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Posts posted by MrGaoMungGawn

  1. A good reason to get a dash cam. I put 1 in a month ago and has akready saved me a bib shakedown Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    A picture is worth two in the bush,

    And dash cams should be obligatory.

    Mass production has made them cheap enough,

    Together with black boxes in every car.

    Then the language barrier would be not such

    A barrier.

    Posted on my i5 4670 Linux-Chrome contraption

  2. Where do I get in line to begin posting some of your controversial topics?

    Nothing to fear but fear itself, I fear.

    I fear no "man".

    We should maybe have a sub-forum for more interesting controversial topics, but that would lead everyone over to that side of the forum, maybe.

    I do like this thread though.

  3. Simple question, and pertinent too.

    I have read TV for a spell, and many members seem quick to say they do not like to hear Thai soap operas, or any soap operas playing on television, or radio, in their houses. They say the story lines are not erudite enough and too pulpy, but I don't know what this means.

    When I look closely, judging by some of the topics which are most of interest to members here, and most viewed, it seems sometimes that the soap opera type topics are the ones that members love the best.

    What is it that attracts us so much to these stories of boy in love, or being in danger of loosing a work permit, or my wife is a maniac, and which draws us so closely toward this bright flame?

    We all know which general interest, or generally entertaining, posts get the most hits.

    But why do we, who don't seem to like soaps, still like threads with the same base thrill as soaps?

    I take no position on whether this attraction is good, or great, but just wonder what it is about us, nay, perhaps about Man in general, which bends us too easily toward this hot flame? And why commenters on TV are so good at their hobby.

    I am sure there will be many diverse and interesting opinions concerning this phenomenon.


  4. You and I know that there is only one God, whether he exists or not, and so do our Christian and Mohamadan brothers (and Jewish bretheren too, I believe). We're all fairly square with the idea that there is only one God, and that he's the same bloke.


    Granted it is monotheism and the same god, the god of Abraham. But what of "You shall have no other gods before me", this suggests in no uncertain terms that there is more than one god.

    There is no god but God. Thou shalt have no other gods nor worship graven idols. Personally, I share the Mohamedans' concerns about graven images, blokes on crosses, kowtowing to people's mothers and old blokes in beards. If God is everywhere, how can he have a beard? The trimmings would get everywhere as well, and we would be awash in curly grey trimmings, old soup and yesterday's breakfast. Personally, I don't think God, if he existed, wuld be an old beardy white bloke who looked like a refugeee from the Pattaya dark side. You might believe in tree spirits, or dead ancestors, or elephant spirits, river boatmen, thunder or whatever, but they are no more gods than any of the rest of us, and no more worthy of worship.


    And not only could god not have a beard, but obviously god could not be a duck, either.

    With all the quacking, almost everywhere, how could we have any serious thought,

    Or humor, or satire, for that matter?

  5. As the saying goes: Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

    Just because it's easy to reject religious dogma that is based upon parables and allegories, that doesn't mean that there's no higher power. That's the problem I have with Atheists like R. Dawkins.

    Again, please distinguish between religion (institution, dogma, man-made, dualistic) and spirituality (experience, personal, all-including).

    Religions are like fingers. Don't argue which finger is the best. They are just different expressions of the hand they're attached to. Look for the hand.

    A lot of people seem to have a go at religions based on religious texts written thousands of years ago. I don't have a go at nuclear scientists based on thousand-year-old works. I suppose actually I am a bit credulous, accepting a lot of that new-fangled stuff, but if it works and it wins the war then, like prayer, that's good enough for me


    I really think you are on to something here.

    Religious groups are always talking about a higher power.

    And now you are talking about nuclear power,

    And then we had the Aztecs who worshiped the Sun God.

    Isn't this all basically the same thing?

    Well, everyone can see the sun, so it's fairly easy to believe in. And we can empirically show that it makes crops grow, so that seems a worthy object of adulation. I'm not so certain about tiny invisible particles, but I was brought up to believe in them, and I don't want to rock the boat. I don't have a better explanation, so I'll go along with the consensus.



    Blessed are they that cannot see,

    For they shall inherit the wind,

    Since they are able to believe in the Sun God,

    Though not can they ever see him.

  6. As the saying goes: Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

    Just because it's easy to reject religious dogma that is based upon parables and allegories, that doesn't mean that there's no higher power. That's the problem I have with Atheists like R. Dawkins.

    Again, please distinguish between religion (institution, dogma, man-made, dualistic) and spirituality (experience, personal, all-including).

    Religions are like fingers. Don't argue which finger is the best. They are just different expressions of the hand they're attached to. Look for the hand.

    A lot of people seem to have a go at religions based on religious texts written thousands of years ago. I don't have a go at nuclear scientists based on thousand-year-old works. I suppose actually I am a bit credulous, accepting a lot of that new-fangled stuff, but if it works and it wins the war then, like prayer, that's good enough for me


    I really think you are on to something here.

    Religious groups are always talking about a higher power.

    And now you are talking about nuclear power,

    And then we had the Aztecs who worshiped the Sun God.

    Isn't this all basically the same thing?

  7. I don't want anything talking about being friends.

    That is bull shit.

    I want Irony.

    I want Satire!

    Can't you please give me some satire tonight, of all nights!

    Thank you.

    I already gave you Randy Newman, the KING of satire.

    Now the least you can do is follow suit.

    What is wrong with you people?

    Thank you.


    I thought that was a carnation.

    Or is that irony?

    I have someone here to do my ironing,

    10 Baht per.

    Maybe they will even press some flowers.

  8. It has been a few days since using two screens, a 23 inch on the left,

    And a 30 inch digital TV on the right.

    These are hooked up simultaneously, using HDMI cable and the VGA cables with no discrete GPU.

    I cannot describe just how FANTASTIC this feels with one smaller one and one fairly huge one,

    Both working at the same time.

    I can slide my cursor from one to the other, seamlessly, and move spreadsheets from the monitor to the TV and keep them there for reference,

    While I work on other things in the smaller monitor.

    And, I keep the big one far enough to the right of where I am sitting, although it is still touching my smaller screen,

    So that I do not get a crick in my neck.

    Now that I tried this experiment, I really do not know why I had not done it earlier,

    Just laziness I guess, and maybe that I am a fool, obviously.

    So, please do not delay, if you are.

    You should go get your TV and hook it up.

    You will thank me for it.

    I am not sure, but this size TV may cost a lot less than the same size monitor.

    If so, the TV seems to be high enough resolution for me, and the pixels are OK for me,

    So I do not really need anything better than this, for the moment.

    Go out and try this experiment if you have not.

    It makes your work more than twice as efficient.

  9. Like the TV member "Kahn de" who posted here, I too have never had a farang girl friend, but unlike Kahn de, I have never had the inclination to flirt with farang girls.

    My hope is that some members, especially the farang girls, can enlighten me about what they would think of a farang in Thailand actually flirting with them.

    Also, would it not be odd for either a woman or man farang to come all this way, only to not enjoy the excitement of meeting and having a few long term relationships with the local Thai people?

    I think I first felt this way many years ago, before I had a real girlfriend.

    I just sort of began having Asian girlfriends.

    And there were not foreign girls where I lived.

    So I did not miss them then.

    Now though, after coming to Thailand, I do see how nice the farang girls are.

    And I would like to get to know some of them,

    Maybe even have a little fun with them.

    But, I don't even know how now,

    Having never had this experience in my life.

    When I was in my teens, I was too busy studying and being at an all boys school to have time for girls.

    Now, it seems that this chance has really passed me by.

    I am curious to know what it would be like,

    And since I am a farang, it is really not too unnatural for me to want to try a farang woman,

    I just think that I am so different from them in most of my world view, eating and living habits,

    That we would have so little in common, and she might get tired of me because I do not share so much of her western culture.

    What is a lonely Asian farang to do?

    Again, help from you girls would be kindly appreciated,

    Thank you.

    Mr Gao.

  10. "then sit at a computer complaining"

    God forbid!

    The irony of it!

    Personally, when I get fed up with whinging negative posts, I stop reading them.


    When I called for more irony in 2014,

    I did not mean this.

  11. Maybe you must have seen me....I walk around with flattened back.

    Simple : I don't like shoes or linnen shoes with laces. The ones I like (ADDA) , they don't make anymore , or very expensive for what they are. I also don't like the white plastic/rubber.

    I also never drive with my shoes on. So I bought these cheap schoolboy linnen shoes with laces , and use them as lofers, with the back flattened. That way I can get in and out of the car easily and without fastening the laces.

    I don't cut them off because the flattened back is nicer than the sole and does not wear so fast.

    As most Thai only wear flipflops , this is definately a step up.

    1. Agreed, that the ADDA are expensive for what you get, and so are the more expensive sandals which can cost around 2000Baht for two small lumps of plastic that came from a plastic injection mold and then snapped together by slave labor.

    2. I have lived in countries where it is obligatory to remove shoes before entering people's homes. And usually all shoes will be left outside next to a cabinet and a chair to sit down while offing your shoes, and storing them in the cabinet if you desire.

    2a. But I personally would never walk around with flattened heels, because this is just too laughable to the newly arrived Farang. The farang who have been in Asia for a while do not laugh, or find it out of the ordinary for local people, but I have never seen this on a Farang. Maybe he changes his shoes to ones with undamaged heels when he boards the plane to return home.

    3. And someone mentioned that there might be a "deeper" meaning here, and I think there may be:

    I just wonder how twisted we must become, from where we once were to where we now are, in order to begin walking around in a business suit and flattened heels.

    Is this not taking acculturation a step too far???

  12. Normally, I can take British TV or leave it, even though I think it is better than most, simply because I am too old for TV, and have been for many years.

    However, I turned on YouTube and began to watch an episode of Yes Minister, which surprised and impressed the heck out of me.


    If anyone here is from the UK (there may be a few), I would appreciate your thoughts about this one which is called The Whiskey Priest.

    Very well done, extremely well done, I thought.

    But WHAT does it mean to the audience in the UK?

    Do they take these lessons in morality seriously, or are they seeing this as just all ridiculing anyone who still has a conscience in our modern world.

    If all TV were like this, no one in AMERICA would watch, which could also be a good thing.

    Nice show, and I will try another few to see if they are equally as good.

    I think people in the UK saw that as a damning condemnation of government, and it thus contributed in its own small way to the destruction of faith in our civic society, and people's commitment to it, in a way that the Socialist Worker's Party was never able to achieve.


    And, this is serious TV that is also humorous.

    Really, I wish there were more.

    The Fawlty Towers things are also funny, but have less meat.

    Maybe, also, the Yes Minister episodes will be too difficult for someone who is not more conversant with the politics of the UK, even though we can still appreciate some of the humor.

    Many years ago, we used to look to British film and some TV to see products that were better than much of what we got in the USA.

    I have not been watching any TV since 1979, when I recall taking in a Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman before boarding the plane and saying ByeBye to TV for literally years.

    Where I was, almost all TV was nonexistent due to martial law, and the blocking of international radio was also practiced.

    Once a week, we had Mission Impossible, and that fat man comedian from the UK that was so popular in the 1980s.

    Why mention him here.

    Mostly undaring sex jokes and sex skits.

  13. This is what you need, Lemmy playing like a man possessed,

    The mayhem starts at 1:45, enjoy,

    Very nice, and that might work.

    But also, I was listening and around 11:40 you get the Jimi Hendrix Electric Lady Land effects, or maybe it was Axis Bold as Love. Definitely the same sound effects.

    But yes, this is far, far, better than what I here now from outside.

    And it is getting LOUDER at 10:51pm, if this is even possible.

    It is coming from some MooBaan out in the jungle about 400 meters from my house.

  14. Normally, I can take British TV or leave it, even though I think it is better than most, simply because I am too old for TV, and have been for many years.

    However, I turned on YouTube and began to watch an episode of Yes Minister, which surprised and impressed the heck out of me.


    If anyone here is from the UK (there may be a few), I would appreciate your thoughts about this one which is called The Whiskey Priest.

    Very well done, extremely well done, I thought.

    But WHAT does it mean to the audience in the UK?

    Do they take these lessons in morality seriously, or are they seeing this as just all ridiculing anyone who still has a conscience in our modern world.

    If all TV were like this, no one in AMERICA would watch, which could also be a good thing.

    Nice show, and I will try another few to see if they are equally as good.

  15. It is again this time of year when one can hear the loud Karaoke Sounding Singers Warbling and Wobbling Off Key.

    They think they sound great, so they have their PA Systems up FULL tilt, and the sounds are almost indescribable.

    Suffice to say, many of these singers sound like they are a bit loaded, and back in their favorite Karaoke joint, singing off key to some couch babes who are counting the minutes,

    And their tips.

    But, you may like it when you are there, although I do not,

    And I like it even less when I am trying to do something in my house, in my living room, or,

    In my study, and have to hear these unrecognizable sounds and somewhat human vocalizations wafting in through my concrete walls.

    It is THAT loud.

    There is really no solution which will block out these crooners, but you can only mask it,

    Like Glade air freshener on passed wind, it does not cure, but only alleviates part of the symptoms.

    What I do is to play some good music suitably loud so that I cannot really hear too much coming in from outside.

    I can't play Rock, obviously, because this would drive me doubly nuts.

    So, I just choose what cows seem to prefer, and which stimulates them most to lactate at the highest rate:

    Mozart, piano, or anything Mozart.

    I find I can turn this up to a respectable number of decibels and I can tolerate it for at least a couple of hours,

    Like the cows but no milk.

    Therefore, since we still seem to be in the middle of this winter holiday season, judging by the number of singing parties I count at night on the weekends, and the drums apounding,

    *I WONDER what you use to do what I do with Mozart.

    You might want to add a link or two so that we others can try out what you use, and see if it works for us.

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