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Posts posted by DaveinAsia

  1. Waste of British tax payers money, U.K. Have no clout now in Thailand, so close it.

    I believe they are considering selling the present embassy and moving the embassy elsewhere. Not just closing it down.

    Sounds very feasible. I can't imagine that the UK government would close down a trading post. They gave the consular services up several years ago because Trendy can probably manage that quite well and cheaper and they only care about their commercial interests anyway, so to give up the embassy doesn't make sense at all.

    I never paid taxes in the UK as I moved away there as a young kid already but I can imagine that the people who did pay taxes are fuming. Most other Western nations have a great service for their citizens but somehow the UK doesn't seem to care too much about it's overseas citizens(unless you are on a VIP list).

    I remember a story of a Dutch mate several years back. He was drunk one night over on Patpong and got into an argument with staff about ripping him off. I tried to calm him down but he just went apeshi-t so the mamasan called in the troops. Luckily for us the cops were nearby and eventually he was arrested instead of being slaughtered by the 'big monkey men'. Anyways, to cut a long story short, when he got to Satorn copshop he called up his embassy and told them about his arrest and within an hour some Dutch Embassy official was at the copshop to bribe him out. Here comes the best part; a similar story happened to oneself several years later and I called our guys over on Wireless Rd only to get the expected reply that they couldn't do anything for me. Sorry guys, but the sun has set quite a while ago already on the British Empire. I'm sure some of you are still in denial but when one has a good look at the facts the truth will manifest itself

  2. is it a holy wall ?

    It's definitely not whole anymore and I also saw a lot of holes in it but holy, nah. Hey, but perhaps it's been blessed by some 'holy' men so perhaps it is. It's as holy as the locals make it. It translates to quite a lot of tourist $$$ so to them it's probably as holy as holy gets, hahaha! Not sure if this comment is sacrilegious, but who gives a hole, it's Friday and time to hit the farang 'temple' around the corner for the final afternoon prayers and a few pints of that very holy black stuff

  3. Well it might as well not be there anyway.

    Trendy Embassy anyone?

    Very true! Not the embassies fault of course but policy of the fascist government in London under leadership of fuhrer Dave Cameron whose family are all tax dodgers sad.png

    Perhaps you would comment on the Blair/Brown government review that sold off the first (and better) half of the BE and left the UK bankrupt?

    You socialists have convenient memories.

    What makes you think I'm a socialist? Partyless would be the best description.

    Every PM since David Lloyd George was a mere servant of the elite. The only thing the government do is suck us dry.

    Anyone who still has faith in politicians these days obviously has been asleep for a while or is either profiteering from them in one way or another wink.png

  4. RIP little angel.

    Some questions come to mind;

    - Why did the little girl go into the strange car?

    - Why did it take a group of people 4 hours to find her in the car?

    - Why did the little girl not leave the car when she started to feel overheated? The door was open as she was able to go in.

    - Where were the kids she was playing with? They could've shed more light perhaps on her whereabouts.

    I have a small boy of almost 4 and he is quite bright and sophisticated compared to his Thai counterparts but I wouldn't even leave him unattended for more than 2 minutes at home unless he is watching tv(stuck to it like a fly on....). I can't imagine letting him play with other kids in a carpark. The negligence people get away with here is appalling. Once kids pass the baby cuteness age they can be seen wandering alone along the highway or a few of them standing alone on the back of a speeding Hilux or riding their little bicycle down the soi while braindead 'adults' are driving their new superbikes doing at least a 100k's/hour. Safety and security has never been on a normal level here. A while ago there was an article here about several 100's of Thai kids who drown every year in the fish pond out back.

    Kids die everywhere because of neglicence or freak accidents but it seems to be on a more frequent basis here

  5. TAT promotion? It's hilarious

    If nothing good to say why not <deleted>

    Agree, a Thai helping a tourist changing a flat tyre should be world news. He should get nothing less then knighthood from the British queen

    Where is CNN when you need them.

    Ahhh, bless em. It's so rare these days that someone helps someone else, that it's indeed world news. And when a Thai helps a tourist 'selflessly' the cameras are all ready to show the rest of the world that TH is indeed all smiles. It's disgusting but funny at the same time. Anyone who fails to see this obviously has his head stuck in the sand

  6. One junk of the failed educational system in Thailand!

    I'd blame his parents, if he even had any, and their parents, and theirs, etc, etc. Nothing to do with the educational system in TH, but more with society as a whole.

    Kids like this don't become psychopaths for no reason. Perhaps we can make a change if we can discover the real reasons and then change those reasons at the root.

    By hanging this kid high we are only punishing him for his parents sins. What a world. We can barely say that a 19 year old is responsible, can we?

    When I was 19 I was still living at home and just left puberty. Nine-teen.....still a teenager maybe?

    How my son of 4 turns out in 15 years time is mostly my responsibility, nobody else's.

    I recognize this kid for what he is but why do we always try to fight violence with violence. It's been proven not to be the solution, in any society.

    I also don't have any other solution besides ridding the world of money, but that's not an option for many people so I don't know either. I just know we shouldn't hang this kid high, something doesn't feel right.

    I'm not writing this in the nineteen year old's defense because when I first read this story I felt a huge anger inside and wanted to punish him in many bad ways but after I calmed down I realized that all the hang em high comments are by angry people who also don't know. If society was a just place this sort of crimes would be far and in between, that's simple science. What to do with these people? Any other suggestions besides lowering ourselves to barbarism too?

    Gee, poor you at 19. When I was 19, I was dodging bullets and mortar shells in Vietnam, and wondering if I would be alive to see the sun come up the next morning.

    555! I guess that song was about you. thumbsup.gif Sorry to hear that you were cannon fodder for Kissinger, Johnson and the other masters of your country back then. At least you survived.


  7. One junk of the failed educational system in Thailand!

    I'd blame his parents, if he even had any, and their parents, and theirs, etc, etc. Nothing to do with the educational system in TH, but more with society as a whole.

    Kids like this don't become psychopaths for no reason. Perhaps we can make a change if we can discover the real reasons and then change those reasons at the root.

    By hanging this kid high we are only punishing him for his parents sins. What a world. We can barely say that a 19 year old is responsible, can we?

    When I was 19 I was still living at home and just left puberty. Nine-teen.....still a teenager maybe?

    How my son of 4 turns out in 15 years time is mostly my responsibility, nobody else's.

    I recognize this kid for what he is but why do we always try to fight violence with violence. It's been proven not to be the solution, in any society.

    I also don't have any other solution besides ridding the world of money, but that's not an option for many people so I don't know either. I just know we shouldn't hang this kid high, something doesn't feel right.

    I'm not writing this in the nineteen year old's defense because when I first read this story I felt a huge anger inside and wanted to punish him in many bad ways but after I calmed down I realized that all the hang em high comments are by angry people who also don't know. If society was a just place this sort of crimes would be far and in between, that's simple science. What to do with these people? Any other suggestions besides lowering ourselves to barbarism too?

    Thanks for that sensible and interesting post, Dave.

    You're not patronizing, you're not screaming, you're not cocksure of anything, you don't think that killing the killers is the solution to every problem (even in a case like this where the criminal is so obviously evil down to the marrow of his bones), you ask the relevant questions and you know there are no simple answers.

    In other words you have a brain, a heart, and a sound combination in you of conviction and doubt. It's people like you who make me feel that remaining a member on this Forum is still worth it, but with your kind of approach, let me warn you, if I may, that you'll often feel very lonely on these premises ...

    Thanks a lot for your kind words Yann. It is indeed more lonely here than back home. I think this has mostly to do with the type of farang that 'settles' here. Back home it's easier to find like minded people on the same level. Here you'll be lucky to have a conversation that goes past the footy scores and who is buying the next round.

    Good luck Yann and be careful out there

  8. One junk of the failed educational system in Thailand!

    I'd blame his parents, if he even had any, and their parents, and theirs, etc, etc. Nothing to do with the educational system in TH, but more with society as a whole.

    Kids like this don't become psychopaths for no reason. Perhaps we can make a change if we can discover the real reasons and then change those reasons at the root.

    By hanging this kid high we are only punishing him for his parents sins. What a world. We can barely say that a 19 year old is responsible, can we?

    When I was 19 I was still living at home and just left puberty. Nine-teen.....still a teenager maybe?

    How my son of 4 turns out in 15 years time is mostly my responsibility, nobody else's.

    I recognize this kid for what he is but why do we always try to fight violence with violence. It's been proven not to be the solution, in any society.

    I also don't have any other solution besides ridding the world of money, but that's not an option for many people so I don't know either. I just know we shouldn't hang this kid high, something doesn't feel right.

    I'm not writing this in the nineteen year old's defense because when I first read this story I felt a huge anger inside and wanted to punish him in many bad ways but after I calmed down I realized that all the hang em high comments are by angry people who also don't know. If society was a just place this sort of crimes would be far and in between, that's simple science. What to do with these people? Any other suggestions besides lowering ourselves to barbarism too?

  9. @the other bodybuilder with blisters: Never been scared by any of them and have taken the p-iss on many occasions, so yeah, I do love calling them that in person. What they gonna do? Chase me around the gym? They can barely walk. Don't get me wrong. I am only talking about large idiots pumping weights with steroids running through their bloodstream. I am not talking about guys who like to be in good shape

  10. "Added Krit:"The hotel were as dejected as me about this situation and I am grateful to them for their quick action in restoring some face to the country."

    He appealed for all relevant authorities to stamp out the fleecing of tourists by taxis and said he gave 1000 baht as a reward to a hotel employee for their swift action in helping the Swiss."

    Krit is probably fleecing the Swiss guy himself and wanted all competition ruled out. And where is the promotional photo of Krit handing over the 1000 baht to the bellboy? 5555

  11. Poor man, it seems that there’s an epidemic of abstract unhappiness here, with no one or nowhere to turn.

    Obviously loneliness is rife here, although it has been said many times that all you need do is pop into a bar and strike up a conversation. Yeah, that’s fine, on a superficial level, but where do you go and who do you trust with real feelings. Say the wrong thing, to the wrong person, in a bar or anywhere else for that matter, and you’ll find false sympathy in abundance, and usually just as a means to an end for the wrong person, of which there are many, to get his hands in your pockets. The reality is that there’s no shortage of farang on the bones of their arse, just dying for the opportunity to milk some innocent dry.

    I don’t know about you guys, but all this suicide just breaks my heart. We are human beings, yet it seems that all some of us here can do is offer forth wise cracks or inhumane remarks, whereas what we should be doing is offering something a lot more wholesome as well as constructive.

    I for one would gladly become involved in some sort of group where guys can go for help and find real friendship or advice from real people with genuine motives. Not sure how this could be achieved, but if anyone would like to discuss the possibilities please feel free to PM me.

    It really is time that we make a stand and care for our own, as the reality is that no one else will…

    Good point. I can imagine that many people miss close contact with friends/family members as most contact here is indeed superficial in most cases.

    Perhaps every town should have a farang meeting group outside of the bar scene where people from all nationalities and age can go to have a talk and perhaps partake in other activities.

  12. Tragic indeed. It seems that quite a fair amount of old men prefer jumping from high buildings than taking some amazing pills and going on one last journey before just not waking up anymore. Jumping shouldn't be an option for anybody and the most important reason being total fear, pain and discomfort seconds before traveling to other pastures. If somebody really doesn't want to continue in this realm for whatever reason, mostly being illness, old age or depression then take the most humane way out. Remember that after you throw yourself off a building or in front of a train, bus or other fast moving object there are people who have to clean up the mess and I don't care what anyone says about this, it is always traumatizing for the ambulance personnel/cleaning staff and what about passerby's? Did any jumper ever think about somebody walking below and what would happen if suddenly a person would fall on top of them of explode on the ground close to them? What an irresponsible way to take your life. Selfish as so to speak, without talking about the family members left behind. So when you decide that you can't continue anymore for whatever reason, legit or not, and you have made your mind up to discontinue your time on this planet; do so in a responsible way! Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals

    RIP Mr Angus

    What are these "amazing" pills you mention?

    Read the last sentence again: Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals.

    There are websites, organizations, doctors, etc who can help people end their lives if they really don't want to continue.

    Besides that we live in TH where most pharmaceuticals are for sale over or under the counter

    Assisted suicides are illegal in the UK and quite a few countries in the EU.

    AFAIK there is NO professional help with euthanasia in Thailand and in some but not all hospitals in Thailand a living will stating "Do Not Resuscitate" can be ignored.

    If you know of such a group of persons can you please email me.

    I would say please post it on this thread but I am not sure if t will be allowed.

    There is no such thing in TH, that's right, but there is assistance/support online. Google it.

    They can help people in many many ways.

  13. Tragic indeed. It seems that quite a fair amount of old men prefer jumping from high buildings than taking some amazing pills and going on one last journey before just not waking up anymore. Jumping shouldn't be an option for anybody and the most important reason being total fear, pain and discomfort seconds before traveling to other pastures. If somebody really doesn't want to continue in this realm for whatever reason, mostly being illness, old age or depression then take the most humane way out. Remember that after you throw yourself off a building or in front of a train, bus or other fast moving object there are people who have to clean up the mess and I don't care what anyone says about this, it is always traumatizing for the ambulance personnel/cleaning staff and what about passerby's? Did any jumper ever think about somebody walking below and what would happen if suddenly a person would fall on top of them of explode on the ground close to them? What an irresponsible way to take your life. Selfish as so to speak, without talking about the family members left behind. So when you decide that you can't continue anymore for whatever reason, legit or not, and you have made your mind up to discontinue your time on this planet; do so in a responsible way! Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals

    RIP Mr Angus

    What are these "amazing" pills you mention?

    Read the last sentence again: Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals.

    There are websites, organizations, doctors, etc who can help people end their lives if they really don't want to continue.

    Besides that we live in TH where most pharmaceuticals are for sale over or under the counter

  14. Tragic indeed. It seems that quite a fair amount of old men prefer jumping from high buildings than taking some amazing pills and going on one last journey before just not waking up anymore. Jumping shouldn't be an option for anybody and the most important reason being total fear, pain and discomfort seconds before traveling to other pastures. If somebody really doesn't want to continue in this realm for whatever reason, mostly being illness, old age or depression then take the most humane way out. Remember that after you throw yourself off a building or in front of a train, bus or other fast moving object there are people who have to clean up the mess and I don't care what anyone says about this, it is always traumatizing for the ambulance personnel/cleaning staff and what about passerby's? Did any jumper ever think about somebody walking below and what would happen if suddenly a person would fall on top of them of explode on the ground close to them? What an irresponsible way to take your life. Selfish as so to speak, without talking about the family members left behind. So when you decide that you can't continue anymore for whatever reason, legit or not, and you have made your mind up to discontinue your time on this planet; do so in a responsible way! Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals

    RIP Mr Angus

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