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  1. I think watching this video first might give a new driver in LOS an idea as to what to expect.
  2. I do not think it applies to everyone. Knew the father of a friend who was a bartender for 40 years. He drank almost everyday. I once saw him drink at dinner two beers, half a bottle of wine and finished the night with Lemoncello(yes he was Italian). He died peacefully at 88. Also, was a combat photographer during WWII. RIP. I drink two beers or a glass of wine with dinner several times a week and I am in my early 60's. So far no isssues. I have maintained this for almost 30 years. On the otherhand I maintain a 22 BMI and BP 115/75.
  3. Often because many don't see me as a big enough "fish" to reel in. I maintain a very modest appearance and do not flash the image as someone who has money even though I do. Also, as an Asian guy I do not draw much interest from Thai girlls in the first place. Most think I am a rude and obnoxious Chinese guy who is cheap. That is until they realize I speak fluent English like a white guy. Then many are confused.
  4. "Relationship or Arrangement?". It seems more like arrangement rather than an actual relationship in many cases. The man provides the $ and the lady provides what he asks for. It could even work out on a long term basis if both parties actually understand what it really is. The notion of romantic feelings or genuine affection from either party is mostly the expectaions set by western movies, tv and novels.
  5. I really wish she would not have mentioned Donald Trump's numerous bankrupticies and pepper him with questions on Defense policy and current missions. For instance she could have asked Mr Fox and Friends what is the name of the US Army base in the Marshall Islands and why is it strategically important? It is clear all he knows is "indo Pacfic" and this means S.Korea, Japan and Australia only. My guess is this is the first time he has heard the term ASEAN. I do not see him lasting long as Sec Def. His true nature will come out while he is in office. When I was in the Army we had a saying "any rank above Captain is a political position". Sec Def is a political position and not a warrior position. In recent memory my favorit Sec Def was Robert Gates. Someone like him would have been a better choice.
  6. Can you imagine 30 million ETA's for Thailand? In the last 2 years I have completed 3 ETA's or Entry/Arrival documents for three different countries. 1) Singapore 2) S Korea 3) Malaysia. Both SIN and SK were very quick to respond with the entrance documents. Both took under 4 hours to land in my email inbox. Malaysia was a diffrent. For instance for Malaysia a foreigner could only apply up to 2 days before departure. I was concerned I would not get the doucment in time. I never got an email from Malaysian Immigration so I went into their webiste and found out the MDAC(Malaysian Digital Arrival Card) had been approved in 8 hours. The three countries I visisted that requierd some kind of ETA or Entrance documents do not get anywhere near 30 million arrivals per year. I wonder what any future Thai ETA experience could be like?
  7. I know that but since I have moved into this area electricity outages were a common thing in spring and summer. Ranging from an hour to 4 hours. This is area is mixed use. Anyway this time it was only 90 minutes.
  8. 7 years and first time electricity has gone out in January. Power outagse during the middle of summer have occurred and is understandable.
  9. Currently it is the middle of winter in Amzaing Chiang Mai. The temperature is about 20 C and the electricty just went out in my neighborhood (I live close to the Nimman area in CNX). First time that I can recall that electricity went out in early January. I wonder how many air conditioners are on now?
  10. I took a nutrition class in college over forty years ago and the first thing the instrcutor said "if you want to live a long life then eat less". I think he was right because most of the really old people I have encountered are on the slim side. I have always tried to maintain a BMI of 25 of less. Currently my BMI is 22. Of course there are exceptions and some obese people live into their 80's and beyond.
  11. I dont disagree about Trump. But the number of firefighers initally were inadequate. Some CA Army National Guard units have been trained to battle wildfires. They have been just been activated. By the time the Guard is able to deploy it will be next week. The National Guard does not have QRF's (Quick Reaction Forces). All guardsman have civilian jobs and need time to mount up and deploy. Also, to mitigate the risk some of the fuel should have been cutdown. I realize some of the land is under the control of the federal government but a lot is under control of the state and in some cases the county. This boils down to state and local leaderhip. Where was the planing for a castastrophic fire event like this? The same kind of leaders failed to plan and respond to the 1992 LA Riots( I worked it for 15 days straight) and it was a "Charlie Foxtrot" It was a little better in 1994 when the earthquake hit but not much happened until the Fed's came in. Yes Trump is a disaster and so are many of Caflifornia's elected leaders.
  12. 55 years in So Cal and the Santa Ana's have been part of life every year. The difference this time was the wind speeds were almost 100 mph. In the past I believe the fastest speeds were between 30 and 40.
  13. If he knew then what was the contingency plan??? For $750,000 per year he should have had a contingency plan?
  14. So a TV station in New Orleans is reporting about fire hydrants in Pacific Palisades CA? I been have up down the streets of Pac Pal for years. If the hyrdants buckled then they run dry? Did not know that?
  15. The latest bit I just heard from the LA City Fire Chief was that the DWP (Department of Water and Power) is responsible for the hydrants. Ok, deflect. For many who are not familiarl with Los Angeles the DWP is a city agency that provides water and electricity. The DWP has a questionnalbe history. The current DWP CEO is paid $750,000 per year + benefits. Just amazing. I would recommend that Joe Biden bail out California before Jan 19.

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