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Posts posted by jackrich

  1. It is relevant since pro Shinawatras are demonizing Suthep and trying to tell us what COULD happen if he's in charge. With head Shinawatra ruling this country, we have already already seen what he's capable of. And don't for a minute ignore the fact that if the door is open for him to return, he's going to want to become PM again. Another drug war? Or perhaps Publicus' stadium scenario?

    What COULD happen if he is in charge?? blink.png

    Chuan Leekpai's Democrat Party-led government fell because of Suthep's land deals, it was the last time Democrats ever won an election outright. In 09 he was disqualified as an MP for breaking HIS OWN RULES that banned MP's holding stakes in companies which have received government concessions. His family also controls a large part of the palm oil production while he sat on the Government's National Palm Oil Policy Committee who dictates prices and made out like a bandit.


    And I'll pass on the shenanigans that gave half the senate to non-elected senators and his part in the crackdown.

    Criticize the Shinawatras all you want but saying Suthep is being demonized is a little far fetched.

    Oh yes that's nice. But see, this is about Pubicus comparing Suthep to Pinochet. While Suthep was corrupt, he isn't like head Shinawatra who has around the blood of 3000 people on his hands.

    So, let me get this straight. The people on the streets are supposedly fighting against corruption, yet they are led by someone who is obviously corrupt, but allegedly LESS corrupt than Thaksin. Although this fact also remains to be proven.

    Are they fighting against corruption? Or just against corruption past a certain level? If so, what is the level of acceptable corruption?

    • Like 1
  2. Nobody knows yet who killed him but you seem to have your mind made up already. You speak against violence but threaten violence yourself.

    You are the same kind of hypocrit like Suthep.

    Chalerm threatens protest leaders with extra judicial killings. Protest leader gets shot soon after! And you have thousands of protestors out there but only the leader is killed. What a coincidence!

    No one's threatening violence but when a protest leader gets killed while leading a protest, you can bet the protestors will go out the next time fully prepared for a fight. And when Chalerm releases his dogs again, you know he will, the protestors will defend themselves. More blood will be shed. Thank you Shinawatras for for inflaming the situation. Appointing your attack dog Chalerm to handle this crisis was tactical genius!

    He did not threaten extrajudicial killings. Please go read his statement again. A newspaper reporter asked if there may be extrajudicial killings and he said it may happen but he did not support it.

    If you say a tsunami may happen because there is earthquake activity it does not mean you caused the tsunami when one happens. Get it?

    Go read his statement again before spreading misinformation.

    "I don't know if there will be extrajudicial killings. I will not be among the arresting officers. But whatever will happen or if there may be loss, people should understand that the police will use their good judgement," Chalerm said.

    That sounds like a threat. And which part of it says he did not support extrajudicial killings? It's like saying, if you get whacked, I'm not there so you can't blame me but whatever the case, good judgement was used! And now, a protest leader has been gunned down. Chalerm kept his promise this time.

    Maybe to an uneducated person it sounds like a threat, you are right.

  3. Somebody hedging his bets and Voting. I hope the Great Suthep does not see this.

    have to send whats left of the Thug Mob to sort him out. Who knows maybe some of the Dems might make a break from abhisit... Leave the loathsome creature with Akanant. What a little weasle he is. daddy probably sent him out to stake a place at the trough with Suthep for himself.


    Under Thai law you cannot be elected to office if you refuse to vote.

  4. Nobody knows yet who killed him but you seem to have your mind made up already. You speak against violence but threaten violence yourself.

    You are the same kind of hypocrit like Suthep.

    Chalerm threatens protest leaders with extra judicial killings. Protest leader gets shot soon after! And you have thousands of protestors out there but only the leader is killed. What a coincidence!

    No one's threatening violence but when a protest leader gets killed while leading a protest, you can bet the protestors will go out the next time fully prepared for a fight. And when Chalerm releases his dogs again, you know he will, the protestors will defend themselves. More blood will be shed. Thank you Shinawatras for for inflaming the situation. Appointing your attack dog Chalerm to handle this crisis was tactical genius!

    He did not threaten extrajudicial killings. Please go read his statement again. A newspaper reporter asked if there may be extrajudicial killings and he said it may happen but he did not support it.

    If you say a tsunami may happen because there is earthquake activity it does not mean you caused the tsunami when one happens. Get it?

    Go read his statement again before spreading misinformation.

    • Like 1
  5. Finally, now Suthep will see the damage he has done to his country in his effort to gain leadership other than the ballot box. Shame on this terrible excuse of a man.

    As the PTP charged two Democrate leaders with murders for people that where killed during

    As thing must be equal Yingluck and her head ministers must not be charged with this murder

    Don't tell me now you want and amnesty for Yingluck as well as her brother

    Shame on this woman and the thugs behind her for the death of another Thai in their quest for Greed

    There is a big difference.

    YL and PTP have told the police they are not allowed to use guns or live ammunition.

    Abhisit and Suthep, in their roles, authorized the army to use live ammunition. They are being charged as they were the ones who are ultimately responsible for allowing the military to use real live rounds on protestors in 2010, which resulted in many deaths.

    In my opinion of course.

    What matters is whether the deaths were a foreseeable consequence of their actions - Chalerm has said it himself that extrajudicial killings were to be expected so he is just as responsible for any deaths that occur from police hands as Abhisit/Suthep was.

    Abhisit and Suthep directly ORDERED the killings of Thai civilians and are on trial for that. Chalerm only responded to a newspaper reporter who asked if there may be extrajudicial killings. He clearly said that he did not support them.

    Please stop twisting and distorting information.

  6. He was from the student network, not pcad.

    Protesters are the minority in bkk and they will suffer further losses next Sunday, if they try to block polling boots

    You think 5 million protester (and growing) are a minority, give a break !! Are you looking only the red shirt tv channel ?

    They didn't get 2,000 today on the final final final final big big push. They wil lhave 40 million to stop next week!!!! in 6,500 locations...

    It was the same band of thugs driving around town. Close the station. The Complicit EC keep it shut.

    Only took 30-40 reds to put a complete stop to it today. Stopped dead in their tracks in Sri Nakarin.

    Might get the bloody nose they deserve.

    Little man, with a murdered leader today, you can bet they'll be back next week fully armed. You seem very happy that your side 'won' a victory today. Let's see what happens when blood flows on both sides next week. Are you going to count the dead on both sides and be happy if there are more dead protestors then there are Shinawatras?

    Typical red shirted mentality. They just love the violence.

    Nobody knows yet who killed him but you seem to have your mind made up already. You speak against violence but threaten violence yourself.

    You are the same kind of hypocrit like Suthep.

  7. Nothing really happened ,turn on the tv and watch .Commercials,soaps,football.......nothing serious is happening in Thailand ?

    If it was serious i think they would interrupt their programs ?

    Not so !

    people with a different idea about politics ,demonstrating......most boring ,seen it hundreds of times.

    People discussing it on thai visa .......also have different views .....so what is the point ?

    Farangs have no interest in all of this ,it doesn't concern us.

    If the thais are not even concerned ,why should a farang be ?

    The man with the most money wins .....as all over the world ,nothing new !

    People are cheap,and mostly not smart.....that's why politicians can play with them all they want ,give them

    500 bht and they will vote for you ,this is called democracy ! 5555

    So please ,tell me where i can watch a good movie on 1 of the 100 BTV channels ?

    No?please,i will vote to you !

    Probably the smartest post on ThaiVisa all day. clap2.gif

  8. When you prevent millions of people from exercising their voting rights you are bound to make a few bad ones angry. Killing someone is always wrong but he knew the risks of his actions and paid the price.

    That statement is BS if the highest order ... dry.png

    How dare you make a statement that it OK that a protest leader should be shot dead ... because 'he knew the risks'.

    If the protest or action was illegal ... then the Police and not an assassin should address the situation.

    Red card for you sunshine ... 1zgarz5.gif

    Where did I say that it was OK? Nowhere.

    Why are you trolling?

    • Like 1
  9. When you prevent millions of people from exercising their voting rights you are bound to make a few bad ones angry. Killing someone is always wrong but he knew the risks of his actions and paid the price.

    Bullshit! Murder is murder anywhere.. What happened to the freedom to object.? I hope it doesn't get worse.

    You conveniently removed the part of my post where I said murder is wrong. Why did you do that? Why troll?

    • Like 2
  10. Lat Prao election committe under verbal attack again.

    Voters want their votes back and are congregaing in real life and putting up poster in real life demanding this.

    Far from a one way street in Suthep land today. We have seen many moderate Thais rise to the challenge and stand against this mob,


    Are you sure they are not just paid thugs by the PTP? How can you tell?

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You are absolutely right. Everyone who wants to vote must be a thug paid by Puea Thai.

    I wonder if Puea Thai also pays thugs to vote in UK or US elections?

    Otherwise I doubt anyone around the world would go to vote, if they were not paid by Puea Thai.

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