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Everything posted by LukKrueng

  1. Send like a beginning of a genuine relationship. You met a girl a couple of times over a (lady's) drink, after the 3rd date you paid a bar fine and she came to your hotel (you didn't mention it it was over night or just short time - and there's a big difference between the 2), then you transitioned to long distance relationship and now you consider taking care of your sick future mother in law. That's nice. You should stay in this relationship as it seems she really like you so much that she disclosed to you her mother's medical condition and now it is up to you to show her how serious you are about her. You should offer her to move her mum to a better private hospital, maybe the big one in Bangkok so she can see how much you love her. Another option is that you send her the 8k and tell her that's an advance payment for your future dates...
  2. If your son already had a Thai passport that means he is recognised as a Thai citizen. All he needs to do is apply for a new passport. If he wasn't registered in a Thai house book you might have to do that first. I just went through the process for a couple of friends who live overseas. Their children were registered in a central house book, their original passports expired about 6 years earlier. They had to go to the Thai embassy where they live and sign a POA for me to need allowed to take them out of the central house book and put them in mine. Once that was done they went back to the embassy and got the children new passports.
  3. They could have had multiple citizenships\passports as many members of AN. And yes, if you enter using different passports with name and DOB there same - the system can (and as some posters here reported) link the passports. But they used fake passports, probably with different names and DOB. If the system had to go through the full database for each and every passenger the lines at immigration will stand forever. So the logical way is 1st compare what's on the passport to the person in front. If there's a problem you take that person to the side and dig deeper - just as happened in this case. They got caught. The system works.
  4. You’ve probably already used e-passport gates when entering a country – these match the picture in your passport against the face staring into the camera, and read the other information contained in it, such as your nationality. Source: https://www.businesstraveller.com/features/airport-facial-recognition-what-you-need-to-kno w/
  5. I'm pretty sure the biometric system compares the biometrics of the person in front of the io with the details on the passport and not searching billions of records on a server every time.
  6. The OP mentioned the game passports are of very poor quality so my guess is that their fingerprints didn't match the ones on the game passports and according to the OP that's what got them caught, Duh!
  7. They entered using their real passports. It's in the OP
  8. No disrespect to the mods, but is this an old article from before November 24? I think his title changed to President elect in November 24, and changed again to President in January 25
  9. It's all part of the big plan: Make America Small Again...
  10. That alone probably saved your friend a lot of money and might even improved his health....
  11. I know e-cigs are illegal and maybe also oil vaporisers, but not sure dry herb vaporisers are illegal. However spending money on a vaporiser just to try weed for the first time is a bit of a jump. If you never tried using weed try smoking joints a few times. If you like it then search for a vaporiser that suits you - there are so many types and brands in a wide range of prices. As for were to use - not allowed in public basically.
  12. I think a good starting point will be the land office to get the official valuation of the property. It will probably under the actual market value as it will not take into consideration what you have installed in the house (A/C's, kitchen etc'). You can then compare that to the price you paid for the land and construction.
  13. Actually before every strike the IDF warned civilians in many ways to get out of the way. Oh, Israel didn't put the Hamas weapons in the houses of civilians. The Hamas did that.
  14. Get your facts right. Watch clips posted by Gazans of what Gaza looked like before October 23. It was a beautiful place. They had full control over it since 2005. Yet they kept bombing Israel, kept terrorising Israel throughout the years. But what started THIS war was October 7th.
  15. It's not an opinion. It's a fact. Only terrorists suffocate a 9 month old baby and his 4 years old brother and then trow stones to mutilate their bodies. And if that wasn't enough, they then gathered "civilians" including children to dance on the stage on which they delayed the coffins.
  16. Correct. Only she's protesting against the wrong side. Hamas started the war by murdering 1200 people in 1 day and kidnapping 250, about 60 of them still being held hostage.
  17. It didn't just happen under his tenure. He ordered it. And then he bombarded them with origami birds....
  18. You have to thank the governments around the world that pushed the newly untested mRNA vaccines that caused a lot of damage. I never doubted vaccines until C19. I do now.
  19. If they live and work in Thailand why don't they apply for an extension/permit to stay? Seems like they are either not qualified or prefer to "work the system". For anyone visiting Thailand either for tourism purposes or visiting family member the 60 days VE is more than enough and can be extended by 30 days anyway.
  20. You can say that about any police force anywhere in the world after any crime has been committed. So many fugitives from so many countries somehow managed to get out of their respective countries and come to Thailand, Cambodia, South America or wherever they think they have a good chance of not getting caught.
  21. Because embassies don't check visa status when replacing a passport for a citizen of their country. It is not their responsibility nor do they care.
  22. Alleged? How many times and biased articles needed before it's an actual fact?
  23. AFAIK Thai laws have not changed yet and a bike licence is a bike licence with no regard to the engine size. Yes, they were talking about making different categories according to size but again - AFAIK nothing changed yet. I'll know for sure next month after I renew my licence.
  24. What's your point? You think the boy should have been left to die without treatment because he was riding without a license?
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