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Luuk Chaai

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Everything posted by Luuk Chaai

  1. if you stop by the main office .. the 2 women that staff the downstairs check in are very helpful and will give you the updated / current list of requirements as well as answer any questions you may have
  2. wonder if they looked and found a cell phone with an open call or video playing like 50 meters from the scene as well ?
  3. this is one of many that may help clear things up for you or anyone that is confused
  4. Thailand should be producing their own steel products .. and put heavy tariffs on any steel imported from China in fact the entire world should put / raise tariffs on anything from China
  5. ahhhhhhh you fell victim to the Big Pharma scam CHANGE THE DIET ! drop the carbs go carnivore for 90 days Beef Butter Bacon Eggs "High Fat " LDL don't mean jack squat .. did they do a particle size ? probably not ! be more concerned about HDL to Tri Gly ratio
  6. Check out the video from Greeny Travels sounds exactly like what you have on the plate passport issues and all New THAILAND VISA is the best ever! WHY?? and tips to obtain it!!
  7. Bull.. get right in their face and ask him to move it so you can access your drive put your car in the street running and knock on his door
  8. "The man reported to the rescuers that three men attacked him " if that's the work of 3 men .. they need to find a new job
  9. looks like it just happens to be at a curve in the road .. I'm sure it had "nothing" to do with diving too fast while looking down at a cell phone and realizing the sh*t was about to hit the fan .... sudden jerk the wheel or was that jerk behind the wheel ?
  10. ...after being locked in a room with the childs father for an hour !
  11. Just fyi .... Sidegra 100 (Sildenafil) sold over the counter at any local pharmacy 380Baht / 4 pack
  12. truthfully ... I'd be more self concious of the jungle growth protuding from my nostrils
  13. Facial spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are reasonably common. Get Rid of Spider Veins Fast Sclerotherapy VEINWAVE™ Laser Ablation What Causes Nose Spider Veins? Hormonal changes during menopause Smoking Alcoholism Obesity Trauma Over-exposure to sunlight
  14. I just gave it a test run .. same old credentials as before ,, seems to be working just fine
  15. not sure about the gluten free but wortha shot .. the breads she bakes are outstanding https://www.facebook.com/TryMePlz.HuaHin https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftrymeplz.shop%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2Bn7yamy68yheM0IGnd7EHcLgKCAwxzGm7-npQyXxya2QfDkgCCw0pfjg&h=AT2oblt_iZv-_GKefuxntrke1WUy857gkPshT_D0vf0EjSNI0H65AVD24WqTuHJCmlinZ1axjKXC7IQtxGkALL7tChUXEXd9EK_4A-bbQVf3EFlakHaaFmfQsAV5jymEW_q2Nw
  16. so you're saying at least 14-15 years of street mongrels roaming and wreaking havoc at will. bad choice !
  17. Roya Sing Ngam Shop 081-253-3827 he and a team of 6 will rip out any existing growth . level and fill the area and lace the sod, and clean up fast and great work
  18. Is it truly a short leg ? Or is it that the hips are out a alignment? In that case a chiropractor can re-align
  19. Tell him to contact Biden .. I'm sure he will try to find a way for congress to send him $$$
  20. Chase Bank .....Never a problem
  21. Check his cell phone... odds are 100/1 he was deep in a chat
  22. Korea bans (A)killing and (B) eating Dogs - will Thailand follow? I agree with part B . don't eat the nasty soi dogs
  23. Similar experience ... ..But i would start coughing and have an hour long episode of clear phlem at night went to Hua Hin/Bangkok hospita l saw a doctor .. weight great blood pressure perfect . ordered a CT scan which showed mucus / congestion in left lung he then wanted me to go for a MRI $1100 ???? I spent about $350 dollars that day and wasted 6 hours ... I decided that A.. this was a power $$$ grab and I know the mucos is comming from post nasal .. went to Hua Hin government hospital .. signed in . saw a doctor within 10 mins ,,sent me down for a chest xray, see an ENT Doctor (ears clean / clear ) back up to see the 1st doctor ,, she concluded.. that it's a reaction to the dirty filthy air.. especilly from all the farms in the area constantly burning the fields at night, gave me a script for an Antihistamine and a nasal spray .. sent me down to a physical therapist to show me how to cough to get rid of phlem and breathing exercises to open up the airway ...... issue done.. no more episodes ! total bill for all doctors and xray/scripts was $65 and in and out in 3 hours Special note**** if you are not fluent in speaking Thai ,, bring someone with you . ( have my wife help with that ) the doctors all spoke english . the nurses/staff did not . Also note . the doctors at the Government hospital. spoke to me.. and explained everything I give them a solid 10 out of 10
  24. think about it .. that would be the Thai equal to U.S. Red Neck Sweet Tea
  25. Interestingly, light beers are often those with higher sugar, and low alcohol beers can also be quite sugary, as the sugar produced in the malting process is hardly converted by the yeast. However, in regular beers, the amount of sugar is typically less than 2 grams per litre, or less than 1 gram per pint.
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