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In Town

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Posts posted by In Town

  1. An election commission that does not want to organise elections! But I suppose we knew that months ago.

    It seems that the red shirt thugs have sabotaged the elections in July - not Suthep!!!

    The EC are absolutely correct regarding their decision that polls cannot be held whilst bomb and gun attacks are continuing. Blame it on the red terrorists if you must put the blame on someone, they have become experts at scoring own goals.clap2.gif.

    Sadly Steve there is no certainty that the attack last night was by red shirts. Suthep's black shirts are well known for the violence they perpetrated against their own supporters to try to justify a military coup, and this may be a similar case. It just seem too convenient that the EC says they cannot schedule elections if there is violence, that evening there is violence, and the next day they say elections cannot be held because of it. I don't know that that is what happened (the red shirts are surely growing tired of yellow schemes to derail democracy), but the really sad thing is the perception it could be possible.

  2. I disagree. I think there is a hidden agenda and it is obvious in the language used. As I have said repeatedly, it is there for a reason. Why use it otherwise? I don't doubt that good comes out of the program but from this thread the reasons behind that aren't well understood nor am I. I don't think this is the right place to discuss such things and will not continue with this thread.

    I don't like you. People try to help you with your problem and you merely want to argue. Go ahead, argue with yourself. When you hit bottom and are finally ready to admit defeat and stop making excuses, stop by for a coffee and a chat.

    • Like 1
  3. My personal view is that a neutral PM should be appointed that would set reform and guide lines for election laws and the government guide line to combat the corruption in government. This would leave the PPT and the UDD out.... Thailand needs Change and The Thaksin Clan is NOT the answer. They are the ones who have been driving Thailand into the dirt..Thailand is a Great country and the Thai people deserve better...

    Its great in theory, but in practice there are no neutral people. That being the case, you will need to find a solution that acknowledges political persuasion.

    • Like 1
  4. UDD - the great defenders of democracy.

    Does anyone else remember the conference where the potential leaders gave their speeches and the members elected the one they wanted ?. Me neither.

    Well, no one ever said an association has to have democratic elections. People join because they want to.

    But this does remind me of the Democrat party, which had an election for leader last December. 35 leaders were allowed to vote, and they had only one candidate (Abhisit), who got 98% of the vote. Coincidently, North Korea held an election the following week under similar rules and Kim also got 98% of the vote.

    • Like 1
  5. But they do have friendly police officers and girls. thumbsup.gif


    Proof please!.... for BOTH of your claims :-)

    The fact is that the red shirts had at their demonstration over the weekend more Thais than Suthep has had in all of 2014.

    Also, it is undeniable that red girls are younger and prettier than Suthep's mob.

    Plus, the music at Aksa road is so much better than that at Lumpini its ridiculous.

    • Like 2
  6. Scum of the earth..

    Don't worry, help is on the way. Two more grenades dropped on the anti-government protesters last night injuring two guards.

    Perfectly legal response in a democracy like Thailand, don't you think?

    PS no, I'm not defending those guard who stabbed a man. Just trying to broaden the picture a wee bit.

    Why? Every time you yellow lot mention something the reds did wrong to try to balance the barbarism of PCAD, you are implicitly or explicitly justifying the barbarism. If its wrong, its wrong--red or yellow. Just makes me think you are heartless.

    May I ask you to have a look at this from our dear gweiloman

    "I don't give a rat's behind how many get bombed and how often"


    Maybe you'd like to scold him as well?

    Sure. Why not. Doesn't matter if its red or yellow.

  7. Once again.. ONLY reported by Kjhaosod.... Just checked around MCOT, ThaiPBS, BP and TheNation and not a whiff of this so called incident with lots of anonymity. like a lot of their so called incidents...... Wife can't find anything at all from all the major Thai news outlets either.

    You all know it never happened..... Are you all so naive and gullible... It is about time they surrounded Khaosos's offices and raized them to the ground to stop all this propaganda fake bullcrap.

    That will give them something to report.

    Yes. WE are naive and gullible...

    • Like 2
  8. Scum of the earth..

    Don't worry, help is on the way. Two more grenades dropped on the anti-government protesters last night injuring two guards.

    Perfectly legal response in a democracy like Thailand, don't you think?

    PS no, I'm not defending those guard who stabbed a man. Just trying to broaden the picture a wee bit.

    Give it a rest rubl. You have mentioned the bombings enough times already. If the protesters pack up and go home, there won't be any more bombings would there? And what do you think they are achieving by still camping out in public? Do you honestly think that any politician, judge or Bangkok resident gives a sh*t anymore?

    Oh boy, those naughty anti-government protesters should go home because their presence is causing grenade rain.

    Its not their actual presence that is causing grenade rain, it is their attempt to suppress the rights of ordinary people. People who want to be free to elect their own leaders. People who want justice instead of double standards. People who want to freely travel in their own communities, without unnecessary traffic or fear of assault.

  9. Scum of the earth..

    Don't worry, help is on the way. Two more grenades dropped on the anti-government protesters last night injuring two guards.

    Perfectly legal response in a democracy like Thailand, don't you think?

    PS no, I'm not defending those guard who stabbed a man. Just trying to broaden the picture a wee bit.

    Why? Every time you yellow lot mention something the reds did wrong to try to balance the barbarism of PCAD, you are implicitly or explicitly justifying the barbarism. If its wrong, its wrong--red or yellow. Just makes me think you are heartless.

    • Like 1
  10. My dear fabs, you forgot to provide a link for the quote. Also as it is I fail to see the relevance

    Somehow the part you quote seems to suggest 'the urban middle class' orders coups and court cases which seems strange with other continuing to talk about the Amart doing such.

    There is also a suggestion that Pheu Thai 'used' the connections to 'localities' as in the age old families which hold the local population in patronage. Now that's undemocratic to the point where one might even become a real red-shirt to fight those 'localities'.

    Anyway, clearly reforms as necessary, even this Walker figure seems to suggest that thumbsup.gif

    Interestingly, the feudal system is breaking down in the north, but still strong in the south (thats where Suthep gets his troops).

  11. Okay so your opinion counts

    and that of others and Thais do not

    Under TVF rules you are allowed your opinion

    votes or strokes?

    of course Thais opinion counts - in an ELECTION which the Dems will lose AGAIN until they understand that supporting the old feudal system of elite power will not win them votes just strokes from their puppet masters

    The PTP won the last election and there was no need for another one unless one considers the unconstitutional activities of Thaksin for which there cannot be any electoral legitimacy. And there's the rub. Remove Thaksin from the equation and normality returns. Now maybe you can tell us its not about Thaksin.

    Okay. I'll bite. Its not about Thaksin.

    It is about a feudal elite and military terrified of losing power, and the more they repress the masses the more afraid they become of the possibility of retribution.

  12. Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

    The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

    Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

    Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

    Very sad day for Thailand

    Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

    Dear Moe,

    Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

    In most countries, peaceful protesters don't fire M79s at nearby mass transit stations.

    So true. They don't fire machine guns from popcorn bags either.

    I'm curious. Does the fact that some of Seh Deang's guys fired a few grenades to the roof of the BTS and one of them missed and killed someone justify, in your mind, the army posting snipers on rooftops and gunning down unarmed protestors? Just want to be clear on your thinking on this point.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The topic is about YL removal as caretaker Pm not about Abhisit and Suthep and May 2010 and any live fire zone. Stick to the damn topic.

    It is on topic. You just have not read far enough back in the thread. Hey, I like your font. Makes you seem big!

    I said stick to the damn topic. What the hell is wrong with you can <deleted> read English?

    The topic is the judicial system, and why one side seems to receive swift and certain trial and punishment and the other doesn't. For example, Yingluck was deemed prosecutable while serving in a caretaker administration but the same court ruled that Abhisit, in the same situation, was not. Or the fact that red shirt demonstrators go to jail, but yellow shirts do not. Or the fact that Suthep and Abhisit have been charged with murder but are still free, while Yingluck, accused of transferring a civil servant, is removed from office. It is on topic, you just haven't read back enough to realise that.

    • Like 1
  14. Dear Moe,

    Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

    Not in Thailand neither because there was no such order "to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones""

    Here is the first result from google: http://www.hrw.org/news/2010/05/15/thailand-revoke-live-fire-zones-bangkok

    You know what that article doesn't say? It doesn't say the governement set up live fire zones "to disperse the demonstration". You just made that up.

    What? You reckon they set them up to shoot random passer by? You're right. I took a big leap there.

  15. Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

    The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

    Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

    Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

    Very sad day for Thailand

    Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

    Dear Moe,

    Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

    They also gave very fair warning it was going to happen and told the rioters to leave which they chose not to do. Then the red rioters burnt down Centralworld as well as the old cinema, Centre One and around 40 other buildings. You could argue that might not have happened had the army been sent in ( though I believe the threat from Arisman ( who should have been sent to prison as a terrorist rather than given a government job ) to do so was made before the army action started ), but the litany of crimes committed by the Reds already in the lead up fully justified the actions taken against them to try and bring their 2 month reign of chaos to an end and the subsequent actions by the terrorists also shows why such action was needed. They would stop at nothing, killing and arson and grenades....Abisit and Suteb may have made some mistakes but their order for action was 100% correct against the rioting terrorists.

    Thanks Ting Tong. Its statements like this that really clarify your side's positions. Its great that you lay our your argument with such logic and precision, and the compassion you show for all those affected by the burning of Central department store is commendable (although there have been allegations that the fires were actually started by Suthep's "Men in Black' as post hoc justification for the shootings). Anyway, your statements are very helpful in giving everyone a clearer picture of the way the yellow side sees the conflict, and deeper insight into its values.

    • Like 1
  16. Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

    The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

    Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

    Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

    Very sad day for Thailand

    Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

    Dear Moe,

    Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

    Not in Thailand neither because there was no such order "to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones""

    Here is the first result from google: http://www.hrw.org/news/2010/05/15/thailand-revoke-live-fire-zones-bangkok

  17. Just more criminal court activities, Charlerm devides the country, commits massive criminal acts and nothing done. Yet Yingluck wasn't even the person whom removed the person but since she didn't stop it, she is removed. Yup seems legit.

    The best part about all of this is, in the short time she has been PM she has managed to go to court and be removed.

    Yet the mass murder Abisit hasn't and is still in a Government position. When wil lthe murder be put in jail? Oh wait that's right he is on the other side they don't go to court, jail or held responible for any of their actions.

    Well at least when someone comes along and removes the justice system to revamp it all will understand.

    Very sad day for Thailand

    Other than bringing in the army to restore order exactly what murder did he commit you saw him pull the trigger and kill someone.

    Dear Moe,

    Abhisit and Suthep gave the orders to disperse the demonstration with "life fire zones" and authorised the use of deadly force by soldiers against civilians. In some countries that would make them culpable of murder, but apparently not in Thailand.

  18. Well, I get from this that you disagree with me politically, or on the facts, and that you are upset that I disagree with you. Okay.

    Please don't get me wrong - disagreeing is great, the fact that we disagree is great. The best ideas, the best concepts, and the best systems are borne through disagreement and painful negotiation.

    Somewhere between what the Amart, Thaksin, Yellow supporters, Suthep, the Red Shirt movement and the Army want is what is best for Thailand - a system free of corruption designed to promote the success of the upper class whilst providing more opportunities for the lower class through improved learning opportunities with the ability for those charged with overseeing a system which cannot reasonably oversee itself (this is proven on both sides now) to intervene and hit the "reset" button to start over.

    Thailand, weither you like it or not is a melting pot of needs, cultures, dialects, expectations and concepts on what is "right". All parties need to be prepared to lose 90% of what they want in order to gain the 10% of what they need - otherwise everyone loses every time.

    Yes, I think this is our fundamental disagreement. I couldn't care less about "a system free of corruption designed to promote the success of the upper class". I feel like the "upper class" in Thailand do quite well promoting their own success, and that much of that success is founded on corruption. I also disagree with the yellow assertion that the "lower classes" lack education, and consequently cannot be trusted with a role in government. I disagree that this disagreement is about Thaksin, as I assume that if he and all his clan left politics, there would still be those who objected to handing power to the masses. In general the people on my side talk about a yearning for equality, justice and democracy, and the people on your side talk about Thaksin. We don't talk about Thaksin because we don't care about Thaksin. We want democracy, the right to vote, the end of double standards in the judicial system. We would also like civilian control of the military, and not to be shot for advocating democracy.

  19. We need more gentleman on TV like you

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ha! We need more gentle ladies like you on TV to remind us. Its appreciated.

    Not to instigate but intelegent debate is what makes this forum a great tool for those new (and old but with minor cases of tunnel vision in the past) open up and begin to understand others world views. Trolling and abusing other members is not only against the rules, but destroys the level of trust some have here in sharing their opinions, experiences and ideas. I would have to say your comments on this threat have for the first time led me to wonder why we do not have "dislike" and "do not show posts from this member" buttons within the threads. In the Queens English you have demonstrated yourself to be rude, unproductive and generally unhelpful in defining the OP or related issues which stem from it.

    This will probably get deleted, but I feel it is important to take a stand against people like you who disrupt those who look for constructive and intelegent ideas through this forum.

    Well, I get from this that you disagree with me politically, or on the facts, and that you are upset that I disagree with you. Okay.

  20. That is an absolutely ridiculous post. A democracy is about letting the people decide who they want to govern them. If they want a corrupt government, that is their decision. If the opposition thought they could win an election, they would contest it. The fact that a corrupt PTP party wins every elections says something about the opposition. If you removed every government that was corrupt or performed badly mid term, no government anywhere in the world would serve its full term. Get real.

    The single, most asinine post in this entire thread.

    That's pretty cool, how you were able to comment on your own post. I like a humble guy!

  21. It's not really corruption per say.

    It's misuse of power.

    It happens all the time in the UK Only thing is the brits have perfected it.

    Tony Blair s mates from Eton all get the government contracts.

    It's so buried. It's hard to find. Especially behind a cheesy grin

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thank you for the clarification. I have run out of likes due to the amusement of this thread but thank you.

    My confusion arose due to the fact that in Thailand the concept of working from someone does not need to involve any form of compensation. Therefore it may have been possible that the courts could implcate involved parties in corruption charges also if they could link the transfers to the concept of "working" in the interests of an exiled party against the good judgement of normal standard procedures and systems.

    We need more gentleman on TV like you

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ha! We need more gentle ladies like you on TV to remind us. Its appreciated.

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