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Posts posted by MW72

  1. Surely this is a crime that falls under the computer crimes act if ever there was one. If they can charge that poor farmer for this then the guy who ripped the OP off has no chance. Now the OP just needs a connected lawyer and a bent copper and this guy is going away for at least 10 years. ????

    • Haha 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, racket said:

    To fly a drone you’ll need both NBTC and CAAT registrations. It took me over 2 months to receive the documents for my drone. Besides, the offices aren’t available in all provinces so you need to take your a** to where they are located or pay someone who can do it. This guy didn’t do anything wrong if you ask me. 

    Maybe the rules have changed but the original advice for those in the back of beyond like me was to register the drone at the local police station. I tried this and the response was "mai pien rai".


    This guy stays in BKK so should have registered his drone. I don't put my footage on social media so hopefully won't be getting a call any time soon.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    In its daily forecast issued at 6 am Monday, the department said another high pressure system will extend to upper Thailand from Tuesday to Friday.


    This will result in a fall in temperature of 4-6 degrees Celsius, with strong winds and cool weather predicted for the entire area.

    A sweeping generalization but, I don't associate strong winds with high pressure systems. Maybe Thai high pressure systems are special.

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/29/2018 at 3:00 PM, Jeffrey346 said:

    I got my Yellow Book in Khon Kaen and only needed

    3 Photos, my Passport, my wife with her Thai ID card and Blue Book and 2 witnesses. Done in 20 minutes.


    I wish our land office was as easy going as yours. When they showed me the requirements I thought this would be pretty straight forward. To be fair part of the delay has been down to me putting off visiting Chiang Mai until the gf was due to go there for business meetings so killing 2 birds with 1 stone. The folks at the translation service said they were having similar issues with a German fella. My dealings with the UK embassy has been the easiest part. They couldn't have been more helpful or efficient.

  5. 9 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    So far the mobile network has been about the most reliable technical system in Thailand from my experience.
    Even if the whole subdistrict has a blackout, the mobile tower 2km away still works fine (UPS? independent power supply?).


    If there would be a widespread outage just due to rain, this should have made headlines.


    The frequency range of WiFi and standard conform 4G is in the 2.x GHz range.

    By theory this should not be too sensitive for rain.

    If the signal is weak from the start (clear air) and rain excessive (like happening in Thailand): maybe?


    Problems start (from own experience) when you look at satellite TV reception (Ku band, 11 to 12 GHz).


    If rain could easily stop 4G, 5G ("internet of things") then be prepared for some epic disasters in the future).

    I find the same. Power may go out but the phone signal keeps on going. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Home Pro probably takes the cake!

    It's like 10 employees per sub-section, doing basically nothing all day long!


    Anyway, it used to be a bit like that in the West...just watch old movies from the 50s and see the numbers of guys attending a car at a gas station.

    Those were the days when the CEOs didn't think that only them deserved to be paid, and that the wealth generated by business could be shared...

    I have to say that Home Pro is the one for me. Far too many staff that don't have a clue about the products they sell. Every time I go there I dread the employees trying to help me. If I need help I will ask. Chances are the employee won't have the knowledge to help anyway. Case in point I went to Home Pro (Lampang) looking for a pressure washer. They only had one Karcher on display. It didn't have all of the attachments I wanted so I started looking at a Black & Decker that did. The guy trying to help kept going on about some Italian made washer that was on offer and of course my TGF bought into the whole thing telling me that this model was the only one that could be repaired with spare parts if it broke down (what about the warranty on the other brands?) The guy then proceeded to plug in the Black & Decker and the Italian washer without having a water supply connected and no one could understand my concern that running a pressure washer with no water supply may just be a little bit detrimental to the machine ?. After I dismissed the guy and my TGF we left and paid for the items we had bought, I noticed a whole bunch of Karcher pressure washers on display after the payment counters. They had at least 4 different other models to the one on display inside the shop!!! I looked at all of the models and chose the one I wanted. It seemed as if their guy had no clue that Home Pro were currently running a promotion on Karcher pressure washers or maybe there was a better commission on the Italian brand he kept pushing.

  7. 10 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    He's not the Big Joke. 

    It is good to see him doing his job as a member of the Tourist Police and going after over stayers, however he does seem to seek the limelight. When he went after the Thai who lives in the US for a post they made I realised that he is a big joke. All he cares about is his public persona. If you say anything deprecating about him then he goes after you like a little child who has had his feelings hurt. Poor Big Joke. Can't handle a little bit of criticism. Get on with your job that you are paid for and stop looking for plaudits for doing your job.

    • Like 1
  8. On 6/5/2018 at 11:17 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Again, I specifically pointed out that it WASN'T on anything I had to log into. It wasn't even on the internet.

    Probably someone phishing. I had this kind of txt message on my non smart phone in Dubai and I only had it a couple of months. The place I worked wouldn't allow any cameras on site so I got an old Nokia and I started getting these txts. I am sure if it was on a smart phone the txt would have contained a link to some dodgy site.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Lungstib said:

    Up north in Tha Ton we have had more cuts this year than the past 6 years. Every storm or crash of thunder and we race to find candles, flashlights and fill a bucket with water before the electric goes and the pump goes silent. I have had more 8.30pm bedtimes since April than ever before in my life. If your business depended on electric you would have to provide your own. Thailand 1940's. 

    I've been experiencing the same thing in Phrae province. Been coming here every 3 months or so for 4 years for a couple of weeks at a time and only had one really big outage a few years back during a substantial thunder storm. Over the past couple of months I've been calling my GF and finding she is sat in the dark as the power has gone out after a little shower. I am here now and we have had 1 outage since last week for a minor rain shower yet ironically there was a pretty big storm the other night and the power stayed on. When we built her house I purposely didn't bother with a generator as the supply seemed so reliable. Looks like that may have been a mistake.

    • Like 2
  10. I managed to find a couple using Google. Here is the link for the one I went to. https://www.google.co.th/maps/place/พารากอนซาวด์+จ.ลำปาง/@18.2773128,99.485202,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x30d96b8e59bb6ed5:0x77360b11d31263d4!8m2!3d18.2773115!4d99.4857495?hl=en


    They had the best reviews and they did  great job. They didn't speak much English but managed to get across what I wanted through the GF. Left the car and went for a walk round Makro for an hour and they called to say they were finished. Cost me 300 Baht which is quite steep for an hour's work but I was just happy to get the job done properly. They have a nice shop and look really professional. You can always tell when you walk in and the place is clean and doesn't have tools lying all over the place.



  11. Can anyone recommend a competent auto shop in Lampang that can install a dash cam for me? Got one for the girlfriend and she got the local guy to install it. It is not too bad a job. Could be a little tidier and we still have to plug the dam thing into the power point/cigarette lighter every time we get in the car. I want it wired directly to the fuse for something like the wipers so that every time we get in and start the car it will power up automatically. Lampang is the nearest city to us so does anyone know any good places?



  12. 1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

    I reckon half the problems I read and hear about stopping smoking are the type of cigarettes people smoke. It's not just tobacco in there, but a bunch of other stuff the manufacturers put in there to keep us hooked and high off the nicotene.

     Fortunately for me, I have never liked the taste of a Taylor Made (Marlboro, B&H, Camel, Winston etc etc etc) and only ever smoked roll ups, which IMO have far fewer if any additives.

    The downside to stopping smoking roll ups is I actually miss the rolling part....

    I smoked roll ups from 19 to 33 years old and one of the big things with roll ups is the whole process to make one. It is almost like a ritual which just increases the difficulty in quiting from the habit side of things. Addiction wise I guess that the tailor mades have so many additional chemicals that they might increase the addiction. I have tried to quit on both roll ups and tailor mades and failed but I am extremely weak willed.

    • Like 2
  13. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I tip my hat to you, Sir!


    53 years? I had serious doubts that anyone could top my 35; live and learn...


    I am going the 'cold turkey' method as I believe that it is best for me, but I firmly support anything that works. I have heard the name "Champix", but don't know anything else. Could I ask that you expand on your experiences with it for the benefit of any others who might need/use it? I know we can all 'Google' it, but I am a great believer in first-hand stories. What specifically does it do? What are the worst side-effects for you? How did you get it? Anyone else use it?


    Again, my true and sincere congratulations! And keep it up!




    Champix will block the receptors in your brain that nicotine latches on to so in effect you can smoke all you want but will not get the nicotine high. After around a week to 10 days of taking champix you will suddenly notice that you have naturally stopped smoking as much and you will just get chose to quite altogether one day. You will still get "cravings" as such but these are more down to habit that any addiction to nicotine. 30 - 40 years of smoking after eating or whilst drinking are habits that will not be easy to shake. 


    As far as side affects go I can confirm that the list provided with the drug is one of the biggest I have seen but I don't seem to suffer then too much. A bit of a dry mouth is the one I get. I can't stop farting just now but I am putting that down to the chewing gum. :sorry:

    • Haha 2
  14. 7 hours ago, transam said:

    I was well brought up but my UK parents never knew what I was up to at that age..

    Me too. My folks were straight laced, law abiding god fearing folks. If they knew half of the stuff I got up to they would have had heart attacks. You just can't watch kids 24/7. Try to teach them right from wrong and treat or punish them when they do but you got to let them learn for themselves.

    • Like 1
  15. As long as the cost of fixing the problem is higher than the cost to do nothing then nothing will change. Charges of manslaughter against the company execs and massive fines would soon sort out the problem. Blame the politicians who are too cowardly to implement the legislation and ensure the police enforce it. Even the useless wee General with all of his big talk can't change things around here.

    • Like 1
  16. I bought 2 sandisks from the same retailer. Both fakes. Stuck them in my dji spark and it told me the write speed was too slow. These were supposed to have a faster write speed than the current card i use with no problem.


    It was a 3rd party seller whose name is almost identical to the websites name. Didn't spot at the time that it was not a direct sale.

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