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Posts posted by steveromagnino

  1. Well, thinking back to my own time at UNiversity, the first year I showed up at basically all afternoon classes drunk; I frequently showed up to exams late; missed a few and had to come up with cock and bull stories as to why.

    I failed a few papers as a result; but eventually pulled my finger out and managed to be, what is that latin word, valour dictorium or something.

    A few failures are a learning experience - don't be scared to fail someone or give a bad grade and they learn....otherwise they will be all soft pali style all their life.

    University is for adults; if you want to pay the fees and then waste your time, well that is up to each individual.

    Lucky for me, I learned something. Pity I had already spent so much money against the stainless steel wall playing darts.

    Well, I guess I did get good at darts as well though :o

  2. I am missing something - I don't really understand much about short selling....

    Can someone clarify this...if I short sell at say $65, then later on I call in my stop loss; then I rebuy again, and then I have another stop loss...doesn't this mean I am losing money>?

    I think I will just stick to doing fundamental analysis (which apparently doesn't work according to some, despite a plethora of evidence showing the minimal benefits of charting and so on); it seems to have delivered decent enough returns for me so far.

  3. I wish I had applied when it was only 9,000, only a couple of years ago.

    I also think that the applicant must pass the P6 Thai language exam, the same one that 12 year old Thai kids do, and there are some other tests. I would be ok with the Thai language one but might fail the ability to sleep at any time of the day test. The lazy shuffling of the flip-flops in the shopping Mall at tortoise speed would come with practice, and I'm sure I could keep a 5 baht coin in my ear for the required time. :o

    Don't flatter yourself. You think that the flip flop shuffle can be learned?! It is only after years of practice, that one can have the tilt to the side floppy hair at the front toss to one side; jeans slightly dragging on the ground, flip flops dragging and nonchalant conversation of the phone at the same time punctuated by musical ring tones.

    Add to that the all important black T shirt with Indy print on the front (preferably a bad metal band or similar) and no socks.... this is not just walking...it is BEING the very physical representation of time melting away itself as originally visualised by Dali in that oh so famous picture.

    R U up to it?

    R u?


  4. Can't blame her a bit.

    A young sexpot like that wants alot more than Thailand has to offer. Especially in selection of a boyfriend.

    Smart broad.

    Cannot say I agree; she would have earned more here almost definitely and models are notorious for sleeping around anyway - are you aware of how many foreign models are around - easy enough to hook into 1. Besides, we are talking about 1 year here; easy money and guaranteed work with no castings - a model's dream come true...which is why there must be more to it than this. NY is a tough city for mixed blood models who are 1/2 Asian; there is a reason why most of the mixed blood Asians are working in Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indo, Philipines - there is simply more money to be made here than there.

    Regarding Miss Khao San; this is a "dregs of the beauty circuit" event, so I am hardly surprised that a foreigner won it; that is actually what it is supposed to be - a contest for foreigners!!!! It is Khao San after all.

  5. I am well acquainted with the pageantry circuit. Almost never is the winner "chosen" on the night. They are chosen several days or weeks in advance, based on who introduced them; who presented them, that sort of thing. There is often a series of deals; e.g. I am this famous woman who has a lot of soap operas, I introduce this woman; we split the 1m 50 50 then she also commits (in advance) to doing certain ads and so on; while she might get 1m from the pageant, the real money is in ads and endorsements leading to a career - a good female model here of that status (if she got her Thai down in say the next 6 months) could earn perhaps 3-4 times that amount.....

    And an agent would be along side her getting say 30% (standard modelling charge) or everything.

    Let's see...well Sujira (Nui) she actually did win on the night; and the year after the Nahng Sao Thai who was supposed to win had to come in second; I already had job in the entertainment business lined up with the person who was supposed to come second; but when the first person stuffed up the question, she had to be demoted and the places reversed; it totally stuffed up the job in question; but they ended up finding someone else who turned out to be better anyway.

    This was probably ALL explained to her, and either she is stupid, her parents are idiots, or the modelling contract came later or was never explained to the organisers - either way she will probably struggle to ever make as much there as she could here long term... no foreign modelling agency would enforce a contract like that since she would be worth more to them with a title, and also what sort of work is she going to be doing - ads and stuff? She can do big jobs on a direct booking and fly there and back...no sweat. So I just don't believe that there is any contract being enforced here.

    the more likely alternative is that something has been uncovered which makes her unsuitable; based on the look kruengs who have won in the past the less connection they have to Thailand, the more likely they have some dirt - any bikini photos could potentially be a significant problem for a pagaent winner here; coming from Australia which is hardly a modelling centre of the world, it is quite possible there are some really rubbish photos of her somewhere.

    Miss Thailand World is the best pagaent for the non-Thai/Semi-Thais...past winners include Cindy (no Thai blood but born in Thailand); Helen (1/2, cannot speak Thai properly); Lookgait (full thai raised in USA, couldn't speak Thai well when she won, is brilliant now though), Lada (Full Thai, raised in USA, couldn't speak Thai well when she won, bearable now) - not exactly the same as someone like Nui!!! I am pretty sure that there are done deals in advance for most of these...Avon and that sort of thing which the model gets a fair chunk of; all of these ladies mentioned made serious cash here on par with the upper rung of models in NY; I'd be very surprised if Angela could make more in USA than here if she was anything better than a complete idiot. Sadly, I suspect that there may be more to the story than this.

    Better get the gossip from some Gay guys then.

  6. >>

    Laughing out loud, each one of these posts in the forum are "subliminal messages" to corrupt and influence the minds of readers with our "expert opinions"......... Do you think that maybe something like "anti-subliminal intellect glasses" would help?

    ASIG for short?!

    That is not a catchy acronym!!! LOL

    There is some book out there about building political alliances; the writer talks a lot about creating a language; if we look at say Bush in USA or Blair in UK; they spend a lot of time creating language and concepts that their believers can use - e.g. asymetric warfare, home invasion (ok, not sure who came up with the second one), that sort of thing.

    It forms cohesion for groups later on; take a look inside companies like McK, or unis like Yale and the amount of "in talk" gets just massive - and it builds and us and them mentality - cohesion is one of the key parts of creating groups - and common culture through language is a way to do it.

    Quite interesting really; if you ever have the chance to meet someone selling AMWAY or a scientologist; man they have even more language skills of their own than any other group!

  7. I messaged you as well :-)

    That is exactly the position i did it; I just rocked up to the office which is just across from Major ratchyothin.

    The bank did not provide that letter, and the office did nothing.

    The only thing I thought might come up was the deposit money, but they didn't really even care about that.

    I did meself, so maybe the lawyer is being over cautious; I didn't use SCB though....hmm..... I would check with the Supalai ppl, and the bank again, but I cannot guarantee you will be in the same position as me.

    Do you speak Thai? Can you read the forms? Can you answer for youself if they ask you about this stuff?

  8. Actually, much as I don't like it, "below the line advertising" or PR is one of several ways to get a company message across. We use it extensively to promote what we are doing...sometimes in a good way, sometimes less so.

    Bear in mind that let's say I have a great product; but my competitor is 10 times larger with a terrible product and a massive ad budget. If I can explain to the press how my product is better, objectively and fairly, then maybe I can get news that his dodgy piece of junk cannot (which is why he needs to advertise).

    Is that OK? After all, in the case of say selling environmentally friendly products, most of the press know nothing, so if I can educate them a bit then aren't I doing them a favour?

    Seems fair enough....

    However, not long from there, it is easy enough to stretch that to being a dodgy junk seller, acheive "expert status" within a field and then be feeding any old tripe to the journos, most of whom do not have enough specialist knowledge in anything to detect a lot of cobblers anyway.

    The heirachy in PR goes something like this

    1. People know who you are

    2. People know what you are doing and who you are

    3. People look to your organisation as some sort of expert in that industry

    Examples are maybe McKinsey as an indsutry expert in business; perhaps some of the IBs and brokerage houses in financial markets; that sort of thing. But hold up; surely McKinsey actually ARE supposed to know something about this sort of stuff? Sure, they do, but they also spend a fair bit of time making sure that it is their name attached as experts and not BCG or heaven forbid Accenture - their name and reputation is all they have - they don't advertise that I am aware of, so PR is a worthwhile way to go.

    But then you look at say Enron and realise what a bunch of hacks they can be anyway :o

    IMHO journalists should be good enough at their job to figure out who knows something and who doesn't. In my own case, several journalists like to ask me for comments about the indsutry I work in, simply because in their opinion I provide worthy sound bites (quotes); I speak succinctly; I know the industry I work in and the competitors in the same industry...well some of them are verbose morons and a couple are really good and used all the time so they need another viewpoint. They are asking me, so should I not comment simply because I work in the same industry?

    Getting back to the original topic; I cannot see why you cannot take the best of two concepts and combine them to get something better. In the case of western management practises; some aspects work (challenging, questioning, discussion) but these tend to work best using Thai (when Thai people who are ESL don't have to worry about grammar and stuff) and when the expat knows something of Thai customs and the staff knows he/she knows (so they don't expect to get randomly yelled at as can be the case with some westerners).

    Examples of kick ass farangs here....well Bill at Minor seems pretty good; many of the hotels seem to run ok - but I'd say the majority I meet seem to only do well if they actually know something of Thai language and Thai culture; otherwise they end up as a front person incapable of doing much else let alone bonding with the staff.

    But then again, I am an "expert" or at least I am telling all of you I am with my subliminal Intellectual collective knowledge of SICK for short.

  9. >>What is the situation if you work in Thailand, are paid in Thailand, and want to buy a condo?

    I was in this situation a month ago and did not need the TT3 form. However, I also got a mortgage; not sure if you could still do that if you were paying the whole amount in one go without a mortage.

    The rationale was that the money was generated locally - had to show work permit, passport and so on.

  10. >>What is the situation if you work in Thailand, are paid in Thailand, and want to buy a condo?

    I was in this situation a month ago and did not need the TT3 form. However, I also got a mortgage; not sure if you could still do that if you were paying the whole amount in one go without a mortage.

    The rationale was that the money was generated locally - had to show work permit, passport and so on.

  11. I think Thai custom is ok for shower everyday.

    Some English custom and some European custom seem to have some sort of similar belief to Thais, because many I have met seem to have an aversion to showering more than once every few days :o:D

  12. Depends on the day born; I have no children and have not had this conversation for like 5 years, but from what I recall Monday names have no vowels at all...so for example I could guess that say Tanaporn or Tanatorn (names spelt without vowels) would be born on a Monday.

    Friday and Saturday names are often using a สศษ mostly ส because I think those days you are supposed to begin the name with a certain letter. I know this is why my Thai name begins with ศ which is supposedly quite rare.

    There is some book you can buy that explains this.

    In terms of names, the last name has nothing to do with the first name; all the Thai Chinese stuff is not strictly relevant, since we are not in the position of choosing surnames, we are choosing a first name. In general, the meaning is supposed to have some grander meaning...people don't just mix up the letters as they see fit to make it look "nice" it isn't like saying..ok I like the name Frank, but I am going to spell it Phrankew (with a silent W) because it looks cool. Rather, many of the formal names originate from Sanskrit, or formal Thai, and thus use words and phrases that we would often not normally encounter in everyday Thai.

    e.g. Somchai - the most common man's name: Som means something like good, and of course chai is a man, so it means something like a man who is good; that sort of thing. Of course, the standing joke is this is like having a name like John Smith or something, because it is kind of common. That said, choosing a very uncommon name, and one is forever having to explain how to spell it, what it means, and so on. Incidentally, you could not give the name Somchai to a woman. Even a manly looking one :-)

    More than a few people have changed their name from a less auspicious name to a more auspicious name based on an episode of bad luck or similar.

    In general, the full name has a deeper meaning; the nick name is a reflection of perhaps character, physique, family that sort of thing. Not a good idea to do what some idiot farang asked about a while back and give your son the name ควาย because you think he would be strong. Actually, I think someone stopped him, but he was ranting on and on about how he should be allowed to do what he wanted.....hmmm... Anyone else remember that thread?!

  13. Butterfly

    Actually there are plenty of sales.

    I can assure you that:

    - Prada

    - Christian Dior

    - Burberry

    - many others

    do discount from the prices they were selling earlier in the season to a discounted price. Modern Form do something similar....

    I do agree though that people like Index, Central and Emporium seem to be on permanent "sale" and this would breach the fair trading acts of many countries - theoretically it also breaches some sort of consumer fair trade aspects here, but I am a little foggy as to what. General guideline where I grew up and studied consumer law was the price had to have averaged the quoted full price level for the preceeding 180 days...

    same applies for interest free and other representations of pricing.....

  14. Hello

    I just went through the process of buying a condo, and thought I'd explain it, as it clashes a bit with some of the other info I've read. I have Thai blood in a distant way, but effectively on paper I am a foreigner with work permit and stuff.

    I bought a condo in a building with very few foreigners, and approached several banks about a mortgage. I do not own a car here, many assets or much else, but the company of which I am a director (family business) has borrowings with one bank. Several banks I approached were willing to do a mortgage for a foreigner with a work permit, VISA, some savings and stuff, but the one where I already had car financing were the most helpful, because I already had an indirect relationship with them. I went with one of my relatives, and a bunch of evidence showing my work here.

    I ended up borrowing 60% of the value of the unit; standard terms and conditions. I provided 40% of the deposit on the day of purchase at the land transfer office (the property dept) and they asked whether I had a TT3. When I showed them the work permit and they saw I was borrowing the remainder, they said I do not need a TT3 because the income was generated in Thailand.

    I am not sure if they would have said the same thing if I did not have the mortgage, but I suspect so.

    So..there you have it.

    - foreigners can get a mortgage

    - if you have a work permit and a mortgage you do not need a TT3

    I hope this is helpful to someone out there :o

  15. Go to Gulliver... plenty of beer; bar food and lotsa screens. Nice crowd too; Dubliner is less into the sport than the guys who sit near the big screen at Gullivers and costs more.

    But lately since going there it seems like there is something is wrong with the TV. No matter what I watch the Aussies they seem to be losing; it is brilliant and I am not complaining.

    I am scared to go watch anywhere else now, because there is nothing better than watching a game live with an Aussie when they are losing. Which seems to happen all the time of late in Gulliver :D:D:D:D

    I really hope they don't fix their TV soon :o

  16. My uncle loves this sort of humour, but I cannot offhand remember many of the jokes he comes out with (and it is about 100 jokes per night) :o

    So here is one you can use when talking if a bit tired....

    เหนื่อยมาก นอนไม่ได้ ตาแข็ง

    pause and wait for the sighs of concern......


    ok, maybe not my best work, but the best I can recall for now.

  17. I think it is a pretty bad joke, but we seem to be in a cycle of school boy howlers, so I felt a need to keep the ride going :-)

    Phooying ahyoo noi gup phooying mee ahyoo laew. walah chee gor dtaek dtung yung rai

    mai roo

    phooying ahyoo noi chip chee chip chee

    phooying mee ahyoo laew chee chip chee chip

    ok... and just for Withnaul, I will try for Thai, how do you make the font size bigger than microscopic?


    ผู้หญิงอายุน้อยกับผู้หญิงมีอายุแล้ว เวลาฉี่ก็เตกต่างอย่างไร



  18. I have noted who said what, and Moog and DJ Moore are ready for a slap upside the head for idiotic racist jokes so far :D ya clowns....Y do you even bother to live here?! :o

    so here is mine...

    USA decided to commission a new roadshow to promote manufacturing USA brands in CHina for the SE ASian market. They decided to get pitches for the production of the road show from 3 countries: Thailand, Singapore and China.

    The Singaporean guy was first, and said $1m USD, based on an extensive logistics study that revealed ways to produce the roadshow out of MDF, using the latest in laser inkjet printing and sourcing local talent. The Americans were well impressed.

    The Chinese guy was next, and said he could do it for $500k USD, based on cheap labour, loss leading and no margin. He said he wanted the work, to develop a relationship and expertise with the roadshow type of work. The Americans then turned to the Thai contractor...

    The Thai bidder said "2.5m USD"

    When asked why are you so much more than the other two bidders, the answer came as follows:

    "1m for you, 1m for me, and we get the Chinese guy to do it"

    Or a Thai joke/school boy howler

    Pee arai kuen rot mair mai dai

    Mai roo.....

    Pee sahm baht

    Dtuek arai yoo nai nam

    Dtuek bplar mairt

    Kuat arai yoo kahng tanon

    Kuat dumroi

    Phoochai chorp hart arai mahk tee soot nai bprataet Thai

    Hart sa-ee

    etc etc

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