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In Town

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Posts posted by In Town

  1. Largely to blame are Suthep and monk Issara. But the Yingluck government and EC are also to blame for not ensuring EVERY effort was made to get the election papers to the southern polling booths.

    Yes, I think you are right. YL should have called out the army to force the EC to deliver the ballots, and then used the army to prevent voters being prevented from attending the polling.

  2. could it be some sort of influence from afar......

    Oh, that's right, you're the guy that thinks Thaksin controls the entire rest of the world's media, lol.

    Paranoid, much?

    The Economist had a very pro Shin article, full of inaccuracies. Now Bloomberg. AFP and BBC's Head are famous for their bias towards the Shins whilst ignoring some less savory aspects and distorting the facts to suit.

    A Rothschild letter of support for Yinngy in the BP. Why do you think that was? Were they moved by the perceived unjust treatment of someone they see as a brilliant reforming PM and DM, bringing a just and social reform in a democratic way to Thailand. A truly world class stateswoman? Or maybe, they have a more selfish reason?

    Thaksin isn't as powerful as he'd like to think on the world stage, but he is useful to those that are; and has built up his connections to them. Thaksin, would on past record, have no concerns about selling Thailand out as long as his family gained. That's a useful trait to some.

    Yes, its a conspiracy. All the major international media, all the international human rights organisations, all the democracy organisations, all the exiled overseas Thais, all the foreign governments and leaders who have spoken out against the coup, and a majority of the Thai population are all Thaksin puppets, bought and paid for, whose only job is to endlessly attack the peaceful military and corporate elites who only have the best interest of all Thais in their hearts. Its a tragedy.

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  3. "Meanwhile, if the parliamentary system does get changed to a mixed-member proportional system ahead of the next elections, it would reduce Pheu Thai Party's seats in Parliament, thus weakening the so-called "Thaksin regime".

    I'm not sure why anyone would think MMPR would reduce Pheu Thai seats. It will probably increase them. No matter what they do, if they have an election and people can vote for a Thaksin-aligned party, they will do.

  4. however the casualties were made by the bullets shot by the army...

    Here we go again. dreamers thinking that the red shirts in 2010 were all sterling peaceful souls. No matter how many time they hear about "bring a million litres of petrol & we will burn Bangkok", the rampaging through hospitals & the general pillage plunder and burning of malls, they say "It was all the Army's fault." The only thing missing from the above idiotic comment was to blame "Mark & Suthep" again. The reds were thugs then and they were thugs again this year. Yes, Suthep's crowd had some thugs too but to a very minor degree compared to what was coming from the PTP/UDD side. I would almost say Suthep's crowd were in self defense mode because the police would/could not give them any protection, even with photos of the perp's. However Violence from either side is to be deplored and sorry matey but the reds were and are always more violent than the Yellows or the anti-govt demonstrators. (or the army)

    Yes. The reds are peaceful, and the yellows not. Someone mentioned Seh Deang, an army officer who fought for the Thai people, as someone they would not be proud of. So, I assume you are instead proud of the sniper who assassinated him while he was being interviewed by a journalist. That is so twisted as to be almost unbelievable.

    Bangkok was "burned" by yellow fifth columnists (see the video). Red shirts went into one hospital because yellows had posted snipers in the windows, and it was days after She Deang's murder by a sniper. No one will deny the medical establishment here is completely yellow, except I guess Dr. Weng, and those poor nurses who were working at the aid station and gunned down when peaceful Mark closed the demo in 2010.

    Yes, Sutheps crowd were in "self-defence" mode, except for all the video and eyewitnesses who say otherwise. Truly, they were defending the polling station from voters.

    If reds are so violent, how come its always them that do the dying, them that are beat up, tied up, and dropped in the river? Proud of that?

    • Like 1
  5. I'm very proud to support the red shirts, an oppressed people struggling for self-determination, freedom, and dignity. Are you proud?

    Sadly that description of the RS's isn't accurate.

    JD, anyone that is and would know what in town has written is a crock of.

    But, but Suthep

    And I fully support your right to free speech as well, even if you do call me a crock of. Its wonderful that we can all freely express our political opinions.

  6. An elderly street vendor hit by a stray bullet died last month after months in paralysis.

    I have no political leanings one way or the other so it is not politically motivated when I say the popcorn shooter should serve life in prison for his wanton disregard for the publics welfare.

    And you have no axe to grind, either. Right?

    What part of my post was too difficult for you to understand?

    A gunman ran through crowded streets with an assault style weapon firing indiscriminately into groups of people and you try to turn his punishment into a political motivation. I suggest you try meditation to clear your head.

    You do realize that your avatar is actually a cliche?

    Watching the video from many sources, I would say the popcorn shooter was not the only one shooting. In fact he was in a defensive position, returning fire, from all the video I watched.

    What makes you so sure the victim was hit by the accused? It could very well be the a bullet came from another shooter. Maybe the one the accused was returning fire to.

    I could be way off base here because I have not seen anything from the forensics, did the bullet match the weapon of the accused?

    Yes, I think it quite likely it wasn't the popcorn shooter's fault at all, and that actually the street vendor ran into the bullet.

    There are some first hand accounts of that incident available in English and Thai, as well as video, and the facts of the case are fairly well known.

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