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Posts posted by LukKrueng

  1. I just got an offer from AC CAS Group Co. Ltd. for a Naane Beninca (Italian) Bull5M motor (up to 500Kg 4m gate) including the photocell sensors and installation (located far from the city) for 30,000 THB.

    I found online much cheaper motors, probably Chines... 

    Does anyone have experience with the Italian motor / AC CAS company? Does it worth the difference in price?

  2. 3 hours ago, Pib said:

    I been paying for my Thai vehicle (SUV diesel) fuel for around 10 years with two different US credit cards.  I probably average around 5 fuel buys/fill-ups per month.  Never a problem.   Both of my cards are no foreign transaction fee cards....and no fuel station has ever attempted a DCC transaction.


    I've never seen a Thai self service pump where you insert your card to pay and then pump the fuel yourself.  Around 5 years ago I read a Bangkok Post article that PTT was testing some self-service pay pumps but I have never seen any around Thailand...but most of my driving is in the metro Bangkok area.  


    I always get out of my vehicle when fueling for two reasons:

    (1) to confirm the attendant uses the correct fuel...like not putting gas/petrol into my diesel vehicle which would be disastrous...as gas/petrol will very, very quickly damage a diesel engine.  This happen to my neighbor two years ago with they new diesel vehicle....the fuel station ended up paying approx Bt40K in repair costs...and the neighbor actually ended up selling the vehicle a few months later because she was afraid after the repair she would still have problems.

    (2) to stay within a few steps of my credit card....keep a close eye on it....hand the card to the attendant...walk a few steps with him/her over to the POS machine....watch them as they process the payment...sign the receipt....get the card back....all under my watchful eyes.


    For me, the whole idea of full service is that I can stay in the car... The pump handles are color coded so very easy to see which 1 they use. Just state clearly what you want - benzine, gasohol, diesel or whatever. In one occasion the attended  asked me 3 times if I was sure of my selection as he thought it was a benzine engine and I asked for diesel. 


    As for the credit card - Never had a problem (local cards) of "funny charges". There was 1 time that the worker charged my card twice and the credit card company denied the 2nd charge. The guy came over to tell me that the card wasn't approved. I called the company to ask why was it refused. The answer was 2 charges same place same amount within a couple of minutes from each other. Apparently what happened was that the reader was out of paper when the 1st charge took place. The worker replaced the roll and tried to charge again thinking the 1st time it didn't go through.

  3. 20 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    What difference does it make whose car it is?


    Did I say otherwise? No. I said "let the insurance company handle it all". That includes any cash payments.

    well, you called the op stupid for not insuring HIS car, but it's not his car....

    and then you suggested he should take it to court (I assume you meant if the car wasn't insured, as then there is no insurance to handle it all....)

  4. 23 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    Sounds like just one more Thai scam to me. The only real question is who is pulling it?


    Is your car properly insured or not? If it is, just let the insurance company deal with everything. You have no reason to get involved at all.


    If your car is not insured properly then you are stupid and probably b*ggered. Even so I wouldn't pay out a bean until it got to court as there is always someone here trying it on. Anything that involves making payments quickly here is more or less guaranteed to be a scam.

    did you actually READ the op? says there it's NOT his car, but his parents in law (you know, parents of his wife?).

    another point is that MOST accidents issues in Thailand are being solved by cash changing hands, with or without police involvement, and most unlikely to get to court.

  5. 7 hours ago, jackdd said:

    I think what you say is wrong

    It's quite late now, so maybe i'm wrong, feel free to correct me, but imho the Thai source says that currently the students who fail the english test have to take english courses and after passing these courses they can enroll in the regular courses. These english courses for students who failed the initial test cost money and this is what the students / parents are complaining about.

    here's the 2nd paragraph of the op:



    They have said that they were required to learn up to 550 words in English. If they didn't pass a test they couldn't enroll at the university


    maybe I'm wrong, but the way I understand it is:

    1. Take a course

    2. Pass a test

    3. Enroll to university

  6. 6 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    I'll take a wild guess - all assumptions and no evidence in your statement.

    probably based on his personal experiences with them. I too believe there's something missing in the actor's story.

    I don't use the ted buses much as I prefer my car. But in the few occasions I used them I never had any problems. I once had to take an approximately 20 minutes drive and only had a 1000 baht note (the ride was 20 baht). The driver didn't have change so I asked him to wait a couple of minutes so I can break the note and pay him. He just said 'mai pen rai' and drove away.

    • Like 2
  7. On 12/20/2018 at 2:45 PM, Clive said:

    I was just wondering if it might be possible to buy/build a house for my Thai/English child please as she has dual nationality or would I need to wait until she's 18?

    you can buy a house under a thai person of any age - no minimum. However, a minor (under 20) can't sell the property without a court approval which will only be given after the child's guardian proves to the court that the funds received from the sale are to be used for the child's benefit.

  8. my info is not up to date but based on the days I ran a business which accepted credit cards some years ago.

    the % the banks charged were based on the type of business and could be effected by the revenue generated by the business meaning a big business with lots of transactions could get better rates than small business. When visa electron debit card was introduced, the bank charged me a higher rate than credit cards. At the beginning of the internet era, before online electronic transactions, I accepted credit cards via fax machine. When the online business started thriving and generated many such transactions, the bank informed me that "mail orders" were not covered by my contract with the bank. I asked them to send me a contract for such transactions and they promptly did so, asking for 10% commission!!!! I argued this was insane and they were willing to reduce it to 6%.... they wouldn't go for anything less than that, basically killing my online business...

    as for the merchants rolling the cc cost to their customers, well, most small businesses price the products based on cash payments, and adding 2-4% to the cost makes the deal bad. There were many threads here regarding the "unfairness" of this practice, suggesting that all businesses include the cc charges in the price presented on the product/service. However, the shops that will be the pioneers of such practice will present higher prices than their competitors and will probably lose a lot of business, so that's not going to happen anytime soon

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/9/2018 at 1:19 AM, richard_smith237 said:

    Of course, you may no longer get a discount on your insurance premium next year as you have made a claim, but thats just the way it is here in Thailand. 

    not true. If it was not his fault he will still get the discount next year. at least according to my personal experience

  10. On 12/7/2018 at 8:22 PM, n210mp said:

    I think that the case is closed as the Insurance rep , who was with me all the time at the police station gave me some kind of form no doubt with all the details on it and  the business  card of a repair facility somewhere in banglamung, where I have to take the car tomorrow presumably to get some kind of estimate.

    I did ask if that was it and he replied that it was but you never know if Thai folk without any knowledge of the  English language  really understand, so I will wait with breath bated!            

    I think that in view of the fat that "they" had to pay some money and I didnt is a good sign!

    usually the police won't get involved in accidents with no injuries unless there is no agreement who's fault it was. Seems like the biker or his family were trying to argue you were at fault and your insurance guy determined it was the biker's fault. In such cases the police come in and according to what is presented to them (and sometimes by visiting the accident location)the police will determine who's wrong. if the guilty party accepts the police decision he then has to pay a fine of 400 baht or so for the opening of the police investigation. If the police can't resolve it, it can go to court.

    so in your case, seems the police found the other guy at fault and that he accepted and paid the fine. The form issued by your insurance guy is to be presented to a garage that your insurance is working with so they get a quote for fixing your car. Usually it's valid for a year

    • Like 2
  11. 21 hours ago, Denim said:

    It may be acceptable to shoot a man who had stolen your buffalo and was taking it abroad to a neighboring country.


    Hell of a job getting it a visa for the UK though and as for a settlement visa, probably impossible without the required language skills. Two legs are hard enough four legs would require divine intervention.

    I didn't realise the uk was neighbouring to Thailand. But yet again, I failed geography at school....

    • Haha 1
  12. 5 hours ago, impulse said:


    Being raped sucks for sure, but so does being locked up in a Thai prison for years and years because a drunk woman that consented to sex last night changes her mind this morning.


    I don't know what happened here.  None of us do.  But I do know there are (at least) 2 sides to every story.  And this wouldn't be the first foreign lady raped by a local, nor the first foreign lady who decided that sex last night wasn't a good idea- regardless of which is the case.


    And I'll repeat my oft used statement that I should be able to walk around in public with $100 bills hanging out of my pocket, should be able to leave my car running while I'm inside shopping, and I should be able to leave my front and back doors open for a cross breeze while I'm sleeping.  But that's not the way the world works and I'd be an idiot to think it was.  It doesn't excuse the perpetrator.  But that's not being a victim.  That's being a volunteer. 

    Did you actually read the OP?? 


    The unnamed tourist, who was in shock and crying, was taken to file a rape complaint with police at Samranrat precinct at 3am on Saturday after she had fled the building and called for help from patrol police in the area of the nearby temple


  13. On 12/2/2018 at 10:42 PM, Myran said:

    There's hardly any such motorcycle-specific rule. What are you supposed to do if you're gonna make a U-turn? Pull over to the side of the road and do one of those crazy maneuvers where you cross all lanes to get to the U-turn?

    I do plenty of riding in the left lane when it is warranted, and have never been pulled over for it. As long as you keep with the flow of traffic, there's hardly anything wrong or dangerous about it.

    I don't know if it's a "law" or a "rule" but as far as I know a motorcycle must always keep to the left most lane (unless cars are parked there) and allowed to go to the right most lane no more than 50 meters before the turn/u-turn

  14. 20 hours ago, fruitman said:

    I guess this is Bangkok-airlines....they are expensive because they call themselves a boutique airline where passengers get a free banana while waiting.

    they are not expensive at all. They have great prices to most destinations. The only reason the Samui flights are expensive is because they own the airport and have a monopoly on this route (yes, Thai Airways also fly there, by special permission of Bangkok air which also control the price)

  15. 9 hours ago, timendres said:

    Thai VAT makes life "interesting" for businesses.


    This is actually an effort to reduce tax cheating. Businesses have the VAT (Value Added Tax) and the WHT (Withholding Tax). When I invoice another company, I charge them the 7% VAT, but then deduct the 3% WHT. In other words, the company pays me only 4% tax. However, my company has to pay the government the full 7% VAT. Now I am out the 3% WHT. The only way I get that 3% back is if I provide the Tax Invoice to the government at the end of the year to get the 3% returned to me. Where does it come from? The company that I invoiced must also show their invoice to the government, and they must pay the 3% WHT tax to the government. All of this requires that both companies have a VAT Tax ID.


    This is a royal PITA that generates a lot of extra paperwork and accounting man-hours. However, because I have the incentive to file the invoice with the government to get my 3% back, and that allows the government to cross check with the invoiced company, it encourages the paperwork necessary to stop tax cheating. The invoiced company gets the advantage of not paying the WHT until the end of the year, which also encourages them to do the dance.


    In cases where the invoiced company does not have a Tax ID, then I must charge them the full 7% VAT up front. So I do not believe that you are required to provide a Tax ID, if you do not have one. However, if you do have a Tax ID, I believe it is mandatory to provide it and do the WHT dance, and businesses are very suspicious of companies that do not want to provide the ID. If they charge the full 7% VAT, then I think their ass is covered, and it is only an issue for you to explain why you are not following the prescribed process. Although, for small players, I doubt it would ever be an issue.

    I'm not sure, but I think the withholding tax had nothing to do with vat. When I operated a business in the past, whenever I purchased something for the business I gave the company's tax id to the seller who charged me the 7% vat which I could later deduct from my vat payments on sales I made. However whenever I the company received cash bonus or incentive for good performance a 3% withholding tax was deducted. At the end of the tax year, when filling all tax papers to pay company tax on profit (income tax), we deducted all the withholding tax of the year from the company's tax payment

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