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Posts posted by Dogmatix

  1. Just wondering if they cuffed him, hands behind back? And then maybe administered a swift kick to the face? You see, because this is a situation where it truly would be appropriate. Ie. the only justice ever likely to be meted out.

    No, because the kicker and his commanding officer would be forced to crawl on their knees in front of the politician to apologise.

    We shouldn't upset ourselves too much about this exhibition of youthful high spirits. Boys will be boys.

  2. I may be "slightly" naive, but I can't believe that just 3 teenagers just attacked the German and his friends out of just nothing; there must be more to this story.

    The reason of "like to copy the Koh Thao murder" is utter BS; a bright example of Thais coming up with some reason to let them stand out better for the media; they should have told the real reason, but that would make them loose face big time.

    It's may be mixture between 'drive by' killings in the US where gang members have to proved their bravery by shooting an unknown person at random and racist neo nazi attacks on racial minorities in Europe.

  3. Hasn't changed his tune...

    “Police Chief Somyos Poompanmuang and his wife’s net worth was revealed to about 355.8 million baht”

    “Prayuth’s own brother, General Preecha Chan-ocha, who was also handpicked to serve in the NLC. …Preecha’s net worth was closer to 90 million baht than the 79 million baht he originally claimed.”

    "A few days ago, Prayuth appeared angry when Thais demanded the government increase transparency.”

    “I beg you not to dig up anything. There is no benefit in so doing.”

    “I must say that you cannot do that for the time being.” wai2.gifwai.gif


    According to SET announcements the police chief must have suddenly increased his net worth from the net assets of 355.8 declared by himself and his wife. He has recently made a series of investments in canny takeover deals in the stock market and just one of them in a small cap speculative stock was more than 355.8 million, if combined with his daughter's investment. I wish I had the cojones to invest my entire net worth in one small speculative stock on the SET's 'cash in advance' list. It has paid off for him as it doubled in 3 weeks. He won't miss his day job when he retires next September.

    Cabinet ministers aren't allowed to own shares in businesses. Otherwise some of them might also have been tempted to dabble in the bull market in speculative 5th and 6th liners.

  4. According to CSI LA who has talked to them, local police in Moreno Valley, CA, where the fake monk has taken up residence have never heard anything at all from Thai authorities about the extradition case or the fact that his passport has been revoked. I guess money talks and he has a lot of it. Thai authorities do a poor job at extraditing criminals from overseas even when they have no incentive to flunk it because they usually don't understand the legal processes in the foreign countries and either don't get good legal advice on the ground or don't listen to it. But they are good at sending large delegations of useless people overseas at great expense to taxpayers to mess things up. Don't expect this criminal back on Thai soil any time soon but do expect plenty of spin from Thai authorities blaming others for their lack of progress.

  5. and pigs might fly ......more thai garbage, he obviously has serious mental issues like so many inbreeds here

    After a night out together, Treethana allegedly got angry and tried breaking Pairinyas fingers while she was driving.wub.png

    Normal high spiritedness of the Thai alpha male. A simple misunderstanding that will be corrected with some donations to Thinglor police and Intimidation of the ex-gf and her family.

    • Like 2
  6. This survey exhibits survivorship bias because they only interviewed foreign tourists who decided to come to Thailand in spite of martial law and excluded tourists who cancelled or decided not to book at all due to martial law. So it is completely skewed and useless. It is not going to influence any foreign tourists anyway. It just makes Thais feel better for while until the harsh reality kicks in again.

    • Like 1
  7. The Thai authorities always do a poor job on extradition requests. For every successful request like Rakesh Saxena, there are probably about 10 balls ups, many of which are botched so badly one can assume that tea money was paid.

    The case of Pin Chakaphat involved many visits to the UK by teams of officials flying first class and staying in luxury hotels. The case was flawed from the start as there was no evidence of an extraditable offence under the Anglo-Siam Treaty, since Pin had extended loans imprudently at Finance One and had failed to comply with some prudential lending rules of the BoT but this was not a fraud because he had not benefited from it personally. He was just made a scapegoat for the financial crisis to allow politicians who had defrauded state banks and their bankers go free.

    I am willing to bet that the case of this fake monk will run like the Pin case, rather than Rakesh Saxena, although, unlike Pin, the fake monk obviously belongs in jail. Rakesh was an evil character who deserves to be in jail, where he is now, but most of the politicians he helped defraud Bangkok Bank of Commmerce, a state owned bank, are still alive and receiving deep wais at cocktail parties on account of their massive ill gotten gains.

    • Like 1
  8. Foreign tourists can be assured of safety in Thailand, says Kobkarn

    They will be safely murdered by youth tourism ambassadors AKA Koh Tao copycats armed with hoes and from the electronic bracelets we will sell them at Immigration, we will know who they were. Thai criminals will be asked to leave the bracelets on the tourists they have raped and/or murdered for ease of identification and to avoid making the country lose face and tourism revenue.

  9. After years and years of Thai authorities being soft on crimes against foreigners I'm not surprised by anything anymore unfortunately. It's about time the RTP/CPT made an example of someone for this. A few executions would certainly get the message across that violent crimes against foreign visitors is not to be tolerated.

    Show them walking to their executions on TV blinking in the bright camera lights in the dawn, having only just been told the date of their executions a couple of hours ago, like Thaksin did. Now there's a real man.

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  10. I spotted an interesting article in Thai Rath over the week end, the gist of which I summarize below for the benefit of those who cannot read Thai.

    "After the Koh Tao murders a crazy conspiracy developed with a view to making Thai people bitterly hate Thai police. They have repeatedly incited their friends to believe that Thai police looked for Burmese scapegoats to get forced confessions. After the dust had settled and the social media idiots all returned to America, it turned out after 3 DNA tests that the police were right.

    Scotland Yard and the British Ambassador, who spent a long time engrossed in the case, asked to see all the details of the DNA tests of 300 people on Koh Tao and the taking of samples. All the Scotland Yard aunties and the British ambassador were so impressed that they asked the Thai police to come to the UK to train their own police. Even more important than the praise heaped on Thai police by the Brits was their admission that the Thai police used more advanced equipment and techniques in the investigation than their own.

    Once the imaginative fantasies are over, hopefully people will stop criticizing Thai police."

    Outstanding! These people really are demented. I like the part where the British ambassador and Scotland Yard were so impressed they asked the Thai police to come to the UK to train the British police! I also enjoyed reading how the Thai police have more advanced equipment and techniques than the British police according to Scotland Yard. We saw the Thai police advanced techniques when containing the crime scene, who could fail to be impressed by that? Who could also fail to be impressed by the bomb detecting equipment they purchased a couple of years ago. RTP, a truly state of the art organization indeed!

    I think the aunties at Scotland Yard will be putting in an order for plastic bags from the Thai Region 8 detectives soon.

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  11. The PR campaign seems to be telling Thais that G2G contracts negotiated with China and Russia mean that amending the FBA to prevent FDI in the services sectors doesn't matter. They should just wait till they start losing their jobs with Japanese and Western companies and don't get re-employed by the Chinese or Russian government contractors.

    BTW the railway deal with China is only available because the Burmese got so fed up with the way China has treated them over the years that they cancelled China's deal to build a railway to the Indian Ocean through Burma. Go figure.

  12. I spotted an interesting article in Thai Rath over the week end, the gist of which I summarize below for the benefit of those who cannot read Thai.

    "After the Koh Tao murders a crazy conspiracy developed with a view to making Thai people bitterly hate Thai police. They have repeatedly incited their friends to believe that Thai police looked for Burmese scapegoats to get forced confessions. After the dust had settled and the social media idiots all returned to America, it turned out after 3 DNA tests that the police were right.

    Scotland Yard and the British Ambassador, who spent a long time engrossed in the case, asked to see all the details of the DNA tests of 300 people on Koh Tao and the taking of samples. All the Scotland Yard aunties and the British ambassador were so impressed that they asked the Thai police to come to the UK to train their own police. Even more important than the praise heaped on Thai police by the Brits was their admission that the Thai police used more advanced equipment and techniques in the investigation than their own.

    Once the imaginative fantasies are over, hopefully people will stop criticizing Thai police."

    Any way you can post a link to this article, or pm me the link? I would love to see the original.

    I have PMed you the article. Couldn't post or link it here because it is in a foreign language.

  13. Torture is not putting plastic bags on a suspects head. Torture is inflicting serious amounts of pain with hot irons, finger crushing pliers and beatings with clubs. This was just a Thailand style interrogation.

    Not correct. Mental torture is just as effective, if not more effective, as violent torture.

    I think putting a plastic bag on the head of someone with his hands cuffed behind his back would have a similar effect waterboarding where the victim is brought to the edge of suffocation repeatedly. Like waterboarding plastic bag torture doesn't leave any marks, unless the victim suffocates to death. Perhaps we have someone on TV who worked at Guantanamo who is experienced in US torture techniques and can tell us more.

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