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Posts posted by richard10365

  1. Did u check your bios to see if your computer can see the hard drive there?

    Check the power to the hard drive.

    Make sure jumper is still in place.

    Check the big cable on the back of the hard drive to make sure the connection is good. Replace the cable and check again.

    Use a different hard drive to see if the computer can see it. If not, it may indicate a mother board problem.

    If u have an extra computuer, slave the bad hard drive off the good computer to see if it has any life.

  2. It is quite confusing,

    On one webpage, http://www.doe.go.th/workpermit/english.html, work is defined as the engagement in work by exerting energy or using knowledge for purpose of obtaining wages or other benefits.

    On the same site on another page, http://www.doe.go.th/workpermit/aliens_act.html, it is defined as to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefit. This definition looks more legal than the first because it is included in the WORKING OF ALIENS ACT,B.E. 2521 (1978).

    I can see why some people have different opinions on the subject.

  3. When work is defined as the engagement in work by exerting energy or using knowledge for purpose of obtaining wages or other benefits, and a person does something by exerting energy or knowledge, but not for the purpose of obtaining wages or other benefits, why would that person need a work permit?

    People who don't drive a car don't need a drivers license. Those who don't leave the country don't need a passport. So why should people who do not fall under the legal definition of work need a work permit?

    Which part of the Thai government is responsible for prosecuting farangs who break the law? Perhaps that is the office where I should seek clarity from. There seem to be many different opinions on the subject.

  4. Looking at this website, http://www.doe.go.th/workpermit/english.html, the Thai govt OFFICE OF FOREIGN WORKERS ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT, MINISTRY OF LABOUR defines work as:

    WORK : the engagement in work by exerting energy or using knowledge for purpose of obtaining wages or other benefits.

    So as long as you don't do what your doing for the PURPOSE of obtaining wages or other benefits, you should be ok.

    So if I was to do this, just because I want to help Thai people because I love Thailand, then according to the law, I am ok.

    Does that sound right?

  5. I think there are more of them bastards out there. To pop the cork on the champaing bottle to celebrate is a bit early.

    All they did was slap the mosquito on the neck. There are thousands more out there looking for opportunities to strike.

    Whether it is in the UK, Iraq, Isreal, or the South of Thailand, it's not over yet. It's just a hollow victory of one battle and not the entire war on terrorism.

    I'm sure the capture of the suspects/terrorist do not make the victims of the families feel any less grief over the loss of their loved ones.

    I think the terrorist spread more hate than they do sympathy for their cause. Their cause usually circles around their religion. Now when most think of the name of their religion, they think terrorist.

    I don't have to even say the name of the religion. One only has to associate religion with terrorist acts and they know what it is.

    I suppose they thought the same of Christianity a few hundred years ago too. They too killed for their god as well.

  6. I normally use DSL at home but I am visiting my soon to be in laws up in Phayao and am using TT&T dial up.

    Normally, when you make a phone call, I think you get charged 3 baht.

    Sometimes, when I dial my ISP here at my future mother in laws house I get busy signals that last for hours.

    My computer is set up to redial the number if I get a busy signal. I usually let it dial the max number of times, 99, when I get the busy signal.

    Does TT&T, or any phone service here in Thailand, charge you when you attempt a call and get a busy signal?

  7. I think there would be a lot of new Thai language schools opening up in Bangkok to teach all the farangs how to read, write, and speak Thai.

    Then there would be some kind of test to pass for the farangs. Which means someone would probably write a book for the test.

    Some people would probably try to bribe their way past the test.

    More corporations would get involved in training their employees about Thai language so they don't loose their farang work force.

    I think if the standard is set at the same level as it is for Thai children to pass their english class, then most people should be able to pass with knowing how to say, (in passa Thai) Hello.....how are you...my name is...and so forth because that seems to be all that Thai children know how to say......at least outside of Bangkok.

  8. Excellent stuff richard! Could I get a new business visa in laos if the old one is about to expire and would i need the same letters etc to apply even though i already have a business visa.

    Thanks in advance

    I don't know anything about a business visa. My information is based on my expierence getting a tourist visa.

    I would think that you do need the same information you had orginally to get a new business visa. It would probably have to be up to date too.

    I think Thai immagration wants to make sure you are still working at that same job and not somewhere else in Thailand doing something different.

  9. I know I'll probably get beat up in this forum for this question.

    God forbid this happen but, if the farang wife of a farang husband living in Thailand died...and after an appropriate amount of grieving...the farang male widow decided to get involved again with another woman.

    Would he pick a Thai girl or another farang?

  10. I guess it would also depend on who is saying the name "Harry"

    If i was to say "Ha Ree", I could spell it แหรี or แฮรี.

    A southern from the Southeast USA might say Heh Ree and spell it เห็รี or เฮ็รี.

    Someone else might say Hah Ree and spell it หารี ฮาร๊.

    As far as the tone rules are concerned, since its a farang name, I don't think it matters which letter you use. ห or this ฮ, will give you the same result when saying a farang name......but thats only my opinion.

    My girlfriend says I'm should only use ฮ. But if you used all 5 tones of the Thai language to say "Harry", in the end, the name is still "Harry".

  11. Xchange/Dubliner :D

    Did they say expats or tourists? :D

    I have a tourist visa but I have been here for a year and a half. Am I a tourist or an expat?

    You are more of an ork, ala Lord of the Rings, neither living nor dead..sorta in between...technically a tourist, practically expatriated,legally <insert your personal situation with regards to the letter of the law here>.

    These are my categories :

    Tourist - backpackers, bob and jane on honeymoon etc...

    Expat - correct visa/permit, work permit, tax resident, fixed abode etc...

    Retirees - Non Imm O/A etc.. non working

    Overstayers - needs no explanation

    Visa Runners/Working without permit - those who aspire to be expats or retirees :o

    I agree. I think I am little bit of everything on your scale.

    I get a retirement pension.

    I don't work.

    I make visa runs.

    and I don't plan on going back to the USA unless someone dies in my family....maybe....and then...I just might send a card and flowers.

  12. You have a Thai wife?  Why are you on tourist visas then? 

    And, if you are transferring enough $$$ into Thailand, you can document that and try to get the annual extension.

    I get married in August.

    My money goes to a bank account in California. I use my ATM card to withdraw it from ATMs all over Thailand.

    One thing to keep in mind is the value of a work permit.

    I don't recall how you can get a driver's license without a work permit. Maybe someone can remind me, if it is possible.

    I agree about needing a drivers license and buying certian types of things. I thought with the right visa I could get those things. The visa I am hoping to solve many of those problems is the dependency visa.

    No offence, but it sounds boring listening to people who do nothing....Not MY idea of life....


    I understand your point but after being in the army for 20 years, my idea of life is a very slow and simple one where I am happy to be alive. :D

    I'm 39 with a pension and wondering if I shoud try to work or just enjoy watching the grass grow.

    If you had the choice to live in Thailand without working for the rest of your life, would you do it?

    If yes, why. If no, why.

    Another reason that I wouldn't 'retire" is because the more money I have, the more people I can help.

    As far as working goes, I think I like your reason the best. To help others.

    I'm not sure what your savings are like but I'm taking a guess they' ll take a big hit once you and the Mrs build a house. I'd say ask yourself

    'Is 50K a month really enough for my future?

    Is 50K enough? I don't know. I hope so.

    As far as my house goes....I'm not looking to build one of them huge eye catching homes. Where I will live and the cost of labor is not too expensive. I am watching someone build a house now and they are doing it for under 300,000 baht. It looks nice to me. Life outside of the big city is a lot more affordable than in it.

    Life is a gamble. When I moved to Thailand I left everything behind. I don't plan on returning. If things fail here there are pleanty of other places to explore. But I am being very careful with my plans here in Thailand.

    Will the exchange rate hold out? Maybe and Maybe not.

    I am thinking about giving my future wife the financial resources to more or less farm the sorrounding areas. As a farang, I know I can't. She is Thai so she can. Farming is one of them jobs in Thailand that farangs are not allowed to do.

    Perhaps letting her invest in the local agriculture would be the best thing to do. It would be a way providing a few jobs to some of the people living around me.

  13. This for the replies everyone. I am kinda leaning towards not ever working again.

    With things as cheap as they are in the LOS it definitly makes sence to build my little castle here in Thailand (even if it is in my wifes name). Prices for things 20 to 30 km from Cambodia are extremely attractive.

    I think the work I will do will be in and around the house. You know...work on my favorite position on the couch or the sprint to the fridge for that extra beer and things of that nature.

    Anyway, I wish everyone the best of luck in their retirement plans as well.

  14. I'd be interested to hear what kind of pension the OP is talking about. That, surely, must play a part in the decision.

    Currently, I am retired from the US Military. My pension is only worth a little more than 50,000 baht a month but its enough to live a nice quiet country life.

    I don't know if I should be be greedy and try to get more or just enjoy the sunsets and stars at night out in the coutryside of Thailand.

    The only reason I can see to work is the benifits that come alone with a work permit and different visa. Other than that, I think I am content.

    Right now I have been here for about 15 months on a tourist visa. Thats not 15 months straight. I still do the required visa runs to update my visa as required by Thai law.

    I imagine one day that might get boring. Right now, I am still new to the LOS and still excited to be here; however, every now and then I do wonder if I should be doing more.

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