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Posts posted by MrGaoMungGawn

  1. More booming drums in the Jungle, again this Sunday.

    A very simple but disturbing beat.

    Written by a Moron for people who do not really listen to music,

    So much as to repetitive machine created amplified thumping sounds.

    But I have BMV2; Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein amplified too.

    Just enough to drown out the thumping.

    Another ruined quiet Sunday, but a chance to play Bach really loud.

    Who cares about the tinnitus relief.

    Which would have been an added side benefit,

    If I had it.

  2. I shouldn't have to pay more for my food because lardies have no self-control

    You know while I think the causation of obesity is complex (though no doubt too many calories is the BIGGEST cause) and the morality argument weakens a lot when you're talking about children, you do point a difference between taxing sugar and taxing ciggies.

    EVERYONE needs to eat FOOD. Not specific foods. But some kind of food. On the other hand, nobody really NEEDS ciggies. So people wouldn't make similar complaints as you about ciggie taxes, it wouldn't make sense, as in

    I shouldn't have to pay more for my ciggies because the tobacco junkies have no self-control

    Here is a good basic summary of the varied causes of people developing obesity:http://www.mdjunction.com/obesity/videos

    Are you saying that gravitational force is not a factor?

    I say it is, for example, if gravitational force were twice what it is, 20 Newtons per Kilo instead of 9.8,

    Then we would have slimmer bods,

    Because no one could walk around with the force twice what we now tolerate.

    If you weigh 80 kilo, and 2 meters long,

    Then on this alternate earth you would still be 2 meters long, but the equivalent of 60 kilo in weight.

    So, I think that people would tend to be less fat.

    Also, if you were forced to work more, then you would weigh less.

    And, I assume if you tax junk food, it will have positive health benefits for children, and then throughout their lives.

    But if you taxed to heavy, then you would gradually have bootleg sugar runners.

    And they might lose weight due to their excessive running.

    I preferred to live in a society where everyone was less obese, and walked more, and were happier, and looked better, and lived longer.

    Now, the same society with big macs, are not as well off judged by all these metrics.

  3. I guess I'm a 6, since logically, the majority of believers must be wrong, since they all believe in different things, and they can't all be true. So logically, they are all stories, all equally made up. But I could be wrong, and one of them could possibly be true, since possibility itself is infinite. So I must be a 6; to be a 7 seems more like ignorance/arrogance.

    Starting with the possibility that you could be wrong is the only logical position to take

    but that proposition is equally applicable to any place in the spectrum of opinions, so to say seven is "ignorant/arrogant " can be as wrong as to say that a three is Ignorant/ arrogant.

    But a 7 is supported by a plethora of evidence, where a 4 is only supported by faith so in my opinion the probability that 7 is wrong is lower than a 4

    I don't know I'm I making any sense?

    Sense or not,

    Let us just be thankful he does not say he is 666 related.


    What about the cryin game?

    • Like 1
  4. I don't doubt there are ethnic differences in this regard. Like my ethnicity has a very high rate of lactose intolerance and IBS in females. It's not "racist" for scientists to study these kinds of differences. It's helpful.

    It is not racist to speak of racist differences that are based on science.

    It is racist to imply that American Indians are fat due to racist differences, and whatever else this poster was implying.

    Do you really think the races are that different that our metabolic rates are different due our separate set of genes peculiar to our racial group?


    Asian lactose intolerance may be in part due to dietary differences starting early age, also.

    The new Asians in Taiwan are drinking a ton of milk these days, and are able to easily digest this sugar,

    But still remain allergic to melamine.

  5. ...

    Progressive want to help poor fat Thais to be healthier, and anyone that questions any of their nonsensical ideas must be attacked and discredited as a greedy, mean-spirited, right-wing hater that cares nothing for anything or anyone but their money and themselves.


    That's way more incendiary than I would put it (and I would not use the word hater in this context) and of course I don't think the regulatory ideas I've proposed are nonsensical. OTHERWISE, not too shabby. thumbsup.gif

    You auditioning for a job in the Hillary Clinton campaign? coffee1.gif

    Suggest you consider cooling down. It's just talk here. Thais are going to the streets soon and the issue isn't a sugar tax!

    Takin it to the streets, you say?

    What will they eat that is convenient to carry,

    Has red and yellow packaging,

    Not too sweet,

    Not too sour,

    And can keep one up for days?

  6. Boy, you all need some antidepressants ,

    Antidepressants can't help when you are not depressed, and only a bit down sounding when you just report on reality.

    For reality, if you want to solve that, then you need something like a real depressant - Lao, alcohol.

    I can imagine how blessed you truly are with a smart daughter, and there really is nothing more that you could reasonably ask for.

    But I am not thinking about your happiness, because this was your decision that you made.

    I am concerned with her happiness, given what we know about the present state of the world.

    And I an not here to talk about that.

    The subject is whether we believe in god, or not.

    I am saying that if we do not, then what the implications would be.

    If there is a god, then it is not up to us to decide whether or not to have children,

    Because then i suppose we must.

    And, where do we go from here?

    Since i do not believe in god,

    Then i think that the only good option is to hope there is some evolutionary bridge to follow,

    From gray mush to computer hardware.

    Then god can be as big as we want him,

    And as insignificant as he is.

    Do you think that future computers will have faith in god?

    I don't think they will have faith in god to do the right thing, for sure.

  7. D. The use of the word "farang" to refer to white-skinned foreigners is derived from the word "farangsed" which means France.

    Sorry, sir Doggy number one,

    BUT NO, sir, you are definitely wrong on this one.

    You would understand if you studied the language.

    I could explain it in detail the way it actually is,

    But at the moment I am slurping foreigner smoothies.

    I think you can find the true derivation easily enough, though.

    Maybe I will post it later.

    I gotta go,

    i am getting an ice cream headache just thinking about this!

  8. The Western diet is not always healthy for Westerners. But it can be devastating for peoples with generations of adaptation to other types of diets.

    Look at old photos of Amerinds. From slim and healthy, they now have the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the US. Blacks and hispanics are close behind if not equal. The obesity rates for these groups is through the roof. Whites aren't doing all that great either. The future of America may be a dialysis clinic on every street block.

    This is just more pure hogwash promulgated by racists who don't know much about science,

    And who also want to get away with oppressing indigenous people, keeping them down on the farm,

    And feeding them substandard cheap garbage full of fat, salt, cheap oils, and other swill.

    If you take the Amerind, as you call him, and provide him with expensive education, and expensive western diet,

    Then he will thrive, look beautiful and athletic,

    Just like a blue blood from Harvard.

    Racism is a terrible thing,

    Which helps to justify a warped and unjust socioeconomic reality.

  9. No. We actually do not have the right to decide for others whether or not they will be compelled to spend 100 years on earth.

    Not unless we can somehow guarantee some acceptable minimum level and quality of existence.

    You say that it is empirically obvious we do have this right.

    But you are wrong, I believe.

    Do you also believe life is sacred?

    I do not, and how can it be, when nothing is sacred but sacred cows.

  10. I said that in some cases life is hell, but I did not say this was true for me.

    I was talking about vent man, for example.

    The man who used to sit outside my university in the winter cross-legged on steam vents to keep warm.

    The steam was coming up from the hell below, I imagine.

    Chok Di, to you.

    PS: I prefer not so much risk, and more assurances of a social safety net, for one. But then, you will probably say I am a communist, or a socialist, or an atheist, which I am. Chok Mai Di, very often this is the case.

    Perhaps English is not your native language and you are not expressing your self properly, or perhaps it is my fault and I am not understanding you properly. Trust me I read your post several times trying to decipher what you meant because you seem to be arguing both sides of the proposition.

    but tell me , did you or did you not say, and I quote:

    "If you cannot lay the responsibility at God's feet,

    Then can you accept the responsibility yourselves,

    To believe that you are fit to decide whether or not to bring a human life into this world, to face torment, and pain, as well as some pleasure, with no assurance of success, and likely great hardship.

    Who are you to decide, anyway?"

    "I feel, personally, that I do not have the right to make this decision for someone else.

    I do not have the right to decide for another human whether or not he/she should be forced to exist in this world,

    Sometimes for over 100 long years.

    That is right. How can I feel that I have the right to condemn another to pure hell on earth, in some cases.

    There are no guarantees in life, and it is the biggest risk of all,"

    "I would never presume to be so omniscient that I could logically make this decision for another human.

    And, sometimes, I also wish that no one had taken it upon themselves to make this decision for me."

    I'm I misquoting anything you said?

    In the first quote do you or do you not lay responsibility on Gods feet?

    On the second quote, do you or do you not say

    "I feel personally" from that statement should not then discern that what you state is your personal feeling?

    Did you or did you not say " to pure hell on earth in some cases" and isn't this the earth you live in?

    Fro the last quote ,shouldn't I assume from it. that some times you wish you were never born?

    First, thank you for reading what I wrote, and I do feel strongly about this particular subject, the right of one to make the decision for another, whether or not he or she should be committed to living on earth for up to 100 years, a very long time.

    Regarding what you quoted, I do not say that there is a god, but IF there is no god then we still cannot in all good conscience take responsibility to decide for another that he or she will be forced to live life in this world. This is why I have never made such a decision, and why I could not feel right about deciding to have children. What could I say to my children if they decided that life was not as good as I had always thought it to be? I would have nothing to justify my decision to have children.

    If there is a god, and if one sincerely believes in this god, then one can follow the teachings of a god, and then avoid taking responsibility for having children. If the god asked that man go forth and procreate, for example, then that is what must be done. If the crappola hit the fan, if the child was hit by cancer, and had downs syndrome, and also had hydroencephalitis when abortion therapy was forbidden, then no one could lay this responsibility and man's feet. God did it.

    We all are at risk of being condemned to live a hell on earth, witness Buchenwald or piles of skulls in Cambodia, or the lifeless limbs of of Stephen Hawking. When something like this happens to our children, then we better be able to say one of two things, god made me do it, or I was thoughtless and did not fully understand the potential ramifications of my actions in the sack.

    If you like risk, then you will love this life.

    I do not enjoy risk for risk's sake,

    But some others enjoy dying on Everest while their family waits at home.

    I may argue two sides of the issue, yes, but that is because this subject is not that easily answered, whether or not we even have the right to have children.

    I believe that we do not have that right.

    And in traditional societies, most people would say that they have an obligation to have children to work on the farm, and to care for their parents, and to pass on the family name, maybe even to provide people to fight wars.

    There, too, is always the motherland, say in the former USSR, which needs children for various things.

    Just as Mao needed children to build levies by digging with spoons, if required,

    Another apocryphal tale, and Mao or Zhou never said that.

    This is a very important thing to get straight:

    Do we have the right to father a child, or bear a child into this world?

    And often ones hell on earth is not brought about by any personal decision or lack of decision, or lack of fortitude, or depravity.

    It just happens, because life is risk.

    (Am I a native speaker of English?, you ask. Yes, sometimes I wonder myself. You decide.)

  11. Is this question still going ;-)

    Abrahamic religion (not only Judaists, but also Christians and Muslims) believe a mysterious entity favoured a small number of middle eastern tribes 1000 year ago give or take a thousand years ....with special revelationas from mountain tops, caves etc...


    Care to break bread, brother?

  12. And, for those who do not believe in god,

    There is one pressing question that you gotta ask yourself:

    If you cannot lay the responsibility at God's feet,

    Then can you accept the responsibility yourselves,

    To believe that you are fit to decide whether or not to bring a human life into this world, to face torment, and pain, as well as some pleasure, with no assurance of success, and likely great hardship.

    Who are you to decide, anyway?

    I feel, personally, that I do not have the right to make this decision for someone else.

    I do not have the right to decide for another human whether or not he/she should be forced to exist in this world,

    Sometimes for over 100 long years.

    That is right. How can I feel that I have the right to condemn another to pure hell on earth, in some cases.

    There are no guarantees in life, and it is the biggest risk of all,

    To be born.

    I would never presume to be so omniscient that I could logically make this decision for another human.

    And, sometimes, I also wish that no one had taken it upon themselves to make this decision for me.

    Happy days.


    If you believe in a god, or gods,

    Then you do not need to take responsibility for the life of another,

    When the crappola hits the fan.

    Its not my fault,

    God did it.

    If you cannot lay the responsibility at God's feet,

    Then can you accept the responsibility yourselves,

    Yes indeed

    Grow up, grow some balls , and take responsibility for your actions.

    It is time to abandon your childhood invisible friend who would fix everything for you, and take charge

    That is right. How can I feel that I have the right to condemn another to pure hell on earth, in some cases.

    There are no guarantees in life, and it is the biggest risk of all,

    To be born

    I am sorry that your life on earth is pure hell

    Perhaps if you became proactive and took charge of your life, things will improve for you

    Chock Dee

    PS: risk in life is what makes life worth living. if everything was guarantied. what would be your part in it? just a casual observer?

    I do hope that you are not intentionally misconstruing my words,

    Just so you can say something negative about my not being proactive and taking charge enough for you.

    I did not say what you said I said,

    But I cannot blame you for not wanting to read what I did say.

    I said that in some cases life is hell, but I did not say this was true for me.

    I was talking about vent man, for example.

    The man who used to sit outside my university in the winter cross-legged on steam vents to keep warm.

    The steam was coming up from the hell below, I imagine.

    Chok Di, to you.

    PS: I prefer not so much risk, and more assurances of a social safety net, for one. But then, you will probably say I am a communist, or a socialist, or an atheist, which I am. Chok Mai Di, very often this is the case.

  13. Suggest readers look at my posts for my actual opinions.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Actually, now that you mention this,

    I am truly not very certain I know what your true opinions might be about much.

    It would be nice if you would here list 5 sentences:

    1 - 5, in ascending or descending order --- These are my opinions about .... and then list the top 5 most important things you care about, and your single most important opinion about it.

    I am sure there are many here would enjoy reading this list.

    If you make one list, then i will follow with my list.

    This should be very informative, and something good for everyone to follow suit with.

  14. and here I am feeding my cat, dog-food all this time. Boy is my dog going to be surprised when I tell him he is a cat.

    Does your cat believe in life after dog ?

    Quite and if you don't believe in life after dog, then explain away why vicar's wear dog collars !

    They like the smell of starch in the morning?

  15. There are sooooo many great things to sample here in Thailand that I don't think I will ever get enough of this place.

    If you have been here a month, or more, then you probably know a few things.

    Such as:

    A. Farang is a word used to denote a white skinned person.

    There is nothing good, nor bad, about it.

    It is just a word, like "orange" is a word.

    I happen to like being called farang,

    Just as I like the word for foreigner in Chinese.

    B. Farang is a word that means "Guava".

    There is nothing inherently good or bad about it,

    Either you like it or you don't, and I do.

    C. Baan is a word that means Smoothie, and is blended in a blender,

    Usually using fruit and ice, and syrup, and who knows what else.

    So, for me to get a smoothie is a lot of fun here in Thailand.

    I just walk up to the girl standing on the street with a couple of blenders,

    And I say to her, Give me a Foreigner smoothie, and stick in some extra foreigners with that, while you are at it.

    And she does.

    But, of course I say it in Thai, because some of the girls don't speak English.

    You might think that these girls would think it just a bit humorous and ironical,

    That all of a sudden a foreigner steps out of the crowd and orders a foreigner frappe.

    But most don't, and they don't really even seem to notice the irony.

    Kind of a let down, really.

    I have always loved Guavas, all kinds, ripe and hard ones.

    The ripe ones are best because they are most fragrant, and a bit tart.

    And the hard ones are bitter, slightly.

    So, I want to know if you enjoy the smoothies in the summer, and the winter.

    And what kind you like, and how do you get these girls to add more fruit.

    Probably they would be much healthier without the syrup made from cane.

    My suggestion to you is to try a foreigner frappe.

    It is very flavorful, and also probably something you don't often get in your home country.

    Highly recommended though, it is the tastiest.

    How could it be otherwise?

  16. just a thought, have you tried de-selecting 'let skype control my audio' in the skype settings? i have always found this to work better when you manually control you own volumes.

    YES!, of course you really need to do this at the start, because Skype cannot control pulse, it states.

    And you need to go to the pulse controls on the KDE desktop, and use the audio "manager" settings there.

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