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In Town

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Posts posted by In Town

  1. Hey! These guys did even better than Abhisit!. He only got 98% of the vote, even though he was the only candidate, when the Democrat party allowed 35 of their dear leaders to vote.

    These guys win elections as well:

    North Korea's Kim Jong-un gets 100% of 'yes' votes in election

    Saddam 'wins 100% of vote'

    In case you missed it, PTP don't even bother to elect their leader. He owns the bloody party and tells them how to vote.

    Are you under instructions too?

    I could be wrong, but as best as I remember the people of Thailand elected the leader of the PTP.

  2. This must have been a difficult article for Khaosod to write. Thank goodness the UDD stations are down. UDD radio in particular was not only the source of so much misinformation but it actually routinely instigated unrest. Blue Sky TV is also down and Prayuth is to be commended for using a balanced measure here. It is to the UDD and their supporters continual advantage to pedal the idea of a more sweeping censorship of the mainstream media to come, but it won't happen. If it was going to, for sure those measures would have been released simultaneously. Prayuth knows precisely where the unrest originates - as does everyone else - and to fans of Channel 3, 5 and so on - will doubtless continue to see them, as will newspapers ( yes, even Khaosod ), and social media in full throttle. This is not a Chalerm move. It is a Prayuth move, and there is far more reason in the later than in the former. This is a very good maneuver, because it has brought security to Bangkok, calmed down the rallies, and most importantly released the Senate, the Constitutional Court, and the National Anti-Corruption Commission from the provocation they've been receiving. They can now proceed with safety, as they're supposed to.

    Interesting you think this has calmed the situation. I would think rather that putting a lid on the tension in society will merely increase the pressure over time and possibly eventually lead to an explosion. I guess time will tell.

    • Like 1
  3. Wow! You are very rude. My feelings are hurt.

    No, there's absolutely nothing rude about my post. I even use the word 'Please'.

    So now, why not call it a day buddy? Try to understand that there's absolutely nothing funny about people bleeding. How would you like it if someone was so flippant about the people where you are from? I'm not sure which hole you crawled out of but I'm sure you wouldn't like it.

    I don't think I have ever been flippant about blood being spilled in Thailand. I was and remain horrified by what happened at Tak Bai. I was and remain horrified by all of the democracy demonstrators gunned down by the military since the 1970s. I'm simply not afflicted with the weird psychosis that sees the hand of Thaksin behind all bad things in Thailand. Thaksin is a man that puts his pants on one leg at a time, like other men. He is not a superman, able to influence all events in Thailand. There are other politicians here, including in the military, playing their own game.

  4. Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    For all of you on here that troll and think it great to make Thaksin the hero, the guy who looks after the people and human rights. Take a look at this video uploaded in 2006 (you will find part 2 to the side of it on youtube). All of you that harp on about the 'crackdown in 2010', all of you that think Abhisit is the bad guy. All of you that live here and love this country, watch and see the true nature of this man, your hero. remember to click on the source and watch part 2. If you still support Thaksin after this, you either did not watch the video or you are the same calibre of person as your hero. And you wonder why there are 'problems now in the South'! See why.

    Thanks Jim. I think we all need to be reminded of that horrible event. And its true that Thaksin was PM then. But its also true that was done by the military and not at his direct order. There are others that could also be accused in that crime, people more directly responsible. I hope you will also hold them to the same standard, as well as other politicians who have ordered soldiers to shoot people.

    The Audacity of you to suggest "I think we all need to be reminded of that horrible event".

    Perhaps you may have needed to be educated about a few 'facts' but please stop speaking for me and anyone else here. Some of us here didn't just blow into Thailand yesterday and some of us don't find it real amusing either when someone so ignorant tries to speak for all. Capiche?

    Wow! You are very rude. My feelings are hurt.

  5. Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    ...............are you being sarcastic or is that a genuine response?.....................coffee1.gif

    Possibly hyperbole, but not sarcasm. I genuinely believe he was the best PM Thailand has had. I'm not blind to his flaws, but I'm also not blind to the flaws of other Thai politicians. Is he corrupt? Almost certainly. But is he more corrupt than others? Probably not. Politicians and soldiers and police colonels and generals in Thailand all drive Jaguars or Mercedes. Thaksin at least pandered to the poor, decreased infant mortality, and has been at the forefront on a cultural transition from the old feudal system towards modern democracy. Is he perfect? No. Is he the devil? No. Anyway, what I think doesn't matter as much as what the people of Thailand think, and they have said, over and over, that they prefer him or his proxies to anyone else on offer.
    You must be stupid or trolling, witch is it?

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Hmm. Who is making a rational argument here, and who is throwing insults, but not attempting to employ either reason or fact. Which (not witch) approach is more intelligent in your view?

    • Like 2
  6. Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    For all of you on here that troll and think it great to make Thaksin the hero, the guy who looks after the people and human rights. Take a look at this video uploaded in 2006 (you will find part 2 to the side of it on youtube). All of you that harp on about the 'crackdown in 2010', all of you that think Abhisit is the bad guy. All of you that live here and love this country, watch and see the true nature of this man, your hero. remember to click on the source and watch part 2. If you still support Thaksin after this, you either did not watch the video or you are the same calibre of person as your hero. And you wonder why there are 'problems now in the South'! See why.

    Thanks Jim. I think we all need to be reminded of that horrible event. And its true that Thaksin was PM then. But its also true that was done by the military and not at his direct order. There are others that could also be accused in that crime, people more directly responsible. I hope you will also hold them to the same standard, as well as other politicians who have ordered soldiers to shoot people.

  7. Buys elections, buys elections, buys elections. Get it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Does he though? According to a recent study the Democrats spend more on votes that PT, confirmed by their own admission. You can ignore reality, but be careful, as reality may not ignore you...

    what study..............please provide a link of a reputable source!!!






  8. Good to see him involved. He plays by the rules and wins elections fair and square. 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    ...............are you being sarcastic or is that a genuine response?.....................coffee1.gif

    Possibly hyperbole, but not sarcasm. I genuinely believe he was the best PM Thailand has had. I'm not blind to his flaws, but I'm also not blind to the flaws of other Thai politicians. Is he corrupt? Almost certainly. But is he more corrupt than others? Probably not. Politicians and soldiers and police colonels and generals in Thailand all drive Jaguars or Mercedes. Thaksin at least pandered to the poor, decreased infant mortality, and has been at the forefront on a cultural transition from the old feudal system towards modern democracy. Is he perfect? No. Is he the devil? No. Anyway, what I think doesn't matter as much as what the people of Thailand think, and they have said, over and over, that they prefer him or his proxies to anyone else on offer.

    • Like 1
  9. . 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.
    Just like in The USSR , Iraq and North Korea wit their statues of Stalin, Saddam and The DL. All great democracies.

    Except - Thaksin wins elections, wins elections, wins elections. Get it?

    Buys elections, buys elections, buys elections. Get it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Does he though? According to a recent study the Democrats spend more on votes that PT, confirmed by their own admission. You can ignore reality, but be careful, as reality may not ignore you...

    Please quote source of study and web link to same

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    No. I've done my own research and am educated on the issue. Time you learned to use google.

  10. dent institutions, and you. So perhaps he is better qualified than most.

    As a fugitive he has been denying having anything to do with elections, your line of arguement is flawed in so many ways you should just read up on the storyline pre oct 13...

    No response huh? Cant think of anything to say? Just make it up?

    I,m still laughing at your notion of "fair and square"...

    That's no response. Why not just be a man and admit defeat?

  11. Who let the worm out the can?

    Thaksin hardly qualified to talk about democracy.

    Yes, but he does compete in elections. Which you cannot say about Abhisit (serial boycotter), Suthep (boycott and insurrection), the appointed Senate, the Army, the election commission, the independent institutions, and you. So perhaps he is better qualified than most.

    As a fugitive he has been denying having anything to do with elections, your line of arguement is flawed in so many ways you should just read up on the storyline pre oct 13...

    No response huh? Cant think of anything to say? Just make it up?

  12. . 100 years from now his statue will be everywhere, and noone will remember, Prayuth, Abhisit, Suthep, and the rest of the democracy destroyers.

    Just like in The USSR , Iraq and North Korea wit their statues of Stalin, Saddam and The DL. All great democracies.

    Except - Thaksin wins elections, wins elections, wins elections. Get it?

    Buys elections, buys elections, buys elections. Get it?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Does he though? According to a recent study the Democrats spend more on votes that PT, confirmed by their own admission. You can ignore reality, but be careful, as reality may not ignore you...

    • Like 1
  13. The irony of this is wild, this clown has done more damage to thai society and its evolving democracy than any other individual. He bribed his way through his first election fraud and carried on throwing billions of baht into his own bank account. The end of the sin era is long overdue.

    He won every election he ever contested fair and square. You just cannot admit that can you? The majority of people in Thailand prefer him to your buffoonish clowns and goose-stepping toadies. Just admit it (you know its true).

    • Like 1
  14. The way it works is this.

    The moment you stop being a democracy, your aide stops immediately and automacically and sanctions are AUTOMATICALLY imposed.

    There is no negotiation on this in US law, you are a democracy or you are toast!! Same as happened last time for those of us who remember.

    Really want to bankrupt the country as well as more civil strife? what better way than an appointed PM!!!

    This is all incorrect, and the US doesn't provide aid to Thailand anyway.

  15. "Oh god an other red fanatic, its Taksin with the tablets that destroys education instead of hiring teachers for the money. Taksin has as much to win with dumb people as any side. As long as they are dumb and poor you can control them.

    Everyone that I know who supports anti government wants better education as its a way for people to make money and then they are not dependent on handouts and cant be bribed by the monster from Dubai."

    Thaksin the Omnipotent! Give up you yellow rascals, for He is everywhere, in everything, and cannot be created or destroyed. He is the One!

    All Hail the most powerful Being in the universe!

    • Like 1
  16. When is the constitutional court going to rule on the amnesty bill and throw each and every one of the bums that voted for it out of office?

    Coming soon...

    Hmm... The yellow generals backed down from the coup when they realised they might not have some divisions or the rank and file with them, as they did in 2006.

    The CC backed down when they got rid of Yingluck and a few of her staff, but left a PT government in power. They realised that they could only go so far before the backlash swept them up.

    Now the Senate has backed down in the face of an increasingly vocal and increasingly Bangkok-based majority insisting that only elections are an acceptable mean of installing a government, and an increasingly skeptical and increasingly amused international community.

    Doesn't bode well for Suthep and the Cone Gang.

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