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Posts posted by steveromagnino

  1.   Thailand needs people like you!

    Thailand needs lots of different things as well as people but something always gets in the way of their willingness to accept it. It's called pride.

    Probably an element of truth; the problem is having a bunch of uncooth uneducated foreigners wandering around complaining about everything and offering unwanted opinions without constructive suggestions has somewhat immunised many Thai people to trusting advice from many foreigners.

    Much like a person might not necessarily trust the advice of that kind hearted Nigerian in Soi Nana who has a small fortune in escrow and needs just a little start up capital to free the money up.

    In both cases, the hopeless idiots f&*k it up for the people who could actually make a difference. I know many of the Thai staff here think the western guys working for supply companies and the like are mostly incompetent and here for the loose women of questionable repute from NEP; simply because probably 80% of them actually are. It takes some time to earn respect when you are starting from a position like this; a few of the foreign suppliers we have here (and myself in some respects I suppose as a foreign born person) have earned the trust and respect to actually be listened to. And a large number of the foreigners I know are well trusted and respected and listened to with awe sometimes; but each of them has earned that respect and trust through knowing how to present their ideas; when to listen, when to shut up and so on.

    And with an understanding of how Thai people think (which seems to be the difficulty for most foreigners to ever get their heads around) then some headway can be made; improvements, better for everyone and smiles all round :o

    I consider myself to be an expert in pretty much everything (you didn't want to go down the M25, you wanted to take the M82 etc etc, Harry Enfield) but I don't think I could go most places in the world and get people to listen to me straight off. Despite my movie star good looks; white teeth and devilish grin.

    You cannot just wander around spouting off with the attitude, "my idea is right, so they should listen." I cannot think of anywhere in the world that this would work. But for sure there are a fair few more hurdles here for a non-Thai speaking foreigner than perhaps an english speaking foreigner locating to a western country such as USA or UK.

  2. You will earn at least 10 times as much working in IT in New York than in Thailand.  Would it not be better to work on a western salary for perhaps 3 months a year and use the money earned to live the Thailand the rest of the year.  This would give you more money and more free time to enjoy Thailand than working full time over here

    I figure that much, yet remember it's cost of living differences. I'm looking for a completely different lifestyle, so I'd rather move there completely. I guess a good first step might be to start contacting US companies out there with open positions? I have no experience doing such job types as working 3months out of the year....unless it's contract work.

    Definitely you would be extremely unlikely to be able to match incomes working for someone here; however the way things are set up, being a Thai gives you massive advantages over many of the expats who may have equal/better experience than you as well as the Thailand born Thais. I know my appeal to my boss is along the same lines; the lack of fluency and reading are overcome by the ability to know when to speak out of turn; when to be creative and so on, yet without being scary or rude or saying the wrong thing to the wrong person as the previous non-Thais working around here often tended to be.

    There are a ton of opportunities here, and investment banking background; well I would be looking to see if you can find some sort of step sideways into Asia using your existing company for starters.

    Because you have no work permit or language issues, there are plenty of jobs; it just may be hard to get a salary near to what you earn now.

    Assuming you have at least 4 years of experience, the good/bad news is that over 100k is highly possible but more than 150k for someone not so old is going to be tough.

    What other aspects of IB do you know; there may be more chance to be doing deals than straight IT stuff; the market for IB here is strongly built on relationships and so on AFAIK rather than straight number crunching (which I guess there are cheap analysts to do anyway). If you could fit into the greasy middle man role, well that is where the money and the importance of IB seems to be, at least from what I've seen.

    And further to that, I have been offered work in IB - I know nothing of finance or the like, simply because finding a greasy middle person (I am sure IBers called it something else :o ) that can broker the deals and whatever is an important part of the IB.

    Regarding the exact salary difference.... well as a VP marketing, I'd be guessing in NY I could earn probably what, $120k USD a year? Here similar job, similar experience, similar responsibilities, perhaps 100 - 200k a month which is $30k -$60k; about 1/2 that amount. Not quite 10 times.

    But factor in cost of rent, food, and so on; well depending on your lifestyle you might be better off here than there.

    You have to play to your strengths; do not under estimate how strong the US education + work experience + inherent Thai-ness combination can be here. Thailand needs people like you!

  3. Things may be worse than even Gary A imagines. As I understand it, under Thai law his wife is entitled to half of ALL "his" property acquired after they were married, whether it's in Thailand or Tiimbuktu. That includes the condo and the car, unless you owned both before tying the knot. Even more scarey, your wife will also have a claim on any interest on your bank accounts generated after the marriage and ditto returns on your capital investments.  Scarey, ain't it. Now we know why Thais are always smiling. . .

    Generally this is whole matrimonial property works everywhere... am I missing something?

    So... Thais must always be smiling because the law here is the same as matrimonial property law elsewhere?! Man, as a Thai I must naturally just be really stupid :o to not understand this phrase.

    Anyway, there are MANY ways for anyone other than a total idiot to get around this; placing assets in a trust is a simple way to manage an estate; the trust would be operated as a separate entity...alternatively a prenuptual agreement... that sort of thing.

    If, as I keep reading in boards like this, that Thai people are so frustrating and stupid, it sure is amusing that an uneducated bargirl with minimal non-bar girl skills is so easily able to end up with citizenship, matrimonial property and so on so easily from supposedly "smart people".

    FYI I can think of a few westerners marrying wealthy Thai ladies/men that have done extremely well out of a divorce.... this idea that the court system is stacked against you.


    The court system is a known quantity; do you homework...and get a decent lawyer...and maybe... just maybe you will get close to what you deserve. BUt courts worldwide are a bit of a lottery.

  4. I am in KL at present and they have got rid of all street vendors (except now during Ramadan, there are a few food stalls). It is boring, not good at all.

    You have to find an area that is set aside for food stalls, thats fine, but there is no atmosphere, no "life" like before

    oh well, progress :o

    Well the key is balance. Around where I work we have concrete research that pretty much everyone dislikes the excessive presence of the vendors during the day, and at night they are theives who are stealing our power; vandalising our property and so on.

    The BMA receives basically no money from most of them who are setting up illegally and thus ruining it for the legal ones.

    Much like I would not want a nightclub in my apartment building, I do not see why we need vendors all over the place. Lower Suk is ridiculous. A moderate number and there is room to walk; you end up with businesses in the shop houses and so on.

    The Monday night closing is a good idea; the vendors near my house actually like it; but then again in Lard Prao we don't have crazy numbers of them (there is some semblance of zoning) so as a result they all make decent money. The monday is their day off, and they have a bumper Sunday and Tuesday since people eat while they can.

    The majority of Thais in BKK WANT to restrict the street vendors; certainly the ones in power or who have money do (since they mostly don't frequent them anyway). But bribes from those street vendor guys have kept them on the street for a while...let's see how they do as the clampdown continues.

    OK,....assume racist rant mode :D

    If we are going to talk about annoying ways in which "Thais" walk (implying all of us) then can I make a comment about some westerners?

    Is there just the slightest smallest tiniest chance you can actually wash before you walk near me? I refuse to believe you can stink that bad in just a few hours; surely if you can afford those expensive hotel rooms, and to surf the net complaining about double pricing and how the country will fall over when the sex industry and closing times get implemented (sorry still waiting) then you can find time to wash.

    I would be happy to create a simple set of instructions on using soap, deodorant and carrying a hankerchief to soak up some of your sweat, for the smelly people.

    I have had to throw away a few shirts before after some oaf rubbing up against me. The smell was so foul from this one lady. I had to take off all my clothes.

    I still gave her one though :D after I was, how should I say, naked. :D:D

    So... does it feel just as good to make an insinuation about an entire group of people? hel_l yeah :-)

  5. the only person that brings Makoto here is us - no one here called Paul!

    Sorry!!! Couldn't recall what you guys are called...but anyway; that was an AWESOME night; well done :-)

    THe scene of d and the B is definitely heating up in Thailand; great to see so many big names... on my wish list:

    - live set from the EZ Rollerz including live vocal set from the Lady Roller

    - Big Night with the power houses of DnB from the Antipodes: Pendulum, Concord Dawn

    - Artificial Intelligence

    - DJ Hype

    - DJ SS

    I am not so keen on the MC thing; but the Specialist is pretty awesome; that's the chick right? Leave out the "yo yo yo handz in da air" guys - they...to be frank.... ruin the night for me and everyone I know.

  6. iT seems a few people here have a rather odd view of what constitutes a "top quality bar".

    BUt that is my opinion; and everyone has different ideas of what makes a top quality bar.

    If we are talking about the same women that work in a gogo bar, only there not being any poles, then the places for that (which are arguably a bit more upscale and certainly more expensive) are:

    Angels Disco, CM2, Q Bar, Spasso, Rivas

    Of these, Q Bar plays the most onto it house music; Angels and CM2 have eurotrance poppy DJs and CM2, Spasso, Rivas all have cheesy bands playing covers as well.

    For somewhere genuinely nice to sit and watch the world go by without loud music:

    Diplomat, the bar at Sirocco (Distill), the bar at Sukhothai, etc, Aqua at 4 seasons

    For somewhere with some music but still fairly laid back

    Syn Bar, Distill

    For somewhere to sit and have a nice cigar and kick back

    The place @494 in the Hyatt, etc

    For somewhere with decent dance music (have to check on the nite what style they are playing)

    Astra, Democ, Q Bar (sometimes), Bed, Syn Bar, some of the places in Soi 4 Silom

    For places with hip hop

    RCA most bars; Khao San Road

    For places with 4 to the floor hard house

    Lucifer (that I am aware of, haven't been there in a while)

    For places without any bar girls

    I don't want to mention them here, because invariably whenever I introduce any place to some westerners, they ALWAYS end up bringing their own bar girls with them (either them or their friends) and the more white people there are, the more bar girls there are. It is an inevitable formula of an escalating probability. White single guys in Thailand en masse = bar girls en masse.

    I cannot think of ANY bars where this is not the case!

    But they are out there... however in general if you want western company; english speakers and so on...well you are going to be in the company of westerners...therefore you can expect some "curry" in the place as well. :o

    Which be well good for dirty sods like moi :D:D DeM hOz B wEll KeEn On dA luK KruEnG aNd AzN pRyDe So I dIz nOt PaY iNNiT :D

  7. Well technically there is a charge for playing music in a public place; be it Grammy, RS or others.

    For instance, the music you hear in shopping malls? There is an organisation, JCL or JLI or something that comes around and collects royalties for the musicians whose performances are being played; it is based on a charge per sq. m. If I recall correctly, that is the whole group of the large recording companies and they somehow share it out.

    I suspect it is simply that Grammy are being a little more aggressive at the moment about it (what with earnings and so on being at stake) than RS or the others, at the moment. Theoretically all the karaoke machines are supposed to pay as well.

    When we consider that the artists and music company have indeed spent the time making the stuff; well if a place wants to play it as entertainment then they shouldn't get a free ride.

    But then again, I don't download illegal music so I am an honest guy (well, for as long as this stupid &*(king firewall at work stops me from using peer share networks :-) :o:D

  8. Great Australian Musicians

    - Crowded House

    - The Finns

    - Exponents

    - Supergroove

    - Nathan Haines

    - Concord Dawn

    Oh hold up, they are all Kiwis.

    You guys can keep:

    - Rolf Harris

    - Kevin Blaady Wilson

    - That useless pop idols band

    - INXS

    I will admit that Pendulum are awesome. But that is it.

  9. Like many I've been on the hunt for that elusive expat package in my company or another that would take me to LOS. I was just wondering if it ever came to pass whether I'd go the route of a serviced apartment, nice home or just grab something reasonable and pocket the cash or upgrade my ride. This made me realize I just didn't know how critical the face gained from a nice home may or may not be in Thai corporate culture.

    Totally unimportant; so I'd go for the cheaper place out of the city a bit.

    Although that said, many farangs struggle to fit in here, so end up in the areas with "like minded individuals" around Sukhumvit, Silom that sort of thing. Lots of english speakers and cruddy European/American food. And of course, there is a reason why places like (ahem) Spasso, CM2, NEP, PP and so on all do a roaring trade, and they are not making their money from locals.

    If you can learn some Thai and can eat the food and can learn to drive "Thai style" then living a little further out is no problem. Somewhere on the skytrain/underground may be helpful if you have to work in the city; I love having a car because it opens up going to the beach/sport/ that sort of thing; for many of the expats I know, their idea of travel is walking from NEP to Soi Cowboy, so having a car is less relevant.

  10. I was curious how many of you working in a corporate environment entertain business associates in your home? Practically, if you wanted to make a good impression, would you allocate money towards your home, car or evenings out to grease the wheels?

    I do corporate entertaining all the time; never gone to a house, never invited someone to mine. Friends from work, yes, but not for business.

    Business = nice restaurant; golf possibly (not me, 'cause I tore my shoulder cuff - the muscle, not my shirt); "nite type" entertainment (men only - Resort, etc); karaoke (Big echo type place or restaurant with karaoke).

    No need for fancy car, just show up early, and meet them there.

    My home = my slum. :o

  11. Chiangrai

    I am sorry things didn't work out, but your sample of one is not exactly convincing. There are many ways a foreigner can win in a Thai court, if they do their homework; sadly most do not have a good knowledge of the court system; may not have been to court before; do not get a good lawyer, and also cannot read most of the documentation themselves. It also doesn't help that so many foreigners here (particularly farang foreigners) have discrepancies in their work papers which come back to bite them when they go to court (no work permit, ongoing tourist visas for 3 years, etc).

    I would therefore point out that your post, while a useful reminder of the dangers of going to court, is not the be-all and end-all.

    To the posters who claim matrimonial property sharing 50:50; generally this would apply EXCEPT in the case of matrimonial property which involves land, where the land cannot be owned by a foreigner, and therefore all ownership resides with the Thai partner at all times; therefore it cannot be calculated as "half of the total settlement, so I'll take the car instead"; the land (and usually what is on it unless spelt out expressly via some other documentation) belongs exclusively to the Thai partner no matter who paid for it. Therefore her name = ner name only. You have no claim on the house and land at all, unless you have expressly stated some claim on the house alone, but of course what are you going to do; move it?

    Cars and the like are all up for grabs; preparation and a good papertrail help win cases.

    Of course, for property, a company owned property would solve that, or some sort of trust structure if there were kids; that sort of thing. Sadly, most of the time that the legal bit is needed is when there are problems, and the time it needed to be signed and sorted was when everything was roses and petals and little nice smelly bits of flower in those bowls. :o

    I deal with legal disputes with our clients all the time (I am not a lawyer) and I would definitely say that as the 1/2 Thai 1/2 foreign party, we run about even with both fully Thai, fully foreign, and partly Thai/partly foreign parties that we deal with.

  12. To the original poster...

    while I don't think that the choice of these particular stocks are necessarily good ones, I have made fairly decent double digit returns on the Thai stock market this year - what I do note about the market here (and I have via my family probably close on 1m invested in the Aussie and NZ exchanges, so I know a little about those markets too) is that:

    - the market here is a lot more volatile - 5-10% movements in a day are commonplace. Seen a few 20%+ movements in a day, and the volatility during the day can be all over the place

    - lack of liquidity restricts serious investment on a short term basis

    - many stocks list only a small proportion of their total shares, so there is less chance of buy outs and corporate raids

    - insider trading here just as prevalent, actually even more prevalent than NZ or Australia (both markets where it is pretty rife as well) - difference is here no one gets caught

    - far more manipulation of stock prices for some shares than you would EVER see elsewhere and in more blatant ways (majority shareholder has sideline businesses; ramping up prices, that sort of thing)

    So... with this in mind, how can you make money? Well, these risks are compensated by some ok returns; you need to know your stocks and do your homework - fundamentals drive earnings and cashflow, and earnings and cashflow are important for dividends, and how funds and the like look at stocks. That's how I see it.

    You need to know what is going on with stocks; a share like Thai Airways; well airlines are a dog anyway generally, but in particular Thai Airways suffers from being abused by a lot of politicians; and lack of quality business processes internally. Couple that with a few rotten years for airlines, and I would not say this is necessarily a strong stock with solid earnings. Of course, at the right price even a dog can be worth buying, but not at what it is at now.

    I'd say look at some of the shares with dividend yeilds above 5%; strong earnings - not necessarily the glamerous stocks, but what Thailand does well.

    You can register with a broker like tiscoetrade.com and buy sell online.

    If you are not already investing in shares, I would not say Thailand is the best place to start.

    IMHO investing in shares is a risky endeavour; despite all the research, I'd say if you cannot consistently return 10%+ YoY then it is far less effort and energy to just plonk the money in the bank. A few good trades (my past ones were Burns Philp for under 30c; Contact Energy; Power NZ; Fletcher Energy) and that puts the returns well above that to carry over the dogs (Fletcher Forests/Tenon).

  13. Being a DJ and running a club are very different skills. If you aren't a club owner there, I would not suggest Thailand as the best place to start; aside from legal and finance issues, you don't know anything about the market here; learn that first then consider.

    Mystique was an example of a guy who thought he could kick butt in the Thai market; he chose an idiotic location and then wondered why he kept getting police showing up; just like the MOS Londoners (who also were not smart enough to know that their local partners were alledgedly skimming the till).

    Old school DnB - not sure that will work here; the DnB scene is pretty advanced you might get a play the odd night, but the good DnB guys here are really decent; and there are a lot for such a small scene.

    The funk/lounge stuff definitely has a market here; I would think some of the hotels like Nailert and so on would be good for you.

    I think pretty much all the foreign DJs from Europe here are about bedroom DJ level, there are a couple of big time scratch guys out here, but the type of music you play is not really the "super star" genre; I think you should cruise on out here; PM me and send me some sample or something and if you are suitable I can recommend you to a few places.

    The Eurotrance scene is hmmm not really around BKK anymore for the most part; hip hop is the big thing (which really sucks) and it is the cruddy hip hop as well. House still ok; the scene is big enough to accomodate a few more guys. Just try to hook up with a hotel or decent size player; at some point I am sure there is going to be a shakedown of all the foreign DJs here without work permits, because there are so many of them, and at some point people will be asking how come them guys is earning money and not paying tax....but that could be years away :o

  14. I know that really attractive women are supposed to be this and supposed to be that, but i can honestly say I've met just as many stuck up arrogant idiotic unattractive women as stuck up arrogant idiotic extremely attractive women, so I'd say prettiness is not a driver entirely of being stuck up.

    But then again I guess (without trying to sound arrogant) that I have had the fortune, at least for a while, to work in an industry with a preponderonce of beautiful women. And a fair few of them were well up for it innit.

    I am in the pro-boob job camp; if a woman wants to get big boobs, then more power to her. She at least can do something about it. Unlike me; they don't have a penis reduction :o yet. There can be something really attractive for a very slim woman who still has the big boobs; has to be a decent job though, and for other surgery in general don't like the fake nose though. Eyelid not so great; but really good PS is not that easy to tell. That;s why it is great.

    Plus women with boob jobs are usually happier with their boobs as a result.

    So...what is this plug nose thing?

  15. Well there are skeptics at several levels

    1. There are no fire balls

    They are so well documented; witnessed; we covered them in a TV show I am involved with - there is no way there are no balls... there are balls man!

    2. The balls must be planted through some sleight of hand or trick then

    This is just so easy to believe; but then you start to think about how could this be done; the water is really murky; the balls appear all up and down not just in one area; and it has been documented for many years - so any way of doing the fraud must have been going on a long time with the best of "Isaan technology" not exactly widely known in the world of special effects

    3. Well, the balls used to be natural, but now they are man made

    That means at least some are naturally occuring or some other freaky thing, so we need to know how...refer to 2. and 4.

    4. The balls are naturally occurring

    Lots of theories not just from TAT but various scientists; my understanding is the villagers in the area believe in the river creature making them, so they were NOT happy when ITV suggested a bunch of theories about man made; would think someone might get hurt if they started wheeling in National Geographic TV Channel, or maybe even some real scientists to investigate extensively... I think the gases rising seems feasible myself, but I am not a scientist guy

    5. The river creature really is making them

    Hmm... well that's what some people like to believe. Funny that so many of the people from Nong Khae area seem so happy with their lives, even when they may not have much. Compare that to the cynicism, lack of happiness with where we live and various other aspects of many of us posting here.... maybe believing in things does have its benefits. :o:D

  16. Thank you for your kind concern :-)

    Actually, I have been rolling on the floor with laughter reading the story of the church of the painted breast, on this guy's website


    The archive is full of great ways to drive these scammers crazy; he even has managed to get money out of some of them. The guy just rocks.


    Best regards

    Somchai Hassabigwun

  17. Dear Mr Burin

    I am representative of Nigerian Government, Security Trading. I recently closed a contract for my senior staff, a Mr Abir Abud who sadly died in an aircraft accident.

    We now have $10m USD in an account, that is not recognised by the government.

    I note you have the same name as Mr Abir Abud, in so far as it is not quite the same but similar.

    I would like to propose a deal, please provide assistance with your bank account details, and we will provide 40% of the $10m USD into your account, for a small advance fee of $2000USD.

    This deal is of the utmost importance. Please provide your bank account details.

    Kind regards and may the fruits of your loins be powerful in the empire of the Golden calf

    Sigilee Somchun

  18. Any place that takes less than 24 hours is a dodgy one; a tailor should measure, cut the basic frame; check; make the suit; check again for final adjustments; check one last time and give to you....at least for the first time.

    Should take minimum of 3-4 days, more likely a week.

    I like the places in Amarin plaza on 2nd floor; not bad at all. But for off the rack, VERY hard to go past a Zegna suit; Givenchy has some nice suits as well.

    And for my little rant \.....

    Skipper -

    Shoddy workmanship, total lack of integrity or morals, me first attitude, lie with a smile, worthless guarantees, a pricing system for foreigners that boggles the mind. That's the way business is done in Thailand. Just remember that.

    Fascinating - must remember your view of the country :D next time I am doing business here; oh that's right I seem to encounter this sort of stuff sometimes; mostly from f&*king foreigners who work here, except for the smile bit. Thai companies and people I deal with work just fine, so I don't think it is the "way business is done in Thailand" - certainly sadly it can be the way business is done in parts of the tourist sector and the sector of the economy surrounding the ghetto of Suk 3 - Asok, but then again I work in the bit of the economy actually creating superior shareholder returns blah blah blah blah :o:D:D But I do like your smiling avatar :D Smile. And I will sell you my children if you buy my product. And also, I am most important person here. And I will guarantee you the quality of my children with a money back guarantee. And because you are a foreign sailor, I can charge you 4000baht per child in 1967 currency + 50% of PPI per year, less the fuel surcharge of 20 satung. That's how I do business....



    I getcha.

    p.s. It is tailor right; or do you mean people who wander around sticking tails on things?

  19. it's at least having a go at both rugby and cricket at ajunior level

    Champions at a real sport - Thai boxing - that's enough for me :-)

    Potential to be champs/already champs in some cases at windsurfing, weight lifting, boxing and a few others... even better.

    I think rugby will work; especially for sevens and if there is a weight category about 4 level (NZ system) for adults; less sure about the cricket; even less sure whether I could be bothered watching cricket here in the sun. The Chang will would be wiping me out a bit more than luke warm leon rouge. :o:D

  20. Hi all,

    Wondering if anybody has any experiences of DJing and getting paid gigs in Thailand. I'll hopefully be leaving the UK and want to take a couple of boxes of tunes with me.

    Any ideas? I've been DJing and promoting for about 10 years so know what I'm doing :o



    The reality is that you do theoretically need a work permit, but places like Q bar, Bed and Mystique are not checking for the most part, so you'll probably be able to find work.

    The styles that are popular now tend to be the cheesier end of most styles (except for DnB which is full on proper proper proper as it goes in that one track)... house of course and currently hip hop is the big thing. Lounge/downbeat quite popular too.

    What you'll struggle with is a fairly tight set of the Q bar white guys who control things reasonably tightly on the house side of things, and they are all quite good... if you can get in with them then you'll be good to go for the farang side of things (most of the customers at Q, Bed and Mystique type places are white or ladieez interested in white guys, and mostly interested in persuading them to part with cash for "services").

    The scene changes fairly fast; AStra is one of the few genuine super clubs here, you might get in there if you are decent.

    Expect to earn perhaps not that much; I used to play a bit for fun and was making about 1500b an hour, which is probably on par with most of the other DJs (except they were good and I wasnt!) for a couple of hours every few days. Hard to get the tunes though; hence why it helps to get in tight with the local scene guys who have ways to get vinyl here.

    The DnB scene is kind of tight, and the top Thai guys, well one of them, is really worldclass; the standard of house here is not so good, but then again, it doesn't take as much skill to mix house; the rest comes down to what ppl want to listen to; no doubt the skills of the DJs is probably well good, but the crowd don't want to listen to trainspotter tracks; they want big tunes; especially in places like Q Bar.

    There is a scene on the islands down south as well, but I cannot tell you about that.

    Private parties make serious cash; 10,000b a night or even double or triple that; you need connections though which you would get if you can get in tight.

    If you explain what style you play, I can point you in a few directions. Khao San, Democ; there are some smaller places that could fill in your time and get you some cash if you know what you are doing, and play a fairly popular style -e.g. if you are a prog house/trance DJ the range will be quite limited to say the least I would have thought; much bigger range for a house DJ with some commercial stuff in his/her box.

  21. Last italian rest. i went they were all thai.

    Back in the west, at least they can..while farangs here can't...

    Not sure which one that is, but the leading ones are mostly headed up by Italians; Calderazzo; Giannis; Mezzaluna.... but there are a ton of Italian restaurants out there!

    Anyway, miss the point of the second bit...what is the at least they can bit? Who and why cannot farangs do that here?> I really am missing something... is this to do with work permits (which are not hard to get for farangs who know what they are doing) or what?

    confused :o:D sorry, can you clarify?

  22. geez steve...

    you wouldn't want the truth to slip out that it is no harder or easier to get  work permit in LOS than anywhere else in the world. What would other posters have to complain about then?

    Nice one :D:D:D:D

    I think we would be left with the endless thread of "how come no one loves us; if they just push me a little bit further "them Thais" are gonna go bankrupt when I take my millions and all my fellow farang go off to the countries which are going ahead not like dis dump"

    Sadly, all we ever get are promises; I want to see what happens when four score and twenty unwashed white guys who have been on tourist visas for the last 20 years actually move out; how many points the sharemarket tanks, and how much the GDP of the country drops. Probably 20% drop in each you think?! :o:D:D

  23. Another example:

    I had a sales assistant with a university degree. Now we have many overseas clients. One day she asked me if Vietnam and Cambodia are the same country. :o

    Well, since it was occupied, it was for a while the same country... so what year was that again?????

    Agreed the english is bad, but I cannot think why it should be a requirement of a bank to have to speak English. The national language is Thai. Agreed, a very non-progressive way to look at things, but SCB is not that progressive is it?!

    If you want a really lame banking operation, check out Citibank.

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