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Bernard Flint

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Posts posted by Bernard Flint

  1. How many others have gone "all in" and maybe have regrets in doing so after the passage of time?
    It's quite common. I've met lots. And, there are many more who are in denial, if they admitted it, they'd self-destruct.
    That's why when someone posts here and expresses a desire to move to Thailand and asks advice, I reply, Come with a duffel bag and travel about for one year minimum, otherwise forget it.
    Every single one has scoffed at such advice.

    Where do you live, giving such advice as that. My advice as an expat of 11 years is

    Everything in moderation, nothing more, nothing less

  2. I think at certain times in life we all feel stuck,stuck in a rut that is.

    Take a few days of and go somewhere else,it does not even have to be far.

    If you have property here you can sell it and move on but remember the grass is always greener,,,.

    There are always options.

    I am not all in totally but i have pretty much settled down here and i hope the urge to move on will not get too strong.

    Agree 100% - two days in Bangkok is enough to convince me that the traffic in Pattaya isnt so bad after all.

    I will drink to that comment. Have many friends come to visit, and what is very noticeable, is how washed out they are, hating the uk and all it stands for, all of them will be coming to live in Thailand, but not Bangkok.

    The grass isnt greener most of the time, think sensible and one can be very happy in Thailand, warts and all.

  3. Wrong forum OP.

    On this forum, ALL are married to hi-so, half Chinese, hard working, educated smart women, who my chance happen to fall in love with older foreign man double their weight and double their agethumbsup.gif

    Not just educated but university at least and uses 5 tubs of face whitener a day

  4. Who is this Guy, totally disagree...first off do not look like a tourist..do not wear a Hawaii shirt or looked lost..do not wear a camera...the words you should know is Mio Cup...NO THANK YOU as you will be in-indated with scammers taxis or tourist guides trying to book you into a expensive hotel... Sawadee Cup..hello..anyone home...forget that..learn to count to 10..simple as my son whom visited two years ago learned fairly quickly...learn 1-5 first then...oh yes if you are on your final journey into BKK wear a tie and long sleeve shirt..again this is to protect ya in that you are a seasoned traveler to Thailand and know the in's and out's.

    Visit Pattaya...I spend nearly 8 months there and love it...I spent nearly 4 yrs in the ISSAN and did not enjoy it as much as Pattaya...FYI..Sports club, sailing...rock climbing..tennis..squash...great restaurants..and cheap to live...go with someone you know to the bars if possible..going solo means trouble in that being your first time may be open to some bad experiences.

    Trust you will follow what I have said...seasoned travelers may have the same advice...keep well Sawadee Khum Ron

    Mio cup heheheheheheh

    sawadee cup hehehehehehehheh

    • Like 2
  5. Had my morning coffee at ABP @ The Avenue...maybe 5 other people at the tables during the two hours I was there. Even Central Beach the past few trips has been almost empty. Paradise indeed!

    You kept a chair/ table for 2 hours for 1 cup of coffee

  6. I despise sex tourists.

    What initially attracted you to Thailand then? Buddhism and wats? The food? Atmospehere? Or were you a defunct, Vietnam left-over?

    You can't BS a BSer, and believe you me... there's plenty of us here. cheesy.gif

    None of your business but I found a good woman, good in every respect. On top of that my meagre pension goes a lot further here than back home. I had more than my fair share without paying for it back home. I probably got some of other peoples' share also and I never paid for it. I can't envisage betraying my wife, something that you of course would never understand. If you read what I wrote before you should understand that I have every reason to despise sex tourists that come to Thailand and insist on unprotected sex, spread their disgusting diseases around and then go back home. There are so many places that I have to avoid now, I can't stand the sight of these 'men of the world, seen it all, screwed 'em all hansum men. I despise them.

    I see simple naive village girls going off 'down there' and coming back completely disillusioned and disgusted with Farangs. That's why they start ripping them off the second time they go down there.

    Not defending sex tourism in any way, but most likely, the majority of sex buyers in Thailand are local Thais.

    If that is correct, then "disgusting diseases" are likely to be mainly spread by local Thais. In particular considering that "sex tourists" are on average more knowledgable about STDs than local Thai sex buyers, due to better sex education, as elaborated on elsewhere in this thread.



    One even said he has had a good life and if he gets it no probs, i said what about the others you infect, he never even give it a thought. Very worrying indeed

  7. Defence is the worst back 4 I have seen since Keegan took a load of old lags to euro 2000. Though in their defence, those old lags did once have the ability to play a bit. Baines-Cahill-jagielka-Johnson is a Everton type back 4. Serviceable in the PL but at the highest level they are what they are, sub par. None of those are elite level

    Also Hodgson, now I do see he has tried to play it a different way this time. But it's not his game. Him trying to add fluidity to his rigidity is like Camilla Windsor putting on a Louis Vuitton frock. Or lipstick on a pig

    Just depresses me that there are seemingly no other alternatives to do the job.

    Uruguay ranked 7th in the world

    Italy 9th

    England 10th

    2 tight/ tough games, but i thought the other teams showed more will to win,and defence better.We didnt play as a team and the back 4 is woeful, compared to other top 10 ranking countries.

    No need for doom and gloom, we were never going to get out the group of death

    • Like 1
  8. so far, I'm happy with all results in the world cup, all the PIIGS got their deserved results.

    just waiting for Japan to win right now...

    PIGS???? WITH wrong spelling too. how can anyboy treat you serious, when you cannot spell a 4 letter word, unless you are 3 years old, then we forgive you.

  9. Confiscate cars / motor bikes driven / ridden in an illegal manner.

    Issuing fines in a proportional way i.e. none of this 100 baht stuff.

    Locking up the persistent ladyboys that commit day after day after day the same pickpocketing crimes.

    This would give Pattaya an uplift in image for sure. And, would certainly offer more of a deterrent than currently exists.

    The vast majority of tourists who get robbed, drugged by ladyboys,are the idiots who walk on beach side ofbeach rd, Why do they do it, oops to get a ladyboy back to loom or a beach rat for cheapness.

  10. if the gays don't like rootin girls how do they become dad's ?

    if all "men" like 'rooting gal's,,,, how come so many make aweful father's?

    We gay's may not always be perfect but surely neither are you.

    Nothing to do what he said. If you dont get a girl pregnant you CANNOT BE A DAD.One can be a stepdad though

  11. It's great.

    This is the first time I have ever seen Thais standing up for themselves.

    The junta is being seen as a big brother who are protecting the people.

    Before the coup, the people never complained because there was never really anyone to complain to who gave a rats butt.... i.e. the police and the government.

    Are you joking???

    Why was there A Coup,because there were thousands of illegal protestors on the streets of Bangkok,is that standing up or not.Not even going to speak about the farmers out in force.

    Thumper, i am amazed at this post, truly am

  12. I had a Thai girl ask me one time if daughters in America send money

    to their parents. After falling to the floor laughing, I was finally able to pick

    myself up and tell her in America parents in America help out their grown

    children with money. She looked at me in disbelief, and was sure I was lying.

    I have a three year old daughter here. And I have made it abundantly clear

    to my wife that when our daughter grows up, her mission in life will NOT be

    to send her earnings back to her family. It is a sad system of servitude that

    I truly dislike.When she is older , I will tell it to her as well.

    The sons from Isan seem to be little light in the sending of money, somehow

    this burden has fallen upon the girls. Which is why they are prized more,

    since they are seen a future income source.......

    Agree for some, but many do not send money back, that includes my partner

  13. The Thai little big man. All his life he's been led to believe he's God's gift to the world. He's never criticised from the day he is born, just fawned over with excessive admiration and made to feel he's the perfect human being who can do no wrong. He's never truly disciplined, and so grows up thinking he can do whatever he likes. This is where the road rage comes from. Implied, or real, criticism of his actions, even if justified, is not acceptable to him.


    I believe its referred to as "Little Emperor Syndrome"

    To witness it first hand take a trip up to Issan and see the boys being raised by their grandparents.

    Heck you can even witness it in Bkk, spoiled brats, raised by a doting grandmother who wont discipline the kid.

    i HAVE SEEN KIDS BEING HIT WITH A VERY SMALL STICK IN iSSAN.Good and bad everywhere,and many mum,s and dad,s look after their sons and daughters in Issan too,so dont generalise mate.As far as Bangkok, the quicker i get out of that polluted jungle, the better

  14. The Thai little big man. All his life he's been led to believe he's God's gift to the world. He's never criticised from the day he is born, just fawned over with excessive admiration and made to feel he's the perfect human being who can do no wrong. He's never truly disciplined, and so grows up thinking he can do whatever he likes. This is where the road rage comes from. Implied, or real, criticism of his actions, even if justified, is not acceptable to him.


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