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Posts posted by jackrich

  1. More good PR for the MOB. Dear Obama. we are not intimidating or blocking elections.

    You really want to see fascit mob rule, wait until we get in power.

    More non intimidation and no violence. Communists as well.... and army. What a shambles.


    How many times does it have to be pointed out that a person's choice of headgear or clothing doesn't necessarily indicate their political leanings? One person with a red star cap doesn't mean there exists a communist cell, active or sleeper.

    You're right, but it's strange that in almost every pro-Suthep photo you can find communists, isn't it?

    Combine that with an unelected "People's Council" and Suthep calling himself the "Secretary General of the PDRC" and you can draw your own conclusions.



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  2. Reports of a fatal shooting of NPSRT person outside a temple in BangNa in the last 30 mins or so ostensibly by Red Shirts. Any idea if there's polling stations near there or is this a separate clash?

    EDIT: Wat Sri Iam or Wat Sri Aium, depending on source.

    Funny how those "reports" already know who did it.

    Don't know the details yet of what even happened, but we already know who did it.

  3. Mr. Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of the PCAD, promised last night that he would not obstruct the public′s constitutional rights to participate in the election


    He added, "We will be up since 6 o′clock [before] you go to election at 8 o′clock. You won′t be able to go past our crowd".

    I won't block you from voting, but you won't get past me!

    And this guy wants to lead Thailand's "People Council"?

    If I had the option to choose between Suthep and a bum living under the bridge to lead Thailand, I'd choose the bum!

    • Like 2
  4. Long live the Thai voters, who were not bullied or coerced, but went out to exercise their constitutional right to vote!!clap2.gif

    They might not have been succesful in casting their vote today, but have shown the world, that long term there is a base for a true democracy in Thailand!!

    Fighting for their right to vote! Well done guys!!thumbsup.gif

    The recent poll shows a majority of Thais in Bangkok favor postponement of the election. It's in the Post.

    The right to vote is but one small part of a democratic society. Respect for the law and respect for minorities are major parts.

    Thankfully Thailand only consists of Bangkok and if those few 1000 protesters that Suthep has left don't want the other 66,000,000 Thais to vote, then we should respect the will of the minority.

    Imagine if every country in the world acted like this. We'd still be in the Stone Age.

  5. Tyranny, as in threatening people who want to vote?

    Corruption, as in giving land that was intended for the poor to rich families while being a top politician in Koh Samui?

    Murder, as in currently standing trial for the murder charges of 80+ Thais during the 2010 protests?

    Fascism, as in creating an unelected "people's council"?

    Nepotism, again, giving land to rich families that was intended for poor people?

    Dereliction of Democracy, such as preventing people from exercising their right to vote?

    Now, tell me the name of the person we are talking about here. For me, Suthep comes to mind. What about you?

    Clearly you’re deluding yourself by interpreting definitions to suit yourself without quoting your source for example the word Tyranny actually means an ‘oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler’ (Dictionary.com).

    Most of your interpretations seemed to have been derived from one of the Shinawatra University Demagogue books on how to manipulate public perceptions.

    So, threatening people who are trying to vote is not oppressive?

  6. The only good side i see is that Suthep doesn't want the job. Whereas YL says she doesn't want the job but is doing everything she can to keep it.

    Suthep doesn't want "the job"?

    I see he calls himself the "Secretary General" of the PDRC and he has himself stated that he will also be the Secretary General of the "People's Council".

    Reminds me a lot of China, North Korea and Gaddhafi-era Libya.

    Suthep doesn't want "the job", you're right. He wants to change the structure of Thailand so that whoever has "the job" will be chosen by him and will do only as he says.

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  7. Im starting to fear more and more for the future of Thailand. The hater that is already rooted too deep in the hearts of Thai against their fellow citizens is escalating day by day and none of the former governments have done anything to stop this vicious spiral.

    The growing popularity of the Northern based “red’s” is reminding me of all things bad in association with “red”; the soviet red army, the Chinese red book and the Khmer rouge. All of these let to a ruthless genocide in the name of “the people” and after installing a “people’s” republic they all forget about their people and executed the perfect capitalistic regime a.k.a. communism.

    The medieval cast society revered by so many “hiSo” Thai is outdated, unrealistic and plain stupid in this day and age. Those trying to a hold of it are dwindling in their numbers mostly of old age.

    I see a bleak future and maybe even a civil war unless a whole new, younger generation finally steps up and disperses with the old dinosaurs.

    But it's not the "reds" who want to install a "people's council". It's Suthep's "yellows":


  8. Small inconvenience necessary to remove corruption in Thailand forever.

    Suthep, who is one of the most corrupt politicians in the Democrat party, according to the Democrats themselves (see WikiLeaks records from the US Embassy on Suthep), will not get rid of corruption in Thailand. Corruption has been present in Thailand for decades and centuries, long before any Shinawatra has ever set foot in Thailand and will be present even after the Shinawatras are gone. Corruption in Thailand starts with school teachers, with bosses from small to big companies, with customs officials, with shop owners, taxi drivers, etc.

    You will not "remove corruption in Thailand forever" overnight, it will take DECADES to come anywhere close.

    No country is corruption free, but to think that Suthep's undemocratic actions will "remove corruption in Thailand forever" is like dreaming about pink elephants flying.

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  9. Suthep cannot stay at Asoke for ever.... and without a riot with the Police, he cannot have his coup. smile.png Have a nice day, but please watch more Thai TV News.

    Probably not forever, but perhaps for a long time. My guess is that he will be walking up and down Sukhumvit even in 10 years, with the same pants and shoes, ranting about the government. Maybe a bottle of Lao in his right hand and his hair a bit more distorted, but still going strong and he will definitely bring down the government the day after.

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  10. 3 days before the election that will never take place ...these guys are really smart!!!!!

    Psstttt!!! I hate to tell you this, but the election is already happening. Thais overseas have voted, Advance voting is Sunday. don't tell Mr. Suthep though, He thinks he's winning!!

    Suthep is Thailand's Charlie Sheen. WINNING!!!

    Last time they get 30.000 on the roads of whole Thailand for this media says, maybe 10.000 real. Foot-shot again...clap2.gif

    Beats Suthep's crowd of 500 that are still left marching with him.

    Great now we get more of this.........


    Which is better than more of this:


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