gf of wife is an absolute bitch and you're not happy and meet the 'right' one for you in a long term kinda vibe/belief then it is.

    No-one said it's right to be stuck in a negative atmosphere and be unhappy.

    Obviously if your just shagging your way through a succession of shallow women then you're off track.

  3. it really depends on how long your midlife crisis lasts, which averages about 3 years, so plan accordingly

    Knew of a guy who moved there 'permanently'. Took a couple of million quid. Came back broke.

    He must of been one numb, dumb millionaire, a wise one would of invested half and lived like a prince for many years without batting an eyelid.

    35 baht to the pound is very unlikely, just because it was during the heady days in the 1990s when 35 baht got you a lot more than it does now, doesn't mean it's gonna drop like a stone again. Ye of little faith :o

  4. Ok so is it better to get the thicker/fatter than stock tyres? Peace, the final word on this please.

    Also, where is the idle rev adjuster? I only have the Thai manual alas :o

    On a side note I blasted the Blue Wolf up to 135kph 2 weeks ago. She was screaming like a valkyrie but holding true :D

  5. Question for all the expats who store their bikes while away. Storage center, girlfriend, friend? What do you do?

    A Friendly and trustworthy expat is my storage solution :D

    Good possible alternatives include:

    Friendly and trustworthy Thai.

    Take out a xx months rent on a decentish apartment with security guard (should cost you between 3 and 30 k)

    Leave it at the dealership where you bought it. If it has security guards and you glean rapport (think whisky and smokes) with the head honcho, they may keep a watchful eye on it for however long you are away.

    The police station, with glowing Thai police approval (possible lack of cover will mean exposure to the elements though)

    Possibly risky alternatives include:

    Tescos Express.

    A mom and pop business you slip a few thousand baht to (they may or may not agree to this, but worth a shot)

    The police station, without police approval (lack of cover will mean exposure to the elements) :o

    Avoid at all costs

    Dodgy low-life expats who may try and abuse or have your bike stolen / sold while you're away.

    The side of the road.

  6. Im sure it has been said before in this thread (I forget now, as its only recently been re-bumped and too many pages to read), but isnt it generally natural to want to be somewhere there is an availability of sex, especially for men.

    I imagine it just depends on what kind of sex you want and with whom (im not talking positions here btw :D ). If you are looking for no strings attached sex, with pretty girls/boys/or something in between, in an easily accessible friendly environment, then it does seem that Thailand provides that. Areas here are well known to be "boys playgrounds".

    Men, from what im told, find it easier to detach sex from emotions than women. So I can see the attraction from the male point of view. However, for men who stay here, I find it hard to believe they want this lifestyle long term. I think men, after spending a lot of time in the candy store, begin to crave something more comforting. There is a vast difference between no-strings sex and the comfort (and discomfort) of having a long-term relationship. Having someone looking out for you, caring for you, laughing at your (terrible :D ) jokes, making your meals, and washing your smelly socks and undies, surely must be something all men want in the end. Or am I deluded........? :o

    Not really, it depends on the personality of the person and if they like the individual(singleton) over the group (married with kids/family) which is what it boils down to.

    A guy in the army, a buddy of mine actually swore blind that all men have a biological clock and his hit home in his late 20s ( he was a married stay at home type, loved kids etc). He didn't seem to realise that not everyone is the same. 'you too Jim will hit this biological clock' he repeatedly chirped.

    Well I've yet to 'hit' this biological 'sphere' and I don't think I will, not everyone is the same.

    The group-minded types usually start topics like this one off to learn more about the individuals IMO, which is no bad thing.

    You have to remember that the 'settling down sometime' is a womans perspective and usually one that entails some degree of control over the man (especially in the west).

    Well, I've been coming to Thailand for nearly ten years an even after living here for months on end I don't really see the major attraction to living 24/7 with a Thai woman, unless she is not a meddler and happy to give me my space. Trouble is this is not usually the 'Thai-way' because they are asian and are group-minded (usually).

    Me, I prefer to keep things fresh and have my own life where I can do my own thing. It boils down to freedom at the end of the day and quite a few of my friends have traded that in for the genie in the bottle, only they find getting it back in is impossible and more than once they've admitted they crave the bachelor lifestyle.

    For me a bit of graft to take care of yourself and wash and clean your own place and things is really not that hard. In fact I'd go as far to say that if someone gets hooked up just for the housekeeping aspect then they are seriously needy, desperate or just a lazy so and so IMO.

    Just to re-afirm, being a bachelor in Thailand does not mean fcking everything that moves, you'd end up broke, off a balcony or just burnt out (usually the case) with a percentage of the dudes I hang with, but that's not to be ashamed of as people are people and sex is just one of the great aspects of LOS living.

    Too many of the goody-two-shoes types seem to totally be out of touch and see an out-of-date stereotype sexpat male as the definitive singleton here in Thailand. Ladies and puritans, the days of old-folks being the majority are over, you'll find in a lot of areas now the age range is more in the 20s to 40s. Viable age for courting young Thai ladies.

    The whole bar scene is a different style now, some nice girls there, but for the most part Thailand has moved on a bit and the girls in the bars are not the big thing they once were.

    Thai women (at least in Bangkok) are more 'foreigner friendly' so where the groove was once in the bar scene, for me just meeting ordinary thai girls and seeing what the groove is works.

  7. As for the Thai lottery you are paying about 2 quid a ticket to win a posiible jackpot of three mill Thai baht, not much of a comparison in value.

    OK, and the probability of a 3MTHB win?

    Probably not as high but chances of them handing it over to a farang are about 17 trillion to one.

    Usually you've got to go accompanied with a Thai (at least that's what my mate did) National

  8. one Thai perspective:

    IMO slightly more competence than the last guy, more likely to strengthen the US$ than the last guy. Hence from the Thai side, hopefully will fatten my forex revenue (I can already count on Thai politicians both Democrats and PPP/TRT to do things that will keep the Baht weak).


    IMO Obama is a smooth taker, snake oil salesman. Good at sounding like the man with the plan and that's pretty much it. Hopefully he'll pull off the transformation to an effective president.

    I agree that the Dems in Thailand will likely weaken the baht (hopefully), but not the PPP (right wingers), who usually prefer a stronger baht.

  9. I know very little about the world of work, but I do know you are not allowed to do any job other than teaching in Thailand. Probably the best bet with an accounting background is to work in the Middle East and fly to Thailand and/or other Southeast Asian hedonistic destinations two to four times per years.. its not that far.

    The farang are getting younger each day in Thailand, but there's still some places that haven't been farangised so come over while its still good.

    You can do a bit more than teach English, just travel to a diving resort (Thailand has many) pay $$$$ get your DM / OWSI ticket and dive for free. You'll earn low coin but it's more than enough for beer and tutti money :o

    It's what I did years ago on Tao and don't regret any of it. :D

  10. ...This includes making flying visits back to the U.K. for medical treatment as many of them do, courtesy of the wonderfully free and much unfairly criticised by many of them as going down hill ??????? Our beloved National Health...

    I believe this has been stopped or proposals have been made to stop it. Any up to date information would be very gratefully received. (Bad leg giving me some gyp. :o )

    It,s still happening in North East Lincs JsB and is the number one reason for resentment, along with expats coming in on flying visits who tend to rub the noses of those who live there permanently, going on about our life styles while boasting about there tax free mega wages / life styles in way off lands.

    I am not an expat basher in general, but the voting issue leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

    I was living in the U.K. on a full time basis in the Eighties and remember Snatcher Thatcher giving the expat community a postal vote in the elections.

    Why ? because by and large most of them ( in my area anyway ) backed the tories, as they favoured their life style and all it,s tax free perks ect ect. and all that it selfishly encompassed.

    The general observation on this was that most of these voters lived abroad, didn,t live in the U.K. and either didn,t give a <deleted> about how policies effected ordinary working people, or didn,t care as they were not effected.

    Many live / lived away for many years and couldn,t have cared less about what was happening and yet they where given the right to vote, courtesy of what i consider a party of the wealthier members of society and in doing so have an unjust say, while not even caring about residential citizens and just what this selfish group went away to escape in the first place, local quality of life.

    My views on this have not changed, nor have the views of those who condemned it at the time.

    Ask yourselves those who reckon it is not so, would the tories have introduced this facility for expat voters had it favoured the opposition !!!

    Like <deleted> they would have, it was an unjust political manouevre, that in the opinion of many, who still live and work in the U.K. , pay their dues week in and week out in financial terms, and more importantly keep the country going and developing by their presence and being true to the cause.

    I was there on one of my many visits back home just 4 weeks ago and the resentment is voiced loud and clear about expats and immigrants, especially among the OAP,s who cannot even afford to keep warm in the cold, nor buy anything other than basic foodstuffs.

    Yes, the expat vote certainly is credited with the Torys getting back in power in the '94 election. Not so sure about previous to that though.

    I think you have to remember the socialist mindset of 'keep everyone at home and in the grist mill' tolling away, this is what the NuLabour and commie-sided (old) Labour has not and probably never will support expats because they represent people who've 'done it for themselves' and decided to make their own path in life.

    As this goes against the mindset and socialist cause to control everyone in the UK and aim for dumbed down masses etc etc.

    The more free-spirited and expatriate-favouring Tories (Libertarian Right as they like to say) will, time and time again, favour the expats and good on them for it. D. Cameron has reinstated the expat support pledge at the last Tory conference thank God.

    If someone steps up to the plate and makes success and goes off overseas to enjoy life then good on them for it, and if the government of the day that supports expats gets votes from them, then so they should.

    I think everyone should aim high and once they've made their fortune be entitled to live overseas off it if they so choose. How is that selfish? You earn money and invest it wisely and therefore reap the rewards later on.

    This is/was one of the great benefits of being born and raised in Britain, you do well and knuckle down and reap the benefits later on. Pretty much the Tory way and one that 80-90% of todays generation have missed out on alas. Try telling that to the dumb sods who live like madmen off easy credit (not so much now though!).

    We've been left behind a bit since meddling Gordon Brown fcked around with the rules and cut down the 180 day rule to 90 days but that will change again soon I hope, along with the silly pension freeze.

    So like the other poster said, roll on the general election.

  11. Back in the day, I worked in Belize diving out of a diveshop, we all had our own slang ranking system for what scuba level we were at.

    I was divemaster which equated to 'Knight'.

    The guy in charge was a eccentric called Jim who was (usually) a good mentor to all of us.

    So there you have the story behind 'JimsKnight' :o

  12. hello i am a long time farang who is interested in serving a role as farang police in thailand. i see in other thread that farang police are now doing traffic stops and assisting in all matters of society and i am very interested in serving the general public. what is the farang police pecking order and what are some of the responsibilities bestowed upon them? what are possible rankings in the farang police force? i search google but nothing shows up. are farang police everywhere or just Pattaya? thank you i want to serve the farang and thai community.

    Forget it, unless you want to be looked upon as a lackey mate.

    There is no such thing as 'farang police' and if there suddenly was the local populace would riot.

    The closest thing is the rentacop/translation assistance in Pattaya.

  13. I take out 16000 a day, that is about the most I can get out with this crappy exchange rate.

    You can have a lot of fun on 16,000Baht a day!!!! :o:D

    Seriously, the Nationwide Flex card IS limited to the equivalent of £300 /day at the prevalent exchange rate. In my personal experience, if you try to withdraw more, the first time you try the ATM just spits the card out. If you keep trying, then it might hold the card - this would be the Bank's security systems spotting what might be a stolen card - same as if you get your PIN wrong 3 times.

    Could this be your problem Haybilly?

    Not sure what's my problem--I have been trying to pull 20,000, so that's obviously creating a prob, but it doesn't tell me to reduce the amount, in fact it doesn't say anything just eats the card--even Nationwide callcentre said that attempting to withdraw above the limit shouldn't result in the card being kept by the machine-so, who knows--TIT--I'll try to withdraw 16K tomorrow and see what happens--but, seriously, I thought that the whole point of this 'wonder' card <deleted> was that you could withdraw LARGE sums without a commision/fee--not the case, I guess???

    Anyway, thanks to all of you who have replied.

    AFAIK the nationwide card don't charge any commision or charges, unless things have changed since last year????!

  14. But the Bangkokians can't think further than Bangkok

    Very true. I don't even think of those Pattaya bg.

    I agree: Thailand is essentially Bangkok - from most power brokers' perspective.

    I also don't think the project proposals are Somchai's. He's more like the puppet with strings being manipulated by others.

    Somchai, in word and deed, seems very much like a follower, who would be happy to attend perfunctory functions all day, rather than govern. Trouble is: Thailand seems to get one sort of leader or the other: It gets either timid/fading recessive follower-types like Somchai, and the PM who preceded Thaksin (can't recall his name), and the interim PM installed by the brass during the coup. Or it gets blustering bulls in China Shops, like Thaksin and Samak.

    Neither type is decent leadership material.

    Maybe, but I'll stick with the shrinking violet types any day of the week.

    Blustering bulls usually look upon the farang with a baleful eye and act like they're Oliver Cromwell half the time.

  15. If you agree that an individual has the right to protect his/her home and family with a firearm, every country should be entitled to use any mean that is thought being appropriate in order to do the same for its territory and nationals.

    Spurious analogy alert!

    Not really, the whole concept of banning guns was and still is to hand over liberty from the individual to the state.

    All well and good but the state isn't going to come charging to the rescue in time when the enemies at the door.

  16. If You did not give her a monthly "salary" and if You did not build at least a house for her or her parents then she can request some compensation,because she could have earned money in the meantime.If the land You bought is near the village of Your girl friend then You can write it off.I do not think anybody would by it.As already mentioned the loss of face also has to be compensated.Go away forget the land.

    Monthly salary? Are you for real? Unless there are serious overheads (ie kids etc ) What the heck for?

    The man is the breadwinner in Asia, if the wife can't work for sure you take care for her. But giving her a salary whilly nilly? That's a bit too close to a prostitute wife IMHO.

    Or build a house instead? What the hel_l is that all about?! Rent Rent Rent is the key here brothers :D

    Sorry but I think you're a bit extreme in assuming that the man is obliged to pay the girl when married. If you get with the girl then if she is able she can get work, it's not like it's easy for the farang to just waltz into a job out here you know :o

  17. Surely she doesn't have a leg to stand on.

    Well it's interesting because a good student friend of mine was paid off 300,000 baht by her first boyfriend when he kept playing away from home and she'd had enough.

    Because he had taken her virginity and with it her marriage prospects of high sin sod as well as being a bit of an emotional wreck for a while he gave monetry compensation.

    This wasn't done in the courts though. It was more of a moral obligation I suppose.

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