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Posts posted by richard10365

  1. I downloaded the program. It's a lot of fun to play with.

    You probably already know this feature but I'll mention it anyway in case others don't know.

    In the bottom right corner of the screen you have the option to place pins on the map marking a specific location. The pin marks the exact latitude and longitude of the place where you put it.

    Using my GPS, and the stored places on it, I am able to pin point my exact location on the Google Earth program. The latitude and longitude are editable features.

    This feather helped take the guess work out of wondering, "is this my house?" I live in the country side and it was a little confusing where it was exactly.

    Another nice feature I like is the elevation feature. As you move the pointer over the map, the elevation of that area is show in the bottom left corner. As you move the pointer across the map you can see the changes in elevation.

    This feature could be helpful when studying places to build a dike or dam for the hot/dry season. I looked at an area close by which the government is going to build a dike and I was able to see why they chose the area.

    It's a great program and I think in the future the resolution will be even better.

    Good ideas start out rough around the edges sometimes but soon take on a life of their own.

    Take the internet, for example. Orginally designed by the US Govt and now look at the monster it has grown into.

  2. After reading most of the comments of the farang women it became obvious why I prefer Thai women to western women.

    I think for many men, the totally self confident, outspoken, career minded, sucessful, educated, and liberated western woman is about as much fun to be with as a mouse is with a hungry rattlesnake.

    I would much rather have a woman concerned with taking care of her family than taking care of the store, getting her 2nd degree, working for that big promotion, having meetings with the mayor (who is probably a woman), and worrying if her a$$ is too big from sitting in the office chairs all day.

    As fed up as you are of hearing about why we prefer Thai women over western women, we too are tired of hearing Western women complain.

    You can't be happy being the center of the universe in the west. You want to come here and control our lives too. Forget it. As far as men are concerned, this is a mans country. Leave us one corner of the world to be happy. Why do you think we are here?

    I know some other men will comment on what I have said. Some will say, "I don't agree" or "your opinion stinks". I understand how some men feel they need to be "Politically Correct". So they will side with the females on this subject to appear conservative and nice.

    But deep down inside they do agree with me. If they didn't, most would have their wifes former last name as their current last name.

    In my opinion, the majority of farang men in Thailand feel this way. Since most of us come from a free country and live in a free country, Thailand, we can think they way we want to think.

    If you don't like it, you can always return to the country you came from.

  3. I have read a lot of the information about work permits on this forum and other websites. From what I understand, if you don't have a work permit you really can't do much more than breath.

    What if I have one of them dependency visas and I want to fix up my home like painting it or building a fence. I am also wondering if I can plant a garden or grow vegtables for food for my family.

    Would I need a work permit for this too?

  4. Richard, If you don't find any let me know and I'll bring a box into town. I get a friend in Hawaii to bring them in for me. I prefer the Quaker instant variety and have some of those but I do have a couple of boxes of the long cook kind and could bring in one of those. Let me know if you can't find them.

    Thanks Mr. Kringle! I might need to take you up on your offer. Villa Market in Bangkok does not have grits. I went there 2 days ago.

    I was hoping to bring some up to northern Thailand with me when I visited my wifes family (longgran season). No luck this time, I will stick to traditional Thai breakfast's of sticky rice, fish, and pork until I get back to my bungalo in central Thailand.

    As far as my favorite style of grits, I like the slow cook type but I am not picky. Southern boys love their grits. Let me know when you get here!

    Is your first name Chris?

  5. Here is my 2 cents!

    NOTE: Don't forget your extra pictures for your Visa application

    OPTION 1 - If you only need a 60 day visa stamp

    Go to the Mo Chit Bus station. Tell them you want to go to Aranyapreth in Sa Kaeo province. That should cost you around 200 baht.

    When you get off the bus in Aranyapreth, take a motorcycle taxi to the border crossing at Poi Pet. Don't try to walk, its 5km away. I paid 40 baht for that.

    When you get to border, follow the crowds to Poi Pet. Process out of Thailand thru the border check point. (Building on the left). Chances are you will be met by someone offering assistance with your paperwork. It's up to you if you want to let them help you. If you do, I wouldn't give them more than a 100 baht (thats being very generous) to walk you thru the process.

    Then get your Cambodian visa (1000 baht) and return to Thailand getting the necessary exit stamp from Cambodia as you do.

    Then process back through Thai immagration where they will stamp your visa and charge you nothing.

    Then take the motorcycle taxi to the bus stop and the bus back to Bangkok. Total cost is less than 1200 baht.

    OPTION 2 - Your visa expired and you need a new one.

    I like going to Laos for my visa. The Thai embassy in Vientian, the capital, is right across the border from Thailand.

    From Bangkok, I usually take 2nd class train with air conditioner over night to Nong Khai. Cost is about 700 baht one way.

    Then you need a Laos visa to get into Laos. I think its about 1500 baht.

    I usually stop at a visa service and let them walk my paperwork through the border at Lao Immagration. I also get them to negotiate a taxi from the border of Lao Immagration to Vietnaine (25km). that usually cost about 200 baht.

    To apply for a Thai visa you have to get to the embassy in the morning. The afternoons are only for picking up your visa.

    If you are good with reading maps, you can take your chances and rent a motorcycle in Vietnatine for about 200 baht. Then see if you can find the Thai embassy on your own.

    If not, use a tuk tuk service. Or, you can ask your taxi driver who got you to the border to take you to the embassy the next day.

    When you get to the embassy, there will be people out there asking you if you have your application done. Ignore these people.

    Go past the guard shack and follow the sidewalk to the left. There will be some chairs and 2 embassy officials processing applications in a covered outdoor office. Ask them for the application. Fill out the application and give it back to the embassy personnel.

    After a certian number of applications are processed, they will call everyone inside to pay for their visa. Give them 1000 baht and they will give you a reciept and tell you to come back the next afternoon.

    Return the following afternoon to the place where you filled out the application, give them the reciept, and they will give you your passport back with your new Thai visa.

    Then finish your stay in Laos, return to Thailand immagration, then continue on with your business in Thailand.

    A few things to remember,

    1. Thai embassy closed on the weekend. So if you go on a Friday, you still have to wait to Monday to fill out your visa application.

    2. Carry pleanty of them tiny visa application photos with you. You will need them going into Laos and when you apply for your visa.

    3. Book your train to Nong Khai a few days in advance because they might not have any seats avaliable the day you want to leave.

    4. Food, alcohol, and such is sold on the train but at airport prices. It is ok to to take beer, juice, soft drinks, and food on the train with you.

    OPTION 3 - Your not going to stay longer than 30 days more in Thailand.

    Go to Bangkok immagration and get a 30 day extension for 1900 baht.

  6. Thanks for the info guys. I didn't think about doing a forum search for grits.

    The only reference I saw on where to buy grits was the Villa Market.

    Where is that?

  7. Doctorman.....your 61 years old. What in your right mind made you think you can get a girl to marry you who is 30+ years younger than you. A girl who dosent have children yet.

    Lets say you and her have a baby in 5 years. Your 65 and she is....25. When the baby is 10 you will be 75. When the baby is 15 you will be 85. Do you see where this is going?

    You probably have grandchildren older than she is.

    What do you have in common with her, the grand children and her could be in the same grade together? Or maybe, her grand mother and you are the same age?

    At your age, if you want a young girl, don't expect to keep her. The most you can expect is a short term lease.

    If you want a true love relationship, start looking for someone in their mid to late 30s. In Thailand, a single woman that age does not expect to get married again. It is possible that woman will treat you better than any woman has ever treated you and make your golden years, truley golden.

  8. I must be a really selfish person. As far as a dowery goes, I'm not paying to get married.

    Mostly because, I don't have the money.

    I'm not planning monthly support either. I'll help from time to time.

    My dowery is going to buy my house that my future wife and I will live in.

    After that, we need a truck. Thats going to take about 2 years of savings to get.

    Then after that, with no bills, I will be able to take care of her family.

    But, at this point, I don't see how going into debt to pay a dowery is going to help my marriage much.

    I plan on living in Thailand.

    Virgil seems like he has pleanty of money to pay the dowery and if he trust her, then pay it and forget about it.

    If I had it, I would pay it as well. More for her mom than her father. Her mom is nice but dads a little alcoholic. He did offer to give me a house if I marry her. Her mom is so nice, I would move her in with us if she wanted.

    In your case Virgil, I think, if possible, you should live with your girlfriend in Thailand before you marry her. You can see if anything strange pops up.

    But thats just me.

  9. hmmm....when I asked my GF how to show me how to make sticky rice she said the rice you pick is as important as how to cook it.

    The rice most people in Thailand use for sticky rice is not the same as the rice you add to water when you want rice as a side dish to your pot roast and corn.

    It even looks different. The rice most farangs are use to has a clear quality to it, as if, light can pass through it.

    Sicky Rice many Thai people cook is white like an asprin.

    Look at the photo I attached and you can see what I am talking about.

    I asked her if you can make sticky rice with the regular rice and she looked at me like I was asking a question about some "taboo" subject.


    To put it in terms a farang can understand, its like trying to make a really good hamburger, using pork and not beef.


  10. Does anyone know if/where I can buy grits from here in Thailand?

    Some of us "good old boys" from the American south like to have them from time to time.

  11. If your just going to stay 30 more days and then leave Thailand I would pay the 1900 baht and get the extension. If you plan to stay a few months longer I would get a new visa.

    I like going to Laos for my visa. The Thai embassy in Vientian, the capital, is right across the border from Thailand.

    From Bangkok, I usually take 2nd class train with air conditioner over night to Nong Khai. Cost is about 700 baht one way.

    Then you need a Laos visa to get into Laos. I think its about 1500 baht.

    I usually stop at a visa service and let them walk my paperwork through the border at Lao Immagration. I also get them to negotiate a taxi from the border of Lao Immagration to Vietnaine (25km). that usually cost about 200 baht.

    To apply for a Thai visa you have to get to the embassy in the morning. The afternoons are only for picking up your visa.

    If you are good with reading maps, you can take your chances and rent a motorcycle in Vietnatine for about 200 baht. Then see if you can find the Thai embassy on your own.

    If not, use a tuk tuk service. Or, you can ask your taxi driver who got you to the border to take you to the embassy the next day.

    When you get to the embassy, there will be people out there asking you if you have your application done. Ignore these people.

    Go past the guard shack and follow the sidewalk to the left. There will be some chairs and 2 embassy officials processing applications in a covered outdoor office. Ask them for the application. Fill out the application and give it back to the embassy personnel.

    After a certian number of applications are processed, they will call everyone inside to pay for their visa. Give them 1000 baht and they will give you a reciept and tell you to come back the next afternoon.

    Return the following afternoon to the place where you filled out the application, give them the reciept, and they will give you your passport back with your new Thai visa.

    Then finish your stay in Laos, return to Thailand immagration, then continue on with your business in Thailand.

    A few things to remember,

    1. Thai embassy closed on the weekend. So if you go on a Friday, you still have to wait to Monday to fill out your visa application.

    2. Carry pleanty of them tiny visa application photos with you. You will need them going into Laos and when you apply for your visa.

    3. Book your train to Nong Khai a few days in advance because they might not have any seats avaliable the day you want to leave.

    4. Food, alcohol, and such is sold on the train but at airport prices. It is ok to to take beer, juice, soft drinks, and food on the train with you.

    Good luck!

  12. Get the tourist visa with multiple entries.

    When I was in Los Angeles, I got a 6 month tourist visa for $75.

    I was issued on 2 Feb and Expired on 1 Aug.

    It came with 3 entries.

    This is how the tourist visa in Laos works.

    You get a tourist visa for 90 days (cuz thats all they will give you in Laos) with 1 entry (1000 baht).

    60 days later you have to go to the border, leave, and come back. Thats when you use your 1 re-entry. Immagration will stamp your passport showing you re-entered the country and put an expiration date of 30 days from the day you re-entered. That will be a total of 90 days.

    The re-entry into Thailand is free but to get in and out of the country where you do your border run cost money. How much depends on the country. Myanmar is only $5 or 200 baht. Cambodia is a 1000 baht (I think).

    At that point, you have to leave the country, go to a Thai embassy, and get a new visa.

    Or, you can get a 30 day extension for 1900 baht.

    Personally, I prefer to pay 1000 baht in Laos for a 90 day visa than to pay 1900 baht in BKK for a 30 day extension.

  13. I live in Sa Kaeo province. I take the bus back and forth to BKK from time to time.

    From my village in the southern portion of Sa Kaeo province to Sa Kaeo city is about 45km. Which cost me about 45 to 50 baht.

    From Sa Kaeo city to Bangkok is 137 baht.

    The distance from Sa Kaeo to Aranyapreth is about the same distance as from Sa Kaeo to my village.

    You guys who have 2000 Baht to give to these VIP visa run services sure must have a lot of money to burn.

    If you were to make a visa run, round trip, to the border using Inter-Provincal busses, it would probably only take you 500 baht at the most.

    Point is.....its much cheaper to go to the bus station in BKK to get to Aranyapreth, than to take a VIP bus. I am sure the VIP bus has nice perks which to some are worth the trip. For me, I'll catch the bus at the bus station.

  14. Things I like about Thailand.................

    No black people running around telling the white man how he is keeping him down.

    No white redneck mf riding around in their pick up with the stereo blasting loudly.

    No gangs or grafitti.

    No democrats or republicans.

    No skin heads.

    Not many speed traps.

    Not working.

    Thai food.

    Thai women.

    Thai upcountry people.

    The little Thai foodmarket in my village.

    All my relatives are in the United States. No visits without prior, massive, coordination.

    Mostly, I love my girlfriend. She takes care of me better than any woman ever did in the USA.

  15. I know it says 800 people died in the south of Thailand but I am sure it wasnt all from the violence. Also, how many people died in the rest of Thailand from some sort of violence.

    I think the media making a mountian out of a mole hill.

    I don't care much for muslims so I hope the PM takes care of business down there.

    If I was a farang living down there, I would avoid any public demonstrations cuz I think the PM is about to take off the gloves.

    Now that the emergency powers are in effect, any muslims who get caught up and killed protesting the govt,.....som nam nah.

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