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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. why ? and especially why Chinese ?
  2. I see most of the advice / opinions here are based on 1950' sbought and paid for bad information tie to move up to the current proven science I would fire the doctor.... anyone that wants to keep you on a slow poison instead of finding out the real cause of your "NOT "high cholesterol ( get th idea") oh.. and your sugar is too high ! Get a full lipid panel and ask what your " Small LDL-P marker is Usually part of the Lipoprotein Fractionation NMR test there are a few people here who have done their homework and are current .. Diet,, #1 drop all carbs try and go Carnivore that would be ruminant meats ..red as in beef.. and fatty eggs.. 4-5-6 every day , butter , and bacon ..... you need high saturated fat to be on a proper Human Diet 2nd choice ketovore, 3rd choice keto you as a human do not need vegetables or fiber to be healthy Thank God mankind survived the ICE AGE ( and it was not because of frozen vegetables ansd a microwave ) there is no reason with some quality current medical facts you should live well over 100 hope you have time to view this info from Dr Chaffee check out his channel
  3. Should the flag be up at night The flag should be raised no earlier than first light and should be lowered no later than dusk. The flag may only be flown at night when illuminated.
  4. was starting to worry for a moment ,,,,,, noticed tons of cell phones , but they saved themselve . and the high heels eventually showed up
  5. sounds like you know people from Arkanas and 'Bama
  6. to answer your questions This is more for our American members but did you believe in carrying a gun and did you ? yes I do .. and yes I did plus a nice collection of rifles and shot guns as Americans it is our 2nd Amendment right The Second Amendment granted citizens that right — giving them the ability to defend themselves and their property. Though times have changed .... the need for defenses afforded by the Second Amendment has remained much the same. “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Oh ... it's sooooooooooooooo amazing that the snowflake brigade still has Trump constantly on their mind !
  7. a viral kicking incident but the Swiss man still insists he slipped and the kick wasn’t on purpose. best option "KICK" him out of Thailand
  8. #1. Fire the doctor Let's pump you full of poison instead of fixing the root cause (it's not cholesterol) any chance your diet is a heavy carb/ fibre and alcohol base? What is the major side effect of amlodipine? Swelling, fatigue, palpitations, and flushing are the most common side effects. Several
  9. Most western tourists like to sit on the beach (or next to it) and eat and have a drink. Not a chance. Fake News ....
  10. .. filling a beverage ..of ?? without permission using a second had / used cup and probably wiping the dribble ladden edges on the spout and most important .. his paternal parent is probably a police chief .. which makes it "OK" ( sick sick sick )
  11. Down here in Hua Hin / Pranburi area they plow the fields and push all the ripped out growth to the road and wait until dark and light it up Trees on the side of the road are torched .. then they plow / till and plant pineapple sugar tomatoes melons as soon as there's a harvest . they come thru and desecrate everything with weed killers..... then it starts over .. plow push burn and we ask why the mental capacity is near zero ???
  12. hearsay heavy lifting and extending the arms to far foward can cause health issues
  13. What a joke article So when Trump Makes America GREAT ..AGAIN for the 3rd time (yes 3rd .. intelligent people will understand)...... oh..can't imagine why they didn't list Jimmy Carter right up there with LBG,OBAMA BIDEN
  14. They even messed up the simplest childrens song and got it all wrong trying to cover it up
  15. Kasokirn in the Bluport Mall.. Ive found the staff to be very polite and helpful .. there is also a branch down the road on Petkasem and soi 68/1 also extremely polite and helpful ( and they open earlier than the mall branch ) Mobil app works like a charm and I've used in while in the U.S
  16. Only 1x every month and that is cooked by my wife @ home .. either Phat ga phrao muu or Penang curry / muu no sugar, no msg other wise,, strict carnivore zero carbs. zero vegetable avg daily 1-1.5 lbs of beef and 6 size 0 eggs.. 1/2 pack of bacon ( no msg) sometimes sardines / salmon/ cod / shrimp and plenty of butter from grass feed cows . very little chicken and pork plenty of sea salt ... worst thing I put in my mouth is every morning a Cappuccino and I use heavy wipping cream
  17. i did my yearly extension in December . The I/O was kind enough to reset my 90day so it will be due near the end of March Then I got my notice from immigration email on Jan 31st Your receipt for notification of "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" will be due on 15/02/2024. Left hand ?? Right Hand ?
  18. What's another phrase for that green foamy substance in a pond ?
  19. Hey ,,,, you left out the Big Guy is also corrupt ..
  20. as a side note .. I had some tests done @ Bangkok Hospital in Hua Hin .. then went for a repeat follow up 6 months later @ Hua Hin Government Hospital where it was 10% of the price and as a foreinger with a Thai wife,,, I got to go on the "Premium List" where I went straight to the front of the line !
  21. 50? they must be talking about the motor-cy's that ride on the pavement ( LOL !!! )
  22. I'd actually be ok with going back to the US for a visit ,, I would not have to worry about my son and grandkids being fed woke BS agenda in school, or have some guy dressed up as a female in order to dominate a sport, ( there is only 2 genders period fullstop ) NYC cops won't get the crap kicked out of them on the street by illegal invaders, and we woud probably see less all inclusive tour buses blocking the roads here
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