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Posts posted by shadmo63

  1. I was a smoker for 31 years (im 46 now). I have a daughter and I swore I would give up when she was born.........I didnt I just moved my smoking to outside.

    8 weeks ago whilst playing ball with my now 5 year old daughter I had to sit down and have a rest (and ciggie), my daughter said "Papa I dont like you smoking, if you didn't smoke you would have more energy to play with me"

    From that moment I quit! Wednesday 11th June will mark 60 full days of no smoking!!

    Well done. Excellent work Zonka. Keep it up.

    Today is 4 months for me after 35 odd years (I'm 51). I gave up on my daughters 16th birthday. At two months I still thought about it most days but now I can go a few days at a time without thinking about it, and can watch my friends smoke without feeling jealous now. I missed them so much at first but am now getting used to a ciggy free life. No cough and no phlegm. Whenever I had a cold or the flu it would always go to my chest and take 3 weeks to clear. I'd take strong painkillers just so I could have a cigarette; it's amazing what the nicotine beast gets you to put up with. We don't stink any more either. Recently in a dream I had a cigarette - I was very disappointed with myself, and so relieved when I woke up and realised I hadn't.

  2. fundamental human sexuality is at it is, arbitrary and abstract theories of morality are just that arbitrary, we are a species of ape

    that want to survive, our bodies are telling us its time to have kids when we pass puberty, our chromosomes, genes could not give a damn what age group supplies the material for reproduction, of course its 'illegal' to have sex with a young woman aged 14,15 etc, but that's only because an arbitrary civilization has decided that's how it wants it's society ordered. (curiously always decided by a small group of men !!!)

    but 'illegal' is often very different from 'wrong' at a fundamental biological level, at the biological level there is only correct or incorrect, at such a level morality does not exist

    Very well put.

    Despite it being 'abstract and arbitrary' it is still absolutely required. The argument here is exactly what age we put it at. I am for later adolescence whereas you guys seem to be for earlier adolescence. Even in late adolescence a persons thinking is still not fully mature. Most late adolescents still only see the world from their own perspective, not from a wider point of view. They can be easily taken advantage of and are prone to make poor decisions.

  3. w the ages that I am talking about, and IMHO is a very different problem, and in my opinion Pedophilia is definitely a serious offence.[/font][/color][/quot

    @Cyborgx you make some valid points, and diplomatically too which I appreciate. Yes I personally have a problem with fully mature males going after young pre-pubescent AND young post-pubescent girls. There is an imbalance there in their stages of maturity. My own poor daughter reached menarche at 9.5 years

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  4. Sometimes I feel that this whole "Pedo" thing has got totally out of proportion. Not that I personally feel sexually attracted to 13 year old girls, but the fact is that most girls start ovulating much earlier, and that's not because of any laws or rules set down by so called civilized man, but my nature herself. In any other species when the females become sexually fertile sex and motherhood are the next natural progressions.

    History tells us that the age of consent around the world used to be much lower than it is now, and even now some countries have surprisingly low minimum age for marriage and sex.

    The fact is that it is only more recent in man's history that this obsession with the early years of our sex life has arisen. I believe this has come because of a combination of many reasons including but not limited to:-

    1) Rather than the more natural but supposedly primitive practices of women deciding on who and how many lovers they want, society practically dictates monogamy and frowns upon teenage sex.

    2) The again more primitive, but common amongst tribal humans, practice of caring for offspring as a group rather than only by the blood parents, solves the issue of young pregnancies.

    3) In current society it is impossible for very young mothers and fathers to provide for their children at this early age

    4) Protective parents expect their female children to keep their virginity until around their 20's or until marriage

    Yes we all want children to have a nice time when they are young and not be sexually abused, but I also feel that public opinion and society in general have pushed the argument way too far, to the point where I hear its so scary in the west, that men are scared to even touch a child that is not theirs, and that;s just wrong.

    Men (and women) are still physically almost the same as our primitive ancestors of a few thousand year ago, and hence have the same hormonal responses as animals in the wild. We may attempt to curb or hide them, but the basic fact is that they are there and in all of us, whether we like them to be or not. The fact is that in today's society, Adults also look for lots of other things in a partner apart from sex i.e. intelligence, similar experience/customs, companionship, protection, ability to provide food & housing etc...., therefore sexual relationships between Adults and Children do not make sense, but it doesn't change the fact that Nature has made both male and females of our species sexual beings at a very early age.

    I suggest rather than dwelling on the age issue, it is the forced and abusive sex, along with (as in this case) the use of drugs on children that need to be dealt with.

    I'm sure I'll get a load of flames for this, but I just thought it needed to be said, and people reminded that its Mother Nature and natural selection that got us here over millions of years. So, when its a choice between trusting mother nature, or some old bloke in a white wig banging on a table, or some religious zealot who conveniently forgets the churches history of child abuse and prostitution, I'll put my trust in Mother Nature 9 times out of 10.

    Don't get me wrong, in the case of Gary Glitter or any other accused Pedophiles, if they've been covertly using illegal drugs to seduce young girls and/or abusing young boys, they deserve to be in prison.

    "Not that I personally feel sexually attracted to 13 year old girls, but the fact is that most girls start ovulating much earlier, and that's not because of any laws or rules set down by so called civilized man, but my nature herself. In any other species when the females become sexually fertile sex and motherhood are the next natural progressions."

    Sorry you are wrong in your assumptions right from the first paragraph - average age of menarche (first period) is just under 13 years of age in most countries, however 50% of girls STILL have not ovulated 2 years later. You are confusing menarche with fertility and being physically and mentally mature enough for sex and motherhood. You will also find that very young mothers suffer many more problems in gestation and birthing as their minds and bodies are still not mature enough. IMO you are wrong. As an example - mother nature lets me have sex with my sister and produce children - BUT roughly 50% of them will suffer genetic abnormalities incompatible with life. A reading of Thai history is informative here. Mother nature can be nasty too. I will go with her most times but we are not primitive hunter-gatherers any more. We need laws to keep people (especially the likes of Rolf and GG) in their place; which of course is in the nastiest prison you can find for them.

    On top of that average menarche occurred 3 or 4 years later in earlier times - science is not 100% sure of all the reasons although diet and body fat content is a factor - which following your argument would suggest the girls of today are ready years before girls of yesteryear. I believe the opposite. I read somewhere today's average 8 y.o. has absorbed as much information as our grandparents did in a lifetime. Modern society is so much more complex today; full physical maturity is reached by twenty but full psychological maturity is not reached until the mid-twenties. If you're living a simple agrarian life maybe a few years earlier.

    ALL convicted pedophiles should be locked up and castrated. No time limits and no exceptions. There is no other cure.

    • Like 1
  5. @ajarnsiam said "It is against UK law to claim a pension on the basis of a fraudulent UK residence when you are registered and living as a retiree in Thailand. I'm not sure what the penalty would be for this, but I guess it could jeopardise your pension rights as well as giving you a criminal record."

    Australian Centrelink (Social Security) records are now linked to airport/immigration records so they know when you come and go automatically - so you could not achieve the above if you tried.

  6. 3 freeking decades ago. Is there no statute of declarations? And I should remind you that being a paedophile is not a crime. Only when he is molesting children.

    One of the brothers at the Catholic boarding school I attended in Australia - just got put away for 2.5 years. For crimes committed in 1977-1981. That's over 3 freeking decades ago. Preferred to grope the younger lads up to about 15 y. o. Pleaded guilty too. The crimes these creatures commit affect people for lifetimes, sometimes into the next generation too. Abused people often become abusers. There is no time limit on their crimes.

  7. I'm not familiar with GG's songs, but it's a bit unfair that, because of his fame, there's so much focus on his private dallyings. I'd bet a lot of T.Visa posters wouldn't want their dirty laundry looked at with a fine tooth comb and magnifying glass.

    You sound like you have something to hide too.

    The guy fiddled with kids & you defend him .So ,so wrong on so many levels.

    @Boomeragutang has already admitted he was wrong in a later post. Credit where it's due.

    "Ok, I acknowledge I didn't know about his history, or how young the victims. You're right, I was wrong." - @Boomerangutang

  8. My nephew turned 21 this year and had to go through the conscription lotto. You pull the wrong coloured ball out of a barrel and you're lumped with 24 months service. I think they only took 10 out of 400 the day he did it so the odds were good and he was lucky.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  9. whistling.gif "Restoring Democracy".

    That nonsense makes me sick.

    The true fact is, as someone else said on another topic, there is no real Democracy to restore in Thailand.

    Hasn't been any real democracy in Thailand for well over a decade.......perhaps longer.

    The reason is because both of the main political parties are corrupt.

    Years ago both of the main political parties sold their souls to their favorite group of dominant wealthy Capitalist oligarchs.

    Those wealthy Capitalist oligarchies have simply purchased their group of "politicians" and are offering their set of "purchased politicians" as "Democracy" through political parties to the gullible Thai electorate.

    Democracy in Thailand is a sham, the corrupt politicians and their "political parties" were long ago bought and sold by the wealthy high so Capitalist elite who merely want to extend their life style of power and wealth.

    What passes for "Democracy" in Thailand is simply a sham.... a way to keep those in control in control as long as they can.

    Thaksin and his Shin clan are wealthy Capitalist billionaires. The heads of the Democrat Party are wealthy Capitalist hi-so elites also.

    Who you vote for in a meaningless "Democratic" election makes no difference, it's all for show because all the politicians have long ago been bought and paid for.

    That is why "Democracy" in Thailand, is a meaningless and pointless farce.

    Restore Democracy. Nonsense. There is no Democracy to be restored right now, and the hasn't been in Thailand for a long time.

    Now there IS a economic divide in Thailand between those who have-not and don't have the opportunity to become haves, and the haves who are doing the best they can to manipulate the situation with "Democracy" and "Politics" to keep their power and prestige intact.

    Maybe some time that will change. But it won't be changed by this nonsensical farce called "Democracy" in Thailand.

    In fact the phony "Democracy" in Thailand now is exactly why Thailand is in this mess with another coup right now.


    I agree with all you say IMA FARANG except you say there hasn't been democracy in Thailand for a long time. The reality is there has never been a proper functioning democracy in Thailand. Its all a bit of a joke with Foreign Ministers and Secretaries of State around the globe telling Thailand to return to democracy asap.

    At no time since 1932 revolution has there ever been a period of stable democracy, only stable periods of Military Dictatorship the longest being Phibunsongkran, Thanom Kittikachorn, Sarit Thanarit & Prem Tinsulanond, the last two here had very close ties with the monarchy - Prem at 94 is still head of the Privy Council. Outside of those 4 I think Thaksin has lasted the longest of any Prime Minister. Thai politicians and political parties have almost always lacked a political ideology, power and riches always being the only goal. The way things look now we are still a generation away from a populace who are politically educated and care enough to force changes. Who would you vote for if your two choices are the Shin clan or the Democrats? Informal!

    Just who's fault is it that the populace are still in the dark? Lese majeste laws and lack of press freedom don't allow honest and open debate. Maybe a period of colonisation might have left them with a better political system. You can only hope this is all a necessary learning curve for Thailand. Its going to continue to be more of the same for a bit longer yet.

  10. @oz893,

    Nicotine and a higher MRB is certainly not a myth.


    3% to 6% might not look like a lot but over a long period it does add on.

    As for you cook your own food.. I am a firm believer in that i cook most of my own food and control what is going in. Much better as relying on others.

    Most here all say cook for yourself eat your veggies your whole foods and as less processed crap as possible. For most this means a life style change, the OP is eating and drinking a lot of bad stuff (beers and his potatoes and gravy) and that is holding him back.

    But everyone needs to find what suits them some like those fad diets that you (and I) think are crazy but it gives them guidance and for a while it works. Maybe just enough to kick start it and get the motivation going for more.

    Studies are absolute rubbish, created papers to justify thus education requirements. Some or the worst academics have to rely on education or worse, WIKI as a source or justification.

    Nicotine effects are only on some but most its all psychological.

    Sent from my LG-D802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Sorry.. this has been proven bij multiple studies. I can agree if there are conflicting studies but this is something they are in agreement about. I did not use WIKI i used real research papers.

    Research papers are studies...giving your life over to yes...yawn...academics. By your you won't budge. But in overall, the best plans are created from the most exclusive from corporate or the most individual of designs, just need to understand your build from early to old & apply the knowledge if any.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Kimba, where does the knowledge come from if not from science and scientific method? Sure we all know many 'studies' come from vested interests but that is where it is up to the individual to judge. I fail to see who has vested interest in research into nicotine and raised MBRs. Surely not the cigarette companies? I gave up beer and cigarettes 3 months ago and have put on 5 kg, but that's merely my anecdotal 'knowledge' and not worth a cracker. I'll take the academics any day of the week.

  11. Doesn't like expats, but not below asking for their help

    I think you have misunderstood the OP; she was referring to job opportunities in Chiang Mai, not the fact she does not like expats. She is correct though, wages are a little lower and jobs are competitively sort after in Chiang Mai, but IMHO that's no reason not to go there, especially if you have experience like she does. Anecdotal evidence on the forum from people working in the hiring game suggests that positions have been a bit harder to fill this year.

    Billywjr said:

    "There arent many educational institutions in thailand that will higher the upper aged job seekers."

    "Maybe a thought or two about writing ur post in a better fashion in terms of grammar and punctuation next time may leave a better taste in others readers' mouths ..."

    Ah great entertainment value Billy! Khun ben Kwai lae Baag maah!!

    "sort" after. what an unfunny joke you lot are.

    to the OP: Come on by, the country needs educators that know their asses from holes in the ground.

    Oh sorry, how could I? Lucky we have you around HooHaa.

  12. Doesn't like expats, but not below asking for their help

    I think you have misunderstood the OP; she was referring to job opportunities in Chiang Mai, not the fact she does not like expats. She is correct though, wages are a little lower and jobs are competitively sort after in Chiang Mai, but IMHO that's no reason not to go there, especially if you have experience like she does. Anecdotal evidence on the forum from people working in the hiring game suggests that positions have been a bit harder to fill this year.

    Billywjr said:

    "There arent many educational institutions in thailand that will higher the upper aged job seekers."

    "Maybe a thought or two about writing ur post in a better fashion in terms of grammar and punctuation next time may leave a better taste in others readers' mouths ..."

    Ah great entertainment value Billy! Khun ben Kwai lae Baag maah!!

  13. A thai scam threat. Tell her to go to hell and dont be scared of the scum

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ha ha ha. Poor kingalfred obviously didn't bother to read all the posts, and is confused about who the scum actually are. Nothing to do with 'Thai' at all. Very entertaining thread though. Sure hope there are more twists in this story. 555

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  14. OP said "...her dad guaranteed a bank loan for a friend in the amount of 4,000,000 THB and now the friend has vanished so her dad has to pay. He is a teacher..."

    Helloooo, there is no part of her story that is believable. That's 33 years of teachers salary, assuming 10K/mth.

    Only a school principal could (and would) possibly put that sort of money away.

    You are on TV here because your intuition has already told you its Codswallop!! - Forget her, there are thousands of good honest girls to choose from.

  15. FYI, the language of Laos is "Laos", I have only heard foreigners make up the word "Laotian". Also, some Isaan people speak a Khmer / Thai hybrid, depending on what country their part of Isaan borders.

    went ahead and looked it up for ya ! thumbsup.gif



    • The official language of Laos (closely related to Thai).

    My teacher ex wife would tell you she spoke "Lao".

  16. Mike2011 said "I m often surprised how little Thai-speaking Thais know and their lack of interest. Often it turns out that Thais are in reality just displaying their acquired new identity and have been keeping to themselves a second and older one. I m not at all sure that Thais constituted a numerical majority in Thailand, it is more a dominance they represent. This is now under challenge from the northern and eastern language speakers."

    Of course Thai Politics is a very complex issue with a multitude of variables but would you then conclude that the biggest factor in the Political divide is more geographical and cultural - central/southern Thai v the rest - than the rural v urban or middle/ upper v lower or monarchy v republic or liberal v conservative or army v police or vested red interest v vested yellow interest or privy council this v privy council that? So many players. I suppose we will only know when the current status quo is destroyed. I think it's going to be very messy. There are just too many divisions. Even the red v yellow vitriol on TV amazes me.

  17. As someone with an manageable angina pectoris I don't think you should panic or run

    to see the doc, keep monitoring your pains and felling's and if similar occurrences are

    repeating them selves go see a doc but be prepare to under go myriad of tests some of

    them not so necessary, in any case, keep some 500 mg powdered aspirin with you and

    if you feel something is terribly wrong that drink that powder and check yourself to a hospital


    Ezzra I always like your comments on TV but your advice to the OP here is no good. Angina pectoris is a completely different issue to the OPs. There are many different things that can go wrong with the heart Your angina problem is about getting blood and oxygen to the heart muscle itself, The OPs indicated heart problems are structural and quite possibly very dangerous. Having pain and taking aspirin with his problem might be very serious. We just do not know. I have been taking 100mg of asprin a day for 25 years but I'd leave it to a cardiac expert to advise the OP. We might kill him. From an ex-nurse.

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