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  1. Thanks for the detailed explanation of the process. Let's see what happens next.
  2. I submitted my online application last week. I have been in Chiang Mai for the last 7 years. Got an email response that my application will be reviewed by an employee in Baltimore MD. I thought overseass applications from Asia go through Manila? I'm wondering how this process will be like. My application is a straighforward retirement application based upon turing 62 in a three months.
  3. Bob, similar experience that most services like Zoom are for business and not for the individual person who needs to make calls to customer service in his or her home country. I only use Skype to call the US for banking and latley CA DMV. I don't need to make video calls or even have group chats or online meetings. I have been lookiing for a simple VOIP service for one person to conduct business with companies and governmental agencies in the US. So far I have failed. I also would like to maintian my US based phone number that I have had with Skype for many years. I have discovered porting or transftering my Skype to other services could cost as much as $20.
  4. It looks like Trump is going to turn the US into a nation that isolates itself from the world. He is gutting as much forieign aid as he can. Cuts to the US Embassies and consualtes are probably next. Could overseas Social Security support units be next? I am almost 62 and plan on applying for SSA next month from LOS. I wonder what the experience will be like? From my perspective it looks like Trump and Musk (at least on the surface) are cutting to address the US National Debt(36 Trillion and 1 Trillion in interest). This is not sustainable. "spend more and borrow more"? On the otherhand like overstretched consumers who make minimum debt payments "it's all good until next month". This is the proverbial "kick the can down the road". We Americans are coming to the end of the road. Something had to be done but is the way Musk and Trump cutting the best way?
  5. Just got locked out of Microsoft Teams. The message said i was logging in from an unrecognized place? I am currrently intrainst at ICN aiport. So I guess they were correct. Now the fun starts because I had to answer a series of specific questions to get back in. Apparently my answers were not to their liking and now they will get back to me in 24 hours. This could be a problem with Microsoft because they have very strict security protocols. I guess this is a good thing but now I am looking at other options to replace Skype. For me the biggest advantage of Skype was having a "local" US number. I am just looking for a simple VOIP based calling service with a US based number that allows international calls and SMS. Many other options are geared for businesses.
  6. Right or wrong Thaland has a reputation as being like the "wild wild west". Rules and laws do not apply, the Thai people are meek and will put up with a lot, and I can "pay" my way out of trouble. If the Thai people want foreign tourists that behave well then laws and rule must be strictly enforced and Thai people have to be something that most are not: Assertative and firm. Otherwise the next group from Russia or Israel will the do same thing. I doubt Russian or Israeli tourist would behave like this in Singapore.
  7. Last year my return was filed on Jan 28 and the refund was direct deposited on FEB 20. For me this was very fast.
  8. MSNBC (owned by NBC) is iin business to make money. It does not matter who or what one is on air. If the ratinsgs are good then "ti's all good". But the ratings have been down and down. She can always start a youtube channerl or even try Onlyfans. Anyway good luck and goodbye to her. Hopefully, Chris Hayes, Ali Velschi and the great pretender Lawrence O'Donnell is next. It appears Rachel Maddow is safe because she has a huge contract and probably a large buyout.
  9. My CPA filed my tax teturn on a monday. I was expecting a refund (normally a small one) a month or even later. . Instead I got my refund deposited 7 days later. This was the largest refund I have received in over 4 years. This is the fasted the iRS has processed my return and deposited the refund into my account. I was expecting the worst from the IRS but was surprised. Also, I always submit an itemized deduction tax return.
  10. What part of the world is the Land of Smiles in?
  11. Actually she was an educated professional who caught the gambling bug. It happens to many who are well educated and logical thinking people. Currently in the US most states have casinos(I believe the largest state without Native American Casino's is Texas), lotteries and now the newest thing to get people addicted: sports betting. The end goal is to "seperate you from you money". So far most legal gambling locations have been successful at the peril of many people. In California there are Self Exclusion programs that one can sign up to in essence ban themselves from gambling locations. One fo the ways to mitigat the harms of gambling addiction is to place them in far away and out of the way places. I believe some in BKK want to takeover the slum neighborhood near the port (Kong Toey) and develop it into a mega casino, hotel and entertainment complex. Most government only see "$$$" when it comes to future gambling projects. Let's see if it happens in LOS.
  12. What is the difference? Both are about obtaiining long term visa's to stay in Thailand. Granted dealing with Thai Immigration and a Thai Embassy are different but the end purpose is the same: to legally stay in the country for at least a year. Could this be all about putting and keeing $ in Thai banks. I wonder. Also, to extend an OA will require international transfers into a Thai bank account or maintaining 800K in a Thai bank account
  13. Is Canada behind the times. An old saying that I have heard countless times is this: "An affidavit is about as valuable as the paper it is written on". This is similar to the saying "I only testa-lie while under oath". The US and Great Britain both ceased to issue Income Affidavits in 2018. So why did Canada still issue them until now? The only time an income letter has only value in terms of Thailand is when I apply for the Non OA at a Thai consulate. An ncome lettter from my pension agency was accepted when I applied for an OA back in Jan 2024.
  14. What next? Threaten to close all borders? Intensely screen all foreign arrivals,conduct interrogation, conduct a full body search to check for tatoos etc? Realistically any place that depends on tourism has to accept a certain percentage of "bad apples". Also, "never kill the goose that laid and continues to lay the golden egg". Also, is this just "PR" and no real change will occurr.
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