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Posts posted by richard10365

  1. I use to be an army recruiter in Los Angeles in Whittier, Pico Rivera, and Santa Fe Springs. I have an idea what the kids their are like. The bad kids are monsters and the good kids are monsters who havent gotten caught yet.

    Living in Los Angeles country for 4 years was the final straw that broke the camels back. I am from the USA but now I never want to live there again.

    The kids in Los Angeles are rude to their teachers and to others. I think you would love teaching here. The kids give you a lot more respect (at least in a small village) here than they do there. There are no gang bangers, dope heads, goths, preppies, valley girls, taggers, or kids and parents trying to sue you for something you said.

    My advice, get out of LA as fast as you can. Leave everything. Escape. Kurt Russle did it (or was the Escape from NY?). LA is a trap. Average cost of a home there is $400,000. You can have a very nice house here for $25,000. Sell everything and move now before its too late!

    The only reason to stay in LA is because your burried there. I hate LA.

  2. coming in on the 26 could bring you some southern grits from the states if you like

    Mr Kringle offered to get me some grits too. The only problem is me getting to Mr Kringle. I usually plan my big trips to BKK on a major event like a visa run.

    Maybe I should up the priority on grits and do a major farang food run. :o Bacon, potatoes, cheese and grits!

  3. We appreciate the input Richard. You're right, that would be a lot of sub-forums, but maybe if a FAQ regarding the most common ones were assembled and posted it would clear much of the repetition.

    Now its only a matter of finding someone who knows what they're talking about to agree to do this.  :o

    Thanks Richard


    I do think 3 forums on Marriage, retirement, and business visas would generate a lot of interest. Perhaps just making the forums along side the other two visa topics would be enough.

    For me, I would be in the marriage forum often because I just got married. In about 9 years I would be looking a lot at the retirement visa forum as I approach 50.

    The members with businesses would be posting questions and comments in the business visa forum.

  4. According to the grits website (yes, there is a website devoted to grits)

    Corn Grits

    Falls Mill mills locally grown whole white hybrid corn. The corn is dried to a 14% moisture content, then each kernel is cleaned with forced air. The kernels of grain are run through the mill stone where they are ground to a certain texture and then sifted through two wire mesh screens. The three products sorted are white corn meal, white corn grits and the bran that pops off. There is a fine bran still in the grits product. This bran will never soften up with cooking. Depending on personal preference, the bran can be left in or removed by rinsing the grits before cooking.


    Is made from field corn that is soaked in lye water (potash water in the old days) and stirred over the next day or two until the entire shell or bran comes loose and rises to the top. The kernel itself swells to twice its original size. After the remaining kernels have been rinsed several times, they are spread to dry either on cloth or screen dryers.

    I am going to see if i can make my own grits. If i do, maybe I will start an OTOP product....lol :o

  5. What sort of changes are you thinking we should have there?


    Hi cdnvic, Thank you for replying to my request.

    My Idea was to have the visa categories as sub forums. There are many different types of visas that can be made into sub forums.

    1. Transit Visa

    2. Tourist Visa

    3. Non-Immigrant Visa

    (Category "F")

    (Category "B")

    (Category "IM")

    (Category "IB")

    (Category "ED")

    (Category "M")

    (Category "R")

    (Category "RS")

    (Category "EX")

    (Category "O")

    4. Diplomatic Visa

    5. Official Visa

    6. Immigrant Visa

    7. Non-Quota Immigrant Visa

    8. Courtesy Visa

    I realize these are a lot of possible sub forums. Perhaps categories for the most popular visa questions can be added such as the tourist, Non-Immagrit business, and Non Immigrit "O".

    I have done searches for visa information and it is time consuming.

    As a whole, the Thai Visa websites is one of the best websites I have ever used. I find it difficult to go one day without logging on. I am only offering a suggestion in hopes of contributing ideas that make it better.

    I do apoligize if it seems as if the newbee is complaining. I really enjoy ThaiVisa and appreciate the hard work put in by the people who created it and the moderators who police it.

  6. I think reorganizing the Visa and Immigration forum into sub-categories of visa types would greatly assist people in their search for information.

    The other forums have more categories:

    Business 6

    General 8

    Community 12

    Thai Local 10

    But the Visa and Immigration forum only has 2.

    I am not sure how the other members think but for me, it is just my opinion.

  7. What do they consider a bilingual school? How many of these schools are there compared to other schools (public) of the same grade in Thailand? Is this only the rich complaining without consideration of the poorer schools in Thailand?

    I think the parents have a valid complaint if they are paying for their kids to go to a private school. They should have a fully qualified teacher teaching English. I wouldn’t expect “coach” service in a “first class” institution.

    But I don’t see a problem with backpackers helping in schools that don’t require high tuition fees. I have seen the English teachers in the village where I live and they usually have to have a translator to talk with me.

    I think the backpacker teachers should be allowed to help in these schools because the quality of the teacher is less than the quality of the backpacker.

    But I don’t think the backpacker should be left alone in the class. The teacher should use the backpacker as a tool to assist in teaching the lesson.

    I don’t think the assistant backpacker teacher should be paid as much as the teacher either. If they want that benefit they should go to school, raise their qualifications, and be fully certified by the Education Ministry.

  8. I have considered it. I once started to do it but wasnt sure how to dry the corn. After 4 days of sitting in the sun, the corn looked disgusting and I tossed it out. I havent seen any dried corn in any of the markets here but I will inquire about it.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm thinking about early retirement. I'm 44 years old and I have around $400,000 altogether. $200,000 in retirement accounts and $200,000 in cash. If I stay another 5 years with my company, I'll receive $1200 a month in pension for life with COLA when I turn 60 but the problem is I hate my job and my boring life in the states. I'm in excellent health with no debt. I should also get Social Security at 62 with another $1200 per month, if SS still exists.

    My question is should I quit and move to Thailand or should I stick it out and suffer for another 5 years then retire at 49?

    I was a soldier for 20 years. At the 10 year mark I was definitly thinking of quitting. At 15 years, it was almost unbearable. At 18 years thoughts of suicide and homicide crossed my mind. At 20 years I decided to come to Thailand.

    I have been here for about 18 months now and don't work for anyone. Living off my pension gives me more freedom than I ever imagined.

    With the money you have saved, you can set yourself up very nicely here in Thailand and live off your pension for the rest of your life.

    But then again, what if you die before your 49 and never get a chance to retire. I know it sounds morbid, but my father is dying from Parkinsons disease. He got it right before his retirement. He never got the chance to retire.

    I could have worked another 20 years and got another pension from the federal govt, but why work if one pension is enough. Also, seeing my fathers condition, helped me to make a decision.

    With the money you have, if you budget, you could live off of your savings until you reach social security age (if its still there).

    16 million baht ($400,000) divided by 20 years is 800,000 baht a year (40 baht =$1).

    The pension will give you more options. 576,000 baht more a year (1,376,000 baht/yr).

    What is more important to you, the money or the peace of mind?

    Your decision.

  10. Why don't you do a story about how some tuk tuk and cab drivers in the bigger cities like to rip off farangs. Especially when they see them getting off a bus. ("Where you go, where you go")

    Or how when a store keeper sees a farang they immediately raise prices 10%.

    Or how all the national parks have a Thai price and a farang price.

    I'm not really complaining because anywhere you go you have to learn to sidestep a few landmines to enjoy life. In southeast asia, there are lots of landmines.

    richard10365 My question is how can you be ripped off by:

    1. A Tuk Tuk driver - you have to negotiate the fare before you set off - if you think its to much try another means of transport (shanks pony).

    2. Taxi drivers there is a meter????

    The storekeeper is not even in the league of supermarkets in Australia they raise prices on commodities during pension pay weeks and list specials for the period (SMTW) before pensions are paid on the Thursday. The storekeeper where I live charges me the same as her Thai customers. (Did I mention the storekeeper is my wife)

    National Parks has been debated to death - maybe it could be looked at in reverse The real price being eg. 200 baht and a discount allowed for residents (who happen to be in this case Thai) to encourage them to visit with their Farang friends as they may not be able to afford it as much as the holidaying farang tourist. (only a thought).

    Mate get a life before it's too late!! forget the landmines they will look after themselves.

    Mijan, you don't get out much do you mate. Have you ever taken the bus anywhere? Ever been out late at night or in some touristy place like Khao Sahn Road and have some cab driver offer to take you someplace special for a special price?

    I don't see whats wrong with discussing the things I mentioned. These are things that matter to me.

    Maybe you can help me with the get a life part. Not sure what you have in mind. I cant say I am foolish enough to ignore the con artist and swindlers in the world but if thats how you like to live your life, who am I to stop you. Feel free to step on as many landmines as you like.

  11. Learning how to read and write helped me alot.

    I was able to read and write thai (not that good) in about 14 months but it took a lot of work.

    I bought a book on the Thai language, took the Thai alphabet one letter at a time, a regular sheet of notebook paper and wrote that letter about 100 times on that page. Each time I wrote it I would say it. I did that for all the vowels and consonants.

    I am at the point if one of my Thai friends has an english word they are having problems saying, I usually can write the english word in Thai and then they can say it.

    IMHO, knowing how to read Thai can help you learn Thai more effectively.


    Don't waste time when your doing a visa run on a bus or train. Use those hours to study.

    If you go running, take the Thai alphabet with you. Recite it as you run. It takes your mind off the run somewhat and you learn at the same time.

    Lable your home with the Thai words for places and things in your home. Like hong nam (bathroom), gaio (cup or #9), etc.

    Put a Thai language book in the bathroom. There are times in the bathroom when your not doing too much and it is a good opportunity to study.

    Try reading signs in your village or city. Either street signs or signs on business. I remember seeing signs everyday in my village for almost a year and not knowing what they said. Then one day, I was able to read it. I looked at my friend all excited and spoke the name of the village on the sign. He looked at me funny and probably thought, "what a goofball".

    Watch farang DVDs with a Thai soundtrack with English subtitles. Especially if it is something you have seen before because you already have an idea what they are going to say only now it is spoken in Thai.

    That's all the ideas I have for now. :o

  12. Why don't you do a story about how some tuk tuk and cab drivers in the bigger cities like to rip off farangs. Especially when they see them getting off a bus. ("Where you go, where you go")

    Or how when a store keeper sees a farang they immediately raise prices 10%.

    Or how all the national parks have a Thai price and a farang price.

    I'm not really complaining because anywhere you go you have to learn to sidestep a few landmines to enjoy life. In southeast asia, there are lots of landmines.

  13. Hey, but how do Thai girls know for instance if a foreigner is has a good personality in the first place? They must be attracted to something else in the first place like opposite cultures or money.

    Right on Fanta. you're right on the mark with that but don't tell Siam & others who think same. Those dudes have captured Thai chicks from day one with their looks, charm and wit; cash was never ever a factor

    How are girls in other parts of the world any different?

  14. The dude feels that in 95% or more of thai/farang relationships that cash was a major factor somewhere along the line. Thems pretty good odds dudes. Furthermore, the dude also feels that 95% of the dudes who claim to be in the 5% category above are living in pipe dreams. Who can dig what the dude is saying?

    I think I need "The Dude" to be more specific about "cash being a major factor". I'm not sure I can "dig" what the dude is saying.

    Are you saying there is something wrong with the traditional male role of a man supporting the family?

    Or are you saying that most men in a Thai/Farang relationship have to have a lot of money to support the rest of the Thai family (parents, siblings, and other relatives)?

    I don't make a lot of money so when I got married I didn't give any dowery to my wifes parents. I don't send a lot of money home and I do have gold in the pawn shop.

    Is there any room in "The Dudes" rule book for getting married for love? I think "The Dude" probably bases his facts on an expierenced lifestyle in places like Pattaya, Phuket, and Patpong.

    I could be wrong, but I really don't care. Can you dig it! :o

  15. I think wanting something nice from someone else has is a normal feeling. It just means your human.

    People, property, education, and sometimes citizenship are things some people are envious of.

    When it comes to women, I think it is a normal feeling of any race to notice the ethnic diversity between a mixed couple. If mixed couples are something they are not use to seeing then some might have a first impression of a look of disapproval.

    Some might have had a bad expierence with a farang in the past and now stereotype all farangs/thai couples from then on.

    Sometimes I do run across people who see my Thai wife and I together in the village and they give us the look of disapproval. Usually, I respond with the traditional wai, say sa wat dee krup, and their frown usually becomes a smile.


  16. Higher excises on liquors approved

    Four types of distilled liquors are subject to the change - special blend, brandy, whisky and others. So far, they had been subjected to a range of

    3550 <--------------TYPO

    per cent of market price or Bt240 per litre of alcohol content. The new rate is

    4050 <--------------TYPO

    per cent or Bt400 per litre, whichever is higher.

    --The Nation 2005-09-07

    I think there is a typo somewhere according to what I read on the Nation website:

    "Special blends, brandy, whisky and other types of distilled liquors are subject to the change. These types of liquor had been subject to a tax of between


    per cent of market price, or Bt240 per litre of alcohol content. The new rate is


    per cent, or Bt400 per litre - whichever is higher."


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