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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. I'll vouch for this one ... I live close by and I buy 2 bags of Brazil Santos every week . Brews well as an Espresso , Cappuccino or an Americano and I use full fat heavy whipping cream to steam my foam
  2. and zero goodness, # 1 Fiber. that you body absolutely does not need even 1 miniscule drop of good example of what is fiber.. cellulose .. totally undigestble. zero nutrients, and oh ,, another name for celluose.. SAWDUST
  3. The worst foods for high cholesterol, given their high saturated fat content, include: Red meat, like beef, and lamb, Full-fat dairy, like cream, , and butter. Eggs are the perfect food ! Totally backwards ,, these are what you should be eating baked goods,sweetes,"milk .. loaded with grains, man made emulsions and sugar ... here;s your killers
  4. No such thing as good or bad cholesterol .. full stop/period your body makes at least 75% of your cholsterol .. balance is from diet cholesterol is needed to make hormones, cell membranes, bile, vitamin D LDL .. Low Density Lipoprotein is basically the transporter that brings the "cholesterol to the cell HDL .. High Density Lipoprotein is basically "The return transporter back to the liver for reprocessing Take the "total cholesterol # and push it aside.. it's not what you think current standards by "todays science " ( not 1950/60' made up big pharma money making lies Total should be less thn 200 LDL should be less than 100 HDL should be greater than 50 TriGL should be less than 100 again all this means jack squat,, you must order and get an "ADVANCED LIPID PROFILE" so you measure the two different types of LDL ( Large Bouyant .. or Small Dense/ Sd LDC-C ) Small Dense Sd LDL-C is the product that builds up in the artery and causes the problems ... this level should be less than 26 and that is the indicator of problems to come What causes that.. "Inflamation" ? Poor diet. such as carbs / sugar/seed oils ( Rice/noodles/bread/pasta/soda/canola,corn,sunflower,peanut oils etc. cut out the poison for a month and go get your leves checked ( with the advanced profile )
  5. 22 ingredients .. only 2 have any purpose to be consumed into the human body .. water and salt
  6. Out to dinner last night.. party of 8 came at sat at table next to us , 3 ladies in the group pulled out thei phones and decided to watch 3 diff Lakorn all at considerable volume ..... I waited for 5 mins then whipped out my phone an treated them to AC/DC Thunderstruck with a stare down they got the hint pretty quick !
  7. a U turn is one thing,,,, this looks more like a left turn from 2 lanes over ..
  8. if that was your child ........ that's a waste of two good bullets ...... cover all the bases .. Justice, deterrence, and avengence a couple of lengths of old rusted piano wire tied nicely aound the 3 pce set hoist the subject upside down in the center of town with a sign .. New national policy leave the subject dangling for 30 days
  9. I find it totally appropriate when someone attempts to engage and starts with Mister and it's usually accompanied with a smile and pleasant tone .. people that know me usually great me as Khoon Lou call me anything you want ,,,, just not late for dinner !
  10. I have 2 .. #1 in Samut Prakan #2 in Prachuap KK / Hua Hin . easy . got it on 1st attempt
  11. No Hi Shine tiles.. we went textured on all the floors I even had the contractors broom finish the concrete driveway
  12. Pardon me ....Do yo have any Pla rah ?
  13. use this ,, works every time https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  14. Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. he must be very well segregated ,, otherwise it would be a diet of tube steak smothered in underwaer
  15. YES,, a mask (only) protects us from seeing your fugly mug a quality helmet protects your skull from becoming rice pudding ps,, take a cheap plycarb helmet and drop it from 1meter.. watch it bounce ( think of your neck here) as opposed to a carbonfiber or fiberglass
  16. Rice(sugar) , Corn(sugar) Noodles(sugar) Sugar... sugar while your at it ..look up the term "skinny fat" and throw in Insulin resistance for a kicker like other countries in the Western Pacific region, Thailand is facing increasing numbers of patients with diabetes due to unhealthy diets, high obesity rates, and an aging society.
  17. it only counts for me.... makes me happy ..+ I hope what you decide to do workss for you that's what makes the clock tik
  18. I'll make it easy for you
  19. guess your research ended years ago ............. time to catch up but hey .. if it works for you . have at it
  20. if i want extra Vitamin C I throw a whole lemon into a blender with water skin/seeds and all your body does NOT need fibre
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