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In Town

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Posts posted by In Town

  1. The military have no right to meddle in politics. Who the hell does Prayuth think he is? By rights, this monster should be stripped of his rank for his continued threats to launch a coup.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you should be careful what you write. Calling the Army chief a monster is defamation. I wish he could see what you wrote and be deported for soch childish and ignorant posts. In Singapore you would be quickely dealt with as would a lot of other posters on this forum

    555 right now I am in the middle of moving out of Thailand anyway. I am deeply worried by the way things are going, and have no desire to live in a dictatorship (the yellow dream, and what Singapore is BTW), or a war zone (which is what will likely eventuate because a lot of Thais don't want dictatorship either) . Plus I think that if Prayuth wants to sue anyone for defamation, then he has much bigger fish to fry than anyone on this forum.

    You say that my posts are childish and ignorant? Do some reading on what happened in Bangkok in 2010. I was living in central Bangkok the whole time and saw what Prayuth unleashed with my own eyes.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There are many of us who went through the same

    But we do not cry about it

    we just get on with our lives as we are guest here only , and we can leave any time we want

    Please let us know when you leave there are many members here who will send to a farewell card

    and also many of use who will stay because we believe in a future better Thailand

    I cry about it. So do the fatherless children, the sisters and brothers, the parents and friends of those freedom fighters ruthlessly mown down by by the cruel and the wicked.

    • Like 1
  2. The military have no right to meddle in politics. Who the hell does Prayuth think he is? By rights, this monster should be stripped of his rank for his continued threats to launch a coup.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you should be careful what you write. Calling the Army chief a monster is defamation. I wish he could see what you wrote and be deported for soch childish and ignorant posts. In Singapore you would be quickely dealt with as would a lot of other posters on this forum

    555 right now I am in the middle of moving out of Thailand anyway. I am deeply worried by the way things are going, and have no desire to live in a dictatorship (the yellow dream, and what Singapore is BTW), or a war zone (which is what will likely eventuate because a lot of Thais don't want dictatorship either) . Plus I think that if Prayuth wants to sue anyone for defamation, then he has much bigger fish to fry than anyone on this forum.

    You say that my posts are childish and ignorant? Do some reading on what happened in Bangkok in 2010. I was living in central Bangkok the whole time and saw what Prayuth unleashed with my own eyes.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I was also living and working in Bangkok in 2010 and I also saw firsthand the violence and rioting from the red shit protestors (terrorists). It was a war zone. Without the rioting and violence, there would have been no crackdown. Cause and effect.


  3. I think you are all confused. He is not a red shirt, he is a Democrat. He has been advocating for reform of the Democrat Party from within the party. There was also a deputy leader of the Dems who tried to propose reform last year, but he was forced out.

    Based on the survey results reported yesterday in the Nation, the public at large is not happy with the Democrats strategy, and if they want to continue to exist, they should consider getting back into elections.

  4. 1. there are no "independent" agencies, there are only agenda-driven agencies. (do you dispute this?)

    2. in no country on earth is it acceptable for an army to shut down a demonstration by shooting demonstrators. (do you dispute this?)

    3. we know now who the men in black are, and they are all employed by Suthep. (do you dispute this?)

    4. the reds did not burn Bangkok. (do you dispute this?) Men in black (i.e. Suthep's minions) lit a small fire in Central to try to justify the murders they had just committed. (do you dispute this?)

    How should an armed protest be shut down? Do you dispute they were armed?

    3 and 4 is straight out of the red shirt propaganda book.

    First, it was not an armed protest. Yes, I dispute they were armed. I was there, and while there may have been a few people among the tens of thousands in the park that had pistols in their pockets, it is indisputable that tens of thousands where unarmed and were fired on without provocation by thousands of soldiers armed with war weapons. Abhisit and Suthep decided to end the demonstration by any means, and declared a "life fire zone". Snipers on rooftops targeted unarmed protestors and nurses serving the sick and injured, then celebrated after blowing their brains out.

    Second, there is an armed protest going on right now in Bangkok, and the current government has declined to send in the army to shut it down by shooting unarmed or armed protestors. No matter what you think of her policies, its clear that Yingluck and the PTP are a sight more civilised than the previous government.

    3 and 4 may be out of the propaganda book, but the most effective propaganda is the truth. We now know the men in black, armed with war weapons, are navy seals. This has been proven through photographs, videos and the courts. Also, Bangkok was not burned down. I live here, and would have noticed.

    It seems you're eyes were closed. There is plenty of evidence out there that they were armed.

    Can you please point to any report that says that the men in black were navy seals?

    There is no evidence they were armed. I was there every day for weeks and all I ever saw was a few catapults and some bamboo sticks.

    Here are some reports:








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  5. 1. there are no "independent" agencies, there are only agenda-driven agencies. (do you dispute this?)

    2. in no country on earth is it acceptable for an army to shut down a demonstration by shooting demonstrators. (do you dispute this?)

    3. we know now who the men in black are, and they are all employed by Suthep. (do you dispute this?)

    4. the reds did not burn Bangkok. (do you dispute this?) Men in black (i.e. Suthep's minions) lit a small fire in Central to try to justify the murders they had just committed. (do you dispute this?)

    How should an armed protest be shut down? Do you dispute they were armed?

    3 and 4 is straight out of the red shirt propaganda book.

    First, it was not an armed protest. Yes, I dispute they were armed. I was there, and while there may have been a few people among the tens of thousands in the park that had pistols in their pockets, it is indisputable that tens of thousands where unarmed and were fired on without provocation by thousands of soldiers armed with war weapons. Abhisit and Suthep decided to end the demonstration by any means, and declared a "life fire zone". Snipers on rooftops targeted unarmed protestors and nurses serving the sick and injured, then celebrated after blowing their brains out.

    Second, there is an armed protest going on right now in Bangkok, and the current government has declined to send in the army to shut it down by shooting unarmed or armed protestors. No matter what you think of her policies, its clear that Yingluck and the PTP are a sight more civilised than the previous government.

    3 and 4 may be out of the propaganda book, but the most effective propaganda is the truth. We now know the men in black, armed with war weapons, are navy seals. This has been proven through photographs, videos and the courts. Also, Bangkok was not burned down. I live here, and would have noticed.

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  6. 1. there are no "independent" agencies, there are only agenda-driven agencies. (do you dispute this?)

    2. in no country on earth is it acceptable for an army to shut down a demonstration by shooting demonstrators. (do you dispute this?)

    3. we know now who the men in black are, and they are all employed by Suthep. (do you dispute this?)

    4. the reds did not burn Bangkok. (do you dispute this?) Men in black (i.e. Suthep's minions) lit a small fire in Central to try to justify the murders they had just committed. (do you dispute this?)

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  7. this was a set up by tarit under orders from his boss thaksin and they knew the charges would never stick, it was purely under the hope of getting him to go along with the wiping of all charges againt himself, thaksin etc and it has failed miserably. When this is investigated by independant agencies with no reason to fabricate evidence the case will be dropped, the reds started the killing and the army was told to defend itself, there were no go zones set up and evbveryone was pre warned, there were no orders issued to direct fire at anyone other than those shooting at the army, there were also the men in black, thaksins snipers that were shooting indiscriminently, this will be easily proved and the case wiped making tarit and the ptp out like the idiots they are.

    What we may now see are more charges laid against ptp members that were telling the reds to shoot and burn Bangkok lets hope they really get to the bottom of who ordered what.

    This is either the most delusional thing I have ever read, or the author is purposely disingenuous. First, there are no "independent" agencies, there are only agenda-driven agencies. Second, in no country on earth is it acceptable for an army to shut down a demonstration by shooting demonstrators. Third, we know now who the men in black are, and they are all employed by Suthep. Fourth, the reds did not burn Bangkok. Men in Black (i.e. Suthep's minions) lit a small fire in Central to try to justify the murders they had just committed.

    Its sad that anyone could be an apologist for murder.

  8. I see the yellow brigade are out decrying PT for disputing the legality of the Ombudsman's actions. It must be good to have an intricate knowledge of Thai law so that you can say without a reasonable doubt that the Ombudsman had a right to forward a petition on the poll to the Constitutional Court and that there was a conflict between the Royal Decree on the House dissolution, which stated February 2 as the only election date, and the charter.

    Reality is, you just come out to cheer anything that can be construed as negative towards PT and you actually haven't got any idea about the legality of the issues involved.

    And neither have you. Your only comment is as always to proclaim the innocence of PTP and anyone who dares speak or challenge them must be part of the conspiracy against this democratically elected never do wrong landslide winning benevolent honest government,

    Sorry, just doesn't cut the mustard. They have been caught out telling lie after lie and refusing to accept court rulings that go against them or respect the law. YL is always going on about everyone must respect the law and obey the constitution. It seems that doesn't include herself, her ministers, her party, its affiliates and her brother.

    Maybe the Ombudsman knows more about Thai law and the constitution than you, and other posters here for that matter. Look how YL's legal team are performing on the NACC probes and you get an idea of their competence.

    very unfair on this poster who always posts reasonable and well thought out comments

    as I have stated the 'constitution' was, more or less, forced on the Thai people with the threat of the Army coup-makers staying in power indefinitely - no campaign was allowed against the 'new' constitution and it was anything but FAIR

    so supporting the un-biased (sic) judiciary in quoting 'the constitution' is a bit of a scam and the Thai people know it - hence the 'troubles' which will NEVER be over until there is justice for ALL

    If i remember rightly there was a nation wide vote on the constitution,whether to accept the new one or keep the old one,i don't think it was forced onto anyone.

    Yes, there was no force involved; just a statement by the army that if the constitution was rejected they would write the new one....

  9. Prior to 2007 the predessors to the Constitutional Court repeatedly ruled in favor of the Thaksin political parties. In 2007 when the Democrats grabbed power through the military coup and rewrote the Constitution, it re-established the Constitutional Court with partisan judges aligned with or sympathetic to the Democratic party through their appointments by a government lacking any significant opposition party with the removal of Thaksin's party.

    The Constitutional Court members know where their allegiance lies and has become de facto a powerful tool of the Democrat party as evidenced by its consistent rulings against the PTP with minimal, flawed, or lacking evidence coming largely from the Democrats/PDRC. And so PTP's perceived partisan discrimination by the Court is real and its frustration is a natural response to the corruption of the Court's intended judicial fairness.

    I'm confused. Which party has been in "power" for the majority of the last 10+ years? Do you not think they should have done something (within the framework of the law and within the constitution) about the judicial members before now IF it was indeed an issue?

    The rulings keep going against PTP/Thaksin not solely because of bias, but (surprise,surprise) because PTP/Thaksin keep breaking the law. It's quite simple really.

    The army has been in power for the last ten years...

  10. what people seem to not realize is that this was a pro team, one spotting and one shooting. Pros dont miss so where were all the dead people supposedly shot by these two. If the red supporters had half a brain they would realize that these two were simply returning fire at the red shooters to stop them killing the protesters and not shooting discriminantly like the reds were, if they were there to kill they would have done so but they didnt. What is amazing is that the police can chase this shooter up but not get any of the reds that were right next to them shooting at the protesters and with pics of them as well, does seem to be very one sided of the rtp but then what else can we expect. They know the calibre of his rifle so they should be able to match up victims but where are they, they simply dont exist hence the attempted murder as they did not kill anyone, pretty p*ss poor for a pro shooterblink.png and the ones they possibly shot would have been red shooters and the police simply will not approach them in case they have to arrest them as well.

    Perhaps its easier to miss, even if you are a pro, when you have a bag covering your gunsight?

    I wonder if this spotter and shooter were the same ones hi-fiving their kills in 2010?

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  11. "Well-known Pheu Thai MP and longtime Redshirts activist, Mr. Jatupon Prompan, was appointed the new chairman of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) over the weekend, replacing Ms. Thida Thavornseth."

    Where is the democracy in appointing someone? Aren't these the same bunch fighting against Suthep's idea of an appointed reform council? And exactly who appointed him, his pay master the man from Dubai. I don't believe the northerners and northeasters are stupid, but boy to continue to support the Redshirts they sure are gullible.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thaksin badly wants to keep the army on side and this appointment will not help.

    Could this mean he's losing control of the redshirts as well as his sister?

    Did he ever have control of them? Are they merely his serfs? Do they not have any independent aspirations?

    Thaksin is a straw man. If he and his sister and children were all gone do you think the military would then consent to popular rule?

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  12. throw the book at these miserable scumbag PDRC "guards" and whoever else is involved, without fear or favour..

    Shouldn't that be the case for all violent scumbags?

    All those shooting and bombing protesters, killing innocent children (remember the celebration - kill them before they grow up and protest against us). Those caught should all be charges where there is evidence.

    Of course not one single person, even the ones caught in the act, have been charged with attacking protesters.

    Nice that you only want the law enforced against those opposing the regime.

    Viva the death squads eh?

    Yes, all attackers should be arrested. The problem is that all the available evidence points to soldiers (current or former) as those attacking protestors, and soldiers in Thailand are immune from prosecution. Also, the suspicion (not the certainty) is that all or some of the attacks have been perpetrated by the PDRC themselves, or sympathisers, who are trying to use violence to provoke military intervention (which was the whole purpose of the demonstrations). Whether true or not, this is what many believe.

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  13. Mr. Issara has refused to surrender himself to the police. The arrogance of this man who bares his naked butt at the law and thinks he is above the laws of others. He is a Yellow shirt and Thai laws don't apply to them.

    Apart from the victim having 'identified' k. Issara there seems to be no evidence at all (yet). In the mean time the police already wants to 'arrest' the suspect for this crime. Seems a bit undemocratic and even against the law, wouldn't you say?

    No, not at all. In no normal country is a murder suspect allowed to walk free. They are held and then tried. In Thailand, if your shirt is yellow you can be indicted for murder, but you are allowed to decide when you might like to go to court, and if you are busy, no worries. On the other had, if your shirt is red, you can be thrown in the clink immediately, or your political party can be dissolved for illegal cooking. Hilarious!

  14. They seem to be upset with what they view as "double standards"; i.e. the unequal or unfair application of the law to different groups. In many ways they are analogous to the civil rights campaigners in the US in the 60s, or anti-apartheid campaigners in the 1980s. They are struggling with whatever means they have against a system set up to deny them equal voting rights or equal justice. In a very real sense they are heroes, and history will surely remember them as such.

    How dare you compare these imbeciles to civil rights campaigners - they are filthy scum who have no respect for the law.

    They will be remembered as zeros, not heroes - the police should arrest these idiots and charge them with threatening the judiciary!!!!

    How can I not? They are seen as second class citizens. Denied voting rights. Denigrated as animals and scum. At the mercy of a judicial system rigged in favour of the privileged and rich. You sound just like Bull Conner or George Wallace. They are human beings, just like you or me.

  15. How charming.

    They are disgusting animals - not fit to be classed as human beings!!!

    Their disregard for the courts is appalling - they should lock them up in cells without toilets or tissue paper and throw away the key!!!!

    They are not animals. They are human beings, entitled to respect. They are struggling to make a political point, that they should be allowed to vote and to elect their own leaders, and that everyone should be equal before the law. Clearly you disagree with them politically, but don't they have a right to voice their opinion? Yes, you disagree with their method, but their purpose is to shock you, and that is not rare for demonstrators. Try to cultivate a little tolerance.

  16. Why would the anti-government protesters want to stick a label on their victims,

    Perhaps to suggest that the dead were PCAD supporters killed by red shirts?

    Makes no sense,

    since the simplest of background check would she he was just the opposite.

    As exactly has proved to be the case.

    Well, no one has ever accused the PCAD guards of brilliance, and so far their actions suggest the opposite.

  17. It appears to be a pattern. There is a willingness to kill others (northern adversaries or southern allies) that suggests the level of dehumanisation required for genocide. The constant reference to red shirts as less than human (buffaloes, etc.) is reminiscent of dehumanisation propaganda prevalent before the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda and Armenia. I hope this is not a similar situation.

    A genocide, no less.

    Reading TVF, the PDRC (and/or the Democrat Party) are usually portrayed as a minority with dwindling popular support - can't win an election, demonstrators are a handfull of grannies, Bangkok elites. It would seem rather unlikely that they could actually do anything of the sort.

    As far as I know, most genocides target minority groups, not the other way around. Hardly a "similar" situation to the examples cited.

    Both sides use demeaining language to describe the rivals, both sides issue threats and use violent language.

    Its a good point. And it is worrying on both sides. But dehumanisation of majorities does occur. Look at South Africa or India or most other colonised countries and you see a similar pattern. If you think of the ethnic dimension of this conflict, it does fit that model.

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  18. It appears to be a pattern. There is a willingness to kill others (northern adversaries or southern allies) that suggests the level of dehumanisation required for genocide. The constant reference to red shirts as less than human (buffaloes, etc.) is reminiscent of dehumanisation propaganda prevalent before the genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda and Armenia. I hope this is not a similar situation.

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  19. They seem to be upset with what they view as "double standards"; i.e. the unequal or unfair application of the law to different groups. In many ways they are analogous to the civil rights campaigners in the US in the 60s, or anti-apartheid campaigners in the 1980s. They are struggling with whatever means they have against a system set up to deny them equal voting rights or equal justice. In a very real sense they are heroes, and history will surely remember them as such.

  20. for all you yellows gloating at this very "expected" result PTP will win any democratic election rolleyes.gif

    Which reminds me:

    "North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was elected to the rubber-stamp parliament with 100% votes on Monday. He's not the only leader to win an election overwhelmingly, writes Tanvi Misra."


    I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you referring to the Democrat Party's internal election, where K. Abhisit was the only candidate, and the 35 members of the executive committee voted him leader with 98% 0f the vote?

  21. Well, as a good tea party member I agree with you that the policy is bad. While infrastructure is essential for development, government should live within its means. And I also understand that all these subsidies will come out of your pocket, not the pockets of rural farmers, who pay little in taxes. Nevertheless, I worry that the establishment is criminalising the legislative process. I've, of course, heard of the principle of judicial review, but have never heard of any country criminalising the drafting of a law ruled unconstitutional.

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