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Posts posted by JimsKnight

  1. thank god i am young and dont have to pay for these girls.


    You always pay for these girls kid one way or another. You'll find out.

    "There is no free poontang"

    Thank God I'm old and am a good negtiator (and a real B@ll Sh#t artist)... :D

    I hear that bro :D

    Didn't the OPs link say only one University was implementing the ban?

    I think other provincial cities will have the loose rules still going hopefully :o

    WISteve, are you the resident TV stalker by any chance?!

  2. <font color='#000000'>Better yet...why not shit can the beer altogether. Try vodka, soda and fruit juice with lots of ice...guaranteed no hangover...just keep a jug of water by the bed for the drooth.

    We need to get more vodka drinkers on board to lower the bar prices. Plus the ladies like a tipple as it doesn't &lt;deleted&gt; with their shape like beer does.</font>

    Agreed, another gem is Thai rum, hangovers are a lot milder, prices good but not many thai bars sell it.

  3. Sorry to hear that :D . You would both probably be quite unsettled by such an event.

    You don't suppose you might have been targetted, do you ?

    Some time ago, someone who works nearby had her handbag taken when going home from work, late at night. She had taken the money for her rent from the bank earlier that day (rent provided by a foreigner, with whom she was walking and arguing in a soi and the story is a little complex; a scam is not impossible but she appeared very shaken the next day).

    The type of handbag currently in fashion is not easily looped close to the body. However, if someone really wants your bag, it might be best to surrender it in some circumstances. I was once robbed in the Paris Metro (after going to AmEx to take money for the week) by someone who simply slashed the strap to separate it from the bag and ran off with the loot. You don't want to fight a desperate person with a knife.

    Take care. Times are tough and unfortunately, there's a likelihood of such events occurring more often.

    I agree times are tough, especially with the £ tanking!

    Carry pepper spray, a decoy wallet or a razzler dazzler to shine at them :D.

    Or all three! :o

  4. He has a family and 4 kids.

    4 more reasons not to have a gun in the house.

    4 more reasons TOO have a gun in the house. Be responsible enough to teach them about the gun and let them know its not a toy. Over all its your responsibility as the man of the house to protect your family. A gun in the house is a good thing if your responsible enough to manage it.

    Correct, people need to remember, you ARE entitled to defend yourself in a violent situation AND the police are (99% of the time) a reactionary entity, not proactive at all. You need to take care of yourself and loved ones first and foremost.

    The law of the jungle is never far away, especially in LOS :o

    The US has the gunlaw for the whole reason of (in word at least) to prevent tyranny. It doesn't always work but is more than can be said for the UK which is under the thumb a zillion times more than the US is (alas) :D

  5. I was getting driven to my favourite Hotel down in Siam Square, the Star Hotel. A very handy place for an overnight stay when waiting for travelling the next day.

    I always prefer the Star as it's within 2 minutes of National Stadium BTS and has the cheapest rates in town (250 baht) while being clean and really nice.

    Guess what? GONE (Demolished).

    The closest thing to it nearby is the White Lodge, so i stayed there (500 baht a night).

    Just got into Sukumvit after a 2 year gap and was amazed how it's changed.

    Almost all the beer bars have vanished between Nana and soi Cowboy.

    Country Road - GONE (Demolished)

    Clinton Plaza - GONE (Demolished)

    The markets lining the usual places are a lot less busy too.

    On a plus/minus note there were a lot less hookers on the streets hassling people.

    But I'm not really suprised, the downturn means less people with cash I guess.

    They represented in many ways 'The Old Bangkok' which was more raw and vibrant, I'm not sure if I like this 'New Bangkok' I'm seeing, it seems even more shopping orientated somehow.

  6. I think Lifeisrandom is either on trips or trying to be funny. Neither of them are working.

    If Thai's did their research and read the right history books they'd see how much they are influenced by Indian culture 'back in the day.' Just look at the traditional Thai dancing compared to Indian, very similar etc etc.

    Afterall India is (arguably) one of the most senior civilisations according to some sources.

  7. I love these threads,

    They always turn into the free-wheeling single men-about-town versus the married ones who are usually tucked up in bed and who seem to resent anyone who is single having a blast through life and sleeping with more than one partner :D

    To me the whole 'love' thing is a bit over-rated now and is manipulated to sell a lot of consumerist crap.

    It does exist but more for the woman who is after her man for support and kids. The man sometimes gets caught by the womans love vibe and settles into it. Long marriages usually result. But long and happy marriages these days are quite rare.

    For me life is a lot more fun being single, you are your own boss, no-one tells you what to do and nags you. You wear your own crown of destiny (to an extent).

    90% of couples I've met in Thailand and in the west usually have the male trapped somewhat with his lot in life. But some people are suited to a married lifestyle. I know I'm not, I've been on the move and travelling too much to even want to slow down and get hooked.

    Man is meant to be the hunter, it's written into our genes and characteristics, some more than others. Once kids come crawling along life becomes too boring for my liking. Not everyone is supposed to have kids, and I hate those that seem to 'expect' others to follow their wife and 2 kids example. If we all did that the earth would be even more overcrowded and crazy.

    On the same note, being single isn't for everyone either. I've had conversations with depressed farang who aren't even married, but are upset with their Thai girlfriend.

    'Look, if you aren't happy and it is making you sad, why the hel_l are you still with her then?' I tell him.

    After a sullen silence I get the shy little truth peeping its head. 'I get too lonely on my own.' He meekly mutters.

    Another time there was this guy just pacing back and forth in a bar, like a raging demon on the brink of armageddon.

    Turns out he was missing his girlfriend who was being a bit nouty and not around for him to be with. So he was all over the place.

    So some needy guys can do better NOT being single, as they do well with a wife mentally.

    I think it might be some subconcious fear that if they die they have to be around someone, at least, that's what some college chick doing psychologist stuff told me :D

    Think a man could have spent years 'hunter gathering' having a ball, before settling on the one partner then.. :o

    The OP was more looking for advice on how not to sleep with the 'college chick'.....not thinking about death!!! :D

    So what? I can give an opinion on the larger picture you know. Threads are supposed to sway and move about a bit.

    Lighten up and quit being negative.

    Ok, you're assuming a womans standpoint with biological clocks ticking and so forth. Men can sire sons and be sexually active into their late 70s so just because some people settle into a groove doesn't mean all have to :D

    Lilyjade, you really seem like a feminazi making sweeping and carpet statements like all the girls who are smiling at the OP are prostitutes.

    Small wonder a lot of farangs complain about the attitude western women (typically UK) have.

  8. I love these threads,

    They always turn into the free-wheeling single men-about-town versus the married ones who are usually tucked up in bed and who seem to resent anyone who is single having a blast through life and sleeping with more than one partner :D

    To me the whole 'love' thing is a bit over-rated now and is manipulated to sell a lot of consumerist crap.

    It does exist but more for the woman who is after her man for support and kids. The man sometimes gets caught by the womans love vibe and settles into it. Long marriages usually result. But long and happy marriages these days are quite rare.

    For me life is a lot more fun being single, you are your own boss, no-one tells you what to do and nags you. You wear your own crown of destiny (to an extent).

    90% of couples I've met in Thailand and in the west usually have the male trapped somewhat with his lot in life. But some people are suited to a married lifestyle. I know I'm not, I've been on the move and travelling too much to even want to slow down and get hooked.

    Man is meant to be the hunter, it's written into our genes and characteristics, some more than others. Once kids come crawling along life becomes too boring for my liking. Not everyone is supposed to have kids, and I hate those that seem to 'expect' others to follow their wife and 2 kids example. If we all did that the earth would be even more overcrowded and crazy.

    On the same note, being single isn't for everyone either. I've had conversations with depressed farang who aren't even married, but are upset with their Thai girlfriend.

    'Look, if you aren't happy and it is making you sad, why the hel_l are you still with her then?' I tell him.

    After a sullen silence I get the shy little truth peeping its head. 'I get too lonely on my own.' He meekly mutters.

    Another time there was this guy just pacing back and forth in a bar, like a raging demon on the brink of armageddon.

    Turns out he was missing his girlfriend who was being a bit nouty and not around for him to be with. So he was all over the place.

    So some needy guys can do better NOT being single, as they do well with a wife mentally.

    I think it might be some subconcious fear that if they die they have to be around someone, at least, that's what some college chick doing psychologist stuff told me :o

  9. Is it just me or is someone deliberately marking down every threads with an automatic 1 star out of 5.

    I know the topics aren't as racy and as risque as the bold and rumbunctious past TV but come on!

    Some of them deserve more than 1 star, surely....

    If you've got a beef, post some topics of your own :o

    Rant over :D

    Moddytrons / Mods, have you any thoughts on this matter?

  10. Since moving to bangkok and bringing my thai wife with me, Everytime i go out i found it increasingly hard to be sincere to her. I dont just mean BGs btw.

    How do you handle it guys?

    The girls are so cute its hard isnt it?

    Maybe its impossible anyway im just being honest.

    Bangkok = Bachelors Paradise.

  11. Pdaz why limit it to 400cc and above. I have a CBR250 (40+hp) and a CBR150 (17+hp)

    but still capable of going 30kms through traffic and lights in 18mins and 26mins respectivly.

    its how you ride and that you like riding not just what you ride.... :o


    I am not sure i will agree 100% with you, around town, yes, but try to go from Phuket to CM, or just Hua Hin i 1 day then i think you will be left behind, many clubs even put 600cc as a minimum, not because they don’t like small bikes, but if it is a Turing club you don’t want to wait on somebody, also people there buy big bikes don’t normally buy them as a transport vehicle but to go out and have fun and ride for a whole day, well i do.

    Well firstly the lack of decent bike clubs is noticeable, unitl you look closely.

    Malaysia has a lot more cars than bikes compared to Thailand, thus the minority effect comes into play. You see this in European countries like the UK and Germany etc. Bikes are seen as more exclusive and 'apart from the crowd'.

    But it would be good to see some good bike clubs starting up in Thailand with Expats being the majority.

    Well I was gonna say I'd be up for joining Croatbiker on a jaunt until I saw the 400cc ++ and above prequisite.

    A shame really, I own a CBR-150 and its I need to get me around, it goes pretty fast and corners well. Long-distance is a ok too.

    Big bikes are alright apart from the ownership hassles and the exorbant cost for on brand new.

    The new Yamaha R6 looks the biz but 400,000 baht +. It's something I'll have to look at again in a few years.

  12. One of the few advantages I found of falling on hard times was not having begging farang's coming to me and pleading for money all of the time.

    I was also foolish enough to lend quite a bit to some on the understanding that they will pay me back "Next week". No prizes for guessing how much was actually repaid to me.

    What good that came out of it is that I learned a lesson.


    Many Farangs in Thailand are barely scraping by, having left their own countries after ripping off the credit card companies and banks, they're too scared to go home to face the music and will do virtually anything to get next months rent money.

    For once I'll agree with Maijo, he's spot on with the problem. The easy credit years certainly meant a few credit thieves now reside in Thailand.

    Seriously, the only person you should rely on for money is yourself, allowing ANYONE, especially farang who have unknowing finances access to your treasure house is asking for trouble.

  13. Hey gang,

    Just wondering how many of you wear biker armour.

    By biker armour I mean the hard padding and plastic variety.

    I know for around town its kinda overkill but long distance riding I think it comes into its own for some peace of mind, having been in a scrape in the past, I would of been unscathed had I been wearing some.

    You thoughts and comments on this appreciated.



    Skateboarding knee pads and elbow pads are readily available. They can be worn with shorts or over jeans and whatever jacket you have. Obviously won't protect shoulders and back but....

    Paddock in BKK has armoured one piece underwear which is also popular. I think about 6500. Can be worn under most clothing unless your clothing is very tight.

    Heh! That's what I'm bringing with me for when I get out to LOS :o

    Thanks for all your comments so far lads.

  14. I was warned on Saturday that Icelands banks had really gone in over their head on the borrowing and mortages side of things.

    So heeding this I pulled about nearly 50,000 Euros out.

    It was 'processed' on the Monday (yesterday).

    I gets a phone call at 1000 hrs today telling me the 'news' bombshell:


    I check Icesaves website which confirms everyones worst fears:


    My moneys not even hit the otherside yet and I'm fearing it might be in a limbostate somewhere.

    My Icesave account transaction history, reassuringly says its been 'processed'

    What about the other expats out there? I would think that they'd be having kittens if they are relying on interest from this type of account!

    Anyone affected by this in LOS / TV

    When a bank offers you a 9% intrest rate on your savings should ring some bel. In belgium Kaupting bank has 20 000 clients who's money is blocked. Belgians PM whent to Iceland to necogiate about it, and the Luxemburg government garantee its to 50 000 Euro. But nobody can tell when the money will be available again.

    Dunno which bar you've been hearing that one from but the most I was getting from Icesave (now frozensave!) was 6.07% AND they were/are not the highest.

    Birmingham and Midshires, Northern Rock etc.

    So 9% is pie in the sky matey :o

  15. Hey gang,

    Just wondering how many of you wear biker armour.

    By biker armour I mean the hard padding and plastic variety.

    I know for around town its kinda overkill but long distance riding I think it comes into its own for some peace of mind, having been in a scrape in the past, I would of been unscathed had I been wearing some.

    You thoughts and comments on this appreciated.


  16. i always hear klong toey mentioned as a slum rife with drugs and crime but all google attempts lead to the same three articles

    does anyone have any idea what is actually going on there or are all the farang here just talking out their ass (as always expected)

    An American expat I knew before he went off the grid up North (Thailand) claimed to of lived there for 3 - 6 months in a tin shack.

    His manner, shaggy appearance and salt of the earth mentality gave me the impression he wasn't talking bs. Sadly his opium drug use also lent credence to this as well.

    I asked him a bit about it and he did say that it was very boring, but he had scant funds and lived with a woman and her child.

    Digs were/are about 500 baht a month, obviously shared by a family usually.

    Food was really basic, but he did say that many of the slum folk would try and catch wild game, if you count rats and fish in that category.

    He said he didn't feel threatened or get any hassle from the other thais.

    When he got work in Iraq he moved away from the the Klong and up north.

    I got his number but (as is usual in Thailand) he let it expire without telling anyone his new number! :o LOL.

    An interesting guy. A mold breaker.

    Here's the Coordinates for the cheapest digs in Thailand:



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